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发表于 2012-11-21 20:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

BEIJING: China is tackling labour shortage and rising wages by importing thousands of North Korean workers from across the border. The Chinese immigration has permitted a second batch of 20,000 workers bringing the total number of North Koreans in China to 40,000 in recent months, according to media reports.
Most imported labour is women because the North Korean government is wary of political dissidents escaping the country if more men are allowed. Besides, China wants to avoid a rush of North Korean men after violent incidents resulting in the death of some Chinese citizens in past months.
Earlier batches of manpower imports from North Korea, which was confirmed by official sources in Beijing, were used in factories in the border cities of Tumen and Huchun in Jilin Province along the Duman River.

Most North Koreans have been given "industrial student" visas to allow their employers pay lower wages ranging between $150 and $250 a month, according to reports from South Korea, which keeps a close watch on developments in North Korea. This is about a third of the wages of regular Chinese workers.
Rising labour prices have caused anxiety among foreign investors and resulted in neighboring Vietnam attracting some of the investments earlier destined for China, observers said. The move to import cheap and usually obedient North Korean women workers is also aimed to keeping project costs low in China.
Diplomatic sources in Beijing said China may be violating the United Nation sanctions on North Korea by importing workers, and boosting its economy, because the imported workers will send back hard currency to their families.
The new batch of workers are being sent to Dandong area of China's Liaoning province along the Apnok River which separates the two countries.
They will work in factories that manufacture clothes, food and IT products, or in mines. The imported workers may include some who lost jobs after South Korea halted trade with North Korea following a naval conflict in 2010.
robust (Delhi)
This is about a third of the wages of regular Chinese workers.THE REPORT Everywhere it is the same trend. Either you import labourers from other countries or outsource the work to countries where the work can be got done cheaply. Will anyone tell Obama that is good economics now.
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badegg (US)
This is not for cheap labors. This is the new way for China to help Koreans. There are a lot of illegal Koreans are working in China. But now they have some legal ways to do it.
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SP (India)
Instead cheap labor import,set up factories in India in villages with solar power and Wind Generator systems,that will double benefit both countries.
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Mohan (NM)
Cheap labour? Citizens are treated like prostitutes, when it comes to labour pricing.Why dont these law makers & rulers outsource their post, to better effecient foreigners?
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Mahesh Ved (Mumbai)
Most of NRI's, when they Come to India BOAST,about their Situation in US ,But iNDIANS know their Plight and Condition in US .
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Mahesh Ved (Mumbai)
India can Export Cheap Labour too,to China.
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Bahu Virupaksha (Pondicherry)
Please be careful in the use of language. PRC is a great and proud country and is not in the trade of importing human beings. It has allowed a small degree of immigration and vy no stretvh can it be likend to the "slave trade" of the White countries or the indentured "coolie Trade" that succeeded it.
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anurag (Nainital)
So that's where China finds its source of most competitive pricing. I guess India should also start to import more labour from Bangladesh and Nepal.
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colranbir lamba (PTA)
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scamnivas (Madras)
We are getting workers from Bangla, unofficially!
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Manish Bhardwaj (USA)
Communist Exloitation. North Koreans are tormrnted and starving in North Korea. North Koreans wants to defect to South Korea. South is more develpoed and has a thriving job sector. Chinese have been eploiting the North Koreans for long. UNO must impose sanctions on China on promoting unfairness and providing lower wages for similar work.
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xyy (Clayton)
Manish. You are being exploited in USA, working long hours and low wage. You should go back to India to avoid being exploited.
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Manish Bhardwaj (USA)
I have never been exploited in USA. I am proud to be a part of US workforce and would love to contribute to make USA strong everyday. I was definitely exploited in INDIA when I was given half of what I was promised after three months of hard work.
Mahesh Kuthuru (Las Vegas)
Works for both countries. We have a lot of indian laborers we can send to China too.
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The_Observer (Australia)
That's a great idea. N. Korea is nearer to the industrial region of N. China than other regions of China herself. Also if the Chinese Government was clever, they would allow these Korean women to eventually become immigrants via marriage to eligible Chinese men as China has a deficit of women. Korean women can be very attractive and would provide much needed competition to many of the scarce Chinese women who over recent years have become extremely demanding and high maintenance.
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Morgan (Australia)
@The_Observer (Australia) - there are only 24.5 million North Koreans, even if you assume that the half that are female are all of a marriable age (which they are not), that's till a massive shortfall for the male/female gap in China; not to mention the North Korean men might have something to say about that.
Hemant Sane (Mumbai)
They are paying 1/3 wages to N Koreans , but this trend may not continue for long and they will end up paying the same as Chinese workers !
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Aurav (Singapore)
This can only be a stop-gap measure given the huge difference in the populations of these countries. Moreover, this will seed future ethnic and civil tensions for China. Now that China has a big enough balance of payments surplus, I think they should turn to developing their domestic market and ameliorating internal regional disparities.
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Johnson (Singapore)
Well once the guys in Kerala get to know that there are vaccancies and people are needed in China then the exodus will start from there to China and maybe the kerala guys in the gulf too will start rushing to china
KK Singh (New Delhi)
China's unemployment stands more than 4%. So to say there is scarcity of man power in China that too for Cloth and IT sector is wrong. What these Chinese Cos are doing by bringing cheap labour, is simply increasing their rate of profit. Koreans will be happy, but how about Chinese labourer? More competetion among the workers and eventually bring down the wadges.
robust (Delhi)
Importing from North Korea a friendly communist country but women only is a strange decision very opportunistic also.
ST (India)
China has recently announced that it will build up its Navy to match U.S. Navy which is the largest in terms of Ships and equipments. China has more armed personnel than U.S. in Army, and U.S. now has better and strong Navy and of course Air fire power. Chinese want to dominate the World politics and this is possible only if they can match U.S. in its military might. So the quickest way is to mass produce armaments in shortest time and low cost. Labor from North Korea will help in this direction.
BlueHrse (Canada)
Why China is not asking India for labor force?
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Peace (India)
Because it is easy to immigrate from NK than India. Though India is neighbor but it is difficult to transport to Beijing. And because Indian labour force is not as cheap as NK labour. And India is famous for strike, lock out.
Johnson (Singapore)
Hopefully this north koreans can escape to south korea from there. North Korea and China are the worst abusers of human rights in the world
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Priyabrat Das (Bangalore)
Alarming sign for the chinese workers. They've got 2 ways to avoid the worst scenario of them being sidelined - either demand less wage or go out and protest this move by the government. Let's see how the story unfolds.
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