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英媒 隐藏的老虎:为何华裔学生在学校里表现得这样优秀?

发表于 2012-11-21 22:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Ichol 转载请注明出处

18-year-old Jessie Tang thinks Chinese pupils' success at school is 'mostly down to the parents'. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian

图:18岁的Jessie Tang认为中国学生在学上成功大部分应归结为他们的父母。摄像:Graham Turner

It seems a hugely under-researched phenomenon within English education. But Jessie Tang thinks she has the answer.

在英国的教育界,有一种普遍存在的现象还少有人研究。但是Jessie Tang认为她知道答案。

"It's mostly the parents. Chinese parents tend to push their children a lot, and have really high expectations. I think it's maybe because they did not have the opportunities that we have these days. They want us to take advantage of them."


Jessie, 18, an A-level student at Watford grammar school for girls, whose father arrived in England from Hong Kong, was being asked about what seems an amazing success story buried and barely commented upon within English schools' results.


The statistics relate to the achievement of pupils of Chinese ethnicity, revealed last autumn in a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission on inequality in Britain.


This showed not only that British Chinese youngsters are the highest performing ethnic group in England at GCSE, which has been known for years. It also showed that this group seemed to be singularly successful in achieving that goal of educational policy-makers everywhere: a narrow performance gap between those from the poorest homes, and the rest.


Further evidence of the success of pupils of Chinese heritage came through the world's most well-known international testing study, Pisa. This found 15-year-olds from Shanghai, China, easily outperforming those of all other nationalities.


The domestic statistics show that, at GCSE, children of Chinese ethnicity – classed simply as "Chinese" in the data – who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) perform better than the national average for all pupils, rich and poor.


Not only that, but FSM Chinese pupils do better than those of most other ethnic backgrounds, even when compared with children from better-off homes (those not eligible for free school meals).


A detailed look at the figures makes this clearer. Some 71% of Chinese FSM pupils achieved five good GCSEs, including English and maths, in 2009. For non-FSM Chinese pupils, the figure was 72%.


Every other ethnic group had a gap of at least 10 percentage points between children who do not count as eligible for free meals, and those who do. The gap for white pupils stood at 32 percentage points.


In 2010, the picture changed slightly, with the gap between Chinese FSM pupils (68%) and their non-FSM peers (76%) increasing to eight points. But it still compared very favourably with the equivalent gulf among white pupils, which was 33 percentage points.


In primary schools, the picture is similar. Remarkably, in 2009, in English key stage 2 tests, Chinese FSM pupils outperformed not just their counterparts from other ethnic groups – easily outstripping white children – but even Chinese pupils not eligible for free meals.


Michael Gove, the education secretary, told his party conference last autumn that the performance of FSM pupils as a whole was a "reproach to our conscience". So what do Chinese pupils have going for them that other children do not?

教育部长Michael Gove在去年秋天一个党代会上说,FSM学生作为一个整体在学业上的表现是“对我们良心的拷问”。但是为什么那些华裔学生可以做到而其他孩子不行呢?

Anyone investigating this subject will be struck by the limited research available. Only one academic team seems to have looked into British Chinese pupils' experience in detail in recent years.


The team, who interviewed 80 Chinese pupils, 30 Chinese parents and 30 teachers in 2005, identified several factors behind the success, although they stress that not all British Chinese pupils achieve. One explanation, though, shines through their findings.


Becky Francis, a visiting professor at King's College London, director of education at the Royal Society of Arts and one of the researchers, says: "Our main argument is that families of Chinese heritage see taking education seriously as a fundamental pillar of their Chinese identity, and a way of differentiating themselves not just within their own group, but from other ethnic groups as well."

Becky Francis是伦敦国王学院的客座教授,也是皇家艺术协会的主任兼研究员。她说:“我们的主要争议在于华裔家庭严肃看待教育问题并将其作为一个使其在族群内脱颖而出并区别于其他族群的核心竞争力。

Recent coverage of Amy Chua's book on "tiger parenting", Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother, has also focused attention on parenting styles promoting achievement in children of Chinese ethnicity.

最近关于Amy Chua的新书《虎妈战歌》的报导,也将注意力集中在华裔父母提高其子女成绩的方式方法上。

The argument that Chinese families put especial value on education is sensitive territory, of course, as most parents would profess a commitment to helping their child do well. Academics also stress that the numbers of pupils classed as "Chinese" are small – only 2,236 took GCSEs last year, from a total cohort of nearly 600,000 – and results should be interpreted cautiously.


However, there is tentative evidence, both from interviews with parents and from analyses of background values existing in Chinese culture, that family commitment to education is particularly strong.


Some 13 of the 30 British Chinese parents interviewed said their children were also being educated at Chinese "supplementary schools". These offer tuition in Chinese language and culture at the weekends.


Several of the parents also said they paid for tutoring outside school hours. Researchers found that among British Chinese families this was not related to social class: a number of working-class parents paid for this, too.


Asked to respond to the question "Is education important?", all 80 pupils agreed. High parental expectations also seem to have been a factor in many – though not all – children's experiences.


One pupil is quoted saying: "My parents expect me to get the best grades. And if I don't, then they'll continuously nag at me to do better ... Like if I get a B, they'll be like, 'Why didn't you get an A?'"


A paper presented at last year's British Educational Research Association conference, covering performance across all ethnic groups, found no link between the occupation of Chinese pupils' parents and their GCSE scores, unlike for children from all other ethnicities.


Ramesh Kapadia, a visiting professor at London University's Institute of Education, who presented the paper, says: "I think within Chinese society, there is an emphasis on practice. Children are told: 'If you want to learn something, practise, practise and practise it again and you will get better'. It may be that this helps to motivate pupils when the rewards can seem a long way away."

伦敦大家教育学院的客座教授Ramesh Kapadia也发表了一篇文章,称“我认为中国社会特别强调训练。人们教导孩子:‘如果你想学点什么,那就去做练习、练习、再练习一次,这样,你就会提高',当成功看起来遥不可及的时候,这样的文化可能帮助激发了这些学生的斗志”。

There is a mixed picture overall, though, as to how far this school success is being translated into employment prospects. The Equality and Human Rights Commission report found that British Chinese men and women were twice as likely to be in professional jobs as their white British counterparts. But average earnings remained around 11% lower throughout the population than for those classed as "white Christian".


Whether the Chinese experience can be replicated among other pupils is debatable. Some might see evidence that Chinese families emphasise hard work, and the results that follow, as simple proof that all can succeed, given the right attitude.


However, Francis says such a view should be treated cautiously, the team's 2005 paper arguing that "Chinese constructions of ethnic identity and education are very specific". Much research has shown links, generally, between poverty and underachievement.


Jessie, whose father works in a takeaway restaurant and whose mother, originally from Malaysia, works at Heathrow airport, has 12 GCSEs including six A*s and an offer to read music at Royal Holloway, London. She attended a Chinese supplementary school from the age of five. She says many Chinese families are keen on their children pursuing careers in medicine, so she is "rebelling a bit", but wanted to pursue a subject she enjoys.


The Department for Education was unable to point to any particular study it has commissioned to look at British Chinese pupils' success. Given the scale of that success, it seems surprising that the phenomenon has not been investigated further.


原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Ichol nyanza
07 February 2011 5:35 PMLink to this comment
It's mentioned without a passing thought in the article, but the majority of the "Chinese" in the UK are actually Hong Kong Chinese, making them a select group - migrant selection usually skims off the best, and with Hong Kong being relatively small, that's a tight selection of a homogenous group. In 30 years time will the more recent and heterogenous "Chinese" group be doing as well at school? If not, the answer lies in HK, not China.


07 February 2011 5:58 PMLink to this comment
I remember last year watching a documentary on TV about one of the biggest slums in India. I recall the presenter was staying in the slum , with a family.
He did not enjoy the conditions one iota, nor would many of us.
The teenage daughter of the family he was staying with was acting as interpreter for him, and her english was really rather good.
What struck me was living amongst all the shit and EXTREME poverty, how this young lady managed to make herself presentable each day, dressed proudly in her school uniform and went of to school to learn.
I saw much the same story on another documentary about the Indian railways, where late middle aged woman carted tourists bags up a virtual cliff to the hotel from the railway station, in order to get the money to send her son to the best school in town.
Get me ?
Style of thing.


07 February 2011 7:05 PMLink to this comment
I believe that the training behind learning their difficult language helps them prepare them for further academic challenges by getting them in the right frame of mind. The same can be said for other rigourous languages such as Greek and its effect on Greek children and their parents.


07 February 2011 8:29 PMLink to this comment
Hong Kong Chinese have been assessed as having higher average IQ. In fact, the world's highest (107) in the survey below. China's is 100, same as the UK.
An IQ of 107 puts you at about the top quartile in the UK, so you would expect these GCSE results assuming adequate parental attention (which they get apparently).


07 February 2011 8:45 PMLink to this comment
Because they work hard and their families see the benefits of having a good education.


07 February 2011 8:49 PMLink to this comment
Strong supportive families who value education and have high expectations of their kids produce better results than the dysfunctional, poorly motivated majority - what a surprise!


07 February 2011 8:52 PMLink to this comment
oooh some IQ stats from Wikipedia - they MUST be true!


07 February 2011 8:57 PMLink to this comment
I have no idea why; and I couldn't care to generalise in that way...
Still, assuming that 100% unbalanced observations aren't going to land me in Tthe Guardian's Bad Science column, I can't help but notice that the Chinese children of an immigrant family opposite me play at home, safe and sound, on their balcony spacing, with either of their parents regularly popping out to see what they're up to.
Meanwhile, gangs of children of the same age (5 - 7) are regularly out on the streets here in Smithfield in Dublin city centre at night, with their parents/guardians obviously completely unconcerned about whatever these children are doing, or even where they are at 11pm or midnight, here in one of the city's many slum areas. (Answer: fecking stones at the passing Luas tram windows, or passersby, etc.)


07 February 2011 8:57 PMLink to this comment
Simple - strict parenting, limit distractions.
oh...and the occasional stick. (Joke :)


07 February 2011 9:07 PMLink to this comment
China: easily the next superpower, a country that will project power on a worldwide scale for years to come. One note of interest is when quizzed a parent said that "Chinese parents invest everything into their children and don`t spend money going to the pub or going on holiday"
Now that`s what you call dedication! The British Empire, Soviet Union, United States and now China, they have the technological advancements, a growing army
etc etc.


Children of the future Super State
King Cyrus
07 February 2011 9:17 PMLink to this comment
I hate to break it to you but over the last 20 years there has been a lot of research into this. The research tends to focus on underachievement more (white working class boys, being the most frequently highlighted group) but this subject is by no means ground breaking.


07 February 2011 9:20 PMLink to this comment
The Chinese are just fucking hardcore! I lived in HK for a couple of years, my girlfriend taught at an extra-curricular English language centre where parents would try to enrol their *six month old babies* - she was teaching them from 18 months onwards.
Not surprised that average earnings are lower though - in HK at least, all that academic success was achieved by serious rote learning and exam cramming - once in the workplace (or at least a Western one), the lack of initiative and lateral thinking (or to put it another way, the ability to bullshit your way to the top) was frustratingly obvious in a lot of cases.


07 February 2011 9:24 PMLink to this comment
I wonder what all that parental pushing does to kids' personalities. Regardless of race I hate seeing a pushy parent.


07 February 2011 9:26 PMLink to this comment
In breaking news, children with parents who take an active interest in their education do well in school.
Next week, revelations about the colour of grass and the religiosity of the Pope.


07 February 2011 9:27 PMLink to this comment
Not only here. Ran a Plant in Tianjin for 5 years, and we had migrant temporary workers on the packing line with a level of numeracy and literacy that would put most UK graduates to shame. Plant outclassed sister Plants in Europe and USA within 3 years on process stability and product development.
And no, their average earnings aren't lower, they're just a damn site better at Maths than the average HMRC inspector!


07 February 2011 9:29 PMLink to this comment
I'm a former mathematics teacher, with 20 years experience in grammar and private schools. I quit teaching to home-school my daughters. It is simple to raise a child to shine academically. It is very easy, here is the recipe
1. read to child every single
2. talk to child alot and use good language
3. take child to libraries, theatres, parks, zoos.
4. Start teaching mathematics and formal English every day from age 4
5. Teach child every single day
6. Send child for music lessons, buy instrument and child to play 30 mins/day
7. Go to parks 3-4 times a week, play games
8. ABSOLUTELY no TV, until age 12.
9. Don't use baby-sitters
10. Don't let child mix with thick or badly behaved children
I have done the above, twice, and produced two girls, twins aged 11. Both piano grade 7, both got scholarships to the best public schools in Birmingham and both are well-behaved, happy and most importantly, they have a fierce ability to think independently.


07 February 2011 9:29 PMLink to this comment
BTW, I work with a team based in China, one of them is coming to the UK to work because he wants his kid to get an education in England - now with that kind of commitment - and I dare say he is pretty representative, if your willing to come 1/2 way round the world for your child schooling, it stands to reason your going to make damn sure they achieve.


07 February 2011 9:37 PMLink to this comment
because they just get on with life unlike many other ethnic minorities. the chinese are a great ethnic minority to have in britain - they work hard, they don't want to take over your political system and they are usually very polite and friendly. no chip on the shoulder.
however, like many asian parents (including south asian) they push their children into fact based subjects. very few asian students do geography or history or any of the social sciences or humanities, but loads get pushed into medicine and computing and law school etc.
often these children do academically well, but how many create new music bands and become art students or anything not seen as having status and professionalism or seen as an achievement beyond conventional.
the chinese culture is about working hard and getting on in life, but its not about rocking the boat and going off and doing your own thing and disrespecting your parents in a "rock and roll" way.
there are studies to say they are very good at mathematics.


07 February 2011 9:42 PMLink to this comment
@nayanza I don't think it's just to do with HK chinese, I was one of a generation of kids born here now in my 30's. I went to a really bad school in central Manchester and pretty much most of the chinese kids in the school went on to study at university. None of them were Hong Kong chinese, we were all from the local council estate. If anything helped us, it was the local library being free.... But I did notice that those parents who were stricter led to the kids doing better.

@@nayanza 我不认为他们只是香港的华人。我是英国长大的一代,现在已经年地30了。我过去在曼彻斯特中心的一所很差劲的学校读书。这里绝大部分的华裔小孩子都进了大学,没有一个是香港人后裔。我们都住在公租房里,如果有什么帮了我们的话,那就是当地免费的图书馆。。。。但是我也注意到,那些父母比较严格的孩子会表现得更好。

07 February 2011 9:43 PMLink to this comment
Presumably this study relates solely to state-funded education in the UK. I expect a study of the vastly more numerous Chinese students* in independent schools in the UK would show even more significant disparities in achievement. My daughter studies Mandarin inter alia at an independent school in England, and will take her GCSE in it later this year. My experience is that her Chinese friends take studying very seriously. They show considerable application and dedication in their work and there's also a disproportionately large number of very talented musicians amongst them. Their achievements are extremely impressive, considerably more so than a great many of their Causcasian contemporaries at the same school. The origins of these attitudes to study—of course—lie very largely in those values the parents foster in their children.
* My daughter said she believed there were 'around 70' Chinese students at her school (±7% of school population). There's around 2,500 independent schools in the UK, and while I have no idea how many Chinese students there are in independent education in England, the other three, local, independent schools —seem, from my own limited purview— appear to have not dissimilar numbers of Chinese students.


07 February 2011 9:44 PMLink to this comment
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07 February 2011 9:47 PMLink to this comment
10. Don't let child mix with thick or badly behaved children
Agree with the latter but not the former. And what if your child is 'thick'?


07 February 2011 9:48 PMLink to this comment
The Equality and Human Rights Commission report found that British Chinese men and women were twice as likely to be in professional jobs as their white British counterparts. But average earnings remained around 11% lower throughout the population than for those classed as "white Christian".
Wonder if this apparent dichotomy is down to the majority of these individuals working in professional, but not clinical/financial sectors (and, thus relatively poorly paid), in comparison with the plumbers, builders and taxi-driving "white Christian(s)"............if they get paid as much as they do in those jobs without having had to excel at school, why should their kids study any harder than they did?


07 February 2011 9:59 PMLink to this comment
@westmorland - I work in media, the chinese friends I have range from top make up artists to personal gym instructors and fashion designers.
@Cairncross - bit of a generalisation? We get dominated by western achievements because we're in the west. In China, there are amazing artists, film makers, writers that are just as famous over there as 'Take That' is over here.

@westmorland :我在媒体部门工作。我的华人朋友有顶级的make up艺术家、个人健身教练到时尚设计师。
@Cairncross:一点点总结归纳?我们被西方的成就所包围是因为我们生活在西方的世界。在中国,有令人惊叹的艺术设计师,电影工作者,作家,在当地火到就像这里的“Take That”一样。
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