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英媒:日本历史: 选择性记忆

发表于 2012-11-24 15:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:chen_lt 转载请注明出处
Japanese history
Selective memory
A timely meditation on shaping narratives of the past


AS THE ghosts of the Pacific war judder back to life in Asia, it seems appropriate to consider how nation states remember, and misremember, the past. Japan’s current tiffs with its neighbours, China and South Korea, are rooted in the march to war and its undigested aftermath, more than 75 years ago. They are inflamed, however, by different narratives of history, and by national media coverage that is often parochial and amnesiac.


Conflict and memory are the themes that animate this new collection of essays by John Dower, author of the Pulitzer prize-winning “Embracing Defeat” (1999), which looked at Japan after the second world war. Mr Dower is particularly interested in Japan’s sanitisation of its military past, but also the way history in general is often a tool used by the powerful.

争端和记忆是推动约翰 道尔新书的两个主题,他也是获得普利策奖的《拥抱失败》(1999)一书的作者,这本获奖作品主要关注的是战后日本的情况。道尔先生尤其感兴趣的是日本对其过去军国主义历史的否认,同时他还对那些有权有势的人如何利用历史感兴趣。

Mr Dower discusses his surprise at hearing his own work cited after 9/11, when American officials evoked the post-war occupation of Japan as a model for post-invasion Iraq. President George W. Bush should have seen that Japan provided “no model” for occupying Mesopotamia, Mr Dower wrote in a strikingly prescient 2002 New York Times op-ed, reproduced here. “To rush to war without seriously imagining all its consequences, including its aftermath, is not realism but a terrible hubris.”


He returns to the terrain of “Embracing Defeat”, marvelling at how the vicious racial hatreds of the Pacific war dissipated so quickly, as though “turned off like a spigot”. The lesson for Mr Dower is not only that reluctant civilians must be mobilised by propaganda to fight and die, but also that new realities force new biases.


No side, he argues, launched a more sophisticated propaganda blitz than the Japanese, who saw their “mongrel” enemies as biologically inferior. But they were hardly alone. During the war Americans viewed their Asian rivals as “monkeys” or “rats”, but with the start of the occupation, Japan became an ally. The popular racism in the American media more or less stopped, and stayed buried until the 1970s, when Japan emerged as an economic superpower. This resurrected Japanese stereotypes of “predatory economic animals” in Western suits who were launching a new “financial Pearl Harbor”. The spigot of racial hatred had been turned back on.


When the fighting is finished, history is written, inevitably by those in power, observes Mr Dower. The standard American view of the struggle against Japan is that it was just and moral. But this grants little space for the ghastly side of victory, which included the airborne destruction of 66 cities and the incineration of more than half a million civilians. China and Korea’s political elites have found it endlessly useful to bang the nationalist drum to unite potentially fractious populations against their old enemy. Japanese conservatives have made it easy for them, whitewashing the past and attempting to pass off Imperial Japan’s rampage across Asia as a “holy war” against Western colonialism.


Selective memory is often a harmful feature of children’s education. Japanese high-school textbooks devote impressively little space to the war, reflecting official attempts to “downplay the dark aspects of Japan’s modern history,” writes Mr Dower. For its part, China’s government relies on its struggle against Japanese aggression for its historical legitimacy, so memories of wartime atrocities are kept fresh in schools. This helps to explain the strikingly different public reactions to the current island disputes. While the Chinese angrily take to the streets, the Japanese stay at home and watch it on TV.


For a solution, Mr Dower looks to the 20th-century views of E.H. Norman, a Japan expert and Marxist historian. Like Norman, he feels that most countries need a “revolution from below” against any system that “represses freedom, sacrifices life, and retards the creation of true self-government”. All citizens should be able to challenge the narratives held by elites. At a tense time of toxic nationalism in Asia, this book is a timely reminder of the uses and abuses of history.



bampbsAug 23rd, 19:43
The Japanese have scarcely behaved in a way to make the Chinese, or, for that matter, anyone else, believe that they genuinely regret their international aggressions prior to their defeat in 1945.
They do, however, regret the defeat; and they feel terribly sorry for themselves because the Americans saved millions of Japanese lives by using atomic weapons to end the war quickly.


Headlessly Running Aroundin回复 cshimaAug 24th, 20:25
I am comfortable to believe that Germany of today is not the same as Germany 70 years ago but cannot say the same thing about Japan. Just look at how differently Germany and Japan treat World War II.


Headlessly Running Aroundin 回复 Mike Tyson IronmanAug 24th, 14:39
Why were Japanese soldiers anywhere near Marco Polo Bridge, and, for that matter, anywhere on Chinese soil? They had started the to invade China and occupied vast areas of China aoil as early as 1931.
What you say about the Chinese and Koreans parallels Holocaust denial, and, if your view is shared by more than a small fraction of Japanese, it means that Japan, unlike Germany, has perverted the horrible lessons of WWII.


Headlessly Running Aroundin 回复 TohakuAug 24th, 14:42
The Japanese could have surrendered and stopped their aggression in the rest of East Asia while their homeland was being bombed. What were the allies supposed to do? Stand by and let Japan continue? Invade Japan before softening it up and sacrifice allied soldiers unnecessarily? Loss of life is to be regretted but at a time like that it had to be done to save lives. The lessons here is not to start wars of aggression in the first place.


Headlessly Running Aroundin 回复kalitataAug 24th, 20:17
The Japanese government never did apologize for the atrocities.


DeskHopperin 回复 Mike Tyson IronmanAug 24th, 04:43
Oh please. It might or might not be the Chinese who fired first, but it was the Japanese that later assaulted Beijing.
If it weren't for that, the whole Marco Polo bridge incident would be nothing more than a minor skirmish.
What do you have against the Chinese and the Koreans anyway?

哦 得了吧。或许是中国人最先开火的,但也有可能不是,但是后来的确是日本人侵占了北京。

A. AndrosAug 24th, 17:41
"He returns to the terrain of “Embracing Defeat”, marvelling at how the vicious racial hatreds of the Pacific war dissipated so quickly, as though “turned off like a spigot”. '


A. AndrosAug 24th, 17:41
"He returns to the terrain of “Embracing Defeat”, marvelling at how the vicious racial hatreds of the Pacific war dissipated so quickly, as though “turned off like a spigot”. '
Dowling's "War Without Mercy" is the least convincing of his excellent books and the above statement badly undercuts his thesis of an essentially racist WW2 in the Pacific. During the war American propaganda was indeed racist . . . toward all its enemies. (View the wartime classic "Der Fuerher"s Face" for an equally contemptuous portrayal of Germans and Italians.) German and Russian propaganda was also intensely racist toward each other's nationality, especially the ultra-racist Nazis. However, Ilya Erhenburg was virulently racist toward the Germans.The reason that the racism Dowling so excoriates was "turned off" so quickly after VJ Day is because is was never as deep as he portrays. It was a wartime hyping of casual peacetime civilian prejudices and when the Four Years of Hate were over it simply collapsed to its normal, puny size.
But, Dowling's sensitive exploration of WW2 in the Pacific as primarily a "racist" war can tempt us to an attitude of "A plague on both your houses" toward the combatants. This would be a misreading of history.
The Japanese were aggressors throughout the Pacific Basin from the late Meiji Restoration until the end of WW2. The Sino-Japanese War (1894), the Russo-Japanese War (1904-5), the invasions and conquest of Taiwan and Korea, the carving out of "Manchuko" from China in 1931, the attempt to conquer China anew that began in 1937, the attempted aggression against Russia in 1938 and, finally, the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, demonstrate a record of ceaseless aggression over a half-century that is virtually unmatched, even by Germany, in modern history. Although reasonably civilized in their war against Russia in 1904-5, subsequent Japanese aggression was carried out with an atavistic savagery divorced from military necessity that was truly depraved.
The American bombing of Japanese cities was immoral. But, to quote Bomber Harris, "Cite an act of war that IS moral." Japan had to be defeated if the Pacific Basin was to have any future as a relatively peaceful and prosperous part of the globe, other than as a victim of Japanese imperialism. In China, alone, reasonable historians with no axe to grind estimate that right up until VJ Day something in the order of 100,000 Chinese civilians died each month under Japanese brutality. The only way to avoid wartime atrocity is to avoid war. And, one way to avoid war is to not attack one's neighbors.
As the war begins to fade from living memory we can detect a sort of "On the one hand, on the other hand" attitude emerge in textbooks and monographs. The press the Nazis have gotten in the past makes their white-washing a bit more difficult than that of the Japanese but this, too, will emerge.
At the same time, the war is over and those Japanese who perpetrated it are long dead and it is unjust to hold contemporary Japan responsible for what it did in the first half of the last century. There simply is nothing positive to be gained by waving the bloody shirt, other than to stir up domestic political advantage. (But, Japanese denial of their culpability produces no sweet smell either. ) The Japanese have been asked to apologize too many times already -- this need not go on forever. Let the dead bury the dead.
But, let us not further this necessary process of reconciliation by obscuring the horror that Japan inflicted throughout the Pacific for fifty years, beginning in the 1890s. What happened then is no part of Japanese life today. But, it is part of Japan's past.

道林的《没有怜悯的战争》是他写过的所有书里最没有说服力的,而上面的这句话则严重的削弱了道林的理论:从本质上来说,发生在太平洋的二战是一场种族主义的战争。在战争期间,美国的宣传机器的确是对所有的美国敌人都采用了种族主义的宣传策略。(参考一下战时的经典《Der Fuerher"s Face》一书,这本书对德国和意大利采取了轻蔑的态度)

Headlessly Running Aroundin回复 TohakuAug 24th, 20:29
Well, who knows, maybe American couldn't beat Japan without atomic bombs either. In that case, it was a good thing they did use them. It would surely be the lessor of two evils.


Bernard TownsendAug 30th, 18:53
Fact is fact. Nobody can deny it. You can have different viewpoints, but need to have some very basic human conscience.
The way that "Mike Tyson Ironman" whitewashes Japanese war crimes is shamelessly naked and extreme. This goes way beyond disliking the Chinese government. You put all Chinese and Koreans in a category so you can target your hatred. What's your agenda, after all??
Denying Nzai Germany's war crimes is itself a criminal act in Germany. The equivalent, however, is conveniently known as "freedom of speech" in Japan, embraced by Shintaro Ishihara and alike.
If the German government denies Holocaust systematically, regularly organized memorial masses for Adolf Hitler and other war criminals, nobody in Europe or Israel would just sit and watch doing nothing. But if the Japanese government and politicians do so, it's acceptable and correct to do?
Numerous Chinese governments did cause damage to its own people. That's a separate matter. But that does not justify Japanese war crimes. A Jew cheating another Jew does not justify Holocaust.
If Chinese government was democratically elected, China defended itself like Israel does, and there will be more peace in Asia, and more basic human conscience among the Japanese and some of their proxies like "Mike Tyson Ironman".

“Mike Tyson Ironman”式的试图对日本战争罪行进行掩饰的行为是毫无羞耻,赤裸裸和极端的。日本政府这么做并不仅仅讨厌中国政府那么简单了。你把所有的中国人和韩国人都归类在一起,这样子你才能把你的仇恨都释放出来。所以你的目的到底是什么呢??
如果中国政府是通过民主选举出来的话,如果中国也像以色列那样为自己争取权益的话,那么亚洲将会更加的和平,并且也会唤起日本人以及其代理人比如“Mike Tyson Ironman”更多的人类基本道德良心。

ashbirdin 回复 Mike Tyson IronmanAug 24th, 18:27
Mike Tyson,
"Legitimate rape" all over again?
You want to do it "harder" this time to make it more "legitimate"?

Mike Tyson,再一次的“合法性强奸”?

ewakornAug 28th, 03:32
Japan cannot face squarely the past because it is not a normal country.
Under the unilateral decision of super Shogun General MacArthur, Emperor Hirohito was acquitted of all charges of war crime even though there were strong evidence to show that he had a strong role in the planning of major strategic battles.
Moreover, the start of Korean War had rehabilitated a whole segment of war criminals to be in charge of government and major industry.
So with a whole bunch of war criminals and their descendants in charge, how could they face squarely the past?
If Japan had gone through joint Allied Occupation like Germany was, then there is no way Japan could whitewash its history like how it does today.
If Japan has really got rid of ultra-nationalism, then how come a right wing politician like Shintaro Ishihara, who denied that Nanking Massacre had ever happened, could be voted into office as the governor of Tokyo?
What if anyone denies that Holocaust ever happened in Europe?
He would be convicted and sentenced to jail (so much for the Freedom of Speech) if he were in UK, France, Austria,.... and Germany.
Ishihara is lucky that China and South Korea are not strong enough to behave like what the European countries do.


Headlessly Running Aroundin回复 A. AndrosAug 24th, 20:33
"The Japanese have been asked to apologize too many times already -- this need not go on forever." Totally agree, EXCEPT that Japan never did apologize. If they had behavied in a way similar to the Germans the Japanese would have been asked repeatedly to apologize.


Headlessly Running Aroundin 回复 A. AndrosAug 24th, 22:44
Erratum for my post: [If they had behaved in a way similar to the Germans the Japanese would not have been asked repeatedly to apologize.]


Perfect Choicein 回复 cshimaAug 25th, 07:39
cshima, Japan doesn't have a functioning military?
Are you on drugs?
Japan's army has 469 aircraft and 400+ helicopters.
Japan's navy has 168 aircraft, 129 helicopters, 110 warships including advanced AEGIS destroyers and 4 escort carriers (Japan call them Helicopter Destroyers). The carrier will most likely be modified to accommodate F-35s near future.
Japan's air force has 805 aircraft, including 213 F-15 fighter bombers, 17 AWACS and 4 airborne refueling jumbo planes.
Japan's military strength is SECOND only to the USA in East Asia. Even at current strength, Japan's military can flatten Korea and China in 7 days. Japan's AEGIS destroyers and advanced diesel subs can blockade Pusan, Incheon, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hong Kong, Taipei and Hainan Island.
S. Korea's F-16s don't have enough range to fly over to Japan. They are still 'testing' their F-15s, which started to arrive only a few years ago (thanks to America's Japan first policy).
China doesn't have a significant number of long range bombers, and their medium range missile ranges are within Japan's air range.
Look, the Pentagon and the CIA have already ran the simulation back in 1990s and a year few years ago. Japan is not a kitten you believe it to be. Japan can devour her neighbors like Godzilla.


ashbirdin 回复 A. AndrosAug 24th, 18:42
Great post.
But, let us not further this necessary process of reconciliation by obscuring the horror that Japan inflicted throughout the Pacific for fifty years, beginning in the 1890s. What happened then is no part of Japanese life today. But, it is part of Japan's past.
Truth and reconciliation.
Thanks for your succinct overview of history from the late Meiji period to end of WW2.


Bernard TownsendAug 30th, 18:59
Some basic facts:
Don't get me wrong - I peraonally have many Japanese friends and find them great individuals to get along with, but if we teach the world and our children naked lies, we are not responsible to even ourselves. It goes against our own self interest! Don't you want to sleep better?


law-and-orderin 回复Marquis de SadAug 28th, 01:28
Japanese lost their rights to treat their savageness in a cursory fashion when they behaved likes savages. If they had any intellectual honesty, they should be really embarrassed.


gdpbullAug 28th, 00:26
I don't think any country is totally immune to white-washing their history. Perhaps Japan is more egregious than most.
Even American does it. Any serious historian does not deny that the Roosevelt administration did their best to maneuver Japan into making the first strike in WWII. Secretary of War Stimpson wrote in his dairy about discussions with Roosevelt "how we should maneuver them [the Japanese] into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves." After Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt's administrative assistant Johnathan Daniels quoted Roosevelt as saying "The blow was heavier than he had hoped it would necessarily be. ... But the risks paid off; even the loss was worth the price."
There are plenty of documents declassified and people's memoirs at the time that document the fact. What is controversial is that some people say Roosevelt was a hero by dragging the reluctant American citizens kicking and screaming into the war, and others saying what he did was despicable.
He also tried his best before that to get Hitler to attack US warships, but was unsuccessful. He was GREATLY relieved when Germany honored their treaty with Japan and declared war on American when Japan did. (one of the few things ever honored by Hitler)
Don't anyone think that I think the Japan government was a bunch of good guys at that time. I'm just saying we cloud our history too.
But, even though its well documented, almost 100% of any American you may stop on the street and ask about this, they would have no knowledge of it and would consider you to be a conspiracy kook. So even though serious historians agree, its simply brushed over or not covered at all in lower school history classes.
Its also not really covered that there were many high level people in the Roosevelt administration that were communists and even Soviet spies for example Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White.
Now I am expressing my own opinion. I believe the Roosevelt administration was not all about protecting democracy, doing the right thing, blah, blah blah. It was all about helping the Soviet Union. Roosevelt grew up in New York state at a time when virtually all of the elite were communists. He and many in his administration had a natural affinity for the Soviet Union.

并且也没有多少人知道在罗斯福的政府中有很多的高官都是共产主义者和苏联的间谍,比如阿尔杰 西斯和哈里 怀特。





发表于 2012-11-24 19:07 | 显示全部楼层
如果中国政府是通过民主选举出来的话,如果中国也像以色列那样为自己争取权益的话,那么亚洲将会更加的和平,并且也会唤起日本人以及其代理人比如“Mike Tyson Ironman”更多的人类基本道德良心。

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