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发表于 2012-11-30 11:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Naturists have accused the BBC of "falsifying history" by putting clothes on the actors appearing in Andrew Marr's History of The World.

裸体主义者谴责BBC“篡改历史”,因为BBC在安德鲁 玛尔制作的《世界历史》一片中给那些演员穿上了衣服。

British Naturism said that the people of Africa, Ancient Egypt, Australia and other areas of the world would have been naked during many of the periods of history depicted in the reconstructions.


But in what is claimed to be BBC censorship, they are shown wearing costumes of animal skin and cloth often dreamt up by the corporation, says the organisation.


The group is now complaining to parliament after the BBC admitted it had been “obliged” to compromise accuracy to take into account “sensitivities” of audiences.


It described the move as another example of the “once proud bastion of journalistic integrity, sacrificing its reputation for commercial reasons”.


Malcolm Boura, BN's Research and Liaison Officer, said "It is astonishing that the BBC, that once proud bastion of journalistic integrity, should be sacrificing its reputation for commercial reasons.


"The 'world audience' referred to is overseas broadcasters paying the BBC to use programmes.


“We do not pay the BBC licence fee for the systematic falsification of history in the pursuit of profit.


"We do not pay the licence fee to be fed falsehoods intended to appease a misguided minority.


"The BBC is encouraging attitudes known to result in widespread and often serious harm, mainly to children and young people.


"The objective evidence on that is crystal clear. It is inexcusable.”


British Naturism (BN), with 10,500 members, is the UK's officially recognised naturist organisation.


The group said that in the Exodus from Africa, Ancient Egypt, the Minoans, the Caribs, the Australian aborigines, and members of a contemporary South American tribe, the costumes were the product of the BBC censors, not history.


Mr Boura said: "This series is not an isolated case, BBC programmes and the website often self censor to the point of dishonesty.


“Most of the censorship is hidden so without specialist knowledge few people realise what is being done.


"Whatever happened to the BBC's high ideals of education, journalistic integrity, and honesty?


"The BBC considers this conduct acceptable so we have written to the Culture Media and Sport Committee and we are pursuing this lack of honesty through to the BBC Trust as rapidly as possible.”


In a response to the compliant, Paul Kettle from BBC Audience Services, said he was sorry about the “compromises in accuracy” that the corporation felt “obliged” to make in the production of dramatic reconstructions.


"You are of course correct in pointing out that, in reality, natives in various scenes in the early part of the series would have been naked,” he said.


"But in making a series like this we have to take into account the sensitivities of the widest possible world audience."


But a spokesman said it was no excuse.


"The BBC has admitted to the systematic falsification of history for profit and for fear of upsetting anyone,” a spokesman said.


"There are at least six falsifications in the few episodes of Andrew Marr's History of the World that we have reviewed.


"The facts are actually very clear, as the BBC concedes. The costumes in many of the re-enactments are either dubious or quite undeniably false."



 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-30 11:26 | 显示全部楼层

2 minutes ago
Expected this from the Mail of course. It says a lot that I now find stories like this above the fold in the Telegraph.


3 minutes ago
The absurdity of the BBC, taking fright at having offended a self-nominated interest group for the 'Naturist' community, oh the horror and shame 'lessons will be learnt', and the 'Naturist' community purporting to know how the long-dead dressed themselves, with no evidence to back up their claims.
Humans die without clothing insulation or exercise in ambient temperatures below 27c, per my 1980s Biology textbook, so clothing must have been very common indeed for early Man.
How many Naturist Eskimos are there?


Norman Clark
3 minutes ago
Well I for one don't want to be forced into watching other people's genitalia when I want information on a time zone in history. What the hell difference does it make to the subject?
What is it with 'naturalists' that they can't just settle for their own little private areas of perversions -(aka 'Clubs') without being yet another bloody pressure group?


Oh Oh Seven
10 minutes ago
The BBC long ago gave up any pretence on delivering fact and not fiction for its 'factual' programming. As any episode of Top Gear proves.
The BBC is part of the great drive to keep the population sedated whilst the power elite rob us blind.


Simon Prichard
12 minutes ago
What I find even more annoying is how stupid and incompetent they are portrayed as being.
Their clothes are rag-like skins draped any old how, tied ineffectually with old bits of stone-age string, their spears and bows are bent and knotty bits of kindling-wood. They are dirty and unkempt, their hair obviously hacked short with old bits of sharpish stone.
They are obviously pathetic, inadequate, stupid and, above all, Inferior people to 'us'.
But the truth is that everything we know about 'stone-age' peoples shows that if your clothes, weapons and tools aren't very well made indeed, or if you don't take adequate care of yourself, or if you don't have an intimate and committed understanding of your environment, or you aren't very, very alert and on the ball All the time; then quite quickly, you die.
There is good evidence and a very good case to be made that pre-industrial, pre-agricultural peoples were more observant, quicker on the uptake, that is more 'intelligent' and fit to survive than 'we' are now.
A bit of humility for the more likely truth instead of a scientifically illiterate propaganda for western kulture and its church of scientism wouldn't go amiss.


7 seconds ago
To be fair, Ray Mears has demonstrated your point on the BBC at length. To live in a pre-metallic era required a lot of work and skill. It took ingenuity to find and develop metals, as well as curiosity. It took millenia to develop civilisation, but decades to destroy it.

公正的来说,雷 米尔斯在BBC的节目里已经详细的表明了你的观点。生活在石器时代是需要很多的生存技巧和付出的。只有拥有机灵和好奇心才能发现那些宝贵的金属。在经历了千年以后,我们的文明才建立起来,但是我们在几十年的时间里就把文明给毁灭了。

13 minutes ago
I'm surprised they didn't show them wearing Nijabs and being all multicultural.


18 minutes ago
The same happened when the Hairy Bikers went to as Himba village in northern Namibia.
The BBC is frightened of nakedness, but couldn't see the horror the Saville represented. Two warped, if opposing, views.

在Hairy Bikers(BBC真人秀节目)的一期有关纳米比亚北部的一个村庄的节目里,同样的事情也发生了。

Richard McCarthy
28 minutes ago
Academia/science/medicine would have you believe that it is certain that they contribute to a longer and better life than ever before or even possible otherwise - not necessarily so.


Richard McCarthy
29 minutes ago
Ah, there's the rub...what is proper and do we care?

啊, 的确存在着分歧。。什么才是恰当的?而我们关心的又是什么呢?

Richard McCarthy
30 minutes ago
Absolute corroboration of the idea that history is a reflection of the victor or of the writer - not necessarily of reality. The longer you live, the more aware you might be, if paying attention, to just how common an occurrence this is. One of my pet peeves is that many are misled about how righteous people were before the Bible or how about how life was so pest and disease free before pesticides (and with less pesticides, we have more bed bugs).


52 minutes ago
Question - what the hell does this have to do with Britisn Naturism? Since when have they had a general interest in the accuracy of history programmes shown on TV? Naturism is about nudists stripping off in their colonies and admiring each other's private parts while pretending they have no prurient motives: it is not a society to promote the public 's understanding of history.
The answer is that Malcolm Boura is obsessed with making sure that no opportunity is missed to thrust the sight of genitalia into people's faces at every opportunity, and to make sure that as many children are exposed to this as possible. In other words, he wants to re-engineer public sensibilities against nudity whether they want such meddling or not.
Some of these tribes would also have openly had sex and, as there were no toilets, relieved themselves anywhere they felt the urge. They would also have slaughtered animals openly.Should the BBC have shown these behaviours, too?


Tom Bacon
12 minutes ago
Spot on.


Today 01:29 AM
If they really wanted to appeal to the American market they should have just pretended the earth was created about 4,500 years ago in seven days....


Richard McCarthy
26 minutes ago
The Bible is a lot of things - take what you are willing or able. Not all believers agree on anything and most humans, hopefully are learning as they go.


Today 01:28 AM
Here is the real problem: You do not want to see 80% of real people naked. Think about it. Between 1976 and 1992, I looked pretty good naked, my wife used to look good naked, these days, not so much.
Unless the people in the show are porn stars or models, I don't want to see them fully nude.


32 minutes ago
I'm not sure you're right, Wally. For a start, I thought most people were dead by around the age of 20 in those days. And I doubt they ate, drank & went without exercise the way most do today. They ought to have been in pretty good shape.


Today 01:21 AM
If the programme was authentic Andrew Marr wouldn't be sober.


Jim Beam
Today 01:16 AM
Americans couldn't cope with seeing genitalia on TV. You don't even get boobies here. It's like Saudi Arabia.


Yesterday 11:31 PM
I have to agree with the BBC in this matter. Remember when they created the series about Brunel they refused to show him smoking - Brunel was a chain smoker. This obviously led to Brunel living a much longer healthier life. In theory anyway.
I watched the series from Andrew Marr and I was thoroughly impressed. Not by the content, but at how much he looked and behaved like Popeye the Sailorman.

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