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发表于 2012-12-3 10:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Photograph by Brent Lewin/Bloomberg
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In China, To Get Rich Is Not So Glorious
By Christina Larson on November16, 2012

作者: Christina Larson ( 译注:彭博商周投稿人)

In the course of a U.S. presidentialcampaign, the American public is bombarded with surveys asking voters to rankthe relative importance of various issues, and whether they think the countryis overall on the right track. Not so in China, where another leadershiptransition has just concluded, with the 18th Party Congress choosing Xi Jinpingto succeed Hu Jintao as party secretary now and, in March, as president ofChina.


But a handful of recent studies do givesome insight into public sentiment in the world'ssecond-largest economy on the eve of its once-in-a-decade leadershiptransition. The upshot: More wealth buys more cars and handbags, but notnecessarily happiness and white-collar workers in China's fast-changing economy are the most likely in the world to say they're more stressed out this year than last. Overall life satisfactionhas declined since 1990.


“Sometimes I feel like I am driving downan expressway, speeding from one place to another, but I forgot the reason andI do not know the final destination," says Rebecca Jiang,a 29-year-old civil servant. The petite woman, sipping a fruit smoothie at ateahouse, in many ways seems to be living the modern Chinese dream: Jiang movedfrom her hometown in Anhui province to Beijing for college in 2002; she earnedbachelor's and master's degrees from respected universities, scored well on the highlycompetitive civil-servant exam, and in June got married. Yet these achievementshave not erased the gnawing feeling that she is racing just to stay in place:“I do not have the time or energy to enjoy the scenery. Maybe it is about mypersonal goals: I am so busy I do not know what I really like, who I want tobe. I am just traveling around. I am speeding even."


Money is one source of stress. Home priceshave quadrupled in a decade in Beijing, but salaries haven't risen so fast. “My parents and my husband's parents had to spend all their savings to buy us an apartment," says Jiang. It's out near the SixthRing Road the capital's outermostperimeter and is a 90-minute to three-hour drive into central Beijing,depending on traffic. They bought it secondhand and paid 2 million RMB, orabout $317,000.


She and her husband, who works for amultinational company, are keeping up with the rising costs and complexities oflife in the crowded megacity but just barely, she says. “We are too tiredto talk in the evenings. We just go to bed, so we can get up early and do itagain." As for her job: “It is not so good as Ithought it would be. Sometimes I have to work like a robot. You have to do whatyou are told to do, not what you think you should do."


Recently the Beijing Academy of SocialSciences conducted a survey asking residents of China's capital whether their quality of life had greatly improved,slightly improved, remained the same, or declined over the period 2005 to 2011.One-fifth of respondents said it had improved slightly, but two-fifths said ithad declined. (Only 1 percent said life had improved greatly.)


“The fast changes in China as well as theuncertainties about the future create great psychological pressures," says Peking University sociologist Xia Xueluan. “Happiness does notmerely depend on wealth." He adds: “Formigrant workers, their major pressure is to keep up with costs of living, whilefor the urban white-collar workers, their major pressure is competition:extreme competition for promotion and recognition."


Regus, a U.K.-based office-space company,this year polled white-collar workers around the globe and asked whetherrespondents agreed with the statement “My stress levels have risen in the pastyear." The country with the highest proportion of “yes" respondents was China, by a significant margin: 75 percent. (No. 2was Germany, at 58 percent.) Seventy-three percent of respondents in China saidtheir job was a major source of stress.


In October, the Pew Global AttitudesProject released its survey results for China. Half of respondents said thatcorrupt officials were now a “very big problem" and 48percent said the gap between rich and poor was. (In 2008, the responses to thesame questions were, respectively, 39 percent and 41 percent.) Among Pew's most arresting findings was identifying a widespread belief thatChina's system creates not only inequality of wealth, but also inequalityof opportunity. Nearly 8 in 10 respondents agreed with this statement: The“rich just get richer while the poor get poorer."

皮尤全球态度项目在十月份公布其调查结果。有一半的受访者表示,腐败的官员目前是一个“大问题",48%的受访者说,富国和贫困国家之间是一个差距。 (2008年受访者回答同样的问题,比率分别是39%和41%)。皮尤研究中心最引人注目的发现之一就是确定一个普遍的看法: 中国的系统不仅创造财富的不平等,而且造成机会的不平等。10名受访者中近乎8人同意这样的说法:“富者愈富,贫者则愈贫。"

“This country has a very unbalanced incomestructure, and for young working people it's getting tougherand tougher to make a living" in the leadingcities, says Han Cheng, a researcher with an international NGO in Beijing. Ashe sees it, the country's meritocraticpromise is waning: “Before, everyone was equally poor and unprivileged. But nowthere is a privileged class, and for people in that class, there are so manyways for them to receive benefits from their family."


Richard A. Easterlin, an economist at theUniversity of Southern California, in April published a study in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on “life satisfaction" in China over the past two decades. Even as incomes have risen forall socioeconomic groups, he found that the percentage of people reportingtheir life satisfaction was “good or very good" haddeclined markedly from 1990 to 2007 for those of low and moderate incomes,while ticking slightly upward for China's richest.


“One may reasonably ask, how it is possiblefor life satisfaction not to improve in the face of such a marked advance inper capita GDP from a very low initial level?" Easterlinwrote. “In answer it is pertinent to note the growing evidence of theimportance of relative income comparisons and material aspirations inChina, which tend to negate the effect of rising income." In other words, money alone doesn't bringhappiness having more money than your neighbor might.


Comparing her life to her cousin in hersmall hometown, Jiang expresses mixed feelings. Her cousin lives just afive-minute walk from her office, works fewer hours, and has a larger apartmentfor less money. “Sometimes I wonder why I stay in Beijing," she reflects. But then, after a moment, she points out that if shehas a child, living in China's capital will “givehim the chance to start life on a much bigger stage." Of course, she quickly adds that she isn't sure she wants a child “it's veryexpensive and takes a lot of energy; public kindergarten slots are hard to getand private ones are very costly. I'm expected to have achild, but I'm just not sure."



 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-3 10:47 | 显示全部楼层
Tony Ew, 11/16/2012 10:10 PM
It is the criminal real estate industrythat is profiting at the expense of hard working people. You go to anycapitalist country in the world, you see all these hard working professionalpeople just trying to have a decent life while the runaway housing price makesit impossible to live without stress, just keep working long hours to pay thebills! Laws should be made to ban unchecked rise in real estate prices. You seefree enterprise supply demand just don't work very well in the real estateindustry in big cities as only the landlords, builders, banks gets rich. Whenthey screws up like in US, the Fed comes in to help them, too big to fail Isuppose. This is the fundamental cause of stress in all capitalist countrieswhen too much salary is paid just for housing. The lady mentioned here stays inthe farthest suburb and still pay exorbitant price for her property! Anyone inHK, NYC, London, Tokyo can understand what I mean.
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akemihomura, 11/17/2012 10:42 AM
Welcome to capitalism, where everyone is infierce competition with one another for no particular reason. And just likesocialism, you still must obey.
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JNBq, 11/18/2012 12:16 PM
There is a reason why the riches are superrich, because they sucked the blood money out of the working people. If theyhave paid decent raise and salary to working people, they will not have recordbreaking profit. For example, we should look at Apple and Foxcomm, they makebillions of profits, and do they say that we should raise the salary ofworking people to $2/person instead of giving the millions of bonus toindividual upper management? In the long run, the capitalism will fail becausethe poors out be the riches. We are living our life to meet the ends need, butthose riches who suck our blood money will buy the shoes for $1,000. what inthe world is that?
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DAE, 11/16/2012 09:08 PM
If 1.4 billion Chinese moved to the USAthey'd all want to move back to China.
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Mohan R Gopal, 11/17/2012 10:33 AM
Why buy when you feel the prices are sohigh...just hold your purchases and see the fall in Real estate prices
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Tony Ew, 11/17/2012 01:26 PM
No, in theory your idea make sense. Inpractice the real estate industry is very persuasive at getting people to signthe dotted line with the sub prime like slow burn disaster for the owners. Realestate purchases are a once in a life time event for most people and it isreasonable to say most people cannot grasp the big numbers and the disasterawaiting them, paying just the interest in the early years to feel good aboutbeing an owner! The ownership concept is very foolish in this case but peoplewant to feel ownership power, that is understandable.
Big cities should have projects like rent stabilized housing in NYC for peoplewho contribute to the city by working and living there, much like some statesin US requires low cost housing set aside in housing developments. Without thisset aside, free enterprise will make life unbearable even for high incomeearners when rental will also spike through the roof.
If you live in a big city like NYC you will see how stressful it is, every timeyour money seems to buy less and less space, like a capsule hotel, it's gettingto the point of being inhumane!
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(3位读者喜欢这条评论 )

BrickinaWall, 11/17/2012 08:30 AM
The title of the article is incorrect. Itshould say
"In China, To Get a bit Richer Is Not So Glorious".
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( 4位读者喜欢这条评论。)

Alice Zindagi Reilly, 11/19/2012 12:54 AM
It doesn't surprise me that there is ahigher average suicide rate among Asian populations than there is among othergroups when I see things like this. I've seen this first-hand. It's an endlesspush to reach higher and higher and higher levels. Unfortunately, it isn'texactly uncommon for these pressures to migrate with immigrant populations.Children grow up torn between two cultures, witnessing the liberality of theirclassmates and having the excessive drive for almost unreachable levels ofsuccess pushed at them from another angle. I've read in another article anexcellent point, that such an upbringing can end up forcing the poor soulsthrough years of therapy and even to the brink of suicide. I can't help butwonder as I reread these side by side what the Chinese national expenditure ontherapy is. Sure, pushing your kids to the edge is probably going to result inadults who excel... but at what cost to their psyche?
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当我看到这样的事情時,与在其他群体的比率相比,亚洲人口有一个更高的平均自杀比率,这并没让我感到惊讶。我已经看过第一手资料。这是一个无休止的推进,以达到越来越高的层次。不幸的是,这些压力对于移民人口的迁移确实不是罕见的。孩子目睹他们的同班同学的慷慨,成长在两种文化之间的分裂中,还有,从另一个角度看,为了成功推进到几乎不能达到的层次他们有过多的欲望。我在另一篇文章中读到过一个很好的看法: 这样的成长过程可能最终迫使可怜的灵魂经历多年的治疗,甚至到自杀的边缘。当我一篇篇地重读着这些,我不禁怀疑,中国国家在治疗上的支出是甚么。当然,催促孩子得到優勢條件,將來在成年人世界里他們可能變得優秀...可是他们的灵魂付出了什么样的代价?
( 3位读者喜欢这条评论 )

Joseph Lizio, 11/18/2012 07:17 AM
Being rich is not so hot here in theU.S. either. You work hard, do the right things to build your own wealthlike you are suppose to do - just to see the government tax it away. Atleast in China, that young women was still trying to get somewhere in front ofher. Here in the U.S., we are only going backwards and it will only getworse.
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( 2位读者喜欢这条回复)

JoeLorenzo, 11/17/2012 12:43 PM
The problem isn't capitalism, it's thecentral banks inflating the currency. It's just a really high regressive taxthat nobody understands or talks about. The banks went too far and when thepeople couldnt afford to pay them back, rather than renegotiate the real estateprices they just inflated the currency even more. Yes, it saved the banks, butnow the people are going to have to work at near-breaking point level ofstress to keep up.
This will end at some point and itwon't be pretty. The good news is that people are starting to understand thatmoney doesn't bring happiness and this spiritual awakening will bring positivechange to everything. Turn on CNBC and look at all those dough boys ramble onabout the world and you will see dead-behind-the-eyes misery. Businessman usedto make products that people wanted to buy. The key was that they madesomething.
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事件会有结束的时候,而且不会变得美好。事件带来的好影响就是人们开始理解钱不能带来愉快,并且这种心灵上的觉醒将会给一切带来积极的变化。打开CNBC(譯者: CNBC, 全名是ConsumerNews and Business Channel, 美国NBC环球集团所持有的全球性财经有线电视卫星新闻台),并看看这些步兵絮絮叨叨着这个世界,你会看到眼睛背後死亡的痛苦。商人一向都制造人们想要购买的产品,关键是他们做了甚么事情。
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common sense, 11/16/2012 07:25 PM
Sounds like America
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Semyon, 11/17/2012 10:06 AM
China is definitely getting wealthier. Theywill have a larger
absolute number of rich people than the U.S. by 2010. (Not percentage, but
sheer number). China's central committee basically runs thecountry and still
determines which industries get wealthy. Not quite corruption, but close. One
of China's trading partners in oil is Azerbaijan.The United Nations has
quietly opened a criminal investigation into Azerbaijan First Lady Mehriban
Aliyeva for foreign corrupt practices with the Chinese government. Wiki Leaks
first broke the story, but the mainstream media has been mostly silent. Just
look at Mehriban Aliyeva's Wikipedia (thelast source of truth these days) page.
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(不是百分比,而是纯粹的数字)。基本上中国是由中央委员会运行的国家,一直确定以工业致富。不只是彻底地腐败,而且封闭。中国石油业的其中一个贸易伙伴就是亚塞拜然联合国。就亚塞拜然第一夫人Mehriban Aliyeva与中国政府的对外国贪污行为,联合国悄悄地开了一个刑事调查。维基泄密首先曝露这消息,但主流媒体一直沉默。见维基百科上Mehriban Aliyeva(这些天里最后的真理)那页。
(1位读者喜欢这条评论 )

Ron Burke, 11/18/2012 09:55 PM
By 2010? How stoned are you?
2 people likedthis. Like Reply

2010年? 你有多神啊 ?

Larry Wen, 11/16/2012 10:20 PM
There are low economic zones in China wherelife is not stressful and one can even contribute to the Country by being ateacher to farm kids or medical assistants to the old and marginalized. Thereare others in China who like to be Beijing/Shanghai where to be rich is to beglorious. If one think that it is fun to be poor, go and live in those places.
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SubairMI, 11/17/2012 08:23 PM
Exactly! Lots of loudmouths who donot know a thing ( yet ape as if they know everything about China!) rave andstupid cacophonies about their economic 'woes' all the time!

回复Larry Wen:

thomas w, 11/18/2012 05:02 PM
As china's womenlearn Independence it will be good for consumerism... and switching oversociety to more of an in house... though it willproduce instability in other areas... like the U.S. They'll requiremore benefits for the disillusioned families, but that is the priceyou pay in this new world.


grnftr, 11/17/2012 07:18 AM


SubairMI, 11/17/2012 08:21 PM
True. Your dad shouldn't haveproduced you. That was also an instance of 'overpopulation'!


james, 11/25/2012 09:25 PM
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找到你的网站后,我感到难以置信的幸运。输了未婚夫给另一名女子后,在过去的6个月中我一直如此的沮丧。我的财务状况恶化了这么多,我有一笔巨额债务,而我却不知道该怎么办,我以为我不得不申请破产了。耗尽了所有,完全的绝望,我连络了许多那些保证有强大的魔力,巫术或黑魔法等所谓的个体。他们都不工作,没有一个人能像odubu博士(或醫生)一样令人惊叹,充满深情和温暖。他绝对是不同于别人的,听到他的承诺我立刻感到了希望和力量。他随身携带的纯净的空气和神圣的力量,像在地上新鲜的雪一样纯洁。我不得不找一个人来为我解决问题,我请求odubu博士(或醫生)给予我最强大的咒语,然后我的心马上感到寛慰。他的咒语创造了奇迹,现在我的未婚夫又到我身边,还有金钱的烦恼也因为赢得了彩票而得到解决,odubu博士(或醫生),没你在那里帮助我走出来,我不知道会做什么。与他取得联络的电子邮件地址,您将得到最好的结果: odubuspiritualteemple@gmail.com
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