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发表于 2012-12-4 13:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Sky City: China to erect world's tallest tower in 3 months, building 5 stories a day


China has embraced the challenge of putting up the world's tallest building in only 90 days. The 838-meter skyscraper, dubbed Sky City, is set to house 17,400 people as well as a hotel, a hospital, several schools, offices and apartments.


­Construction workers from the Broad Sustainable Building company are expected to build at a rate if five stories a day to meet the deadline. To speed the process up, they will reportedly use the 'prefabrication' technique in which blocks of the building are constructed offsite and then pieced together.


The skyscraper, located in Hunan Province's capital Changsha, will feature over 100 high-speed elevators, and is expected to be able to withstand a magnitude 9.0 earthquake.


When completed, the building will be 10 meters taller than the Dubai landmark Burj Khalifa, the world's current tallest building, which took five years to build. China's Sky City is set to cost half as much as the Burj – about $630 million.


China-based Broad Sustainable Building will employ several thousand workers for the ambitious



 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-4 13:39 | 显示全部楼层
Hindu Brahmin Bodhcong Pala (unregistered)November 25, 2012, 19:54
Runt people need city's. They are not Chinese, same as 1.1 billion out of 1.2 billion inside India. They invaded from the west and thefted Asian family names. They need city's & made India-China into The Land of Diarrehia.


Skyscraper Index (unregistered)November 25, 2012, 20:00
China has officially hit the terminal phase of a speculative bubble.The skyscraper index. China is about to see an economic downturn.Which means that the USA's number one creditor will no longer lend.This means that the US economy will tank big time due to lack of foreign investments


一九九九年,德意志银行证券驻香港分析师安德鲁.劳伦斯(Andrew Lawrence)首度提出「摩天大楼指数」(Skyscraper Index)的概念,因为他发现到经济衰退或股市萧条往往都发生在新高楼落成的前后。宽松的政府政策及对经济乐观的态度,经常会鼓励大型工程的兴建。然而,当过度投资与投机心理而起的泡沫即将危及经济时,政策也会转为紧缩以因应危机,使得摩天大楼的完工成为政策与经济转变的先声。这一惊人发现被称为“百年病态关联”:大厦建成,经济衰退。故此,“摩天大楼指数”也被称为“劳伦斯魔咒”。)

Skyscraper Index (unregistered)November 25, 2012, 20:09
Given that this employs efficient technology, cost-effective building techniques and for a fraction of the cost, maybe the skyscraper index doesn't apply after all.
I like it how everything is assembled, not built.


red fang (unregistered)November 25, 2012, 20:31
lol everything chinese is fake. The building wil be fake too.


Anon (unregistered)November 25, 2012, 22:22
Half the price at 20 times the speed. What will the stats look like in another 20 years? Quarter the price at 200 times the speed? Thats 9 days at $315 million . . . i can imagine high tech light weight reconstituted materials straight from landfills being used by then . . . The floorage and 'balconyage' of the pic doesn't look very impressive though. Perhaps higher ceilings and more balcony space would be more city like.



teddyformusicNovember 25, 2012, 23:15
Skyscraper Index (unregistered) wrote in #2
China has officially hit the terminal phase of a speculative bubble.
The skyscraper index. China is about to see an economic downturn.
Which means that the USA's number one creditor will no longer lend.
This means that the US economy will tank big time due to lack of foreign investments.
you could very well be right - regarding "economic downturn" ...
and china's new leadership is tasked with ensuring policies that do not drive china into "unsustainable development".
but i think that what we can term as "economic downturn" (admittedly my view is on the "optimistic side") - is really china SLOWING down its "development" -- from its past decade's "projections" such as "12 percent growth" etc...
and instead -- "soft land" into lower numbers "growth" as far as economic performance goes.....
this is - in terms of large economies - a vast difference from, for example, the US "growth" or what they like to "promise" in the USA as "recovery" -- for the next ten years (coinciding with China's NEW leadership for ten years) -- of 1 percent "growth" if THAt can even be called such a thing, with the USA's deep debts. (60 percent american holders, 40 percent foreign holders) --
we have to also remember that china's INTERNAL domestic "consumption" economy is far from having reached anywhere near american standards of consumption.........which is the OTHER part of any economy's performance outside of its exports.
i guess time will tell where their policies lead .

谈及大型经济体,这就是(中国和我们)最大的差异了,例如美国式的“增长”也即他们爱说的“复苏””:在背负着巨额债务(60%由美国人民持有,40%由他国持有)情况下仅有1% 的“增长”(如果他们能管那叫增长),还敢承诺下一个十年内(恰逢中国新一届领导在任的十年)经济“复苏”。


teddyformusicNovember 25, 2012, 23:25
Skyscraper Index (unregistered) wrote in #3
Given that this employs efficient technology, cost-effective building techniques and for a fraction of the cost, maybe the skyscraper index doesn't apply after all.
I like it how everything is assembled, not built.
i don't recall which province it is, or city , but I read sometime ago that China was already building an entire city -- or based on an existing one -- to transform the entire area into the "sustainable" energy system......every single building, every single contraption, ..everything based on the sustainable energy systems.
i think it can also be surmised that the eventualy growing trade and interdependence between china and europe's largest economy -- Germany -- will focus , after trade and "dumping" differences are cleared up -- on more of the non-oil/fossil fuel based systems.
germany is , as of today, already 30 percent SOLAR powered - and projected to reach "comfortably" 80 percent by 2020......
china is well on its way as a leading "solar energy" giant even as it grapples with the "pains of growth" such as pollution......
in either case -- both germany and china -- considering that china has a 1.3 billion populace to consider "adjusting" towards solar and other efficient energy systems - already are far , far ahead of the USA for one part .
the way I see it -- CHINA is playing its cards in 2 ways as far as energy is concerned:
enabling itself to acquire the gas/oil reserves it needs - and eventually have them "cached" as "reserves" or other uses as technologies arise for such things for better use --
while at the same time focusing big time on "sustainables" -- such as wind, solar, ocean, wave and currents energy, etc...
and calculates that BY the time oil/gas reserves - in 100 years , say -- are much more depleted - still retain the "conduits" -- and reserves it bought rights to -- but can re-use them for other things --
WHILE already achieving greater "energy independence" from having become a leading Solar power producer. among other things.........
if china does that -- it becomes practically "untouchable" as a great power. imo.

如果中国真这么做了--它几乎将成为一个"不可侵犯"的强力大国,就我个人看来为如此(译注:imo = in my opinion).

teddyformusicNovember 25, 2012, 23:27
red fang (unregistered) wrote in #4
lol everything chinese is fake. The building wil be fake too.
and you probably can't help but keep buying them in wallmart or the 99 cent corner store anyway -- since the USA DOLLAR and ITS FAKE "value" keeps dwindling by the day ........................



teddyformusicNovember 25, 2012, 23:39
Anon (unregistered) wrote in #5
Half the price at 20 times the speed. What will the stats look like in another 20 years? Quarter the price at 200 times the speed? Thats 9 days at $315 million . . . i can imagine high tech light weight reconstituted materials straight from landfills being used by then . . . The floorage and 'balconyage' of the pic doesn't look very impressive though. Perhaps higher ceilings and more balcony space would be more city like.
the chinese are "learning" from the rest of the world -- and VERY fast...
yes -- there have been and will be disastrous projects involved --
but that is part of the rise that they are making that is , whether by design or circumstance , simply far, far faster than ANY modern "empire" has ever achieved.
i mean -- it took the USA -- literally protected by oceans from ANY direct assaults (the british IN america already don't count, since it is against them that FELLOW europeans revolted) -- 300 years since "this..our Infant Empire" (George Washington's words) ..........
and in a mere 100 years of "supremacy" - more or less, despite being the "greatest" empire ever -- is already crumbling despite its delusions that it is not and never will........
China - -from "basket case of asia" up til 1970's took a mere 30-40 years to achieve global economic power -- and it is just the START of its "dragon awakening".


teddyformusicNovember 25, 2012, 23:40
nd to the chinese - in the long scheme of things - it is merely "returning china to its proper role" that it always had -- being one of the great powers on earth for thousands of years.
the seldom discussed thing about china is:



teddyformusicNovember 25, 2012, 23:49
i also wanted to add:
China -- as much as a "capitalist" country in its nature of being a country of merchants -- small private enterprisers, one might say -- has also at least as much BEEN a "socialist" country.
in many ways - it IS its culture - both a "private enterprising" culture, as well as a "collectivist" culture......
what the west or america do not understand is -- THEIR dogmatic obsession with ONLY "capitalism" and no other alternative simply does not apply TO china or even the rest of the world , unless the west IMPOSES it - which it has done -- .........
china is simply doing what china "has always done" as one of its top generals said some years ago :
"WE shall absorb what the world has to give that is good - and good for us -- but we shall NEVER be a western country.......china is, as she always has been, and alwasy will be --------- CHINA".
in perspective - while most other "empires" have gone by the wayside -- some as recently as Great Britain -- where china was already "the middle kingdom" eons ago while much of the west were still "tribes" --

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-4 13:40 | 显示全部楼层
china is simply behaving the way it has that allowed its CONTINUITY and longevity -- and now "re-emergence" .
when one considers such things -- what IS it that the west can REALLY "teach" china in terms of "survival" or longevity as great powers?
really..........nothing of consequence in the long scheme of things.


socialite (unregistered)November 26, 2012, 00:26
The Chinese need to keep in mind that FIRE will DESTROY the building if built with STEEL. Fire brought down the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.


Wa Ma Wa Ma Woo (unregistered)November 26, 2012, 00:30
China is just another kleptocracy with outsized ego issues. Russia keeps a watchful eye on this noodle dumpling.


teddyformusicNovember 26, 2012, 00:46
Anon (unregistered) wrote in #5
Half the price at 20 times the speed. What will the stats look like in another 20 years?
i've often wondered whether in the future..........
ENTIRE cities can be built or "re-built" - sort of -- in a way that , from the outside distance -- look like gigantic "boxes" or "pyramids" ..or geodesic domes...where it's built as "parts" consisting of buildings inside , perhaps connecting to each other some way, or having their different city sections, but basically a single "unit" called a "city" - rather than the usual, current, cities of separate buildings..



or maybe cities will evolve towards that design eventually as they continue to make their partial changes - until the different sections or buildings "merge" and are then incorporated into the vast "superbuilding" .
a skyscraper might be built that is like the giant pyramids...with every level having the surrounding "terraces" until the whole edifice reaches the clouds.....but also "failure" in one section would be designed to not affect the other sections......they are "collected" as one unit to urbanize populations as , naturally, land space is more limited with the population rise -- but also try to maintain "air space" between these huge megabuildings....
they would be monstrosities of course...but then ........skyscrapers already are .. and so are cities themselves.
so maybe, City and "skyscraper" will eventually merge as one and the same thing -- like building a city 10 square miles in area -- and from corner to corner reaching up to the sky 200 floors......something like that.....and inside of course are the infinite varities of "inner buildings" or sections , all with their accompanying sections of parks, avenues, but also with the whole "big building/city" designed to not just allow for continual additions but for its own "natural" channels of air- movement inside and to and from the "outside" of the building......much the way Ants or Termites build their cities underground. with their own natural airconditioning and "air-cleaning" flows.
I think it can be engineered that way.



The MonkNovember 26, 2012, 04:00
After reading stories about dry wall that is making people sick, tainted dog food killing Fidos around the world and other tales of the Chinese willing to sacifice quality for keeping in good stead with the party.... who in their right mind would trust this builder to build a safe building???


T.C. (unregistered)November 26, 2012, 04:24
China already has over-built for the housing market. There are whole cities sitting empty, built by speculators, but unaffordable to the populace. Will this skyscraper sit empty also? Pyong Yang, North Korea is an example of this. Countries transitioning from communism to capitalism have trouble with the idea of market-driven economies, continuing to think "We say You will build impressive building, then You will occupy them. Problem solved." Maybe by the time population pressure catches up to the vacancy rate, these structures will still be usuable, but the history of poor building practices in China doesn't bode well. Foreclosed homes in the U.S. are sitting and molding, so I'm not holding our system up as a sterling example.


Marco SiaoNovember 26, 2012, 06:30
[China: Great potential is releasing at beginning period]
The infrastructures and buildings on city areas are always not enough in Mainland China, they are moving to prosperity so fast or too fast. Why some cities expand so swift in Mainland China?


Its original potential is great; many immigrants (millions of) come from rural area that is the other reason.
I have been to Changsha on Hunan Province, it is upgrading in various fields. A building could serve 200 years, 1-3 years to manage selling and renting that is normal. Now millions of Mainland Chinese are saving money for purchasing a house in city areas. High speed rail also should be built comprehensively, comparing with quantity of transportation; it is far safer than the US road traffic.
In 2018, Mainland China's import and GDP in PPP will exceed the US, in 2025 China's (Mainland + ROC Taiwan + Hong Kong + Macau) GDP (in nominal) also will exceed the US; and her export might be double than the US, too. More infrastructure and building are necessary definitely.


jesse_a_b (unregistered)November 26, 2012, 06:50
It will be the next ghost city in China, now a ghost building.
They build it to boost the economy but they leave their people to rot in the slums because they don't have enough money to buy those appartments.
So it only end up with a lot of homeless people and a lot of empty homes. Just like in America right now.



venze (unregistered)November 26, 2012, 07:32
Erecting world's tallest building in 3 months? What for? For show, prestige, construction marvel?Most Dubai skyscrapers are half-empty (or half-full). Why follow? (vzc1943)


We Society not Me SocietyNovember 26, 2012, 08:00
They might be able to do it, but I sure wouldn't trust it to be safe!


mike peine (unregistered)November 26, 2012, 09:56
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED HOW CHINA SUDDENLY BECAME SO RICH AFTER BEING SO POOR THROUGH THE AGES WW1 & WW2 etc...Search The 1st Emperor. On You Tube. In 1978 Natl. Geo. did a issue with pictures, showing 1million workers hauling Treasures from the 20 square mile Tomb Until they ran out of GAS All the treasure they recoverd was less than 10% of whats still under ground & claimed still to be lost in order to prevent a GOLD crisis Those pillars that held up the ceiling now caved in 60ft are solid GOLD The Dragon is about 140x60x40ft & soild GOLD The Horses & Container holding the casket are Bronze The list of treasure is 50,000 pages ! As The Emperor Conqured HE gained untold wealth that left the country dirt poor & dependant on him. T H I N K !

你是否对中国为何突然在一战和二战之后变得如此富有而感到好奇呢?在youtube上搜索“The 1st Emperor”。在1978出版的国家地理杂志中,有照片显示有100万的工人从一个20平方英里的墓穴中搜刮珍宝直到他们精疲力尽。还有大量的宝藏没有被挖出来,挖出来的这些宝藏只占了没有被挖出来宝藏的10%还不到。不公开只是为了防止对黄金(价格暴跌)的恐慌。那些支撑墓穴的60英尺高的柱子都是实心黄金的。神龙大概是140x60x40英尺的纯金做的,那些奔马、棺材都是用青铜做的。仅仅是(记录)宝藏的单子就有50000页!作为皇帝他获得了无数的不为人知的财富,但却让整个国家一贫如洗(不得不)匍匐在他脚下。(你们自己)想想吧!!
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