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发表于 2012-12-10 11:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Korea and Japan have spiraled into their worst relations in decades over tensions surrounding a few rocky islets in the ocean between them. Koreans call the islands "Dokdo" and Japanese know them as "Takeshima." Politicians in both countries assure supporters that these barely inhabited spits of land will be defended as theirs at all costs, and the respective foreign ministries have announced multi-million dollar ad campaigns to further publicize their claims.

近几十年来,围绕在两国之间海域内一些岩石岛屿而产生的紧张局势 ,韩国和日本的关系已经陷入到最低靡的状态。韩国把这些岛叫”独岛“,日本叫他们“竹岛”。两国的政治家都向自己的支持者承诺说会不惜任何的代价来保卫这个几乎没有人居住的小岛,各自的外交部也已颁布了几百万美元的广告攻势,以更进一步的宣传他们的主张。

This territorial dispute has flared with regularity since the collapse of the Japanese empire in 1945; most recently in 2008 when Washington's Bureau of Geographic Names surprisingly altered the islands' legal status in such a manner that only President George W. Bush's intervention could return it to where it was: intentionally blank. During the most recent fracas, Washington has issued its more standard response that America wants our allies to work this out amongst themselves; last week at the APEC meeting in Vladivostok, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton further directed Seoul and Tokyo to "lower the temperature" (subtitles read: "Get your acts together; we have bigger problems").

自1945年日本帝国崩塌以来,该领土争端一直规律性的爆发;在最近的2008年,当华盛顿地理 命名局令人惊讶的改变了这个岛屿的法律地位,只有布什总统的调停才能使它回到原来的状态:有意的空白(归属未定)。在最近的几次冲突中,华盛顿发表了更为标准的回应,即美国希望我们的盟友自己想办法解决问题。上周在海参崴召开的APEC (亚太经贸合作组织)会议上,国务卿希拉里·克林顿更进一步的促进首尔和东京争端的“降温”(下面字幕:“团结起来,我们还有更大的麻烦”)。


North Korea's unknowns coupled with China's militarization would seem to demand greater American attention in Northeast Asia, yet the reality is that these rocks deserve our immediate attention. There are over 200 recognized territorial contests in the world; Korea and Japan's dispute is the only one that obligates United States military involvement on both sides to defend one country from the other in the awful event of hostilities, a predicament that returns us to Washington's insistence that the problem is not ours. A little honesty from Washington about America's historical involvement in the standoff would go a long way to detoxify its potential for violence.


The touchstone for today's disputes is the American-crafted Treaty of Peace with Japan, known as the San Francisco Treaty for the location of its signing on September 8, 1951. The treaty formally ended Japan's war against the Allies and the victors' occupation of the country. It also delineated Japan's new territorial limits, officially dismantling the once massive Empire of Great Japan. Strangely absent in the treaty, though, is mention of the islands now causing such a ruckus, a condition made all the clearer by inclusion of the Kurils, which Japan nonetheless continues to contest, too, even though their Yalta gift from Roosevelt to Stalin is long proven.



Almost as soon as General MacArthur's occupying forces moved into the region in September 1945 Japanese interests ranging from fishermen's cooperatives to nostalgic imperialists lobbied to hold onto whatever they could of Japan's vanished reach. The islands now in question appeared regularly in occupation memos and maps with voices arguing each side's claim; overall, American military maps located the islands within U.S. Korean command, while State Department officials quoted Japanese concerns back to Washington to placate local politicians working for them.


By the time the San Francisco Treaty came about a new war was on -- the Korean War -- and the islands by then had new value to American pilots for target practice, becoming vital to American pilots lightening their payloads while returning south from runs over North Korea. Naming Korea's sovereign control seemed without doubt -- the treaty lists Ulleungdo 47 nautical miles to the east as Korean (under its old French name, Dagelet) -- yet the final 1951 document would table ownership to accommodate another concern: what if northern forces grabbed the rock closest to Japan and the island fell into communist Korean hands?



Tabling sovereignty over these tiny rocks made sense to American planners at the time, yet the treaty's absence of named ownership -- and American determination to avoid the subject since -- has allowed a relatively manageable disagreement to become a truly volatile situation.


Japan maintains that Korea has "illegally occupied" the islands since 1952 when Koreans sent patrol units to guard a lighthouse there. Since 2004, Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website has explained its rationale equally in Japanese, English and Korean, among other languages: the San Francisco Treaty does not specifically name the islands Korean, thus the Allies did not not name it Japan's. Koreans respond quizzically that such logic would grant Japan claim to all of Korea's 3,000 additional outer islands.



To some, this may be further example of outdated images of Asian diplomatic opera buffa. Matters could not be more different, which Japan's lengthy justification demonstrates. Tokyo claims that its right to sovereignty over the islands today -- prime fishing grounds for anyone who could get there long before Korea and Japan even had their contemporary names -- derive from a 1905 Japanese Cabinet decision that incorporated the islands into the nation's growing empire. Woefully missing is explanation that Japan was beginning to colonize all of Korea at the time. The islands disputed today are shards of that history's early moments; to make it into anything else simply denies Japan's takeover of Korea.


At the end of June this year, Seoul and Tokyo tabled a military intelligence sharing agreement that Washington desperately seeks less than an hour before it was to be signed; many American pundits looked confused and wondered openly why "they" can't get over "it"? The answer is straightforward: until Japan fully confronts the history of its empire and war in Asia without relying on white-washed phrases of "sorrow and regret," no politician in Korea or anywhere else in the region would be able to stay in office should he or she promote something so obviously evocative of past atrocities as a "joint military intelligence pact."



The United States did not colonize Korea in 1905, but Washington marched America right through the door of this history through involvement in the decolonization process. Honest dialogue about this known history would demonstrate that Washington's desired pivot toward Asia is for the peace and stability of the region and world. Seoul and Tokyo are our allied democracies in a region rife with competing claims to the future; the history wars about a bloody past have been on their streets for over a decade and have gained tremendous intensity through the territorial disputes. Both nations should stop playing with fire: brinksmanship only fuels reactionary response. Meanwhile, Tokyo discredits any claim to global leadership while it persists in imagining an empty past.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-10 11:24 | 显示全部楼层
10:24 AM on 10/01/2012
Japan knew, to keep its independence and protect its history, it had to be an Empire such as British. That is why Japan went to war. Chinese and Korean were selling themselves to Wests. The reason Japan made Korea independent after Sino-Japan Was to make Korea strong to fight against Russian Empire's ambition of southern invasion, but Korea had no military and kept its idle sleep as it had been doing for 5 hundreds years of Chosun Dynasty. Japan even sent people to help Korea to have modern military and let them understand what kind of dangerous situation they are in. Korean ports were already in Russian hands and the right of miming gold, the right of tree felling, the right of everything in Korea were already sold to Western countries. Korea by then was the poorest country of all. Korea betrayed Japan, and sent a secret envoy to Russia and the queen of Korea who sold everything and the father of King were in ugly struggle for power. Japan had to fight against Russian Empire's by itself. Russo-Japan War was the war Japan put its everything to protect itself. Japan won, and annexed Korea because Korean had to be under rule or it will put Japan in dangerous situation. Everything is recorded in history, not only in Japanese but in western newspapers and documents, but only Koreans don't know these facts.



10:02 AM on 10/01/2012
99% of Korean historical documents were written in Chinese Characters in Chinese grammar, that means, in Chinese. Even today's Korean words, 80% of them are only phonetically changed version of old Chinese, and15% are Japanese origin. Only very small % of their language is their own. ''Thank you '', is ''Kamsa Hamnida'' in Korean, and Kamsa is originated from Japanese Kansha. Most of modern words in Korea is originated from Japanese such as Post Office, Philosophy, Democracy and so on. That is because Japan annexed Korea to protect East Asia from Russian invasion. China then was half-colony of British and other European countries after Opium War in 1840. Japan by the time of WW2 was one of the only 3 countries which wasn't colonized by Western Powers.

99%的朝鲜古书都是用汉字和汉语语法书写的,这意味着(朝鲜)使用中文。即使在今天,80%的朝鲜语的发音都是古汉语发音的变形体,且15%源自日语,只有少得可怜的5%来自于他们自己。朝鲜语中,''Kamsa Hamnida'' 是“谢谢”的意思,且''Kamsa'' 来源于日语中的' Kansha” 。朝鲜语中大部分的现代词语都来源于日本,比如邮局、哲学、民主等等。那是因为日本吞并了朝鲜以保护东亚不受俄罗斯的侵略。而当时的中国,经过1840年的鸦片战争之后,沦为英国和其他欧洲国家的殖民地。日本在第二次世界大战的时候,是仅有的未被西方势力殖民的三个国家之一。

09:46 AM on 10/01/2012

However, Korea remained in the system till 19th CE, and kept following every strict Chinese demands, such as sending hundreds of women and jewelries to China in every couple of years, a ban of forming a large military, a ban to build fortress, requirement and complete submission of kings to China, the kings of Korea was labeled as just a retainer of Chinese Emperor: that is why Korea never had Emperor in it's history, and kings attires were of Chinese retainer's with only 3 or 4 dragons drawn whereas Chinese Emperor's had 9, and also, kings of Korea were required to kneel with their heads on the ground 3times before Chinese vassals. They are all written in records.



09:46 AM on 10/01/2012
Korean peninsula had been a subject country of China for hundreds of years. China employed the system called ''Sinocentrism'' , which was ''a hierarchical system of international relations that prevailed in East Asia before the adoption of the Westphalian system in modern times. Surrounding countries such as Japan, Korea, the Ryūkyū Kingdom, and Vietnam were regarded as vassals of China and relations between the Chinese Empire and these peoples were interpreted as tributary relationships under which these countries offered tribute to the Emperor of China. '' Japan got out of the system more than a thousand years ago, and thus, was able to create unique and original culture and political system, and eventually out grew China by 16th CE.


03:30 PM on 09/30/2012
I don't know why my previous comment isn't appearing on this site, but it is true that South Korea abolished Chinese Characters and only use their original alphabets. Most of them even intellectuals can not read their own written history without translation. South Korea is still at war with North Korea, and their internet access and speech are controlled by government. They arrested students who wrote things to deny their government on internet even though they are calling themselves a democratic country.



03:21 PM on 09/30/2012
All these historical records, South Korean government distort and frantically brainwash its citizen in such a large scale Dokto campaigns. They know they have no evidence at all to counter any of rich evidences Japanese have. Japanese government has been suggesting to settle the dispute in International Court of Justice which is an institution of United Nations since 1950's, but South Korean government has been evading to face the judgement of International Law.

03:11 PM on 09/30/2012
The island appearing in Korean old maps are not Dokto/Takeshima islets, the island is clearly Chukdo island, which is located right by Ulleungdo island. They called the island Usan in old time. Usan = Chukdo. Just pick a couple of old Korean maps they claim as proofs, and compare them to today's map which is based on image taken from satellites. Anyone can see it. The shape, the size, the location from the nearest island...

Also, all the mentioned records of Usan in documents suggest Usan = Chukdo. Usan is described with villages with residents, bamboo forests, rich food supplies, field to cultivate and fresh water. Whereas true islets of Takeshima consist of two rocks with no place for a single field or river.

And do not forget about the last Rusk documents which says "As regards the island of Dokdo, otherwise known as Takeshima or Liancourt Rocks, this normally uninhabited rock formation was according to our information never treated as part of Korea and, since about 1905, has been under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branch Office of Shimane Prefecture of Japan. The island does not appear ever before to have been claimed by Korea."


03:10 PM on 09/30/2012
Decades ago, South Koreans abolished Chinese Characters with which all their historical records were written, and most of them can't read their own historic documents without translation. The intellectuals in Korea intentionally mistranslate what's written in historical documents and that is their default since the time of Syngman Rhee who illegally placed Syngman Rhee Line, ordered to steal the islets, and kidnapped and killed/injured Japanese fishermen on the process.


Plus, they are still in the middle of war with North, although in cessation, their information is very controlled. If you can have an access, try obtaining their school history text books, which had been published only by their government till just recently, and translating them, your jaw will be dropped from just reading the very beginning.


03:13 AM on 09/27/2012
Japanese must throw away any greed that is out of their bounds.
I know Korean has stayed at the islet(Dokdo) for a long time.


07:14 AM on 09/22/2012
Quite an ill-informed article:
"Seoul and Tokyo tabled a military intelligence sharing agreement that Washington desperately seeks less than an hour before it was to be signed."


What actually happened: Seoul chickened out 20 minutes before. The Japanese were ready to sign.


The San Francisco Treaty specified the territory that Japan was to relinquish. It annexed Takeshima separately as terra nullius before it colonized/annexed Korea. That's why it still belonged them.


There is talk about Japanese lobbying to keep territory, but no mention of the even more strident Korean lobbying to seize territory, including Takeshima, during the SF treaty negotiations.


And the author's observations observations about Japan's view of its past history demonstrates conclusively that she doesn't understand Japan's view of its past history.


What we have here is a professor with an agenda rather than an interest in dispassionate historical research.



02:09 AM on 09/25/2012

off yourself, thx


10:12 AM on 09/28/2012
The only person who seems to be uninformed is you. Korea had full control of the liancourt rocks prior to 1905. Japanese fishermen were paying taxes to the Korean government just so they could fish/hunt on the island in the 1800s and earlier. Korea has several pages of historical tax records prior to 1905 which shatters any delusional terra nullius argument to this dispute.



Japan has not one single shred of evidence that the island belonged to them prior to 1905. To make matters worse for them, their 1905 claim is illegal under international law. In order to declare a territory terra nullius you must notify the territories neighboring nations and confirm that the island is indeed under no ones sovereign control. Japan didn't do that which is a violation of international law. Stealing someone else territory by declaring it terra nullius is another breach of international law.

日本却拿不出一丁点儿证据证明1905年之前,这个岛属于他们。更糟的是,日本有关1905年的说法是违反国际法的。为了宣布 一个无主之地,你必须告知这块土地周围的国家并确认这个岛确实不存在主权归属。日本没有这么做,而这是违反国际法的。通过声称别人的领土是无主之地来窃取这些领土,是另外一种违反国际法的行为。

The Japanese government is violating the San Francisco treaty as well as multiple international territorial laws by declaring the island still belongs to them.
Derek_Dirk: The only person who seems to be uninformed is you.

Derek_Dirk : 唯一无知的人就是你。


09:22 PM on 09/19/2012
So this girl finally learned from MOFA Japan site that there were several US documents that US officials told to South Korean officials that Dokdo was left as Japanese territory.
Good progress! Next step is check the validity of Korean map claims. Keep on working, Alexis!
>Koreans respond quizzically that such logic would grant Japan claim to all of Korea's 3,000 additional outer islands.
lol This is exactly what South Korea is doing over Tsushima islands and Japan never think of.
SK politician "Taemado is our land!" SK nation "Mansei South Korea! Pack you, Japan!"
If the same kind of stuff happened in Japan...
J politician "Marado is our land!" J nation "You are shame of Japan. Go to Korea and never come back!"





02:10 AM on 09/25/2012
10:03 PM on 09/18/2012

In hindsight, Japan wouldn't have these far-reaching "claims" had the U.S. elected to hang Hirohito and prosecuted the entire Japanese leadership immediately following WWII. Instead the US occupation forces selected just a handful of Japanese war criminals and left Hirohito off the hook because we couldn't afford to allow possible Japanese leftists to takeover and piss off the entire island nation in light of the cold war.


And unlike Germany, the same branch from these Japanese militarists have pretty much stayed in power since the war which explains why Japan continues their so-called claims to lands seized during their imperial days. That being said, the US is correct to stay out of these disputes because any support for Japan on this issue could feasibly turn S. Korea or even an unified Korea towards China's sphere of influence.



04:39 PM on 09/19/2012
You're right. Japan's imperialist ambition did not die with the end of WWII. Japan's current PM Yoshihiko Noda has followed previous Japanese prime ministers' suit of paying homage to Yasukuni Shrine just last year, which houses the bodies of WWII war criminals, and has openly claimed that the WWII class-A war criminals are innocent. What America forgets is that this is the remnant of the same Japan that bombarded Pearl Harbor. To view Japan's claim on these rocky islands as just an innocent foray..well, that's simply too naive. Any territorial claim always has bigger political meaning and, in this case, Japan has its ambition set on going back to its glory days, starting with the closest nation which, in this case, may just be Korea, which is already divided and therefore, vulnerable.
  09:21 PM on 09/18/2012
1 There are No Marks Which Foreign Country Occupied.
2 Fishermen long Lived.Nakai youzaburou
3 Nothing on Korean Map.
See this video. "3" is explained.
Does there exist any old Korean map which depicted Takeshima/Dokdo?



1,没有外国占领的标志2,渔民早已生活在Nakai Youzaburou (注:不确定是什么)


09:05 PM on 09/18/2012
I am Japanese.
Your text is long! Gather data in the main point!
The thing which you want to say most is
1 "America don't know."
2 "a 1905 Japanese Cabinet decision that incorporated the islands into the nation's growing empire.
It has overlapped with the time of Korean rule.
The description does not exist. "
You Probably, it only claims "having included during Korean occupation in Japan."
Was the opinion of Japan read?
1 There are No Marks Which Foreign Country Occupied.
2 Fishermen long Lived.Nakai youzaburou
3 Nothing on Korean Map.

See this animation. "3" is explained.
Does there exist any old Korean map which depicted Takeshima/Dokdo?

2、渔民们长期居住在该岛上。Nakai youzaburou

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