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发表于 2012-12-10 11:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEIJING (Reuters) - China told Vietnam on Thursday to stop unilateral oil exploration in disputed areas of the South China Sea and not harass Chinese fishing boats, again raising tensions in a protracted maritime territorial dispute with its neighbor.


Vietnam had already expelled Chinese fishing vessels from waters near China's southern Hainan province, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing.


Hong's description of the confrontation last Friday was in contrast to the account by Vietnam, which said a Vietnamese ship had a seismic cable it was pulling cut by two Chinese fishing ships.


"Vietnam's statement is inconsistent with the facts," Hong said.


China is in increasingly angry disputes with neighbors including the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia over claims to parts of the potentially oil and gas-rich South China Sea. China, which lays claim to almost the whole of the sea, criss-crossed by crucial shipping lanes, also has a separate dispute with Japan over islands in the East China Sea.


"The relevant fishing vessels were in these waters conducting regular fishing activities and they were unreasonably expelled by Vietnamese military vessels," Hong said.


He added that China and Vietnam were currently in negotiations over the waters.


"We hope the Vietnam side will not engage in unilateral oil and gas exploration activities in the relevant waters, cease interfering with Chinese fishing vessels' normal operations, and create a friendly atmosphere for bilateral negotiations", Hong said.


China has made similar warnings in the past about not exploring for oil and gas in waters it considers its own.


India, which jointly conducts some oil exploration with Vietnam, said this week that it was prepared to send navy ships into the region to safeguard its interests.


Energy-hungry China is also actively exploring the resources of the South China Sea. It aims to produce 15 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year from the South China Sea by 2015, the energy administration said on Monday, raising the possibility of disputes escalating.


State-run CNOOC, China's top offshore oil producer, in late June invited foreign companies to jointly develop nine blocks in the western part of the South China Sea, a move Vietnam said was illegal because the blocks overlap its territorial waters.


The South China Sea is one of Asia's most sensitive military hotspots whose profile has been raised by a newly assertive China.


The mounting disputes come at a time when China is flexing increasing naval might, including the launch of its first aircraft carrier in September and the test flights of its first two models of a stealth jet fighter, one of which is believed to be designed to land on aircraft carriers.



 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-10 11:27 | 显示全部楼层

Sane1  •  6 hrs ago
The Chinese should know by now that no one should be messing with the Vietnamese. The French and the US learned it the hard way.


Hugh  •  7 hrs ago
It has been 5 years i never bought a single item MADE IN CHINA. Their products try to poison the world. its electronic sucks too, cheap #$%$.


Cobra  •  1 day 4 hrs ago
China's starting to feel a little more bold, now that they have a formidable navy. Uh, one untested aircraft carrier does little to instill fear in a rival. I guess they feel they can win anything, if they just throw enough bodies at it.


Roman  •  23 hrs ago
Whats the problem here... ? China will be claiming the Gulf of Mexico next...


Food4thought  •  15 hrs ago
ASEAN nations need to come together to stand up to chinese bullying. The best thing you can do for each other is to create a common security pact along the lines of NATO. Good luck.


Vincent  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
ok China, here is the deal.....you stop exploration first and then the rest will follow....you may be able to bully 1 small country but 7 together and you have no shot.. they are not afraid of you any more....


Hugh  •  7 hrs ago
it is so funny that China claims almost south china sea theirs, what the fuck they are smoking? they think they can dominate the world with biggest army? China is going to its DOOM, #$%$ pathetic government and cold blooded people.


DennisW  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
China is just a big bully, did you hear that story where they gave archeologists in Afghanistan 3 years or so to move a whole ancient cities ruins, so they could mine for some mineral that is used for Touch phone screens?


Oasisneko  •  1 day 1 hr ago
China is the prob;em. We all know that. Only PRC Chinese think China is normal.


David  •  1 day 2 hrs ago
If China is bullying its neighbors now, with just one rusty and elderly aircraft carrier, think what they will be doing when the full benefits of all the American corporate investment in China kicks in.


BURADOR---Phil. Voice  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
It CHINA who HAVE to STOP BULLYING smaller nations in south china sea----
Vietnam will NOT BACKDOWN on Chinese INTIMIDATION -----
CHINA have to ACCEPT UN law of sea to COOL DOWN the TENSE situation against its neighbors----


BR  •  23 hrs ago
F*** the chinese, they want everything in this World.


PacificaGlacier  •  19 hrs ago
The end of the China empire is coming soon as the Roman empire.


Norbie  •  1 day 2 hrs ago
go vietnam fight for your rights.


Above Average  •  23 hrs ago
There are many planets in the universe, the sun is a much bigger planet than the earth, the Chinese should claim the sun and migrate all their people there.


David  •  1 day 2 hrs ago
In the 15th century China was famous for its junks.
In the 20th and 21st centuries, China is also famous for its junk.


J  •  22 hrs ago
The so called dragon will be slayed.


Charley  •  12 hrs ago
For Vietnam there is no dispute. It's their water and China is butting in.


ran Hung Dao  •  21 hrs ago
the chinese are trying to expand their military. they needs the so called S. china Sea for the resources.

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