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发表于 2012-12-12 11:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                Potato the Samoyed dog isn't just a pretty face - he's also a maths genius.


That's the opinion of owner Lu Zesheng, anyway, who has seemingly taught the two-year-old to add, subtract, multiply and divide.


Mr Zesheng, from the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu, says Potato is his pride and joy and, as the video below proves, he really is sum dog.


Giving answers through a series of barks, Potato tackles a series of tough arithmetic questions.


Mr Zesheng first asks him how many digits are in 10million, and Potato barks eight times to represent the correct number.
When he is asked to add 3.44 and 3.56 he correctly barks seven times.


And it isn't just maths he's good at - he also has an excellent memory.


When Mr Zesheng asks: 'What are the ten digits of the side number of China's first aircraft carrier?' the dog replies with a single bark, which according to the owner, means it's in the tens.


And when Potato is asked, 'What is the single digit'? he barks a further six times, meaning the total is, correctly, 16.


Mr Zesheng says his pride and joy has also impressed neighbours by memorising mobile phone numbers and people's ages.


Potato, despite his genius, still appreciates the doggy things in life, enjoying walks and games.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-12 11:26 | 显示全部楼层
1、He'll be known as chips in couple of weeks.
- Hyphen8-ed, HarlowCanYouGo, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 16:33


2、Lovely dog. However, the dog couldn't add one plus one and is sadly not the mathematical genius as claimed. This is the same as the counting horse parlour trick. Each bark is prompted by the owner moving his lips. Watch closely and you will see it every time.
- Bobbo, London, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 19:37


3、Your comments:I went to a country show near Norwich last month. They had a number of dogs doing exactly the same trick. The dog reacts to it's trainers reactions and mannerisms. Very easy to teach. Why is this in the news?
- Quintus, Bedford, 9/12/2012 20:15


4、Lovely dog but it's a trick. Remember the counting horse?
- Jim Donnelly, Bangkok, Thailand, 9/12/2012 19:07


5、A clear demonstration of the clever Hans effect. Plain and simple.
- Jess, Sydney, 9/12/2012 14:57


6、It's the "Clever Hans" effect yet again. Google it if you're not familiar.
- JohnFrum, UK, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 18:25


7、Now................George Osborne should be really worried - if only some of these dogs went to Eton he would be out on his ear tomorrow.
- Nigdog, Norfolk, 9/12/2012 17:26


8、He should be a CEO of a major bank if he can count, that would be a first for someone in such a position.
- Michael Smith, Mönchengladbach, 9/12/2012 16:47


9、Maybe now they will understand that the horrendous cruelty involved when the Chinese skin dogs alive !
- Heather2, Swansea, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 2:27


10、I adore Samoyds, I'd love one. Trouble is, they are very vocal as a breed
- Deb, Brighton, 9/12/2012 2:35


11、So cute! Such a clever dog!
- B37H2510, Alsager, 9/12/2012 2:46


12、So beautiful dog !!
- rose, london, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 3:03


13、That is one adorable puppy!!
- MR, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 3:04


14、a very handsome doggy
- bernadette keane, galway ireland, 9/12/2012 3:39


15、Clever dog. Want to play fetch? Here a twig.... Now fetch...... No, you go and fetch it. Hmmm. This dog is smart!
- Jacque, bremen, Germany, 9/12/2012 3:58


16、What you've done there is taught your dog to bark until you react!
- Hazel, London, 9/12/2012 4:28


17、Not bad but youtube 'the amazing skidboot' now theres a dog.
- Pink Panther, County Durham, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 5:49


18、Aww, dogs are just the best : ) I love reading articles like this that brighten my mood.
- Twilight Sparkle, Cantelot, 9/12/2012 6:16


19、I'd like to see it where the owner is not allowed to make any gestures or noises that stops the dog from continuing to bark.
- eugene, toronto, United Kingdom, 9/12/2012 6:21


20、Jesus Christ only a minority of people in China eat dogs--and usually it is the poor and uneducated of the older generation. Why tar everyone in China with the same brush? This guy clearly loves his pet dog. Yet some of you bitter folks in the UK have chosen to turn a lighthearted/happy story into a soapbox to vent about the Chinese (and insult him in the process). Seriously what is wrong with you people?!
- Wertyuio, Houston, United States, 9/12/2012 6:31


Haha, Potato is a great name :D
- Eleanor, Maryland, United States, 9/12/2012 6:44


22、My dog can count too! You don't believe me? Just you try taking 5 biscuits out of the tin but only giving him 4...
- Andy, Frodsham, 9/12/2012 7:07


23、He is beautiful. I love the Samoyed breed. And they are wonderful dogs too. Not aggressive. Wonderful name - Potato. And yes they are intelligent as well. I would love to have one. But they are big so you would need to take them for long walks and look after them well.
- Sandy Brown, London, 9/12/2012 8:30


24、I bet that man and his wife dote on that dog like crazy. Eat him? Yeah, like they would eat their own child.
- PattiFromTexas, Ft. Worth, United States, 9/12/2012 8:36


25、What an adorable dog, would give it a great big hug.
- Danger Mouse, Manchester UK, 9/12/2012 9:05


26、Potato for chancellor. Also have you seen disco budgie on youtube. The smartest budgie in the world currently and is like our IQ 200+ people. He speaks thousands of words, can beatbox and construct songs with beatbox in them. He understands what people say to him and plays tricks on his owners.
- MikeStone, Witney, 9/12/2012 11:43


27、Samoyeds are a beautiful dog. Amazing.
- Episcogal, Pittsburgh, 9/12/2012 12:38

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