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发表于 2012-12-14 14:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:壞得彻底 转载请注明出处
China's recentacquisition of Michigan battery maker A123 representsyet another step in Beijing's well-orchestrated strategy to surpass the U.S. asboth an economic and military power. That's why the biggest mistake we can makeis to look at this deal in isolation rather than as part of a broader Chinesegovernment strategy to acquire U.S. technology, ship that technology to China, andcreate jobs for the Chinese


In China'sstrategy to dominate the U.S., Beijing's typical MO is to acquire a companylike A123, strip it of its technology, and then move most or all of the jobs toChina. In this case, A123 has state of the art technology -- with the addedturn of the screw that the development of this technology was partly financedby the American taxpayer. With this deal, this technology will now fall intoChinese hands.
History also instructs us that Chinese promises to keep jobs in America afteracquiring a key piece of our industrial base are empty . A case in point is theacquisition of Texas helicopter maker Brantly International by WeifangTianxiang Aviation Technology in 2009. All helicopter manufacturingwas promptly moved from Coppell, Texas to Qingdao, China.


As Chinacontinues to acquire more and more of our industrial capacity, we have less andless of an ability to produce the jobs we need for our economy and the weaponssystems we need for national defense. That's why we must look at each of thesedeals as pieces on a chessboard rather than in isolation.
In this chess game, we must understand that China is very different fromvirtually all other countries when it comes to acquiring American assets in tworegards: First, we are competing against a country, not companies, aimed ateconomic dominance. Second, we are competing against a country that is engagedin a rapid military buildup aimed at military dominance.


The Americanpeople should be outraged at the selling of America to a country that does nothave our best interests at heart. The White House and Congress needs to stoplooking at China through a Panglossian lens and read the reports it is gettingon a regular basis from the Pentagon and agencies like the U.S.-ChinaCommission.


原创翻译:龙腾网 www.ltaaa.com 翻译:壞得彻底 转载请注明出处

Substitute Chinawith Japan and the thing could've been written in the 90s during Japaneseprosperity period. With similar ilk writing similar "Yellow Peril"stuff to make a quick buck on the issue.


This racistxenophobia is as silly as it gets. If Beijing uses the same "logic" like this, America would see an immediateevaporation of at least a couple trillion dollars in stock market value.
What is good must be universal. FAIR TRADE has to mean equal profits.
American companies were basically given free rein to expand into China. BigAuto sell more cars in China than anywhere else. Walmart has 350 stores. YumBrands has the largest restaurant chains and declares China the biggest retailopportunity on Earth. Hospital diagnostics is dominated by GE, aircrafts byBoeing, software by Microsoft. The list just goes on and on, and Americancompanies DOMINATE in many Chinese industries.
In 2010, American companies (more than 60,000 projects) made more than 100Billion U.S. Dollars in profits in and from China. First to go if Chinaretaliates, would be the $100 Billion a year profits for American companies. Atjust 20 P/E that is $2 Trillion in market value.


China is engaged in active cyber and espionagewarfare against America. On August 30, a Marine guard at the Consulate inGuangzhou confessed to trying to spy for China. China is regularly named as oneof the most prolific purpetrators of cyber attacks on western companies andgovernments. Only a fool would think China has America's best interests atheart.
Only Americans, as a collective whole, can possibly have America's bestinterest at heart. Other countries work in their own interests, not America's.Let's wake up from our dreams of corporate greed and focus on our collectivenational interests. America will be stronger for it.
rewFri Apr 29, 201102:16 pm PDT Report Abuse
The Federal Gov't ispassing laws favored by the majority of We the People in this case. Youminority (smokers) should fear we the majority (non-smokers) So
shove it.


American free enterprise types and bourgeois liberals, both, haveadmonished, criticized and vilified China for not playing by Westernliberal-capitalist rules. And now that Chinese ARE playing by these rules,Americans are trying to shift the narrative to admonish them for playing byWestern rules too well. Luckily, Chinese are not paying attention, much.


Back in the80"s we had a whole lot of very wealthy Japanese entities buying up hugeamounts of real estate in this country. Now we see China buying our companies.When I drive through industrial parks that are now empty and looking likefuturistic ghost towns, I have to wonder, "Who owns that?" It'sfrightening.


发表于 2012-12-14 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
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