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发表于 2013-1-4 13:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Senior Member
After my wife viewed this video today, she commented "See, that's why I no lika live with Chinese. Chinese no help fish. Chinese catch fish, cut and sell..."
She's said it many times that when times were hard for her and her son early on here in America, the only people who would help without asking for something in return were Americans.
And I don't mean to paint Chinese with a broad brush, as those among our group of friends now understand our golden rule and go out of their way to be charitable. When the dog eat dog, everyone for themselves attitudes are taken away, Chinese are as hospitable and giving as anyone I know.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-4 13:15 | 显示全部楼层

Safe Harbor member
I think that I'd be filling my freezer, but after I took care of that, I'd help out


Dao Ke Dao Fei Chang Dao
A bit ironic given her well positioned chinese friendships... but more telling that what lies beneath the surface appearances. She has a strong sympathetic side and an understanding beyond survival of one alone. My wife has told me without reservation she wants little to do with chinese for some of the same reasons.


Li has often expressed the same sentiments, David. Over the past nine years here , she has met and befriended numerous Chinese, but she keeps them at a distance for the most part. In the small (very small) town where we live, the Chinese community consists of five people (five and a half if you count our daughter Salina as a half). Li says she has no desire to move to a city with a large Chinese community.



My wife originally couldn't wait until we could return home, where things worked like she expected.
Over time though, she has come to appreciate the way things work in America too. We have Chinese friends here, and she has often said her Chinese friends in America are nicer than her Chinese friends in China. Perhaps it is the pulling together in a foreign country, or perhaps it is the changes to meet Americas different life style, I dont really know.
My point is, we enjoy our Chinese friends, and in fact have few American friends. We are happy in Austin with only a few Chinese, but we would also be happy in a city with a large Chinese population (I think).
Like all these discussions, each person is an individual.
I theorize that not wanting to associate with Chinese is part of acclimation, they want to be a part of America, but that just a theory.
A good friend of mine came to America in college, only dated Americans, married an American, ate hamburgers and pizza... lived American.
Now, she is 30+ and is very much returning to her Chinese likes and ideas. Her husband complains (teasing mostly) that he married an Americanized Chinese, but now she is changing to be more Chinese than American.
I suspect that some of our wives will follow this same progression.


ChunMri often says things like, "Chinese people in USA don't like help other Chinese people."



This is my wife's feelings exactely as a matter of fact she don't want any friends period. She says that eventually thay will all screw you one way or another or just want money from you. Over the last 50 years or so I have found this to be true as well. Sad to say bnut the more you do for some the more they will expect. I use to have one best friend that wound up having sex with one of my wives and my other best friend would always want to come over to my house and do stakes and seafood and when I would go to his house we would have hotdogs. When we would go out to eat I was always expected to pay the tab for he his wife and kid plus the tip at any restaurant that we went to. When I was a teenager my first cousin and he was like a brother to me I was always expected to help him repair his car and when it was time to repair my car I would have to do it my self alone. Just a few examples. I guess that I don't chose my friends very well.


Me ex used to get so upset with me because she knew I liked the Chinese. She said I had no idea how they really are but would never tell me the examples. She wanted to be far away from other Chinese, but then would find a friend but shortly start to critisize.
Now in Plano, TX she is good with her few friends there. She is loosening up about her old thinking and ways............a little.



"Like all these discussions, each person is an individual. ",there are both nice people and mean people in every country.
I guess the wives are so soaked in American water that they forget themselves are CHINESE( aren't they?) when they made those negative comments


I can't speak for the rest and don't want to but my wife was that way when she got here 12 years ago and is more to that way of thinking even moreso now. I have seen several incidents where a Chinese person here in America tried to cheat her. She tells me that is the way it is with the Chinese even here in America. I was kind of astonished myself thinking that they were all brother and sisters here in a foreign land and would kind of go out of their way to help each other but it don't seem that way in a lot of cases.


It's by individual. But still ... what any Chinese woman says is always the absolute truth hands down, no questions asked, it's Gospel



Concerning my wife, I can see that point-of-view


Zhou Zhou
I always encourage my wife to chat with other Chinese people we come across. I know that she enjoys chatting in her own tongue and comparing notes. We are always getting extra veggies at the farmers market, food at the restaurants and better prices from Chinese merchants. We are looking at homes in the city and she points out areas where she sees Asians living...interesting


I think there's a lot of person to person variation, as bergamot very succinctly pointed out.
In general, I could definitely see the pragmatism and corruption carrying over from China (and the desire to stay away from it, for some people), but I can also see the tendency to network carrying over, and the desire to connect with other chinese when abroad (or as they call each other "tong bao," the two characters literally meaning "same" and "womb").


At first, my wife didn't want to have Chinese friends because she wanted to be immersed in the mainstream US. When she had our daughter, a young couple who owned a nearby Chinese restaurant went very far out of their way to get the best traditional foods for my wife while she was speding her month inside with the baby, and we became good friends. From there my wife became more interested in connecting with other Chinese and ended up meeting and trading favors with them for things she was working on, as Chinese often do in China



I think that works for those who have the desire or expectation or want to acclimate; for those who don't care about such distinctions we need theory.
Again, this to me, simply falls back to their expectation, desire or want. If one wants to immerse, they will swing to one extreme; if one wants to play the 'trading favors' game, then that is another extreme.
There is a comfortable middle ground where maybe chinese struggle to find since they are bouncing from one culture to another. They may be unsure what to expect and how to get it. I have heard too many stories about how someone will get to the US and be able to do whatever they want.. only to find out it is nothing like they expected or could get. Others could get anything because they found a chinese network.
I used to think that getting one's lady 'hooked up with chinese' was a good idea since it would ease their transition. I now see two issues with this:
1. It is imposing on them what they may not really need
2. It is not allowing them to just be who they are or what they want
My wife could are a less about distinctions of 'immersion' or 'favors'... these are things sought. She simply lives where ever she is... but she does not like games and she finds the 'trading favors' game not her cup of tea. Even in China... She relies on family since the 'return favor' is not a part of the game for them.









Interestingly, since ChunMei started looking for another nanny position something unusual has emerged. She's been looking to work for a Chinese family, and in the past two weeks she's talked to three different families. The first question from each of the three has been, "Is your husband Chinese?"
When she tells them that her husband is American they don't even want to talk to her further.
Not sure why this is.

有趣的是,自从ChunMei 开始寻找另一个保姆职位,一些不同寻常的事出现了。她谋求为中国家庭工作,且在过去的两周内,她与三个不同的家庭进行了接洽。三个家庭提出的第一个问题都是“你的丈夫是中国人么?”当她告诉他们,她的丈夫是美国人时,他们甚至都不愿意继续跟她谈下去。不知道这是为什么。

Don't know for sure, but it could be that the Chinese family might expect the Nanny to work long hours and be on call at a moment's notice. They may think an American husband would object to such an arrangement. I know this very thing happened to a couple we know in a nearby city (Nashville). The couple in question owned a restaurant (or maybe two) and worked from 9am until around 1am each day, seven days a week. They wanted the Nanny to be there from 8am until 1am, seven days a week. The same thing happened. When they found out she had an American husband, they thanked her for applying and showed her the door.



Been there done that. They do not trust American husbands as they feel they will cause trouble for them. Many Chinese here are working "under the table" if you know what I mean and they fear that an American will blow their cover


A true statement, nothing like a divorce. The down-side from this when it comes to Tax Time if she has a business, and she has unreported income, she dead in the water. In my case, I have chosen to file separately, so I know we both will get Audtied, I have nothing to hide, but boy she sure has a lot to hide. In 2010 she hired a new CPA after 6 months, I confronted the CPA with the actual figures, the CPA quit immiediate, all I heard on the drive back to the store was" you cause me much trouble", she went back to the previous CPA and started the same BS all over again. If she thinks life is hard now, just wait until IRS gets a hold of her, then ICE, good by never to return.
The moral of the store is: Ladies, don't screw your husband, listen to him as he knows more about American law then your friends, if you disregard this vitial input, not only are you screwing yourself in the long run, but you risk the lost of your husband, just about every American husband doesn't want to get mixed up with legal issue when it's directed at us personally. There is an old saying "believe half of what you hear, because there is a lot of BS in between" if your unsure ask you husband and listen.



Here in SoCal, to get around getting audited for doing large cash transactions Chinese businessmen and women use travelers checks. Apparently, they can exchange TCs in amounts over the $10000 bank transaction that a bank must report to the IRS. Instead of keeping large sums of cash on hand, these business persons are safe and secure having travelers checks.
My wife infrequently gets paid with a personal check and frequently gets paid in TCs. I guess my income is large enough that the small amount that I deposit from her income isn't significant enough to raise any flags.
The only drawback to her not having deductions is that she has no SS income of her own to look forward to.



Just isn't the case here, she's simming all the cash from the business and reporting CC income only, pays her comission based employees 50/50 cash/check, this leave a small paper trail for the books. Per my lawyer, should I have agreed to file jointly, then I would have agreed to her numbers, which I don't. She did sell the business 6/2011, hasn't reported the Capital Gains to her CPA and it isn't on her final P&L statement and is still claiming the comissions that have already been paid, double dipping on comission expense?


Per her Taxes in 2010, she reported a loss of -$17K on $195K of gross income, I told my lawyer to take the comission expense out of the P&L statements, and you have a fairly close Income Statement. Hasn't paid any taxes period. In 2011 was a gross income of $105K, what being reported is a joke, and now that she has to file separately, it should be real interesting to see how see handles the audit.
So even when I tried to set the record straight, meeting with our Pastor in Nov 2010, to explain what makes up gross income, she didn't listen and continued as business as usual, little did she know, she was comiiting TF, all because she listened to people who said she could make a lot of money under the table and she to this day thinks she will get away with it cheating the system. Funny, that 6 weeks ago, there was a couple who had appealed there conviction to the Surprem Court, and lost, because they made the same mistake my current is making, 20 years ago, and there getting deported for it.



C & J, I feel for you ~ ! ----hope you have run your very prudent position of filing separate returns past a tax attorney --- as you describe, seems to me, there is just so much possible exposure still unaccounted for on your part. There must be other additional steps which you can take to protect your own position --- and future.
To put this in perspective, consider how the IRS might view the worst case scenario of your current position: Could they infer--separate filing aside--- that you are supporting her enterprise?

C & J,我能体会你的感受!希望你在面对税收顾问时,能处理好你谨慎的分开报税的立场---对我来说,就像你描述的那样,在你的部分还有很多可能的被揭露的部分仍然无法统计。一定还有更多的办法让你能保护好你的位置和未来。

Randy W
That wouldn't seem to be something Chris ought to be discussing on a public board, beyond what he's already said


I don't think any of it is worth discussing on a public board myself... sounds too self-serving and righteous moralism.. who really cares about how far a husband will go to distance themselves from their wife? Maybe write a book.

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发表于 2013-1-4 14:30 | 显示全部楼层

补充内容 (2013-1-4 23:47):


写的不错,不过,最起码你承认他们衣食无忧了。  发表于 2013-1-4 23:33
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