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发表于 2013-1-5 13:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The State Duma is trying to retaliate for the Magnitsky Act by approving a bill to ban U.S. citizens from adopting Russian children. As the famous quote attributed to Louis Antoine de Bourbon states, "This is worse than a crime; it is a mistake." This mistake has caused a deeper division among the ruling elite — not society, mind you — than even the Pussy Riot case did. The man responsible for this mistake is none other than President Vladimir Putin. The difference between the two cases is that Putin cannot hide behind Patriarch Kirill this time.

According to various estimates, 50 to 95 percent of children who grow up in Russian orphanages become drug addicts or alcoholics or commit suicide. Russian orphanages essentially produce children who suffer from Mowgli Syndrome — that is, they are ill-equipped to function in any capacity in society.
Neither is the situation particularly rosy regarding Russian adoptive parents. According to official government statistics, a child adopted by Russian parents is 39 times more likely to die than one adopted by parents in the West. Of course, the causes of death include not only murder and involuntary manslaughter but also car accidents, illness and other factors. Unfortunately, even those statistics understate the problem because Russian courts often fail to initiate criminal proceedings when children are the victims of mistreatment or abuse.


For example, the dead bodies of girls 15 years old and younger were discovered in Nizhny Tagil in 2008. A prostitution ring had kidnapped the girls and murdered them when they refused to become prostitutes. In the end, not a single criminal charge was ever filed in the case. Similarly, no criminal investigation was opened when four young women disappeared in Kursk in 2001. Nine years later, a person walking his dog discovered their remains. The girls had been raped and murdered by four young men. But the killers were released, in part because one of them was the son-in-law of a local Federal Security Service agent.例如, 2008年在下塔吉尔发现了许多女尸,有的15岁,有的更年轻,这使得一个卖淫团伙浮出水面。他们绑架女孩强迫他们卖淫,拒绝做妓女的女孩会被杀掉。但是到最后,没有任何罪犯被起诉。同样地,2001年在库尔斯克有四名年轻姑娘失踪,但是当局没有进行犯罪调查。九年后,一个遛狗的人发现了她们的遗骸。这几个姑娘被四个年轻人强奸并杀害。但是凶手们已经被释放了,部分原因是由于其中一人是当地联邦安全局官员的女婿。

In Orenburg, 26 children were reported missing, yet only one criminal case was opened. In Perm, not a single case was opened in connection with any of its 27 missing children. Obviously, the official statistic that a child is 39 times more likely to die if adopted by Russian parents is an understatement. We know that the real numbers are much higher.

And that also underscores the main difference between children's rights in Russia and the West. In the U.S., child abuse is a crime. In Russia, it is routine. Up to 60 percent of children in orphanages suffer abuse from their caregivers, and it is a rare occasion when someone serves prison time for crimes against children.

If a parent kills a child, both U.S. and Russian courts consider it the behavior of an individual psychopath. But when 60 percent of Russian orphans are abused by their caregivers, Russian "society" is blamed.


The Magnitsky Act has drawn attention to crimes Russian authorities had hoped they could conceal. Russian lawmakers have resorted to blatant lies to support their position. State Duma Deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov had the temerity to say that adopted Russian children are "slaves who are not even protected by U.S. law."
马格尼茨基法案引起了人们对俄罗斯官方试图掩盖的罪行的关注。 俄罗斯的立法者们公然撒谎来支持他们的立场 。国家杜马议员叶普盖尼·费奥多罗夫冒失地说被(美国)收养的俄国儿童会成为“不受美国法律保护的奴隶”。

State Duma Deputy Svetlana Goryacheva went even further, saying,"60,000 children have been taken to the U.S. from Russia. And if even one-tenth of these orphans were used for organ transplants or sexual pleasure, there will remain 50,000 who can be recruited for war against Russia."

But the best comment yet in this charade came from archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, who said Russian children adopted by U.S. parents "do not go to heaven." What he failed to mention is that children who are not adopted and remain in Russia get to heaven much faster than they should — many before they reach 18.

The issue has divided society. It turns out that part of the Russian elite puts the motives of U.S. citizens on par with those of Osama bin Laden. And Putin is the driving force and inspiration behind this sick, warped perception.

This is a serious mistake, one that up until now had been uncharacteristic of Putin, who generally avoids making polarizing decisions. His recent dismissal of Defense Secretary Anatoly Serdyukov was similarly uncharacteristic.

It is difficult to say whether these moves are the result of Putin's reported health problems, but it can be said with certainty that the Kremlin is proving very adept at creating its own worst problems while at the same time blaming those problems on its "enemies."
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-5 13:59 | 显示全部楼层

I adopted my daughters age 4 & 5 in 2004. My younger daughter had been burned over 30% of her body while in her biological mothers care--she was left home alone and the house caught fire. She also suffers bone deformities of her femurs caused my malnutrition. She spent a 1 1/2 years in a Russian orphanage during which she needed surgery to repair her burn scars and steadily lost use of her right leg. She has had 9 surgeries since being adopted and now has a fully functioning leg--she plays sports like basketball and soccer. She is happy, doing well in school, loves to read and write stories. Had she stayed in Russia, she would not have had the surgeries and would not be able to walk. There are so many stories of Russian children being adopted by caring loving families. When I showed my daughters the news story of adoption being shut down. They cried. Cried for the kids they remember. I am not a perfect parent but I love my girls and they are better off today than when I first met them.

我在2004年领养了我的女儿们,那时她们一个四岁,一个五岁。我的小女儿受到超过30%的烧伤,因为她的生母把她自己留在家里,然后房子着火了。因为营养不良,她的股骨也变畸形了。 她在一家俄罗斯孤儿院呆了一年半 ,那时她本应接受手术修复她被烧伤的皮肤, 她右腿的情况也持续恶化 。后来我领养了她,带她做了九次手术。现在她的腿已经完全恢复了,可以打篮球,踢足球。她很快乐,学习很好,喜欢读故事,自己也会写故事。如果她留在俄罗斯,她不可能接受任何手术,她肯定也不能走路了。有很多关于俄国儿童被有爱的家庭抚养的故事。当我告诉女儿们俄罗斯将禁止美国人收养俄国孤儿时她们都哭了,因为她们还有些小朋友在等待被领养。我不算是一个完美的家长,但是我爱我的女儿们,她们现在过得很好,比我刚遇到她们时好多了。

"Obviously, the official statistic that a child is 39 times more likely to die if adopted by Russian parents is an understatement. We know that the real numbers are much higher."
This is a complete BS stat.http://gelievna.livejournal.co...


THis is horrific. I have a beautiful adopted daughter that is non-Russian,
but was born in Russia and was rejected by two families just because she wasn't blond and blue-eyed. I shutter to think she would have lived in an orphanage for her entire life, had not God had a hand in making sure she would become my daughter. Putin is just trying to "save face" in front of the world. These proposed bans happen every few years. Trying to believe this ban will once again not happen!



Igor Fazlyev

it's already happened, unfortunately. I don't know what Putin thinks he's doing but from the outside it looks like he's made a total ass of himself

Igor Fazlyev

Arthur Clark
If Child Abuse in Russia is Routine then here in the United States it is a fact of life.
In the United States,
nearly four children die every day as a result of child abuse and neglect. More
than three quarters of these children are under the age of five and more than 40
percent of young victims won't live to see their first birthday. Over 15 million
children witness violence and abuse in their homes each year. In 2010 alone,
4,199 cases of child abuse were reported in Hawai‘i.
How many children are reported missing each year?
The U.S. Department of Justice reports
Nearly 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each
year, or an average of 2,185 children reported missing each day.
More than 200,000 children were were abducted by family
More than 58,000 children were abducted by nonfamily
115 children were the victims of “stereotypical”
kidnapping. These crimes involve someone the child does not know or a slight
acquaintance who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or
more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.
Unlike the sewer mouth of this MT article here is the statistical reference.
So question to be asked in what country is child abuse more prevelent the United States or Russia?Further:

Arthur Clark
如果虐待儿童在俄罗斯是家常便饭的话, 那在美国就是无法改变的现实 。
115名儿童成为“老一套”绑架的受害者。在这些犯罪中, 有的罪犯是孩子不认识的,有的罪犯是孩子稍微熟悉一点的,他们有的会挟持孩子一整夜,或者把孩子运输到50英里以外的地方,有的甚至会杀害孩子, 索要赎金,或者长期抚养。


In the U.S. 423,000 children are living without permanent families
in the foster care system. 115,000 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 40% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.
U.S. families adopted more than 12,700 children through intercountry adoption
in fiscal year 2009. China is the top sending country, followed by Ethiopia, Russia, South Korea, and Guatemala. Intercountry adoption has been on the decline since its peak in 2004 at 22,990 adoptions.
No child under three years of age should be placed in institutional care
without a parent or primary caregiver. This is based on results from 32 European countries, including nine in-depth country studies, which considered the “risk of harm in terms of attachment disorder, developmental delay and neural atrophy in the developing brain."

Ah yes, so true. Love the stats. Kids growing up in the US are much worse off than in Russia. I have a great idea Arthur -- let's send all the US orphans to Russia where they'll face a bright and prosperous future, great healthcare, top-tier education, and incredible job prospects! Why would anyone want to go to the US when you have Russia!


Arthur Clark
Being in a US orphanage is no joy ride either and when aging out of the the orphanage system these US kids do not face a bright and prosperous future, great healthcare and a top-tier education, and incredible job propects. Many commite suicide, become homeless, and/or become criminals and are arrested a few years after leaving the orphange.
Arthur Clark


I don't know where you get that idea Arthur. Orphanages are not common in the U,S, as foster care is preferred. However, I was in an outstanding orphanage in San Antonio once that has been around for many years. It had the look and feel of well-to-do private school. They referred to the kids as "students" and not as "orphans". The students elected their own officers. It was a great place.
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