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【商业周刊 20130117】哪里才是你的避税天堂?

发表于 2013-1-21 15:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】Which Tax Haven Is Right for You?
【原文作者】Peter Savodnik

Gimme Shelter(译者注:滚石乐队歌曲名称





是的,你应该去……特拉华州。这是一个稳定、民主的地方(当然,大部分情况下是这样),而且,它会为控股子公司免税,这就是为什么财富500强中一多半的公司都设在那里的原因——这还只是登记在案的数字。其中包括谷歌、福特、伯克希尔•哈撒韦,其CEO沃伦•巴菲特还一直认为富人交的税不够多。卡托研究所的Daniel Mitchell说:“有些避税天堂拥有低税率的司法权,但是很多人都不知道,美国就是这样一个国家。”















自从苏联解体之后,塞浦路斯成为了寡头政客为了躲避克里姆林宫和其他寡头政客的避难所。在1月1日之后,俄罗斯政府不再把塞浦路斯列为避税地黑名单,给这座地中海岛屿留下了一些尊严。塞浦路斯一位税务律师Carlo Scevola说:“塞浦路斯不是像巴拿马和英属维尔京群岛那样典型的避税天堂,这里还是有一些基本的税收条款的。他的司法权等级与英国、拉脱维亚和保加利亚一样高。”



卢森堡给自己的定位是,成功的、衣冠楚楚的人们做高端基金的国家。CMS DeBacker律师事务所卢森堡分部的合作伙伴Diogo Duarte de Oliveira说,客户“期望这里可以提供极为专业人士的服务,你在塞浦路斯找不到这类服务。”特制投资基金相当受欢迎。“一整套私募股权机构用来做艺术品和钻石之类的热情投资。”



迪拜聚集着世界上最喜欢炫耀的人群,红鲻鱼、兰博基尼和乌克兰妓女无处不在。2009年,邻国阿联酋用100亿美元紧急救助款偿还了迪拜的债务。从那以后,这里的房地产市场开始反弹,大批的伊朗、印度金融家涌入这里。据房地产咨询集团Knight Frank预测,到2013年,豪华别墅的价格会上涨10%。


Gimme Shelter

Once confined to a few tropical islands riddled with yachts and flashy drug dealers, the tax haven market has morphed into a sprawling tableau of low-tax zones that cater to wealthy individuals and multinationals. For the uninitiated, an abbreviated catalog of haven types.


YOU ARE: an American CEO

Yes, you’re in ... Delaware. It’s in a stable, democratic country (well, mostly), and it exempts subsidiaries of holding companies from taxes, which is why more than half the Fortune 500—on paper—are there. They include Google (GOOG), Ford (F), and Berkshire Hathaway (BRK/A), whose CEO, Warren Buffett, believes rich people don’t pay enough taxes. “Some tax havens have always been low-tax jurisdictions,” Cato Institute’s Daniel Mitchell says. “And then you have countries like the U.S., which are tax havens but no one knows about it.”

Cayman Islands

YOU ARE: a Republican

While tax havens are not popular with most Americans—the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, which took effect this year, forces foreign banks to disclose the names and balances of American account holders—they seem to have a special allure among senior Republicans. Mitt Romney moved millions to the islands (the better to shield it from lawsuits) and George W. Bush recently gave the keynote at an investment conference there.


YOU ARE: in the midst of a nasty divorce

Like the British Virgin Islands, the Seychelles, the Caymans, and Panama, Belize is where the holding companies that own the holding companies that own the real companies are. Belize offers an unparalleled level of secrecy. PanamaLaw.org, a website that provides information about tax havens, calls the Belize trust “the only structure we know of that does not allow for fraudulent conveyance actions.” Translation: People running away from a divorce settlement or any civil judgment from a foreign court need not worry.


YOU ARE: a Viking sports star

Among tax haven opponents there’s a vaguely Freudian belief that all of us are, deep down, tax evaders. So it was that Roger Schjerva, the state secretary of Norway’s ministry of finance, recently called his country a tax haven, noting it was easier to get information about bank accounts in a Pacific island than in Oslo. The Netherlands is also in this category; the so-called Dutch Sandwich has enabled thousands, including Mick Jagger and Steffi Graf, to avoid taxes.


YOU ARE: a British tabloid fixture

The island of Jersey, off the French coast, is littered with seaside inns and medieval castles. It’s also where rich people from Britain often stow their cash. The island taxes income at a flat rate of 20 percent. Alas, Jersey’s fate is uncertain. It belongs to the Channel Islands, which is a dependency of the British crown. Prime Minister David Cameron, whose father made a small fortune in tax havens, has attacked celebrities who avoid paying taxes.


YOU ARE: a “classy” Russian businessman

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cyprus has been the go-to haven for oligarchs looking to shield their money from the Kremlin ... or other oligarchs. As of Jan. 1, it was no longer on the Russian government’s tax haven blacklist, lending the Mediterranean island some respectability. “Cyprus isn’t a classic tax haven like Panama or BVI. There’s still a minimum level of taxation,” says Carlo Scevola, a tax attorney in Cyprus. “It’s a very high-standing jurisdiction which can be compared to the U.K., Latvia, or Bulgaria.”


YOU ARE: a chic old-money scion

Luxembourg thinks of itself as a place where successful, well-dressed people invest in sophisticated funds. Diogo Duarte de Oliveira, partner at the Luxembourg office of law firm CMS DeBacker, says clients “want a jurisdiction that offers very skilled people, and this is not what you will find in Cyprus.” (Burn.) The specialized investment fund is popular. “You have this fund being used by private equity outfits or for passion investments such as art or diamonds.”


YOU ARE: an embarrassment

Dubai is overrun with the most garish people on earth; mullets, Lamborghinis, and Ukrainian prostitutes are ubiquitous. In 2009 the city-state’s neighbor, Abu Dhabi, paid off Dubai’s debts with a $10 billion handout. Since then the real estate market has rebounded, and hordes of Iranian and Indian financiers, among others, are flocking there. Luxury villa prices are expected to rise 10 percent in 2013, according to property consultancy group Knight Frank.


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/2013-01/1198958.shtml  发表于 2013-1-22 11:09




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