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发表于 2013-2-17 16:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The scientific community has come up with an unusual way of honoring President Barack Obama after his re-election--by naming an extinct lizard after him.


"I was seriously thinking, if the election had gone the other way, I would have yanked it," Yale paleontologist Nicholas Longrich told the Boston Globe. "It might have seemed like we were mocking it, naming a lizard that goes extinct after that, seemed kind of cruel."

耶鲁古生物学者Nicholas Longrich告诉波士顿环球报称,“我很严肃地想,如果选举是另一个结果,我可能就会改变了。”“这看起来像是我们在嘲笑他,用他的名字命名一个已经灭绝的蜥蜴,看起来有点残酷。”

The newly named Obamadon gracilis was a small lizard that fed off of insects and was about a foot long before going extinct about 65 million years ago.

新命名的“奥巴马牙齿蜥蜴”(Obamadon gracilis)是一种小型蜥蜴,在6500万年灭绝之前,以昆虫为食,大约有一英尺长。

But Longrich and his peers say no one should read any political commentary into the choice. "We're just having fun with taxonomy," he said.

Nicholas Longrich和他的同事称,此次为已灭绝蜥蜴命名不含任何政治因素。“我们只是感觉这种分类法很有趣”,Nicholas Longrich说道。

And as NBC's Cosmic Log points out, this is actually the third organism named after Obama, including a fish (Etheostoma obama) and lichen (Caloplaca obamae).

NBC电视台指出,这事实上是第三个以奥巴马名字命名的生物体,包括一条鱼(Etheostoma obama)和青苔(Caloplaca obamae)。

In a paper published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Longrich and his colleagues argue that Obamadon gracilis shows that small lizards did not survive the mass extinctions of the era, as was previously believed.

根据周一公布的美国国家科学院的纪录显示,Nicholas Longrich和他的同事相信“奥巴马牙齿蜥蜴”(Obamadon gracilis)没有在大灭绝时代存活下来,正如之前所为人相信的一样。

The new research suggests that no creature weighing more than a pound was likely to have survived, with organisms such as beetles and maggots faring particularly well in the mass deaths of biological organisms and plant life.


Forever Alone Me • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Who else came here just for the comments?


(re)En ki • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Me me! I would have raised my hand but you wouldn't have seen it.

(回Forever Alone Me)我我!我已经举起手了但是你看不到

(re)John • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Haha,,,too funny. I love the fact that the Obamadon feeds off of insects.

(回Forever Alone Me)哈哈,太搞笑了。我喜欢“奥巴马牙齿蜥蜴”(Obamadon gracilis)以昆虫为食的事实

(re)Duffer • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Interesting that this is the third time Mr. Obama has been honored by scientists. Doubt they ever honored Bush, he didn't believe in science.....

(回Forever Alone Me)很有趣,这已经是奥巴马第三次被科学家尊敬了。我怀疑他们有没有这样对待过布什,他不相信科学。。。

Ba you Mainer • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
..Lizards are cold-blooded reptiles. Since they cannot make their own body heat, they spend a lot of time out in the sun, staying warm, playing golf while U.S.A. is Downgraded.


Some Guy W • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
what did the lizard do to deserve that?


(re)Richard Simmons • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
I think its disrespect to the Lizard

(回Some Guy W)我觉得这是对蜥蜴的不尊重

Kelli A B • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
And as NBC's Cosmic Log points out, this is actually the third organism named after Obama, including a fish (Etheostoma obama) and lichen (Caloplaca obamae).
Shouldn't it be a snake instead????

NBC电视台指出,这事实上是第三个以奥巴马名字命名的生物体,包括一条鱼(Etheostoma obama)和青苔(Caloplaca obamae)。

Miles X • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
I like it. Extinct ideas. Cold-blooded policies.


Totally Tropical 1 • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Every time you see a Lizard! I want you Obama Lovers to think of Obama! Thanks Obama Lovers! You Own it NOW!


Ric • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
I read the headline and can't stop laughing!!!!


Kelly K • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
i can't wait til he becomes an extinct president


Victor A • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
The National Academy of Science does not want the same Lizards" fate. To be extinct without funds.


Muslim Mary • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Everyone knows Socialist Democrats like Obammie will drive the United States economy to extinction.


Totally Tropical 1 • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
What is the difference between Obama and a Reptile?


CWO • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
You named a lizard after a monkey??????


THE ANGEL OF DEATH • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
The scientific community has come up with an unusual way of honoring President Barack Obama after his re-election--by naming an extinct lizard after him.
I name all my turds after obama.


Deaf smith2016 • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
We should also put Obama's face on Food Stamps as a tribute to his economic policies.


Totally Tropical 1 • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
A Reptile can be Trained! Obama can Not!


Sky dog • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Perfect. Soon America will be extinct. They can name it Obamastan.


Andrew J J • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Perfect name for a cold-blooded reptile.


Marlin • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
In four years I'm thinking a lot of people will be glad when Obama's presidency becomes extinct


Chris • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
The newly named Obamadon gracilis was a small lizard that fed off of insects and was about a foot long before going extinct about 65 million years ago.
Appropriate. He IS a cold blooded reptile that feeds off of cockroaches to grow and expand his power base.

新命名的“奥巴马牙齿蜥蜴”(Obamadon gracilis)是一种小型蜥蜴,在6500万年灭绝之前,以昆虫为食,大约有一英尺长。

James • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
I'm sorry Mr. Lizard. You deserve better.


F Y I • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
The newly named Obamadon gracilis was a small lizard that fed off of insects and was about a foot long before going extinct about 65 million years ago.
Appropriate considering Obama views the contributing members of society as "insects".

新命名的“奥巴马牙齿蜥蜴”(Obamadon gracilis)是一种小型蜥蜴,在6500万年灭绝之前,以昆虫为食,大约有一英尺长。

Foto man 40 • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Before Obama's term ends the libtards will want to change the name of America to Obamaland. What's wrong with these idiots.


Captain America • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
I am pretty sure somehow this is also Obama's fault..........


Twice shy • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
He's making American values and culture extinct so I guess this is a fitting honor.


Du A X W • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
One cold blooded reptile named after another one.


(re)First L • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
they look like one another. must be brothers. wonder what values the lizard had-- did he take lots of vacations as well and act lackadaisical toward his clan?

(回Du A X W)他们看起来很像。一定是兄弟。好奇蜥蜴有什么价值观—是不是蜥蜴也有很多的假期,而对他的部落则表现得无精打采?

Jess And Chris • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
They decided to name it after him when he saw the picture and said, "That lizard. That lizard could have been my son".


Bearly Bearable B • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Why name a lizard after a snake?


Micheal L O L • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Obama is a reptile in the grass, no dout,lol


Totally Tropical L • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Obama will show up with a speech....and proclaim that all Lizards will not be taxed! Just to save his Obama Lizard Face!


Han ni bal • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
I would rather name exstinct obama after a lizard>????????


A Yahoo! User • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Should've named a mosquito after him. He's nothing more than a skinny blood-sucking pest.


Key Man • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
The name won't fit if the animal didn't have a "forked" tongue!


E d • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
The Obama Lizard, the only Lizard ever capable of increasing the federal deficit..lol


Ba you Mainer • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
..Obama already thinks he is the Jesus Christ Lizard..and he can walk on water.


Catherine W • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
The newly named Obamadon gracilis was a small lizard that fed off of insects and was about a foot long before going extinct about 65 million years ago.
That name is too nice for Obama. I'm thinking of a better one, can't mention it though.

新命名的“奥巴马牙齿蜥蜴”(Obamadon gracilis)是一种小型蜥蜴,在6500万年灭绝之前,以昆虫为食,大约有一英尺长。

William A • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
I'd rather the reptile than him for President!


A Yahoo! User • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
So strange that he is so honored and adored by so many people and yet he hasn't done anything positive since he was first elected.


Steven C • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
But it's not as creepy as Obama.


Bub ba W • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Any chance they could name a lizard after an extinct President?


A Yahoo! User • 2 mths ago
Why don't they put up pictures to show the similarities?


Told Ya So • 2 mths ago Report Abuse
Lizard must have been a failure too.



发表于 2013-5-25 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
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