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发表于 2013-3-2 10:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】:China parades foreign Mekong killers before execution
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许多社交媒体用户对此感到愤怒,认为央视播出此类画面是麻木不仁的体现。据信,这是中国近年来第一次对死刑犯人进行直播。BBC中文网的编辑Raymond Li认为,由于CCTV是中国政府的喉舌,因此毫无疑问的是,此次直播是在中国政府的授意下进行的。而中国政府此举意在向社会表明,中国政府对于外国罪犯侵害中国利益的行为决不手软。




据BBC记者John Sudworth介绍,中国的电视曾经定期播放死刑犯人被宣判死刑以及在去刑场前游街的画面,尽管这种做法十年前就停止了,但仍有例外。比如2008年,一名谋杀了其母的罪犯在死刑前被游街示众,他被关押在一辆敞篷卡车上,脖子上挂着明细其罪名的“亡命牌”。另外,有一个省级地方电视台开了一档采访死刑犯的节目,吸引了超过4000万的观众。








但与此同时,另一部分人表达了他们的忧虑,他们认为这是一次不必要的同态复仇的展示。一群自称为“幼鸟”(You Niao)的人认为,这向世界表明中国仍未脱离野蛮,走向成熟。并且他们还质疑CCTV直播的行为。著名人权律师刘晓原在微博上表示,“糯康等四名湄公河"10.5"案罪犯被押赴刑场执行死刑。央视今天对死刑执行过程进行了狂轰滥炸式的直播。央视的狂欢,也是一种示众,不仅违背伦理,而且违反《刑事诉讼法》执行死刑不示众规定。”并且他还认为,“两级公安机关都是原始的'同态复仇'观”。【译者注:不知美国直播绞死萨达姆算什么?】



Four foreign men have been executed in China for the murder of 13 Chinese fishermen on the Mekong river in 2011, after being paraded on state TV.

The men were put to death by lethal injection in Kunming, Yunnan province.

CCTV News broadcast live footage of the men being taken from their cells to the execution site, though it did not show the moment of death.

Many social media users in China have reacted angrily, condemning the broadcast as insensitive.

It is believed to be the first time in China's recent history that live footage of condemned criminals being taken to their execution has been broadcast.

Since CCTV is controlled by the Chinese authorities, there is no doubt that the green light was given by top government officials, the editor of BBC Chinese, Raymond Li, reports.

It seems that the Chinese government wants to send out a clear signal to the general public that they are taking very tough action against foreign criminals, he adds.

Some have applauded the move, but many Chinese internet users spoke out against the special programme, in what some are saying was a throw-back to the execution rallies of China's past.

Among the prisoners was Naw Kham, a Burmese man thought to have been one of the most powerful warlords in the Golden Triangle of Thailand, Laos and Burma.

China's state television channel CCTV aired an interview with Naw Kham on Thursday.

"I couldn't sleep properly over last two days. I miss my mother. It is really painful that I can't be with my children," Naw Kham told the channel.

"My mum didn't know when I was arrested, and I am worrying that she won't be able to take it when she finds out," he went on.

Announcing the execution on Twitter, state news agency Xinhua tweeted a photograph of Naw Kham with his hands clasped in front of his forehead. It is unclear when this picture was taken.

Xinhua has said the men had had their "legal rights fully respected" while on death row.

China's foreign ministry said the case highlighted its determination to tackle cross-border crime.

"I think an important message that this case sends is that it shows the determination of China and the governments of relevant countries to work hard together to combat cross-border crime," Hua Chunying spokesman for China's foreign ministry said.

Chinese television used to regularly broadcast the parading of condemned criminals in stadiums and through city streets on the way to executions, and although the practice largely stopped decades ago, exceptions remain, the BBC's John Sudworth in Shanghai says.

In 2008 a man who had murdered his mother was paraded in an open top truck on the way to his execution with a placard around his neck, detailing his crime. And a recent provincial TV show, in which death row prisoners were interviewed by a glamorous female presenter, attracted almost 40 million viewers.

River security
The 13 fishermen were found dead inside two Chinese cargo ships in October 2011 on the Thai side of the river.

State media said Naw Kham and his subordinates had collaborated with Thai soldiers in launching an attack on the ships, the Hua Ping and Yu Xing.

The other men were Hsang Kham from Thailand, Yi Lai, who is stateless, and Zha Xika from Laos, said the Xinhua news agency.

The group were arrested in Laos and brought to China in May last year, after Beijing said the attack had happened on board Chinese-flagged ships.

Beijing argued that the men should be extradited for trial - a move which some observers saw as an indication of the considerable political and economic clout China now exercises over its smaller neighbours, our correspondent reports.

In November, the men were found guilty of intentional homicide, drug trafficking, kidnapping and hijacking.

Two other members of the gang were also convicted - one received a death sentence with reprieve and the other eight years in prison.

Thailand launched an investigation into the allegations against nine of its soldiers in connection with the incident.

The attack came amid a wave of hijacking of vessels sailing on the Mekong which were blamed on gangs operating in the notorious drug-trafficking region.

China, Burma, Laos and Thailand launched joint security patrols on the Mekong in response.

Li Zhuqun, a senior international co-operation official at China's Ministry of Public Security said the gang had now been broken up, but that "efforts to ensure the safety of the Mekong River will continue".

"We will continue patrols and law enforcement co-operation with the other three countries to safeguard shipping on the river," he told China Daily.




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