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发表于 2013-5-11 00:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Japan Says It Will Honor Apologies for War Abuses


       does not plan to revise past apologies to neighboring countries for atrocities committed by its Imperial Army before and during World War II, top government officials said Wednesday.
  The comments by the chief government spokesman and the foreign minister appear intended to allay criticisms of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's earlier vows to revise the apologies, including an acknowledgement of sexual slavery during the war.
  Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that Japan recognizes the harm it caused during its invasion and occupation of much of Asia, and that it has repeatedly and clearly stated that position.
  "The Abe government has expressed sincere condolences to all victims of the war, in and out of the country, and there is no change in that," Suga told reporters. "We have repeatedly said we have no intention of making this a diplomatic and political issue, but I'm afraid this may not be fully understood."
  Suga was responding to a question about a remark this week by South Korean President Park Geun-hye, published in The Washington Post, asserting that Japan should correct its view of its wartime history.
  Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida echoed Suga's remarks.
  "The Japanese government has accepted the facts of history in a spirit of humility, expressed once again our feelings of deep remorse and our heartfelt apology, and expressed our feelings of profound mourning for all victims, both at home and abroad," he told reporters. "And Prime Minister Abe shares the same view."
  China and South Korea have reacted harshly to recent nationalistic events and remarks, including visits by several Japanese government ministers and nearly 170 lawmakers to Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, which memorializes 2.3 million war dead, including 14 wartime leaders convicted of war crimes. Rancor over territorial disputes has further strained relations between Japan and its neighbors.
  Only in the past two decades has Japan acknowledged many of its past brutalities, including medical atrocities, use of poison gas and forcing women in countries under wartime occupation into prostitution — a legacy that taints Tokyo's relations with its neighbors even today.
  Abe, whose conservative government took power after winning elections in December, had earlier advocated revising a 1993 statement by then-Prime Minister Yohei Kono expressing remorse for the suffering caused to the sexual slaves of Japanese troops.

  On Tuesday, Suga acknowledged a comment by former U.S. ambassador to Japan Thomas Schieffer, who reportedly said revising the "Kono statement" would harm Japan-U.S. ties.
  "Regarding the Kono statement, we have never stated we are considering a revision," Suga said.
  Since taking office, Abe has said he prefers to leave historical issues up to historians and avoid comment. However, he has questioned the meaning of the word "aggression" and suggested his Cabinet does not necessarily support all of a 1995 apology by then-Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, which is seen as Japan's main expression of remorse for its wartime and colonial past.
http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:boenly
发表于 2013-5-11 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
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