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【赫芬顿邮报 20131116】十家工资最低的美国公司

发表于 2013-11-19 23:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 满仓 于 2013-11-19 23:40 编辑

【原文标题】The 10 Companies Paying Americans The Least
【原文作者】Michael B. Sauter、Thomas C. Frohlich、Alexander E.M. Hess




工资较低的企业基本可以分为三个产业:零售业,比如沃尔玛和西尔斯;连锁餐厅,比如麦当劳和百胜;百货业,比如克罗格。这些企业都直接面对客户,需要大批最低收入的员工来接定单、看管衣服物品、等座位。全国就业法律项目政策分析师Jack Temple说:“从零售到餐馆行业,这些都是低工资劳动力的主要工作地。”

为了强调为什么这些企业给员工的低工资是不公平的,Temple提到了这些公司高官的丰厚薪酬。10家公司里有9家CEO的年薪超过1000万美元,沃尔玛和星巴克的首席执行官Michael Duke和Howard Schultz的年薪都超过了2000万美元。







星巴克公司在全美有12万名雇员。公司的首席执行官Howard Schultz把星巴克从一个小规模的咖啡零售商发展成世界上最知名的品牌之一,他也因此称为了亿万富翁。去年,Schultz拿到了2900万美元的薪酬。Schultz通常被认为是一个积极进取的管理人士,他支持同性恋婚姻,坚决反对顾客带枪进入星巴克商店。3月份在接受CNBC采访时,Schultz有保留地支持提高最低工资标准。然而,根据Glassdoor.com的数据,星巴克的咖啡师每小时工资不到9美元。Schultz拒绝承认这些数字的准确性。



在美国,TJX公司旗下有Marshalls、TJ Maxx和HomeGoods三个品牌。这家公司专营打折商品,它们从生产商和其它零售商处低价采购库存商品,以折扣价销售。TJX在过去4个财年连续保持增长,其利润率也有所提升。尽管公司发展一片大好,根据Glassdoor.com的数据,其店内销售员每小时的工资不到8美元。






达登餐饮公司——Olive Garden和Red Lobster的母公司——的收入从2009年的72亿美元上升到2013财年的86亿美元。据《晨星》的分析,公司目前的利润率是过去几年来这个产业中最高的。而且,这家公司并没有提高员工的工资,而是把资金用来“资助发展计划以及提高股东回报率”。但投资者对这样的结果并不满意,有些人依然在催促公司进一步削减成本。2013年,《财富》把达登列为“100家最佳雇主”之一,原因是公司提供的廉价医疗保险也覆盖了兼职员工。但是,根据Glassdoor.com的数据,Olive Garden和Red Lobster的很多工人每小时工资还不到10美元。但很多员工会在基本工资的基础上收到一些小费。


CEO薪酬:130万美元(前CEO Louis D’Ambrosio)




百胜首席执行官David Novak在上个财年总共领取了1400万美元的薪酬。公司的收入从113亿美元上升到136亿美元。然而肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟员工的平均每小时工资还不到8美元。百胜依然在不断扩张,2012年每天有5家餐厅在美国海外开张。公司的成功未能带来薪水的增加,很多美国员工对此表示不满。今年夏天百胜旗下快餐业的员工和其它连锁快餐企业的从业人员在各地进行抗议,要求提高工资标准。



克罗格在全美2418家商店中雇用了34.3万名员工。公司运作的商店有几个名字,包括Kroger、City Market、Dillons等等。克罗格的大部分员工的合同都被包括在公司与不同工会劳资双方谈定的大合同中。在过去的几个月里,克罗格与工会决定再把弗吉尼亚州和得克萨斯州的几千名员工囊括进来。克罗格上个财年的净收入是15亿美元。






在餐饮行业,2012年平均每小时工资的中位数略高于9美元。然而,很多麦当劳企业员工的工资水平要低很多,收银员和配餐员只能达到最低线。10月份,麦当劳总裁Jeff Stratton在芝加哥联盟俱乐部做演讲时,几名麦当劳员工在现场抗议,后来被逮捕。从2008年到2012年,麦当劳的销售额和利润率一直在提升。尽管如此,员工依然在底层受伤害。麦当劳一直拒绝承认低工资的现实,他反而鼓励员工领取食物救济券并参加福利项目。





Shoppers wheel their purchases out of a Wal-Mart store in Los Angeles, California, before dawn on Black Friday, November 27, 2009. The annual sales bonanza is held one day after the Thanksgiving holiday.

This summer, thousands of fast-food workers in the United States went on strike in cities across the country, demanding their wages be increased to $15 an hour and the ability to unionize. To no one’s surprise, they didn’t get it. As of 2012, an estimated 4.7% of hourly workers are paid at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. According to several groups, low- and minimum-wage workers are growing faster than any other group of earners.

Meanwhile, profits at many of the corporations that employ the most minimum-wage workers have risen. McDonald’s, Walmart and Target together employ several million Americans. While these companies’ profits have grown in recent years, most of their workers continue to earn low or minimum wages. 24/7 Wall St. identified the 10 companies that employ the most low- and minimum wage workers.

Companies that pay employees poorly fall into one of three industries: retailers such as Walmart and Sears, restaurant chains such as McDonald’s and Yum! Brands, and grocery stores such as Kroger. These industries are customer-facing and rely on a fleet low- and minimum-wage workers to take orders, stock clothing and goods and wait tables. “The service sector across the board — the retail and restaurant industries — those are the core of the low-wage labor market,” explained Jack Temple, policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project (NELP).

To reinforce the argument that the low wages these companies are paying are unfair, Temple points to the large compensations most of the chief executive officers at these companies receive. CEOs at nine of these 10 companies are paid more than $10 million annually, while Michael Duke and Howard Schultz, CEOs of Walmart and Starbucks, each receive more than $20 million per year.

Perhaps a fairer measure that may indicate whether a company can afford to increase its employees’ wages is the profitability of these companies. Net income in all but one of these companies has increased over the past five fiscal years. Kroger’s net income more than tripled since fiscal year 2008 to nearly $1.4 billion. Sears’ net income, on the other hand, has declined significantly during that time. The company recorded a net loss of $930 million this year.

Temple explained: “Low-wage companies have choices. They can continue making a lot of profits, and can continue paying their CEOs an incredible amount of money by paying low wages to their employees. But they have the resources to operate profitably and pay high wages as well.”

Based on the methodology used by the National Employment Law Project in its 2012 report “Big Business, Corporate Profits, and the Minimum Wage,” 24/7 Wall St. identified the 10 companies in industries that are primarily low-wage employers. Based on annual reports and proxy filings, we also reviewed the total size of the companies’ workforces, the recent performance of the corporations in terms of revenue and profit, and the highest executive pay at these companies. Included in our analysis were total U.S. employee figures, which we estimated when the figures were not provided by the company. In keeping with the NELP methodology, all employee figures represent systemwide employment, including employees of franchisees. To avoid double-counting low-wage workers, Starbucks is an exception, as many other low-wage employers are Starbucks licensees.

These are the companies paying Americans the least:

10. Starbucks
U.S. workforce: 120,000
CEO compensation: $28.9 million
Revenue: $13.3 billion
Net income: $1.4 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 5,415/7,049/13,493

Starbucks Corp. (NASDAQ: SBUX) employs 120,000 workers across the United States. Howard Schultz, the company’s CEO, has become a billionaire by turning Starbucks from a small coffee retailer into one of the world’s most famous brands. Last year, Schultz took home nearly $29 million in total compensation. Schultz is often viewed as a progressive executive, due to his support of gay marriage and his request that customers not bring guns into Starbucks locations. In an interview with CNBC in March, Schultz cautiously supported a minimum wage hike. However, according to Glassdoor.com, baristas at Starbucks are paid an average of less than $9 an hour. Schultz has downplayed the relevance of these figures.

9. TJX Companies
U.S. workforce: 138,211 (est.)
CEO compensation: $21.8 million
Revenue: $25.9 billion
Net income: $1.9 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 2,355

The TJX Companies Inc. (NYSE: TJX) operates Marshalls, TJ Maxx and HomeGoods in the United States. The company’s stores are off-price retailers, meaning they buy unsold inventory from manufacturers and other retailers and resell it at a discount. TJX’s sales have grown in the past four consecutive fiscal years as the retailer also boosted its operating profit margin. Despite the company’s success, sales associates at its stores earn less than $8 an hour on average, according to Glassdoor.com.

8. Macy's
U.S. workforce: 175,700
CEO compensation: $13.8 million
Revenue: $27.7 billion
Net income: $1.3 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 844

Annual revenue at Macy’s Inc. (NYSE: M) has risen slightly over the past four years, up from roughly $25 billion in 2008 to more than $27.7 billion at the end of its latest fiscal year. Macy’s, the second-largest department store in the United States, exceeded Wall Street’s expectations this past quarter, posting large increases in sales and earnings from the year before. Earlier this year, members of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union ratified a five-year agreement with Macy’s that should help protect the benefits of nearly 700 Macy’s employees in Maryland and Washington, D.C. According to Glassdoor.com, associates are paid under $9 an hour on average.

7. Darden Restaurants
U.S. workforce: 203,389 (est.)
CEO compensation: $6.4 million
Revenue: $8.6 billion
Net income: $412 million
No. of U.S. stores: 2,105

Revenues at Darden Restaurants Inc. (NYSE: DRI), the parent company of chains such as Olive Garden and Red Lobster, rose from just $7.2 billion in 2009 to $8.6 billion in fiscal 2013. According to Morningstar’s analysis, operating margins have been some of the best in the industry in the past few years. Additionally, instead of raising wages, the company’s funds have been used effectively “to fund growth concepts and enhance total shareholder returns.” Yet the results have not been enough for investors, some of whom have pushed for the company to split and continue to cut costs faster. In 2013, Fortune named Darden one of the “100 Best Companies to Work For,” citing access to low-cost health insurance for part-time employees. Still, pay for many workers at Olive Garden and Red Lobster is frequently less than $10.00 per hour, according to Glassdoor.com. However, many of these employees may receive tips in addition to their base pay.

6. Sears Holdings
U.S. workforce: 246,000
CEO compensation: $1.3 million (Louis D’Ambrosio, former CEO)
Revenue: $39.9 billion
Net income: -$930 million
No. of U.S. stores: 2,073

Sears Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: SHLD), owner of both Sears and Kmart, is in heavy competition with other department stores. The median hourly wage for department store workers was just $9.83 in 2012. At Sears, sales associates averaged slightly more than $8 an hour, while cashiers averaged $7.70 per hour. Kmart offered similar pay to its workers as well, with 105 cashiers and 75 sales associates reporting to Glassdoor.com that their hourly wages were less than $8.00. However, Sears Holdings may not have the necessary ability to increase its employees’ pay. Sales have slipped in the past few years, plunging from $47.8 billion in fiscal 2008 to less than $40 billion in the most recent year. The company has also failed to post an operating profit in either of the past two full fiscal years.

5. Yum! Brands
U.S. workforce: 694,712 (est.)
CEO compensation: $14.2 million
Revenue: $13.6 billion
Net income: $1.6 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 18,069

Yum! Brands Inc. (NYSE: YUM) CEO David Novak received more than $14 million worth of total compensation in the past fiscal year. The company’s revenue rose from $11.3 billion to $13.6 billion. Hourly wages for workers at its KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains, however, are still often less than $8 an hour. Yum! Brands has continued to expand, opening more than five new restaurants a day outside the United States in 2012. However many American workers have expressed frustration that the company’s success has not led to an increase in their pay. This summer, fast-food workers at Yum! Brands and other fast-food chains staged protests across the country, demanding higher wages.

4. Kroger
U.S. workforce: 343,000
CEO compensation: $11.1 million
Revenue: $96.8 billion
Net income: $1.5 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 2,418

The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR) employs 343,000 workers in 2,418 stores across the country. The company operates stores under several names, including Kroger, City Market, Dillons and others. A majority of Kroger’s employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements between the company and different unions. In the past few months, Kroger has agreed to terms with unions covering thousands of workers in Virginia and Texas. Kroger’s net profit was $1.5 billion at the end of the most recent fiscal year.

3. Target
U.S. workforce: 361,000
CEO compensation: $20.6 million
Revenue: $73.3 billion
Net income: $3.0 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 1,778

Target Corp. (NYSE: TGT) had 361,000 employees working at 1,778 stores in the United States at the end of 2012. The average listed salary on Glassdoor.com for a cashier or an employee on the Target sales floor is less than $9 an hour. In response to Target opening on Thursday, in advance of Black Friday, Target workers drafted a petition last year to “save Thanksgiving.” More than 300,000 people signed the petition. This year, Target stores will open on Thanksgiving Day at 8 p.m. That is an hour earlier than last year.

2. McDonald's
U.S. workforce: 739,055 (est.)
CEO compensation: $13.8 million
Revenue: $27.6 billion
Net income: $5.5 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 14,157

In the restaurant industry, the hourly median wage was just over $9.00 as of 2012. However, many McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD) employees are paid far less, with cashiers and crew members often earning only the minimum wage. In October, several McDonald’s employees were arrested for protesting their wages at the Union League Club of Chicago, where McDonald’s President Jeff Stratton was giving a speech. Between 2008 and 2012, sales and profit margins at McDonald’s have increased. Despite the company’s growth, employees are still hurting. All but admitting the low wages, McDonald’s encourages employees to enroll in food stamps and welfare programs.

1. Walmart
U.S. workforce: 1.4 million
CEO compensation: $20.7 million
Revenue: $469 billion
Net income: $17.0 billion
No. of U.S. stores: 4,759

There are 1.4 million Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) associates working at the company’s 4,759 U.S. stores. Walmart recently announced it would launch Black Friday sales at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Critics of Walmart see this as adding insult to injury — forcing retail workers who already earn low wages to cut holidays short. Criticisms like these have been part of an onslaught of claims that Walmart underpays its workers. Walmart disagrees, saying that “for tens of thousands of people every year, a job at Walmart opens the door to a better life.” According to the company, a full-time hourly wage is $12.83. Some argue that the company’s number is inflated, however, reflecting the salaries of higher-paid employees. Hourly wages for sales associates are less than $9.00, according to Glassdoor.com. Walmart’s net income rose to $17 billion last year.




发表于 2013-11-20 13:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-11-20 18:31 | 显示全部楼层
青蛙小王子 发表于 2013-11-20 13:17

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发表于 2013-11-21 08:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-11-21 08:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-11-23 02:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-11-23 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
青蛙小王子 发表于 2013-11-20 13:17

好象美圆在美国的购买力同人民币在中国的购买力差不多,因此,9$/小时相当于9*8*30= 2160$/月,在中国相当于2400元/月吧,不高.

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