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[外媒编译] 【洛杉矶时报 20140209】媒体在1964年对甲壳虫乐队的评论

发表于 2014-2-14 09:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

What the critics wrote about the Beatles in 1964
【原文作者】Cary Schneider















15岁的保罗•麦卡特尼(左站立者)在1957年10月14日与Quarrymen乐队的首次演出。左起:柯林•汉顿(鼓手)、莱恩•加里(贝司手)、约翰•列侬(吉他手)、埃里克•格里芬斯(吉他手)。乐队的名字来自利物浦的Quarry Bank高中。










甲壳虫乐队在1962年以首唱单曲《Love Me Do》打破了英国音乐榜纪录,在甲壳虫狂热席卷全球之下,他们即将改变流行音乐的进程。

Chris Ridges的收藏品,甲壳虫乐队人物塑像。

Chris Ridges的收藏品,甲壳虫乐队胸章。































甲壳虫席卷了全国,但他们欺骗不了Paul Petersen——Donna Reed的儿子。他在电视上说:“我觉得他们摧毁了年轻人的好志向。不断有成年人问我是否喜欢他们的音乐,我说不,他们说:‘那为什么我的孩子愿意花5美元去买他们的唱片?’或许他们还不知道,电台节目主持人已经把他们的小羊引入歧途。”








'Appallingly unmusical,' 'hirsute' and 'destined to fade away' — that pretty much sums up the general consensus

Beatlemania strikes the U.S.

The Beatles arrive at New York's Kennedy Airport on Feb. 7, 1964, for their first U.S. appearance. From left are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. Over the next two weeks, the Beatles stormed America, appearing on "The Ed Sullivan Show" three times (the first two live and the third on tape) and playing concerts in front of thousands of fervid fans. By the time they flew home, the Fab Four was the most famous band in the world, and the nature of celebrity had changed forever. (Associated Press /February 7, 1964)

Paul McCartney, left, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon appear at their first American press conference, Feb. 7, 1964. (Dezo Hoffman / ABC  /January 27, 2014)

A young, passionate fan reaches for the Beatles drummer Ringo Starr in Indianapolis during the band's first U.S. tour, in 1964. (AP Wide World /December 17, 2004)

The Beatles face the media at Idlewile Airport (now JFK) in New York on Feb. 7, 1964, after a welcoming by a screaming crowd estimated at 5,000 people. (Charles Tasnadi / Associated Press  /February 7, 1964)

The Beatles, in a photo to promote their first visit on "The Ed Sullivan Show."

Longtime CBS mainstay Ed Sullivan rehearses his Sunday night television variety show with the Beatles in their first appearance in the United States, Feb. 9, 1964. (Edward T. Adams / Associated Press  /January 28, 2014)

The Beatles and Ed Sullivan. (CBS /January 28, 2014)

The Beatles with television host Ed Sullivan. The Beatles' first appearance on CBS' "The Ed Sullivan Show" is coming up on its 50-year anniversary on Feb. 9. To celebrate, CBS will air "The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to the Beatles," at 8 p.m. PST. (Copyright Apple Corp. Ltd.,  /January 27, 2004)

The Beatles perform on CBS' "The Ed Sullivan Show" in New York on Feb. 9, 1964. (Associated Press /February 9, 1964)

A frame-grab from the DVD "The Four Complete Historic Ed Sullivan Shows Featuring The Beatles" displays a title card over John Lennon reading "Sorry girls, he's married." Lennon was the only married Beatle at that time. (SOFA Entertainment Inc. /January 27, 2014)

The Beatles conclude their historic appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show" on Feb. 9, 1964. (CBS /October 15, 2003)

Ed Sullivan holds Paul McCartney's bass guitar during a rehearsal. At left is the group's manager, Brian Epstein. (Apple Corps LTD., ABC /October 24, 1995)

The Aug. 28, 1964, issue of Life magazine features a portrait of British pop group The Beatles accompanied by the headline "The Beatles: They're here again and what a ruckus!" (John Loengard / Time Life Pictures / Getty Images /July 22, 2028)

15-year-old Paul McCartney, standing left, makes his debut public performance with the Quarrymen on Oct. 14, 1957, with, from left, Colin Hanton (drummer), Len Garry (standup bass), John Lennon (guitar) and Eric Griffiths (guitar). The band took its name from Quarry Bank High School in Liverpool. (EPA/STF /January 27, 2014)

Women watch the Beatles perform at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. (Kaye Peter / ABC  /January 27, 2014)

The Beatles during their first U.S. tour, in 1964. (Associated Press /January 1, 1964)

A pair of colorful tickets to a Beatles concert at the Hollywood Bowl provide a reminder of the times in the 1960s. (Los Angeles Times /November 4, 1995)

The Beatles perform on "The Ed Sullivan Show" from the Deauville Hotel in Miami, their second appearance on Sullivan's show, Feb. 16, 1964. (COPYRIGHT APPLE CORPS LTD. /January 27, 2014)

Ringo Starr rocks out at the Washington Coliseum during the band's first live U.S. concert, Feb. 11, 1964. (Dezo Hoffman /July 17, 1998)

The Beatles pose at their press conference before their penultimate live performance, at Dodger Stadium on Aug. 28, 1966. (Earl Leaf / Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images /December 31, 1969)

The Beatles play at Dodger Stadium on Aug. 28, 1966. (File photo  /January 28, 2014)

The Beatles relax on the lawn of their rented Bel-Air mansion in August 1964. (Larry Sharkey / Los Angeles Times /January 27, 2014)

The Beatles are all smiles in a 1963 photo. (CBS Television Network /October 7, 2002)

The Beatles broke through the U.K. music charts in 1962 with their debut single, "Love Me Do," and were to change the course of pop music and fashion for years to come as Beatlemania gripped the world. (AFP /January 1, 1962)

Beatles figurines, part of Chris Ridges' collection of Beatle Memorabilia. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times /January 28, 2014)

A Beatles button, part of Chris Ridges' collection of Beatle memorabilia. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times /November 3, 1995)

The Beatles pose with an American flag in a Paris photo studio before their first visit to the United States, in January 1964. (Associated Press / Copyright Applecorps Ltd. /December 15, 2000)

Today, the Beatles hold an exalted place in the history of rock 'n' roll. But 50 years ago, when they first crossed the Atlantic to perform in the United States, the reaction was decidedly mixed. Here is a sampling of what the critics were saying.

Los Angeles Times
Feb. 11, 1964

With their bizarre shrubbery, the Beatles are obviously a press agent's dream combo. Not even their mothers would claim that they sing well. But the hirsute thickets they affect make them rememberable, and they project a certain kittenish charm which drives the immature, shall we say, ape.

William F. Buckley Jr.
Boston Globe
Sept. 13, 1964

An estimable critic writing for National Review, after seeing Presley writhe his way through one of Ed Sullivan's shows … suggested that future entertainers would have to wrestle with live octopuses in order to entertain a mass American audience. The Beatles don't in fact do this, but how one wishes they did! And how this one wishes the octopus would win….

The Beatles are not merely awful; I would consider it sacrilegious to say anything less than that they are god awful. They are so unbelievably horribly, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art that they qualify as crowned heads of anti-music, even as the imposter popes went down in history as "anti-popes."

Feb. 24, 1964

Visually they are a nightmare, tight, dandified Edwardian-Beatnik suits and great pudding bowls of hair. Musically they are a near disaster, guitars and drums slamming out a merciless beat that does away with secondary rhythms, harmony and melody. Their lyrics (punctuated by nutty shouts of "yeah, yeah, yeah") are a catastrophe, a preposterous farrago of Valentine-card romantic sentiments….

The big question in the music business at the moment is, will the Beatles last? The odds are that, in the words of another era, they're too hot not to cool down, and a cooled-down Beatle is hard to picture. It is also hard to imagine any other field in which they could apply their talents, and so the odds are that they will fade away, as most adults confidently predict. But the odds in show business have a way of being broken, and the Beatles have more showmanship than any group in years; they might just think up a new field for themselves. After all, they have done it already.

Theodore Strongin
New York Times
Feb. 10, 1964

The Beatles' vocal quality can be described as hoarsely incoherent, with the minimal enunciation necessary to communicate the schematic texts.

Two theories were offered in at least one household to explain the Beatles' popularity. The specialist said: "We haven't had an idol in a few years. The Beatles are different, and we have to get rid of our excess energy somehow."

The other theory is that the longer parents object with such high dudgeon, the longer children will squeal so hysterically.

Donald Freeman
Chicago Tribune
Feb. 29, 1964

The Beatles must be a huge joke, a wacky gag, a gigantic put-on. And if, as the fellow insisted on What's My Line?, they're selling 20,000 Beatle wigs a day in New York at $2.98 a shake — then I guess everyone wants to share the joke. And the profits.

Hartford Courant
Feb. 23, 1964
Stiff lip, old chap, even the Beatles will pass! The question is, what next?

Alan Rinzler
The Nation
March 2, 1964

The reaction at Carnegie Hall was not a real response to a real stimulus.... The full house was made up largely of upper-middle-class young ladies, stylishly dressed, carefully made up, brought into town by private cars or suburban buses for their night to howl, to let go, scream, bump, twist and clutch themselves ecstatically out there in the floodlights for everyone to see and with the full blessings of all authority; indulgent parents, profiteering businessmen, gleeful national media, even the police. Later they can all go home and grow up like their mommies, but this was their chance to attempt a very safe and very private kind of rapture.

Science Newsletter
Feb. 29, 1964

The Beatles follow a line of glamorous figures who aroused passionate cries and deep swoons. Most prominent in the 1940s was Frank Sinatra and in the 1950s Elvis Presley. Their glory passed when they got too old to be teenagers' idols or when teenagers got too old to need them.

The same, it is predicted, will happen to the Beatles. In the meantime, there are two ways to handle the situation: either grin and bear it or relax and enjoy it. For the Beatles are inevitable.

George McKinnon
Boston Globe
Feb. 16, 1964

Don't let the Beatles bother you. If you don't think about them, they will go away, and in a few more years they will probably be bald….

And teenagers, go ahead and enjoy your Beatlemania. It won't be fatal and will give you a lot of laughs a few years hence when you find one of their old records or come across a picture of Ringo in a crew cut.

The Liverpool lunacy is merely the 1964 version of a mild disease which periodically sweeps across the country as the plagues of the Middle Ages once did.

In its current manifestation it is characterized by an excessive hair growth, an inability to recognize melody, a highly emotional state with severe body twitches and a strange accent that is more American Southwest than Mersey dockside….

So now it's "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "yeah, yeah, yeah." The disease is at the height of its virulence, but the fever will subside and the victims may receive immunity for life from fads.

George Dixon
Washington Post
Feb. 13, 1964

Just thinking about the Beatles seems to induce mental disturbance. They have a commonplace, rather dull act that hardly seems to merit mentioning, yet people hereabouts have mentioned scarcely anything else for a couple of days.

Percy Shain
Boston Globe
Feb. 17, 1964

"They … sound like a group of disorganized amateurs whose voices seem to be fighting each other rather than blending…. If I call the act rank, I have a two-fold purpose in mind. For the word has two meanings — strong and disagreeable, and luxuriant growth.

Hedda Hopper
Los Angeles Times
Feb. 6, 1964

The Beatles have taken the rest of the country by storm, but they didn't fool Paul Petersen, Donna Reed's son on TV. "I can't stand them," he told me, "and I think they are helping destroy the teenagers' image. Adults keep asking me if I like them. When I say no, they ask, 'Then why does my kid pay $5 for their records?' Guess they don't know the disc jockeys are leading their little sheep astray."

Jack Gould
New York Times
Feb. 10, 1964

The boys hardly did for daughter what Elvis Presley did for her older sister or Frank Sinatra for mother.

The Liverpool quartet, borrowing the square hairdo used every morning on television by Captain Kangaroo, was composed of conservative conformists. In furthering Britain's comeback as an international influence, they followed established procedure for encouraging self-determination in underdeveloped areas.

In their two sets of numbers, they allowed the healing effect of group therapy to run its course under the discipline of Mr. Sullivan, the chaperon of the year.

Larry Wolters
Chicago Tribune
Feb. 10, 1964

We think the three B's of music — Bach, Beethoven and Brahms — have nothing really to fear from the Beatles, even though Presley wired them his blessing last night.




发表于 2014-2-15 15:39 | 显示全部楼层
Beatles, an unbelieveable, unerasable and undeniable historic event.
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