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[外媒编译] 【外交家 20140409】日本,一只披着狼皮的羊?

发表于 2014-4-14 09:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Japan: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
【原文作者】Robert Dujarric



最近,一位经常出访日本的欧洲学术界人士问我,这个国家是否会对世界和平造成威胁。第二天(4月3日),Philip Stephens在《金融时报》上撰文称要遏制中国,同时要遏制安倍晋三首相。日本真的是地球上的定时炸弹吗?















Robert Dujarric:


G Men:


Bill Chan:







Chika Kamiya:

James Scarlet:






Little Helmsman:










Recently, a European intellectual who visits Japan from time to time asked me if the country was a threat to peace. The next day (April 3), Philip Stephens wrote in The Financial Times about constraining China but also restraining Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Is Japan a danger to the planet.

Since 1945, Japan has been as unwilling to use force as any other country on earth. Today, under the premiership of a so-called hawk, its passivity in the face of violations of its territorial waters puts Neville Chamberlin to shame. Its armed forces have highly restrictive rules of engagement. Japanese territorial claims on South Korea and Russia are polite toothless assertions of sovereignty. Tokyo has not materially increased its defense spending in decades. Japanese do not run amok in government-sponsored mobs against alleged enemies, such as foreign-owned stores, as is the case in China. A North Korean League even operates freely in the country.

Additionally, Japan is not a fully autonomous actor. It cannot initiate offensive military operations without American consent and support. Its response to an attack would be determined as much in Washington as in Tokyo.

So why are outsiders so worried about Japanese militarism?

First, there is the “sheep in wolf’s clothing” posture of the Abe Cabinet. In barely more than a year it has engaged in an endless stream of symbolic or verbal provocations: pilgrimages to Yasukuni, participation at Takeshima Day rites, Abe-appointed NHK governors denying wartime sexual slavery and the Nanjing Massacre, discussions about revisiting the Kono Statement, and a convoluted speech by Deputy Premier Taro Aso on learning from the Fuehrer.

Second, many Japanese politicians don’t know how the rest of the world thinks. A telling example was the prime minister giving a thumbs up from the cockpit of Japanese Air Self Defense jet with tail number 731. That prompted memories of Imperial Japanese Army Unit 731, which performed gruesome experiments on Chinese, other Asians, Russians and some Westerners (and whose leaders received a “get out of jail card” courtesy of the United States). Yet the premier either didn’t notice the markings or didn’t realize what the impact would be, and then failed to fire his entire advance team afterwards. The “731 photo-op” was not unique. Aso’s trip to Yasukuni just after attending the inauguration of President Park Geun-hye of South Korea was another.

Third, Japan has an excellent but minute corps of diplomats and bureaucrats who excel at interaction with foreigners. Beyond this, though, most of its officialdom, including many in the Foreign Ministry, have not received the necessary training to, as the American expression goes, “make friends and influence people” overseas. The root causes lie in the inward-looking education system. Unfortunately, the government is blind to the requirement to provide extensive multi-year “remedial education” to the graduates it hires to ensure they are capable of functioning in a non-Japanese setting.

Also, Japan’s is a “closed shop.” Most Japanese who grew up overseas or have a parent from another country end up working for foreign companies or governments. Those best suited for interacting between Japan and the world are lost to the Japanese state.

Fourth, most Japanese officials view outsiders who criticize the LDP as hostile to Japan as a nation, which is generally not true. During a recent session with a Japanese diplomat, I mentioned a Western journalist in Tokyo. This reporter, whom I would describe as an open-minded left-winger, is neither a supporter of historical revisionism nor of Koizumi-Takenaka economics. Anyone who cares to read his prose will also notice a deep empathy for the Japanese people, an outstanding knowledge of the country, and a passion for Japanese culture. My Japanese interlocutor, however, saw him as a foe.

As a result, these talented individuals who help develop an interest in Japan among younger generations are ostracized by the establishment. (I read with great interest this journalist’s reports when I was in college.) In the end, “Japan hands” who are trusted by the system are often those who are advocates for Japanese policies. They are frequently unwilling to tell their Japanese friends bad news, which contributes to Japanese misreading of the world beyond their shores.

Fifth, Japan as country under-invests in cultural and educational diplomacy. Japanese corporations funded Japan Studies programs during the bubble years, but that era is long gone. With some exceptions, wealthy Japanese contribute little in this field. As for the government itself, it is unwilling to make the necessary financial investments in programs that would foster a large cadre of Japanese who could function outside of the archipelago and make more foreigners aware of Japan.

Japan, like the United States and its allies, faces a challenge from a rising China. The extent to which the challenge is an actual threat is unknown, but it is only prudent to be prepared. In a prewar environment, and even in wartime itself, international propaganda (these days known as public diplomacy) is one of the arrows in the quivers of the belligerents. Unfortunately, this is an area where Japan, led by the proud grandson of a Minister of Munitions, practices unilateral disarmament worthy of Article 9 (the war-renouncing section of the Constitution).


First of all, one just needs to look at why Winston Churchill took power in England to replace Neville Chamberlain who was most famous for those useless words “Peace for our Time” rhetoric after appeasing Germany.

It’s the same reason why Shinzo Abe was elected as Prime Minister of Japan, the aggressive acts by a hegemonic China in this case.

Winston Churchill became Prime Minister thanks to the war started by the Nazis! Shinzo Abe became Prime Minister because of the ChiNazis! :)


Japan had an extremely bad track record of severe torture and genocide of Chinese and Korean civilians, and now, japan, because of the GREED, tries to claim the territories that belong to China and Korea respectively.

With the support of the greedy usa, Abe even deliberately irritated Chinese people by sitting in a jet written with a number 731. During the invasion, japan’s Unit 731 conducted the cold blooded human bio chem tests in northern China. The victims included Chinese, Koreans, Russians and Americans.

During the tests, victims were locked with chains, then, their bodies were cut open without applying anesthesia, to let the japanese doctors to observe how diseases had developed in live humans, in which, the disease had been injected earlier. The victims were forced to suffer from massive pains. After the tests, the victims were left to death. Remember how the Syrians have suffered from the bio chem attacks recently ?

A sheep could never have committed such cruelty that beyond people’s imagination. That is about their DNA. Japan is not a sheep but an evil massive killer and should be contained !

Do I need to talk about the Nanjing Massacre, huh !

Robert Dujarric

To fayefaye (by the way it would be nice if you identified yourself): Your comment “That is about their DNA” is exactly why Nazi “racial sciencists” would have said. There’s nothing wrong with Japanese DNA.


Can we also talk about CCP’s atrocities as well, the 50million+ of their own people they have killed to maintain their corrupt empire. Kind of makes Imperial Japan’s 14million kind of small doesn’t it and Imperial japan is long gone but the CCP continues to rule with an iron fist and deny their own bloodier history.

You may like to talk about Imperial japan’s war crimes, but the CCP didn’t even need a war to commit their greater crimes. CCP propaganda and hypocrisy at it’s finest.

G Men

If you point out the war crimes of the Nazis to a German, the German won’t be offended at all. In fact he or she is probably more angry at the Nazis than you. But if you point out the war crimes of Imperial Japan to a Japanese, the Japanese took it personally. This is the problem. Japanese nowadays still identifies with Imperial Japan. They are proud of it. They wear the same kind of coat and tails costumes wore in imperial Japan in important events. Instead of viewing the period of imperialism as not the finest moment in Japanese history, they are fascinated by it and very proud of what their forefathers has accomplished.


The Germans were able to move on because Hitler killed himself. Thus, they could distance themselves from their own actions and blame everything on the Nazis.

The Italians not only killed Mussolini themselves, but voted out the monarchy after the War. It didn’t matter that the King was just a figurehead. The House of Savoy was finished.

Japan came out of World War II with Hirohito still alive, and still emperor. That’s the main problem. Because they kept Hirohito, Japan could not make a clean break from its past.

Bill Chan

This is a rare objective study of Japan by a Westerner, especially one in Japan, that should benefit Japanese readers in taking a broader view of their own country if they want their country to advance in the world.


I have no idea why you said this article is objective. Apparently, this article is written with a motive to brainwash people to believe that japan is a sheep.


What about U.S.?

U.S. public also lives in a fictional bubble world where U.S is some kind of good guy. This is total nonsense to the rest of the world. If U.S. continues to reject facts and cling on to their bubble world, I am afraid there will be more trouble.


For Japan, clash against Korea, China and Taiwan is merely the means to archive the ultimate goal, freeing itself from US occupation. It is widely believed that Japan is the victim of US aggression during WWII, the US made up Japanese war crime stories to cover up its own war crime against Japanese people. The US occupation force has done nothing but getting drunk and raping Japanese women and boys since the 40s. The conservatives want to stir up the public and kick the US out of Japan for good. The US need to handle the development the extreme care. If kicked out Japan, the access to western pacific and eastern Asia will be lost. No doubt, a strategic defeat to the US.


That is the mind set of a certain section of the Japanese ultra right wing. Their ultimate goal is to revive Japan as great power and seek revenge against U.S. for nuclear and firebombing of Japan.


What US did to Japanese is just 1% of what Japanese Army did to all Asian people during WWII and to Korean during its 30 years occupation and rule.

Japanese , Chinese are birds of the same feathers as both of them think that they are superior to all other races(ethnics).Chinese assume China is the Center of Universe and Japan assume that they are children of the God of Sun ( as the sun lights the earth).

Korean and some Japanese in some regions of Japan also originate from North Western China .Therefore, they inherit the same cruelty nature.

Let read Vietnamese history during 1,000 years Chinese Emperial rules and several brutal invasions, occupations and short rules after Viet Nam declared Independent in 986 AD.


This sounds like an articles found in Chinese or Korean newspapers.

Chika Kamiya


Unit 731 is a hospital unit which studied infection disease. It is a myth that it scattered viruses in Beijing. Hold on. There were many Japanese expats there, too. How could it do so? This is not a memory but a story.

Nanjing Massacre, the world believed but the world does not know the incident happened three times in Najing, and two of them involved Japanese who were killed by Chinese, and the last one was after WWII.

James Scarlet

Well, well, while I don’t care about China approach in Southeast Asia, Japan is another matter altogether, look at this patriot and fascist Nippon. Its a folly to convince ourselves that most Japan are sheep in wolf’s clothing but rather rabid and sick wolves in sheep’s clothing.

For your information, kindly look to reliable, not crazy and conspiratorial theory that rampant in Japan right now, indeed information that most in the world believed credible.

For Unit 731: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731

For Nanjing Massacre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_Massacre

Cheers fascist. What, are you want another 大東亜共栄圏?


Dear Kamiya-san: How fascinating to learn that Unit 731 was a hospital. Was it sponsored by Dr. Mengele?


And I’m sure you’re such an expert on such matters because you make it your duty to read all the Chinese and Korean papers, right?

Or did you mean to say, “Sounds like what I think is in a Chinese and Korean newspaper.”

truth matters

nailed it!


There is a GIANT trust gap with Japan in Asia. Germany had a similar trust gap in Europe, but through active efforts over seven decades finally overcame it. Too many Westerners and Japanese do not understand the similar situations. This will lead to a hot war at worse and a cold war at best.


Not in the Philippines..


The Filipinos are always a different kind of Asians. In terms cultural affinities and temperament, the Filipinos are the odd man out in the region.

The Thais, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Malaysians, Indonesians, Chinese, Koreans and Japanese may not like each other, but at least they share certain behavioral characteristics that makes them Asian. Not so for the Filipinos. The Asians may not agree on anything but at least they can all agree that the Filipinos are very different.

Little Helmsman

Japan defense spending is still just 1% of its GDP so any notion that Abe is a ultra right wing nut is purely from the imagination of Chinese communist rulers. Their efforts to de-legitimize an democratically elected leader of a sovereign country is kinda amateurish as their efforts to flood these boards with wu mao 50 cent comments. Abe and LDP can always be voted out of office while China’s CCP is set for life if it can keep the security forces loyal to the red regime instead of the country or people of China.


You’re kidding, right? You think Japan’s militaristic behavior is a problem?

How about China’s militarism, claiming islands that do not belong to them, repeating history that Imperial Japan enacted before WWII? China is the problem, saber rattling and abusing history to attain revenge on the Japanese for crimes in the 20th century, which by the way they have already paid for.

Abe would be a fool if he didn’t beef up the military.


It is Japan that are claiming islands that do not belong to them. Japan is claiming Russian islands that do not belong to them, claiming Korean islands that do not belong to them, claiming Chinese islands that do not belong to them. I see a pattern there.


The problem with Abe is not that he is a sheep in wolf’s clothing but that he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Not only does Abe believe in his grandfather’s wartime propaganda, he wants to revoke Article 9 while simultaneously visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, the sacred symbol of Imperial Shintoism which gave birth to Japanese Militarism.


China is on the rise. Chinese are everywhere, in every university in the U.S. and elsewhere, learning the lay of the land, seeking business opportunities. Countries on the decline, such as Japan (and some include the U.S.), are obviously uneasy and feel threatened economically and militarily. But it would be better to compete peacefully by learning China’s language, customs and successfully exporting to China.


We have a saying in English based on centuries of experience, “Pride goeth before the fall.”

Have a look at why nobody wants to invest in Chinese equities or bonds…. the fad is passed, but you’re still here trying to push it.


Your comment is not worth of 50 centers, full of contradictions. US is in decline? the other way around. We are witnessing Chinese try to escape China and move to US en mass in any possible ways, investment visa, student visa, birth visa and illegal ways. Perhaps, you are one of them.


What a tired argument: “we are witnessing Chinese try to escape China and move to the Us en mass…”, othe variants being “We are witnessing Russians and so and so trying to move in the US en mass…bla bla bla”. The Swiss could say “we are witnessing hords of Americans renouncing their citizenship and moving en mass to Switzerland…”.In a globalized world people move and travel. Only insular cultures -Japan is one of them- are slow to adapt and resist interaction with others ( see the current state of international migrations). There are indisputable facts: China is on the rise and without being in a downwards spiral the US is less influental and relatively les wealthy than it was in the 1990s when it had that unipolar moment of unchecked dominance in world affairs…



The Asians ARE coming to the U.S. any which way they can. I’ve met Asians who had opportunities in the US that we’re kind of denied (thanks to the Boomer utopia) and having anchor babies on Greencards they got through an employer, coming here as seniors to get disability checks, etc.

I am Asian American. I see it everyday.

Up Periscope

And why would it be that patriating to another country- most often the U.S.-ranks so high on the wish list of most Chinese that have experienced the privilege to peer outside its boundaries?


“Second, many Japanese politicians don’t know how the rest of the world thinks.”

Same goes for U.S. politicians. They don’t know or comprehend how the rest of the world views U.S.

Global poll: U.S. is regarded as greatest threat to peace





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