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[外媒编译] 【Yomiuri Shimbun 20140629】现如今在日本,还存在和平主义吗?

发表于 2014-6-30 06:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-6-30 18:17 编辑

【原文标题】The Self-Defense Forces marks the 60th anniversary of its inauguration on Tuesday.
【登载媒体】Yomiuri Shimbun

There was a time when the SDF was given only second-tier status due to its connection with Article 9 of the Constitution, but today it has developed into a government organization regarded favorably by over 90 percent of Japanese.

Depending on the course of Diet discussions on Japan’s right of collective self-defense, however, the SDF might be ordered to carry out challenging missions it has never done before. Standing at a crossroads, it is also true that men and women in uniform feel uncertain about the future of the SDF.

With the enforcement of the Defense Agency and Self-Defense Forces laws on July 1, 1954, the agency and the SDF came into being. The SDF is based on the National Security Force established in 1952, which grew out of the National Police Reserve created in 1950. Currently, the three branches of the SDF have a total of 225,000 members.

“I couldn’t even think of wearing a uniform when I commuted to the office,” Hiroshi Morishige said, recalling the early days of the SDF when the public viewed it with a stern eye. Morishige, now 86, dealt with the 1985 crash of the Japan Airlines passenger jet and other incidents as chief of staff at the Air Self-Defense Force.
“我甚至无法想象当我去上班的时候可以身着军装,”Hiroshi Morishige回忆起早些年当自卫队还面临着公众严厉审视的眼神的时候,说道。Morishige现年86岁,曾经作为日本空军的一员参与1985年日本航空客机失事和其它一些事故。

When he was in the ASDF, a few schools refused to enroll some children because their fathers were SDF members. In 1960, when protest movements over the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty were at their height, Morishige witnessed demonstrators, who had surrounded the Diet Building, heading to the former Defense Agency building in the Roppongi district. Fearing they might occupy the agency, he rushed to the roof of the agency to incinerate classified documents, Morishige said.

He even suffered personal damage when a terrorist set his house on fire in 1992, though he had already retired from the SDF at that time.

However, times have changed. According to a 2012 survey by the Cabinet Office, a record 91.7 percent of respondents said they had favorable impressions of the SDF. Photo books and TV dramas on SDF members are very popular today.

“SDF members, which had put up with such slander as ‘tax-money snatchers’ and ‘violators of the Constitution,’ are steadily working on disaster aid, peacekeeping operations and daily training,” Morishige said proudly.

“What the Self-Defense Forces is today is the result of various achievements made over the 60 years,” said Shigeru Iwasaki, chief of the Joint Staff who heads the SDF.
“今天的日本自卫队是过去60年的一系列成就的结果,”日本自卫队队长兼联合参谋长Shigeru Iwasaki说道。

A 21-year-old sergeant who has volunteered for a three-month ranger training course at the Ground Self-Defense Force’s Fuji School Brigade said, “I watch video footage of U.S. forces in Iraq and other places to form mental pictures” to supplement his lack of experience in real combat.
一位自愿接受陆军自卫队在Fuji School Brigade为期三个月的突击训练的21岁的中士说,“我观看了美国士兵在伊拉克和其它地方的录影,从而在我心里形成一些图景”,这些图景用来弥补他实战经验的不足。

Rangers infiltrate hostile areas to carry out their missions. In a five-day training program that started Friday, the sergeant and others in the ranger course were to trek through the mountains of Izu Peninsula and other places, each carrying more than 40 kilograms of gear on his back. Eight of the 24 trainees have already quit the course because they could not endure the hard training.

Today, not only the GSDF but also the Maritime and Air Self-Defense forces are facing a wider range of missions. But expectations for rangers with high physical performances are exceptionally high in the GSDF, which faces new challenges such as establishing a unit to regain control of a remote island occupied by an enemy.

The sergeant wants to be assigned to a special operations unit engaged in counterterrorism operations in the future. If he is assigned to such a unit, the sergeant could be dispatched to a dangerous area abroad.

His 23-year-old fiancee, who is also an SDF member, said: “I respect what he wants to do...All I can do is pray for him to return safely if he goes on a dangerous mission.”

If the exercise of the right of collective self-defense is permitted in the near future, the SDF is more likely to use force overseas.

A senior SDF officer expressed concern that this might cause a worsening of the favorable public impression the SDF has built up over a long time.

“If we are dispatched on a mission abroad that divides public opinion,” he said. “How will the public see the SDF then?”




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 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-30 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
下个月 发表于 2014-6-30 18:19

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发表于 2014-6-30 23:23 | 显示全部楼层
灰仔 发表于 2014-6-30 22:22
二战后没把那些日本政治家族给清理了也是个错误,所以现在就有安倍这种祖父曾经被起诉甲级战犯的首相,虽 ...

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