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[网贴翻译] 老挝国家工商业联合会

发表于 2014-9-8 08:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-8 14:40 编辑

Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. [url=]Kissana Vongsay[/url]
Kissana Vongsay先生
1、Since the 1st CABIS in 2004, thecooperation on economic, trade and investment between Lao and China has been [url=]expended[/url] as it show that in 2007 China invest 47projects in Lao agreement capital totaled $ 500 billionUS, 127% more [url=]years[/url]  on year and being the first one among foreigninvests in Laos. The China’sinvestment focused on hydroelectric stations, exploitation of mine andagriculture.

1. For the trade between two countries Laos and China has been [url=]shapely[/url] increasing since the first CABIS according to [url=]statistic[/url]  from Chinese custom; in 2007 the two-way tradevolume reached $ 249 million US, among which China [url=]Exported[/url]  $ 164 million US and imported $ 85 million US.

The CAEXPO is the good opportunities for Lao exhibitor andvisitors to learn more the needs of Chinese market, experience with shipping,contributing and etc. From this participation (in)theCAEXPO, they can improve their products for Chinese market. This importantevent not only for the Lao business people to sell their products but also thetime for them to consider the cheaper price products and good quality to sellin Lao PDR. The CAEXPO is the good time for ASEANcountries especially for Lao PDR to promote its trade and investmentDevelopment; the business people have good chances to discuss and sign the investment [url=]contact[/url]. [url=]On[/url]  the CABIS business matching between Lao andChinese entrepreneurs is continuing in order to find the business partners andtogether invest in any business sectors.

[url=]Theone of important things[/url]  is the information exchanging between Lao andChinese entrepreneurs should be improved in order to facilitate the businesspartner on making decision. It could help each other to [url=]find the way[/url]  howto reduce the transportation cost and other business barriers.

2、The opinion of delegation from China-ASEANcountries show that each country wishes to [url=]have the sustainable[/url]  onpolitical security, bilateral cooperation on culture, social and economic asthe other cooperation in the world. [url=]Being understand[/url]  eachcountry’s situation, support and assist each other in order to get win-win cooperation.
2. 来自中国和东盟国家的代表团的意见显示出,双方都希望政治安全、文化上的双边合作以及社会经济能够像世界上的其它合作一样持续发展。应该相互了解对方的情况、相互支持、相互协助,以达得双赢合作的目的。

3、The construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Areawill come up with multi-benefit on transparent, free trade and investmentbetween China and ASEAN countries. This regional cooperation aims not only [url=]for reduce[/url] tariff and trade barriers but also [url=]expend[/url]  thefield of cooperation[url=]:[/url] internationalfinancial cooperation, service and information [url=]exchanging science[/url]  andtechnology, border trade, foreign investment by sharing and exploring the openmarket and combining the foreign investment in order to get win-win results.
3. 中国东盟自由贸易区的建设将会在中国以及东盟国家之间建立透明、自由的贸易以及投资上带来诸多利益。这种区域合作不仅旨在减少贸易关税和贸易壁垒,也旨在通过分享和开发开放市场来扩展合作领域,包括国际金融合作、服务与信息交流、科技、边境贸易和国外投资等,并结合国外投资以获得双赢的效果(结果)。

4、From last participating CAEXPO we would like topropose to CAEXPO committee as below:
4. 根据上一届参加中国东盟博览会的情况,我们给中国东盟博览会委员会提出如下建议:

1) Request China toprovide the time to business representative and official staff from LaoNational Chamber of Commerce and Industry three or four days for [url=]booths[/url] preparation before the opening day.

2) It would be very [url=]pleased[/url]  if China couldprovide facilitation on exhibition goods transportation from border to ExhibitionCentre.

3) Providing more time for booths preparation.

4) It would be excellent if China could provide thesuitable place for Lao Traditional food festival.

5) It would be appreciated if CAEXPO delegation could have [url=]a[/url] Exhibition round table meeting in Laos before the date.

6) For VIP guest, agenda has to be [url=]required[/url] before leaving.




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