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[网贴翻译] 陪审团的两种形式

发表于 2014-9-11 15:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【原文标题】Two Types of Juries
Cursed, reviled, blessed, or praised, the Jury has stoodfirm for seven hundred years. So firmly did our forefathers uphold the jurythat we find the right to Jury trial anchored in ourfederal and state constitutions.

There are two types of juries. Thefirst, the petit jury is used in both civil and criminal cases. In civil casesits task is generally to determine liability to pay money damages. In criminalcases its task is to determine punishable guilt, and it usually does so with a minimum of criticism. There its position as a bulwark ofliberty, a protector against executive oppression, and a mode oflessening the rigors of too strict legislation is secure. In England, wherethe use of the civil jury has been greatly reduced by legislation, the criminaljury remains in its traditional form. It is a noteworthy fact, however, thatthe jury is not now and has never been required to be used in equity cases.

     The civil jury, however, is subject to much criticism. Itappears, sometimes, to be a means whereby individuals can obtain unjust judgments against corporate defendants, for the jury maytend to ally itself with the underdog. The jury is, in many instances, incompetentto handleinvolved testimony, particularly on technical matters. In thiscountry, nevertheless, accusations of bias,incompetence, capriciousness, unpredictability, delay, and expenseusually have gone unheeded.

The trial jury, to speak for the momentin its defense, is presented with a difficult task. It must reconstructhistory. It must determine the facts of a past transaction. If its verdictsseem excessive, one must keep in mind the impossibility of determining themoney value of such intangibles as pain and suffering or loss of reputation.Any criticism of the jury must also take into account possible alternativemethods of finding facts. And in such deliberations it must not be forgottenthat jury verdicts do not create precedents.

The second type of jury is the grand jury. It differs from the trialor petit jury in that it does not decide questions of guilt or innocence. Itsfunction is accusatory. When a possible defender isbrought before a magistrate, and the magistrate believes there is suspicion ofguilt, the matter is presented to the grand jury for investigation. If thegrand jury finds enough evidence to warrant a trial, it will issue a true billof indictment and the case will proceed. If the evidence is insufficient, thecase will be dismissed. On occasion, the grand jury is charged with a specialcommission to investigate specific types of possiblecriminal activity among the general population or among governmentalofficials, and such investigations may also result in indictments. The grandjury has been abolished in Englandand in approximate one-half of our states. Its existence, however, isguaranteed by the Constitution in federal cases.

   Both types of juries fit the classicdefinition given by Frederick Maitland many years ago: that ajury is a body of neighbors summoned under oath by a public official to answerquestions. The trial jury answers the question of guilt or innocence, liability or nonliability; the grand jurydetermines whether there is enough evidence to warrant a criminal trial. Notonly do these juries fit the same definition, but they derive, ultimately andin the distant past, from the same origins.

     Today as mentioned earlier, the grand jury exists in onlyhalf the United Statesand in the federal courts. In 1948 it was abolished in England, and it does not exist in civil-law countries. The petit jury exists in all ourstates and in the federal courts, although it often is waived in technical cases or concurrence of both parties. It existsin Englandin criminal cases, but in only a few types of civil cases. In civil-lawcountries it is not used in civil cases at all, although in some civil-lawcountries a petit jury is occasionally used in criminal cases.

The modern alternative to the grand jury is accusation by information. Informations were used in early England, particularly by theCouncil and Star Chamber. The district attorney or other appropriate officialdirectly orders the criminal court to try a criminal case. Under theinformation procedure, prosecution of a criminal case depends on the decisionof the district attorney’s office.

It should be apparent that there is nothing in the history of jury systemto require its indefinite continuance. For cases in which it does not, itshould be eliminated. Whatever substitute may be found for the jury, however,the basic problem of reconstructing the history of a transaction will remain. Amore professional technique of fact determination, therefore, may not necessarilyresult in greater speed, impartiality, wisdom or truth.

     It might be observed that our judicial system does notalways have the finding of truth as its primary objective. We note, of recentyears, judicial disapproval of various means of ascertainingtruth-wire-tapping, drug-induced testimony, entrapment into illegal acts, andthe like, each of which is considered an infringement under many circumstancesof constitutional rights. Just as science can enable us to ascertain truth withgreater, although not absolute, certainty, so it can enable the state tooppress and persecute its citizens. The balance between convicting the guiltyand protecting the civil rights or all is not an easy one to establish or tomaintain.




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