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[网贴翻译] 美国法律制度(一)

发表于 2014-9-13 10:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-15 17:06 编辑

The American legal system is a common law system, wherecases are settled based on tradition, common practice and interpretation ofstatutes. As we have already known, as a matter of practice, even in common lawcountries there are quite a few number of codes of law. But what should beemphasized is that the central feature of the system lies in its reliance oncase law or judge-made law. That is, precedents are used as guidance to dealwith the same or analogous situations arising today.

TheAmerican legal system is originally based on the British legal system and theUnited States Constitution. Article III, Section I of the Constitution Statesthat the judicial power of the United  States shall be vested in one Supreme Court,and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain andestablish. So in the United  States of America, a United States SupremeCourt is provided by the Constitution and other courts are established by theU. S. Congress in accordance with the constitution.

1. Legislation
Law in the United Statesis composed of case law precedent (prior judicial decisions), just as with theBritish system, as well as statutory law created by both the federal governmentand the states.

1.1   The United StatesConstitution
The UnitedStates Constitution was drafted in 1787 and was amended 26 times ever since.The constitution separates the government into the three coordinated branches. TheConstitution provides for powers to each of the three branches, as well as thestates. In addition it sets limits on the powers of federal and stategovernment.
1.1 美国宪法

1.2   State Constitution
Besides the UnitedStates Constitution, each of the 50 states has also adopted a constitution. Thestate constitution sets out both the form and operation of government in thatstate and provides for and set limits on its power.
1.2 州宪法

1.3   Enactment of Legislative Bodies
This includesthe Acts of Congress and statutes of state legislatures. The legislatures ofeach of the 50 states may pass and enforce their own laws without exceeding theprinciples established by the United States Constitution and the United StatesCongress. This results in the fact that the state law in the same fields may bedifferent from one to another. For instance, the length of time within whichone must commence a civil lawsuit or be time-barred, referred to as the statuteof limitations, can vary dramatically from state to state, and various othermatters such as how trade secretes or torts are defined also may varysignificantly.
1.3 立法机构的法令

1.4   Case Law
In a common lawcountry, case law plays a very important part in determining the law thatapplies to a particular set of facts. In application of case law, the weightthat case law is given by a particular court in the United States depends significantlyupon the court in which the precedent occurred. For example, when a case isbrought in Federal court, decisions of the Supreme Court are obviously the mostbindingon a particular issue, followed by decisions of the circuit court to which anappeal from a district court lies and finally, prior decisions of the districtcourt itself. In many instances, a district court will look to thelaw of the appropriate state while rendering a decisionin a case where issues of state law are of priority.
1.4 判例法




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