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[网贴翻译] 别样生活

发表于 2014-9-14 16:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-15 17:15 编辑

The Alternate Life

The alternate life is the consequence of thecommunications revolution of the last 30 years or so. There is another, highlycompetitive educational system, opposed in almost every essential way totraditional schooling, that operates on the child and youth from the age of 2.It takes up as much of his time as the school does, and it works on him withfar greater effectiveness.

That system is the linked structure of whichtelevision is the heart and which numbers among its constituents film, radio,comic books, pop music, sports—and the life styles (including the drug culture,permissive sex, and systematized antisocial conduct) which this structureeither automatically or deliberately produces.

This alternative life is a life; it isnot a diversion, a hobby, an amusement. It offers its own disciplines, its owncurriculum, its own ethical and cultural values, its own style and language. Itworks on children and youths every day, year after year, teaching them, formingthem, conditioning them. And it is profoundly opposed to traditional education.There is no way of reconciling the values of literature or science with thevalues of the TV commercial. There is no way of reconciling the vision offeredby Shakespeare or Newtonwith the vision of life offered by the “Gong Show”. Two systems of thought andfeeling stand opposed to each other.

This has never before been the case. The ideaof education was never before opposed by a competitor. It was taken for grantedbecause no alternative appeared on the horizon. But today there is a completealternative life to which children submit themselves. This alternative lifeoffers them heroes, slogans, images, forms of conduct, and content of asort—and all run counter to the message given in the classroom.
For the first time in history, the child isrequired to be a citizen of two cultures: the tradition and the alternate life.Is it any wonder that such a division of loyalties should result in the chaoswe observe? In a deep sense, all our children (and, to a degree, our teachers,our parents, and ourselves) are schizophrenics. On the one hand is thereality-system expounded in a book, the idea, the cultural past; on the otherhand is the far more vivid and comprehensible reality-system expounded bytelevision, the rock star, the religion of instantaneous sensation,gratification and consumption.

Good teachers, when you question theminexorably, almost always finally admit that their difficulties stem from thecompetition of the alternate life. And this competition they are not trained tomeet. The alternate life has one special psychological effect that handicapsthe teacher—any teacher, whether of writing or any other basic subject. Thateffect is a decline in the faculty of attention, and therefore a decline in thecapacity to learn—not the innate capacity, but the capacity as it isconditioned by the media.

This conception of the alternate life isprobably debatable, and it certainly will not be accepted by everyone. Itsclaim to the interest of others, if not their agreement, lies in the fact thatit goes beyond the present educational system and tries to locate the ultimatesource of our troubles in the changes now agitating our entire Western culture.

节选自The Short Prose Reader(second edition) by Gilbert H. Muller and Harvey S. Wiener, McGraw-Hill BookCompany, 1982。题目为本刊所加。










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