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[网贴翻译] 海伦•斯诺的一篇文章

发表于 2014-9-15 13:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-15 17:22 编辑

We embarked by ship on our journey in the halcyon daysof the winter solstice. “It is the most auspicious time for new beginnings,” Itold Ed. I had bought some beautiful earrings made of blue-green kingfisherfeathers, and I told Ed about the charming superstition taught me by an OldChina Hand sea captain: The halcyon days were the fourteen days at the time ofthe winter solstice when the sea was unnaturally calm, so that the halcyon, orkingfisher, could brood on its nest floating in the ocean. All nature, sun andsea, obeyed the halcyon bird in its breeding season.

   The world stood still on halcyon days. It was a time for the birth ofChrist and for Joshua to pretend to command the sun and for King Canute tocommand the waves. It was time for the Word to go forth upon the living waters,a time to create new worlds. It was a time for sailors to forswear theirprofane oaths. It was a time for an odyssey under the Southern Cross followingin the wake of Magellan. It would always be the time for the big events in mylife, though I never planned it thatway. I did not like living death or darkness. I struggled towards the light atthe winter solstice.

   On that halcyon journey, those two young people were unafraid. They wereclaiming kinship with all of nature in all hemispheres, with all people in allcountries, with all minds in all kinds of books.

   For reading on the ship we took G. B. Shaw’s The Intelligent Women’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, and H.G. Well’s Outline of History as wellas his 1932 book, The Work, Wealth, andHappiness of Mankind. Americans had not as yet started to think, but wecarried along George Dorsey’s Why WeBehave Like Human Beings, which I showed to the British pukka sahib Resident in Borneo with one word inserted: Why Don’t We…

Wehad both read Spengler’s The Decline ofthe West-- I had read it in the States. In a cursory way we had studied theAge of Empire-- that of Japan in Taiwan, of the British in Borneo, Hong Kong,and the China treaty ports, of the Dutch in the Celebes, Java, and Bali, of thePortuguese in Macao.

Andnow we were visiting all these places. It was a goodly time for Americans totravel-- before we poisoned our welcome and our own psychology in Korea and Indochina.

Inthe chart room of the Canada Maru, IStudied the navigation maps. There was the islandof English Split (my mother would lovethat); here the island of Bum-Bum (beachcomberslikely). We had passed through the Sulu Sea.The Japanese captain let me take the wheel of the Canada Maru in the Celebes Sea. Hesaid he would let me take the wheel again just as we crossed the equator. Heliked us because we chose his ship out of all others-- it was the one callingat the most unlikely places. He insisted on giving my husband and me his owncabin and private bath, and on turning over his deck to us. He borrowed ourbooks of poetry in exchange. He treated us as if I were Amaterasu, the SunGoddess, with Apollo in tow. The only other passengers were two or threeJapanese businessmen. The warm blue-green South Seaswere as clear and smooth as molten glass. Striped-sailed catamarans looked asstill and unreal as painted ships.

Aswe approached Borneo, I appeared on deck inEnglish-tailored white jodhpurs, a white cork helmet, and my very Americanred-white-and-blue scarf half-mast in wilting heat. Red-painted roofs flashedagainst a white coral shoreline. Casuarina, mangrove, Nipa palm trees nodded awelcome. This was Borneo-- not only Borneo butTawau! Ten thousand miles from home!

Myhusband looked at me without approval. He would never forgive me for bringingabroad a big black wardrobe trunk with attire for every possible occasion-- fromdeck shorts to long evening gowns and gold slippers.

“Youmay think yourself a born explorer,” he observed with professional scorn, “butyou are no traveler.”

TheEnglish voice of an ironwood merchant put him in his place, informing me that Iwas practically the only white woman who had ever stopped at Tawau, except forMrs. Martin Johnson. He hoped we were not planning to take any movies: “We hadto organize a ‘wild’ buffalo hunt for her in the rubber groves… All the buffalowere tame, naturally.”

“Didyou hear” I swelled with pioneer pride. “Second only to Osa Johnson.” But Isuggested that the place must be teeming with white men.
“Notexactly. Only two of us-- the British Resident and myself. We haven’t spokenfor years,” the merchant said. “It’s very Somerset Maugham. He thinks I’mletting down the white man’s burden because I make canoe trip with the nativeslooking for rare hardwoods to sell at a profit.”

Borneo was a landmark in my life-- a seamark, anyway. Borneowas all but the last outpost of the British Empireto be given up.















① 约书亚是《旧约圣经》记载的一个希伯来人领袖。据《圣经·申命记》所载,约书亚继摩西成为以色列人的领袖,带领以色列人离开旷野进入应许之地,那丰富的迦南美地。在他的领导下,以色列人在许多战争中获得了辉煌的胜利,占领了巴勒斯坦地区一带土地,也就是古代迦南人、赫人、亚摩利人、比利洗人、希未人、耶布斯人的地方,是流奶与蜜之地。

② 卡纽特大帝(995年——1035年11月12日)是统治英格兰、丹麦、挪威及部份瑞典的一名维京国王[1],丹麦国王斯温的儿子 。1012年,斯温率军击败英王爱塞烈德二世后,英格兰被一分为二,卡纽特控制着南部,爱塞烈德二世的儿子爱德蒙特伊伦塞德控制着北部。不久,爱德蒙特伊伦塞德病死,卡纽特完全控制了英格兰,并继承了英格兰王位。1017年,他与前英格兰王爱塞烈德的遗孀诺曼底的爱玛结婚。1019年,丹麦国王去世,他又继承了丹麦王位。这样,他就同时成为两个王国的国王。


⑤ 斯宾格勒(全名奥斯瓦尔德·斯宾格;1880——1936)是德国著名的历史家和历史哲学家,他生于德国哈茨山巴的布兰肯堡,曾就读于哈雷大学、慕尼黑大学和柏林大学。青年时代除了研究历史和艺术之外,他还对数学和博物学有浓厚的兴趣,所有这些使他的作品具有一种奇特的风格。1904年在哈雷大学获得博士学位,其后斯宾格勒成为一名中学教师。一次大战爆发时,他因健康原因未被征召入伍。

苏禄海,位于西南太平洋的一个海域,周围被菲律宾的苏禄群岛、巴拉望岛、棉兰老岛以及马来西亚的沙巴地区围绕,沟通南海和苏拉威西海。该片海域是海龟的繁殖场所,盛产海龟。海域面积约348千平方公里,平均深度约1,570 米,最大深度5,576米,含盐度31-34‰。

⑦ 婆罗洲,由北婆罗洲(沙巴,砂劳越,即现在属马来西亚托管地)、文莱、加里曼即东婆罗洲、南婆罗洲、中婆罗洲、西婆罗洲 (即现在印尼托管地)所组成。是世界第三大岛和亚洲第一大岛也是世界上独一无二的分属于三个国家的岛屿。这三个国家分别为印度尼西亚、马来西亚和文莱。其中,印尼的四个省占全岛总面积的2/3,为最大的一部分,马来西亚(有沙巴和沙捞越两州)次之,文莱只占一小部分。面积为743,330平方公里。人口907万(1980年)。




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