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[外媒编译] 中国和东盟工商业界间为促进互惠互利的联合行动计划

发表于 2014-9-16 22:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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                             Joint Action Planfor Facilitating Reciprocity and Mutual Benefits
                                                          between the ASEAN and ChineseBusiness Communities 2006
                                                                           (October 31, 2006, Nanning, China)
On the occasion ofthe 15th anniversary commemorating the establishment of ASEAN-China dialoguerelations, business leaders from Chinaand ASEAN nations meet in Nanningfor the 3rd China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS). To furtherfacilitate reciprocity and mutual benefits, deepen our over-all economiccooperation, enhance regional competitive edge, and achieve the win-win CAFTA(China-ASEAN Free Trade Area) implementation, the business leaders made up ofthe ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASEAN-CCI) comprising BruneiNational Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BNCCI), Cambodia Chamber ofCommerce (CCC), Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), LaoNational Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI), the Union of MyanmarFederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), National Chamber ofCommerce and Industry Malaysia (NCCIM), Philippine Chamber of Commerce andIndustry (PCCI), Singapore Business Federation (SBF), the Thai Joint StandingCommittee on Commerce, Industry, and Banking (JSCCIB), Vietnam Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (VCCI), and China Council for the Promotion ofInternational Trade (CCPIT) agree to pursue the “Joint Action Plan forFacilitating Reciprocity and Mutual Benefits” as follows:

1. Objectives
1.1 The JointAction Plan is intended to address the issue of globalization, the pressure ofincreasing international competition, and the need for China and ASEANbusiness communities to accelerate and reinforce closer cooperation in thecourse of implementing the CAFTA.

1.2 In the past 15years since the establishment of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, our friendlypolitical relations have witnessed a steady growth, which paved way for thehealthy development of our economic cooperation. On the other hand, the closereconomic ties are helpful for the consolidation of our political relations.

1.3 Both sides aimto mobilize their high degree of complementarities in resources and industriesto bring about parallel development of their respective economies.
1.1 联合行动计划旨在解决全球化的问题、应对不断增加的国际竞争压力以及解决中国东盟商界在贯彻中国东盟自由贸易区进程中要加快和加强紧密合作的需求。

1.2 自从中国东盟对话关系建立以来的15年以来,我们的友好政治关系已经得到了稳定的发展,这为我们的经济合作的健康发展铺平了道路。另一方面,更加紧密的经济合作关系有助于加强我们的政治关系。

1.3 双方都旨在调动资源和产业的高度互补性,以求获得各自经济体的平行发展。

2. UnderlyingPrinciples
Active Communications, Credibility andIntegrity in Operations, Efforts for Innovation, Reciprocity and MutualBenefits” will be the governing strategies in cultivating the ASEAN-Chinasuccessful partnership.

2.1 Activecommunication strategy will be deployed as the basis to enhance understandingof the diversity of politics, economies, cultures and technologies prevailingin our region. We shall eliminate negative factors brought about by competitionand jointly continue to create fruitful and mutually beneficial businessopportunities.

2.2 Credibilityand integrity in operations is the basic guideline for exploring new markets,and improving cooperation efficiency in diverse business linkages.

2.3 Our dynamicsrest upon our innovative capability. As innovation is the inborn nature ofentrepreneurship, it will be fully encouraged and supported in all business aspects, including: ideology, organization, andtechnology development.

2.4 Reciprocityand mutual benefits shall be our ultimate objective. In this context, we willdeepen and expand sector cooperation to achieve higher level regionalintegration as well as attain a more sustainable development of our economies.

2.1 展开积极交流的策略,以此为基础,加强对我们区域内政治、经济、文化和科技的多样性的理解。我们应消除由竞争引起的消极因素,并联合起来继续创造富有成效和互惠互利的商业机遇。

2.2 操作中的信誉和诚信依旧是探索新市场和在不同的业务联系中提高合作效率的基本方针。

2.3 我们的活力取决于我们的创新能力。由于创新是创业的天性,创新将会在个个业务方面受到充分的鼓励和支持,包括经营理念、组织和技术开发。

2.4 互惠互利应该成为我们的最终目标。关于这点,我们要加深和扩展业务合作,以获取更高层次的区域一体化,和实现更加可持续发展得经济体。

3. Main Measuresfor Achieving Our Objectives

3.1 We willactively facilitate trade within our two regions, advocate business credibilityand integrity, enlarge and consolidate our trade relations, make full use ofthe opportunities brought about by the reduction and exemption of tariffs, takea close look at market trends, and upgrade the capacity so that new markets canbe jointly explored.
3.1 我们将会积极促进我们两个区域内的贸易、提倡经营信誉和诚信、扩大和巩固商业联系、充分利用关税减免带来的给予、细看市场趋势、提升能力,以便联合开发市场。

3.2 We willpromote and encourage mutual investment, make good use of preferable investmentpolicies, enhance investment effectiveness in our region and publicize thefavorable investment climate and environment.
3.2 我们将会促进和鼓励相互投资、利用好更好地投资政策、加强投资效力宣传良好的投资环境。

3.3 We willactively get involved in top priority sectors and projects highlighted by ourgovernments, such as agriculture, IT, the development of Lanchang-Mekong RiverSub-regional Cooperation and East Asia Economic Growth Region Projects.
3.3 我们将积极参与到我们政府强调的优先发展的行业和项目,诸如农业、信息技术、澜沧江湄公河次区域合作和东亚区域发展区域项目。

3.4 We willstrengthen the communication and cooperation among our SMEs, high-techcompanies, and young entrepreneurs.
3.4 我们将加强我们的中小企业、高科技公司以及年轻企业家之间的交流与合作。

3.5 We willcontinue with the ongoing close cooperation among Chambers of Commerce throughvarious means including establishing information-sharing platform. Chamberswill help in publicizing and disseminating business information, recommendingprospective business partners, giving consultancy services, providing trainingprograms and organizing exhibitions and seminars, with the aim for businessmatching.
3.5 我们将会继续通过各种途径进行商会之间已有的密切合作,包括建立信息共享平台。商会将会协助宣传商业信息、推荐具有前途的商业伙伴、提供咨询服务、提供培训项目、组织展览会和研讨会,所有这一切的目标是为企业找到合作伙伴。

3.6 Willdeveloping our regional cooperation, we shall join hands to explore otherinternational markets beyond our boundary, and promote the East Asia integration process.
3.6 发展我们的区域合作,我们将联手开拓国际市场,并推进东亚一体化进程。

3.7 We highlyacknowledge corporate obligations and responsibilities for social developmentand human well-being. Therefore, we call forth to integrate into our jointbusiness operations the cultural respect and environmental protection of thehost country. We also pledge to discuss the regional initiative of setting up aregional disaster-relieving mechanism by 2010 to give timely assistance topeople and region devastated by natural disasters.
3.7 我们高度肯定企业家为了社会发展和人类福利所应承担起的共同的义务和责任。因此,我们呼唤将我们所在国家的文化方面和环境保护融入到联合营业操作里面。我们也保证讨论于2012年之前设立一个区域赈灾机制的区域主动权,以便提供给受到自然灾害破坏的人们和地区及时的帮助。

4. Mechanism forAchieving Our Objectives

4.1 We will giveour full-fledged support to ASEAN-China Business Council (ACBC). As asignificant multilateral dialogue mechanism, ACBC will help to establish thepublic-private partnership, to eliminate trade and investment barriers, and tofacilitate better flow of goods, services and capitals. ACBC will work on therestart of the ASEAN-China Business Network, and ACBC is committed to workingout Annual Reports on Trade and Investment Situation in China and ASEANnations.
4.1 我们将会给予中国东盟商务委员会(ACBC)成熟的支持。作为一个重要的多边对话机制,中国东盟商务委员会将会帮助建立公私合作关系,以消除贸易和投资障碍,并促进货物、服务和资本的的更好流通。中国东盟商务委员会将会致力于中国东盟商业网络的重启,并将会做出关于中国和东盟国家内的贸易和投资情况的年度报告。

4.2 This ACTIONPLAN will be valid from 2006 to 2010, in which amendments are encouraged. Uponexpiration, new ACTION PLAN will be signed in accordance with changes arisenfrom the new situations, thus the two regions can push the level of economiccooperation to a new height. This, in the long run, will be beneficial to thedevelopment of both regional economies as well as our people’s well-being.
4.2 该行动计划于2006年到2010年内有效,期间鼓励对此计划进行修正。期满后,新的行动计划将会依照由新情况引起的变化而签订,这样两个区域就能将经济合作的层次推向一个新高度。从长远来看,这对于两个区域内的经济体的发展以及民生都是有力的。




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