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[外媒编译] 【纽约时报 20140907】中国游客在纽约

发表于 2014-9-18 09:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 满仓 于 2014-9-18 09:11 编辑

【原文标题】Some Chinese Tourists Visit New York but Sleep in New Jersey











据当地的旅游市场机构NYC & Company给出的数据,这个城市接待的中国游客数量从2010年到2013年增长了182%,而且纽约是位列洛杉矶之后的中国游客在美国第二大旅游目的地城市。在新泽西住宿的中国人数量不得而知,但为温德姆花园酒店安排大巴的汽车公司——这家公司在当地专门为中国游客提供服务——在当天派出16辆大巴,有600多名中国人从新泽西的几家酒店上车。乘客们到市区一日游,只在曼哈顿停留一个上午和一个下午。

行业分析人士认为,价格是一个重要因素。关注酒店业的PKF咨询公司高级副总裁Mark VanStekelenberg说,诺瓦克机场附近的酒店平均价格为116美元一晚,曼哈顿酒店平均价格为294美元一晚。但旅行社可以得到更低的折扣。

结果是很多新泽西的酒店客满为患,即使他们提供的服务远比不上华道夫阿斯多里亚酒店。一家酒店业咨询公司Lodging Advisors的高管Sean Hennessey说:“纽约人和新泽西人认为,诺瓦克和纽约是两个不同的地方,这个地区之外全是纽约。”

一家咨询公司PwC的总监Warren Marr说,在经济危机结束以及曼哈顿的商业活动恢复活跃之后,新泽西的经济颇有受益。“要了解曼哈顿的商业需求有多么强劲,酒店价格有多么坚挺,你只需要看看隧道中的车流和诺瓦克机场附近酒店的入住率就知道了。”



NYC & Company在上海给中国旅行社建立了一个所谓的培训学院,这些人普遍希望打开纽约的旅游市场。纽约州政府今年在中国开设了一个旅游办公室,州旅游官员7月份在纽约上城区召开了一个“让中国准备好”的研讨会,培训旅行社和地方政府如何向中国人兜售自己的旅游市场。





温德姆酒店的总经理Don Sheneman说,中国游客提供了“是一个稳定的客源”,缓解了本地旅游市场季节性游客不均的现象,中国游客占入住率的25%到30%。酒店所有人之一Steven Wu说,中国游客让酒店的入住率高达85%到90%。


即使如此,负责酒店预定的导游Michael Tchong说,新泽西有时依然无法满足中国游客的预定需求。“房间总共就是这么多了。”







Before they visit the Statue of Liberty, some visitors see the Holland Tunnel.

The day began early. By 7:30 a.m., the 56 tourists from China were standing in line in the parking lot of the hotel in which they had spent the night.

They were eager to do the things first-time tourists do — sail past the Statue of Liberty, stand atop the Empire State Building and stroll through the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

But first they had to get to the city.

That meant climbing aboard a shiny tour bus and settling in for a 45-minute ride past roadside billboards and a state prison and through the Holland Tunnel.

It is a scene that is repeated many times each morning in a stretch of New Jersey better known for oil refineries, swamps and traffic-choked highways than for providing beds for tourists from halfway around the world.

But with the number of Chinese tourists to New York soaring, New Jersey has become an unlikely base camp for many of them, including this group, which had spent the night at the Wyndham Garden Newark Airport, a scant quarter-mile from one of the runways at Newark Liberty International Airport.

David Zhao, a tour guide, escorting Chinese sightseers through the city this summer.

Chinese sightseers are fueling a subculture of hotels that have cheap rooms and early-morning checkouts to give tour buses a chance to beat the traffic. Some New Jersey hotels, like the Wyndham Garden, have expanded their breakfast buffets to appeal to Chinese guests, serving such Chinese favorites as the rice porridge congee alongside American standards like waffles with maple syrup.

The number of Chinese visitors to the city jumped 182 percent from 2010 to 2013, according to NYC & Company, the city’s tourism marketing agency, and New York ranks second as a destination for Chinese travelers in the United States, after Los Angeles. How many Chinese stay in New Jersey is difficult to determine, but the tour company that sent the bus to the Wyndham Garden — one of many tour operators in the city that specialize in tours for Chinese people — dispatched 16 buses that picked up more than 600 Chinese tourists from several New Jersey hotels that day. The passengers ventured into the city as day-trippers, spending only a morning and an afternoon in Manhattan.

Price is the big factor, industry analysts say. The average hotel room around the Newark airport was $116 a night last year, according to Mark VanStekelenberg, a senior vice president of PKF Consulting USA, which follows the hotel industry. The average in Manhattan was $294 a night, he said. But tour companies command discounts that can drive the cost lower.

The result is that many New Jersey hotels are filling rooms, even if they do not offer the same amenities as the Waldorf-Astoria. “People in New York and New Jersey think of Newark and New York as two different places,” said Sean Hennessey, the chief executive of Lodging Advisors, a hotel industry consulting company. “Outside this area, it’s all New York.”

New Jersey had benefited as the economy strengthened with the end of the recession and business travel to Manhattan rebounded, said Warren Marr, a managing director of the consulting firm PwC. “When you get to where demand in Manhattan is really strong and rates in the hotels go up, you get this swoosh through the tunnels, and the hotels near Newark Airport fill in.”

Chinese travelers are hardly alone in New Jersey — tourists and tour operators from other countries book thousands of rooms a year there, especially for groups that fly into Newark. But a surging middle class in China and relaxed visa restrictions have opened leisure travel abroad to a much larger share of the population. Still, Mr. Hennessey said, tourism from China “remains significantly more cost-conscious than tourism from a lot of other countries.”

New York tourism officials, not surprisingly, are striving to draw visitors to hotels on the other side of the Hudson.

NYC & Company has set up what it calls a training academy in Shanghai for Chinese travel agents who dream of breaking into the New York market. New York State opened a tourism office in China this year, and state tourism officials presented workshops, “Becoming China Ready,” in upstate New York in July to teach travel agents and local governments how to promote themselves to the Chinese market.

China Southern Airlines, the country’s largest passenger carrier, recently added another destination: John F. Kennedy International Airport. China Southern is scheduling four flights a week from its hub in Guangzhou, in southeastern China. (There are already more than 24 flights a week from China at Kennedy and 14 at Newark Liberty.)

A bus at the Wyndham Garden Newark Airport hotel.

For tourism-dependent businesses like hotels, the appeal is straightforward. The average spending by travelers from China totaled about $7,427 a person last year, $941 more than in 2012, according to the Commerce Department. More than that, though, the Chinese market promises significant growth. Some projections put the increase in Chinese travelers to the United States at 35 percent a year.

Tour operators who specialize in bookings for Chinese say there are two main areas where Chinese tour operators look for hotel rooms in New Jersey, one around the Newark airport, the other along the New Jersey Turnpike around the exits for North Brunswick and Edison. They appeal to tour wholesalers booking groups that have spent a day in places like Washington or Philadelphia and plan to spend the next day in Manhattan.

For the Wyndham Garden, Chinese tourists provide “a steady flow of regular business” that cushions the ups and downs of the domestic market, said Don Sheneman, the general manager. Chinese guests, he said, represent 25 to 30 percent of check-ins, and one of the owners, Steven Wu, said the Chinese had pushed the hotel’s occupancy rate as high as 85 or 90 percent.

To accommodate more guests, the hotel recently converted 50 of its 349 rooms to what are called double doubles. The hotel took one king bed out of each of those rooms and installed two double beds, so that more travelers could double up.

Even so, Michael Tchong, a tour operator who often books groups at the hotel, said New Jersey did not always have enough rooms to handle reservations for Chinese guests. “That’s how many there are,” he said.

Mr. Tchong said that when Chinese visitors were told they would be staying in New Jersey, 30 minutes from New York City, some complained. “They say, ‘We’d rather be 15 minutes away, not 30,’ ” he said. “We put them in Secaucus.” (Secaucus is about six miles from the city.)

Mr. Hennessey cited another advantage of hotels in New Jersey: Tour buses can return to the hotel during the day. “When you stay in the city, you have to worry about where you park the bus,” he said, while in New Jersey, “the bus can park over there.”

David Zhao, the tour guide on the bus from the Wyndham Garden, said the concept of staying in New Jersey on a trip to New York was hard for some Chinese to understand. “In China, hotels are usually all inside the city limits,” he said. “It’s just the opposite of the situation here.” He added, “In Chinese cities there are always hotels that are affordable.”

As if to compound the confusion, some of the Chinese on Mr. Zhao’s bus had arrived a day or two earlier and had stayed in hotels in the city. Xia Yuyan, 32, and her father, Xia Xinhua, 74, said a Best Western hotel in Flushing, Queens, had let her father “acclimate to the United States first.”

He had arrived from Wuzhou, in eastern China. Ms. Xia had traveled from Versailles, Ky., where she has taught for a year and a half. She said she would not have known that she was not in New York if Mr. Zhao, the tour guide, had not mentioned it. “What’s the difference between New York and New Jersey?” she asked. “I know they’re in two different states, but what’s the difference?”




发表于 2014-9-21 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-9-29 22:55 | 显示全部楼层
中国的穷人能去了美国吗???     简直是天方夜谭!!!
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发表于 2014-9-30 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
中華統一復興 发表于 2014-9-23 10:01
去過紐約,沒啥好的感覺,就是高樓大廈堆起來的大城市而已,其空氣也不好,馬路上亂七八糟的燒烤,油煙味實 ...

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发表于 2014-10-1 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
WXK 发表于 2014-9-30 22:17
偶也去过,不去不知道美国人红灯也乱穿马路,马路上烟蒂,纸屑、马粪不少-----外国的月亮比中国的月亮圆 ...

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发表于 2014-10-1 19:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-10-9 11:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-10-28 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
中華統一復興 发表于 2014-9-23 10:01
去過紐約,沒啥好的感覺,就是高樓大廈堆起來的大城市而已,其空氣也不好,馬路上亂七八糟的燒烤,油煙味實 ...

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发表于 2014-10-28 19:33 | 显示全部楼层
阿修罗 发表于 2014-10-28 19:25

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发表于 2014-11-13 20:22 | 显示全部楼层
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