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[网贴翻译] 海伦·斯诺伦与延安

发表于 2014-9-20 10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 下个月 于 2014-9-21 15:16 编辑







A special emotionfrom Yen-an① penetrated through her wholelife, Helen Foster Snow② thought. She described Yen-an asa gem enchased inside its hills and wall, just like a sentinel of Chinesecivilization. Sixty years later, when she retrospected her time in Yen-an, shewrote, “It now seems strange that a young American woman should have become apart of the Yen-an story. My book InsideRed China2was the first on Yen-an, for many yearsthe only one.”

Helen’s Yen-anrefers in particular to the Yen-an in Yen-anTimes, namely the historical period from 1936, when the Long March wasover, to the time when Yen-an became the seat of the Communist Party, and to1945, when the Second World War came to an end. The time spirit of this phase,in her works, was “Spartan self-immolation, roots democracy at the grassrootslevel, and pure and chaste revolutionary goals, spirit and soul”. And the veryepochal characteristics embody the Yen-an Spirit at that time.

Mao Tse-tung③ once said that he didn’tmeticulously pick the route of the Long March or its destination. Dwelling inYen-an was bound to achieve success, not due to the right choice. At thebeginning of the Long March, there were one hundred thousand excellent soldiersin the Red Army; through one year’s long march, during which time, the Red Armyhad experienced one year’s hard journey and bloody struggle, having gonethrough a journey of over ten thousand miles and passed the terrible grasslandand marsh, they finally completed it successfully, reaching the remoteNorthwest and the cradle of Chinese civilization located in the turning of theancient Great Wall. At the end of the Long March, there remained not more thanthirty thousand Red Army memebers. It cannot be denied that the people whosurvived the Long March were the heroes who became stronger throughtribulation.

In those years,Yen-an witnessed a rather hard time. Diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosiswere rampant. Helen wrote in her book, “On the brick-paved ground inhabitedvarieties of insects, some of which fought with each other, and some of whichhuddled together”. These creatures of insects included scorpions, centipedes,louses, fleas and so forth; the mice ran back and forth on the rafters allnight long. She went on writing, “It was the fleas that spread the plague butnot the mice. Now North Shensi is one of thefew places on earth where such a deadly disease is still endemic. …At night I gnawed on steamed biscuits when I was too hungry tosleep.” When Helenleft Yen-an, her weight had been lost for 40 kilograms. She had to receive thefocal treatment of the doctor due to the amebic dysentery and another four similar kinds of diseases she wasinfected.

Helen once saidthat at that time she recorded such content: “Chu Teh④ said that I was very brave for Ihad come here. He spoke highly of me on this point the first time I met him.”Right! It was a kind of spirit that drove Helen to record this history. And itwas such a kind of spirit and professional ethics in her soul that supportedher to live through the hard but unforgettable five months in Yen-an.
Helen once took ahuge risk to come to Yen-an, but she had favor to meet and get acquainted withmany people there, seeing the future and hope of China. She had observed theCommunists’ ideal, their plod, solidarity and sacrifice. All these excellentqualities of communists have much in common with the pioneering spirit of theancestors like Helen.

Yen-an, also transliterated as Yan’an, is a prefecture-level cityin the Shanbei region of Shaanxi province in China, administering severalcounties, including Zhidan County (formerly Bao'an), which served as theChinese communist capital before the city of Yen-an proper took that role.Yen-an was near the endpoint of theLong March, and became the center of the Chinese communist revolution from 1936to 1948. Chinese communists celebrate Yen-an as the birthplace of therevolution.

Helen Foster Snow (1907-1997) was an American journalist who reported from Chinain the 1930s under the name "Nym Wales" on the developing revolution in China and the Korean independence movement. While, likeher husband, Edgar Snow, she was never a member of the Chinese or AmericanCommunist Party, she was sympathetic to the revolutionaries in China, whom shecompared favorably to the Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek.In the late 1940s, critics grouped her with the China Handsas one of those responsible for the "loss of China" who went beyondsympathy to active support of Mao's revolution.

Mao Tse-tung, also transliterated as Mao Zedong, and commonlyreferred to as Chairman Mao (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976), was aChinese Communist revolutionary, guerrilla warfare strategist, Marxistpolitical philosopher, and leader of the Chinese Revolution. He was thearchitect and founding father of the People's Republic of China (PRC)from its establishment in 1949, and held control over the nation until hisdeath in 1976. His theoretical contribution to Marxism–Leninism, along with hismilitary strategies and brand of policies, are collectively known as Maoism.

Chu Teh (December 1886 – 6 July 1976) was aChinese general, politician, revolutionary, and one of the pioneers of the Chinese Communist Party. After the founding ofthe People's Republic of China, in 1955 Zhubecame one of the Ten Marshals of the People's Liberation Army, of which he isregarded as the founder.




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