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[网贴翻译] 【CNN20141029】火箭的灾难性故障会使私人航空业受挫吗?

发表于 2014-11-11 22:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lt630 于 2014-11-11 22:52 编辑

【原文标题】Will rocket's 'catastrophic failure' set back the privatespace industry?
【原文作者】Rachel Crane  
October29, 2014 -- Updated 2347 GMT (0747 HKT)
1 Orbital Sciences built the unmanned Antares rocketthat exploded in a fireball Tuesday
2 NASA has hired it and SpaceX to shuttle cargo tothe International Space Station
3 This is the first such accident since NASA turnedto the private sector for the cargo missions
4 But NASA has always relied on private industry, andthe blast isn't likely to change that

l       美国轨道科学公司建造的安塔瑞斯”号无人运载火箭在星期二发射后爆炸,空中现巨大火球
l       美国国家航天航空局雇用美国轨道科学公司与太空探索技术公司向国际空间站运输补给物资
l       这是美国私营企业受美国国家航天航空局雇用执行向国际空间站货运任务以来首次发生事故
l       这次爆炸事件也难以阻止美国国家航天航空局一直依赖私营企业的事实。

(CNN) -- OrbitalSciences, which built the Antares rocket that exploded in a massive fireball Tuesday, described the explosion as a"catastrophic failure." It certainly looked like it. Will thisfailure also be a setback for the burgeoning private space industry?

The unmanned rocket was carrying a Cygnus cargo spacecraft loaded withmore than 5,000 pounds of equipment for the International Space Station, afloating laboratory that travels at 17,240 miles per hour. It blew up at NASA'sWallops Flight Facility in Virginiaseconds after launch.

SinceNASA's space shuttle program was canceled in 2011, the private sector hasferried cargo to the station. Orbital Sciences is one of two private companieshired by NASA to run such missions, and the other is Elon Musk's SpaceX. Thebotched mission was to be Orbital Sciences' third of eight as part of a $1.9billion contract with NASA. SpaceX is set to send its fifth mission to thestation in December.

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