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[外媒编译] 【学习者 20141114】国会可以代表美国吗?

发表于 2014-11-26 08:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Does Congress Really Represent America?
【原文作者】Dawn Cardon



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The House of Representatives and the Senate are elected by their constituencies to represent these populations' needs, priorities, and values. How representative is Congress of the nation they are meant to mirror? Read on to find out.

If Congress Looked like Us

It’s not new news that political leadership within the US is over-indexed on men, and primarily white men at that. Even with this in mind, when the composition of Congress is compared to the actual make up of the country that they are meant to represent, it's still a little disturbing. Take a look at the infographic found on this resource attached to this learning.

The most remarkable discrepancy is average wealth. The average American holds a net worth of just under $100,000. This includes equity in their home, investments that include pension or retirement funds, and other illiquid assets as well as bank accounts and more liquid investments. The net wealth of an average member of the House is $5M and for a Senator, a whopping $13.4M. Does this seem representative of your community?

It’s Not Wealth That Makes Them out of Touch, It’s Their Lack of Diversity.

In some countries, the best way to get rich is to go into politics. In the US, it’s the reverse. The best – and one could argue the only - way to get into politics is to start out rich.

Every year a paper called Roll Call assembles a list of the richest members of Congress. The very fact that the financial information about these elected officials is made available to the public is comforting, though the high levels of wealth might lead to questions about its origins However, these wealthy elect didn’t gather their fortunes while in office. Their substantial assets predate their entrance into the House or Senate and, considering the cost of a Congressional campaign, were essentially a necessary prerequisite for entrance.

If the members of Congress are employed by their electorate with a primary purpose to represent, it’s not just their socioeconomic status that is of concern. They are even less diverse in their professional backgrounds than they are in their wealth levels. Of the top 25 richest, 15 represent a narrow array of professional backgrounds, primarily technology entrepreneurs and lawyers. One-third of Congress members listed the latter as their occupation. The remaining 10 found their way to the list via marriage or inheritance. The majority of Congress members have spent their whole lives in politics. With such a narrow few meant to speak for so many, how can we expect anything like real representation?

No One Alive Today Will Ever See Gender Equality on Capitol Hill

Women currently represent 20%, or one out of every five Congress members. According to a report recently released by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, if the status quo continues, it will be 2121 before the House will be evenly divided between male and female members. The core driver behind this gender divide isn’t a lack of motivation on the part of women. In their research, IWPR found that women were blocked by

Despite Mitt Romney’s alleged ‘binders full of women,’ the IWPR’s research found that women are much less likely than men to have been recruited to run for office by party leaders and activists. This means that women need to actually be more ambitious than men in self-recruiting if we expect to end up with a more evenly-gendered US Congress.

Another issue that drives gender disparity in Congress is the imbalance within political parties. The Democrats have a lot more women than the Republicans in Congress. This is due to two factors, the larger of which is likely the fact that more women tend to go democratic because of the party’s more pro-woman agenda. Republicans continue to vote against pro-femme bills protecting equal pay or even those that fight rape and domestic violence. A second reason that more female Democrat Congresswomen exist is the party’s “pluralistic and polycentric” nature, fancy words the researchers used to describe lower barriers of entry for ambitious new female office-seekers.

How Did Members of Congress Get So Wealthy?

The highest net worth on Capitol Hill is nearly $360 million. And that’s before you even get to the Rockefeller heir. In 2012, the Center for Responsive Politics found that the median congressman was worth more than one million dollars. In an era when it costs an average of more than $10 million to win a seat, it’s no surprise that the wealthy and well-connected would be overrepresented.

How did these millionaires make all their dough? Inheritance and marriage play a significant role: Senator Jay Rockefeller and Representatives Joseph Kennedy III are heirs to large family fortunes. Senators Mitch McCaul, John McCain, and Claire McCaskill all derive the majority of their wealth from spouse-owned assets. For those who didn’t marry rich or grow into a significant trust fund, there is still similarity in their earnings.

The way in which Congress members ‘earn’ their money is, in fact, very different than that of the general population. Most lawmakers, unlike their constituents, don’t draw the majority of their income from a paycheck. In 2010, more than 150 lawmakers reported earning more from outside investments than from their congressional salary. This salary, mind you, is more than three times the average household income, weighing in at $174,000. For an average American, $175K is a substantial stream of income. For a Congressperson, however, it seems to be a drop in the bucket.

We All Hate Congress So Much, but Why?

Citizens ultimately aren't finding their interests very well-represented by their Congressional representatives. This is obvious from the consistently abominable Congressional approval rating which currently hovers around 13%. Despite this dramatically low rate of approval, or one might say near-unanimous disapproval, most House races are noncompetitive. Um... what? In 408 of the 435 House elections, one party is favored to win with chances of greater than 90%, which decides the winner of the race before it ever begins.

A key problem that leads to the public's frustration with Congress is our electoral system. Single seat, geography-based districts with plurality winners create poorly representative outcomes. This system, which dates back to the very creation of our political system in the US, perhaps deserves reconsideration. The existence of distinct national party identities and the tendency of votes for one type of party vs. another to cluster in certain geographical areas (ex: Democrats in urban areas) contribute to a poorly representative House of Representatives. While election reform is likely not on the Congressional agenda anytime soon, it might do us well to turn one of the polls that measures how dissatisfied voters are with Congress into a questionnaire about why. This might help future Congress members understand the concerns and discontents of their constituencies such that, at least at election time, they could pay some heed.




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