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[网贴翻译] G20峰会: 领导人宣言经济增长2.1%

发表于 2014-11-29 14:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】G20 summit: Leaders pledge to grow their economies by 2.1%
【中文标题】G20峰会: 领导人宣言经济增长2.1%
16 November 2014 Last updated at 08:07
Australian Prime MinisterTony Abbott has closed the G20 summit by detailing economic pledges agreed byworld leaders.
The leadersagreed to boost their economies by at least 2.1% by 2018, adding $2 trillion toglobal economies.
Much of thesummit focused on Russian President Vladimir Putin's position on the crisis in Ukraine.
Mr Putin facedfierce criticism and left the meeting before it ended, but said the summit was"constructive".
Mr Putin saidhe was leaving before the release of the official communique, citing thelong flight to home to Russiaand the need for sleep.
'Violating internationallaw'
Australia, as host of the meeting, hadsought to keep the focus on economic issues, but the issues of climate changeand the conflict in Ukraineattracted significant attention.
US President Barack Obama met European leaders onSunday to discuss a co-ordinated response to what they see as Russia's destabilisation of Ukraine.
Mr Obama told reporters Mr Putin was"violating international law, providing heavy arms to the separatists in Ukraine" and violating the Minsk agreement.
He said the "economic isolation" of Russia wouldcontinue unless Mr Putin changed course.
In a television interview on Saturday, Mr Putincalled for an end to sanctions against Russia,saying they harmed the world economy as well as Russia.
The Kremlin denies sending military forces or heavyweapons to pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine.
During the summit, Canadian Prime Minister StephenHarper and British Prime Minister David Cameron also sharply criticised MrPutin.
Millions of jobs
World leadersagreed to plans drawn up by finance ministers from G20 countries in February,known as the Brisbane Action Plan, to boosttheir collective GDP growth by at least 2%.
This is apretty ambitious target for many G20 economies that are struggling withrecession or very little growth, says the BBC's James Landale fromBrisbane.
BBC记者James Landale从布里斯班发回报道称,这是一个宏伟的目标, 20国经济正面临衰退和增长缓慢的情况。
In his speech,Mr Abbott said those reforms would create millions of jobs. He also outlinedplans to increase the participation of women in the global workforce, and tocrack down on tax avoidance by multi-national companies.
The statementalso agreed to take strong, effective action on climate change, followingpressure from the USand European leaders.
Mr Abbott hadfaced criticism from environmental campaigners for not including talks onclimate change in the summit.
In otherdevelopments, President Obama met the leaders of Japanand Australia on thesidelines of the summit and they called for the peaceful resolution of maritimedisputes in the South China Sea.
G20 leadersalso released a statement in which they vowed to do all they could to"extinguish" the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
It said thatmember states were committed to do what was necessary "to ensure theinternational effort can extinguish the outbreak and address its medium-termeconomic and humanitarian costs".

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