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[网贴翻译] 中国观众:老大哥即将上演

发表于 2014-11-29 14:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Chinese audiences: Big Brother is coming to your screens
【原文作者】Paul Armstrong
October29, 2014 -- Updated 0754 GMT (1554 HKT)
Hong Kong (CNN) -- "BigBrother is watching you."
This is thesinister maxim repeated throughout George Orwell's "NineteenEighty-Four," his dark portrayal of life inside an authoritarian statecharacterized by its omniscient and paranoid leadership.
Fortunately this kind of dystopian nightmare isconfined to fiction for most of us -- or more recently the world of realitytelevision with the phenomenally successful Big Brothershow, where groups of hapless "housemates" try to outlast each in anisolated environment where their every move is monitored 24 hours a day.
And now the show is coming to China's small screen, an irony thatwon't be lost on many in a country that purportedly has more people. Launchingin early 2015, the first-ever Chinese version of Big Brother will air for tenweeks, with production in China set to begin shortly, according to EndemolChina -- part of the Asian arm of one of the world's leading multi-platformprogram makers -- who will partner with Chinese digital video platform YoukuTudou Inc. to produce the show.
"In a market that annually generates hundredsof billions of video views, partnering with the number one digital videoplatform will allow us to bring Big Brother to a young audience and deliver themost immersive, interactive and unique experience to fans across thenation," said Endemol's CEO of Asian Operations Arjen van Mierlo.
Endemol亚洲公司的首席执行官Arjen van Mierlo说道,在一个每年产生千亿级播放量的市场,与排名第一的网络视频平台合作,将使我们能够把《老大哥》带给年轻观众们,并给全国粉丝带来最身临其境的互动式独特体验。
Victor Koo, Chairman and CEO of Youku Tudou Inc.said: "We are delighted to be joining forces with Endemol tofinally bring this groundbreaking format to China. Fifteen years after itslaunch, Big Brother continues to be a worldwide hit that engages passionateyoung fans across multiple platforms."
优酷土豆公司的主席兼首席执行官Victor Koo说道,我们很高兴与Endemo合作,为中国开创先河。开播15年来,《老大哥》仍然是全球经典的热门巨制,跨越多个平台吸引了众多充满激情的年轻观众。
'Excessive' and 'vulgar'
Theannouncement comes at a time when authorities are concerned about the lack oforiginality and diversity of Chinese programs, as well as "excessive"and "vulgar" entertainment -- with foreign content in theircrosshairs.
Shows such as"Chinese Idol," a talent show that replicates the formula of thehugely popular "American idol," have been a huge success with viewersand sponsors alike.
But as of thisyear, satellite broadcasters are only permitted to buy the rights to more thanone foreign-made program per year.
Big Brother,which has been running for 15 years, continues to be a hit in the USA, Europe, Australia,Canada and Israel, as well across Latin America,Scandinavia, Africa and Asia.

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