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[网贴翻译] 人权观察组织批评俄罗斯,称该国未能保护LGBT人群

发表于 2014-12-17 11:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Human Rights Watch criticizes Russia, says it fails to protect LGBT people
【原文作者】Susannah Cullinane
【更新时间】December 15, 2014 -- Updated 1758 GMT (0158 HKT)
(CNN) -- Russian authorities are failing to protect gay people from persecution and are not prosecuting the perpetrators of a growing number of homophobic attacks, Human Rights Watch says in a new report.
(CNN) — 人权观察组织在最新报道中表示,俄罗斯政府未能保护同性恋人群免受困扰,也没有起诉日益增长的同性恋攻击的犯罪者。

Its report calls for a July 2013 anti-gay propaganda law to be repealed, saying many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people interviewed for the report had noticed an increase in persecution since last year.

The 2013 legislation bans "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations around minors." This means the public discussion of gay rights and relationships, anywhere children might hear it, is prohibited. Russian and international rights groups have condemned it as highly discriminatory.Many of the LGBT interviewees for the report released Monday reported increased stigma, harassment and violence against them since 2013, the rights group says.

"The law effectively legalized discrimination against LGBT people and cast them as second-class citizens," it says. "Instead of publicly denouncing anti-LGBT violence and rhetoric, Russia's leadership has remained silent. In some cases public officials have engaged in explicit anti-LGBT hate speech."
“法律有效地把对女同、男同、双性恋和变性人的歧视合法化,并把他们作为二等公民来看待,”人权组织称。“而不是公开谴责反对同性恋的暴力和言辞,俄罗斯领导层一直保持沉默。在某些情况下, 公共官员从事明显的反对同性恋的仇恨言论。”

The report says that 22 of the 78 victims of homophobic and transphobic violence and harassment did not report attacks to police, as they did not think they would be taken seriously. Law enforcement bodies can prosecute such violence under Russia's hate crime laws, Human Rights Watch says, but not one of the cases documented in the report was investigated as a hate crime.
报告称,在78名遭遇同性恋和跨性别暴力和骚扰的受害者中,22名受害者没有向警方报案,因为这些受害者不认为他们会被认真对待。在俄罗斯仇恨犯罪的法律下,法律实施机构可以起诉该类暴力行为,人权观察组织称, 但没有一个被调查的案例报告中记录了仇恨犯罪。

"In other cases, LGBT people described being physically attacked by strangers on the subway, on the street, at nightclubs, and, in one case, at a job interview," its report says.

A transgender woman, referred to in the report as "Risa R," is quoted as saying she was abducted and brutally assaulted in St. Petersburg in 2013. "They kept calling me a 'faggot' and telling me how much they hated gays. I told them repeatedly that I wasn't gay, that I was a transgender woman, but they did not want to listen," she says.
一位变性女人,在报道中称为 "Risa R”, 举证她2013年在圣彼得堡被绑架以及被残忍殴打的事实。 “他们不停地打电话给我,叫我“同性恋”,告诉我他们有多么讨厌同性恋。我反复告诉他们我不是同性恋,我是一个变性的女人,但是他们都不想听我说,”她说。

"One of them said, 'You're nothing but a faggot. We will get your brain straight right now.' Several times they threatened to rape me. Then they took pliers from their car and ripped out two of my toenails. Afterwards, they said, 'Now you will be better off. Now you will be pretty.' "

Human Rights Watch says Risa explained that she had not gone to police because she had "no illusions that the police would investigate." It quotes an LGBT activist from Pervouralsk, Gleb Latnik, as saying he had reported to police soon after he had been attacked.
人权观察组织称, Risa说她没有报警,因为她不认为警方会调查此事。这个案例引用自一个来自Pervouralsk的同性恋活动家 Gleb Latnik, 他说他向警方报告后不久就遭遇攻击。

"His injuries were visible -- there was significant bruising on his forehead, there were bruises under his eyes, and one eye was swollen shut," the report says. "The police officer who took his complaint said to him, 'It's all right, you're gay so it's normal that you were attacked. Why would you need to file a complaint against anyone?' "
“他的伤势是很明显的—额头上有明显的擦伤,眼睛里有瘀伤,一只眼睛是肿胀地闭着,”报道称。 “警官带着抱怨的语气对他说,“没关系, 作为同性恋受到攻击是很正常的。你为什么需要起诉其他人呢?””

"Violence experienced by LGBT people in Russia is unmistakably motivated by homophobia, but the authorities deliberately ignore that these are hate crimes and fail to protect victims," Human Rights Watch's Tanya Cooper said.
“俄罗斯LGBT人群(女同、男同、双性恋和变性人)所遭遇的暴力显然是出于恐同症, 但是政府故意忽视这些仇恨犯罪,未能保护受害者。”人权观察组织的 Tanya Cooper说。

The report includes responses from the Russian Prosecutor General's Office and Russian Interior Ministry, and the rights group said neither agency collected statistical data about attacks specifically committed against LGBT people.

This month, President Vladimir Putin met with Russian human rights groups, telling them that Russia's priority was "a healthy traditional family and a healthy nation." He said that did not mean that it would persecute those "of a nontraditional orientation."
本月, 总统普京会见了俄罗斯人权组织, 告诉他们俄罗斯的优先重点是“一个健康的传统家庭和一个健康的国家。” 他说,这并不意味着这个优先重点将迫害那些“非传统的取向。”

"People have tried to stick this label on us, even people who use criminal law to persecute people of nontraditional orientation. Some U.S. states make it a crime, and though as far as I know these laws are not actually applied and the Supreme Court has suspended them, but they are nevertheless still on the books. We have no criminal penalties," he said.
普京说,“人们试图把这个标签贴在我们身上,甚至人们用刑法来逼迫有非传统取向的人。 美国一些州把这个行为当成犯罪。 虽然据我所知,这些法律没有实际应用,而且最高法院已暂停了这个条例,但是尽管如此,它们依旧载入名册。我们没有刑事处罚。”

Putin said that no one should face discrimination in Russia. "All people here have political rights, social rights, rights to employment, and no one should face discrimination," he said. "But our strategic choice is for traditional families, healthy families and a healthy nation. One does not exclude the other and does not hinder the other. I think this is a balanced approach and is entirely the right approach."
普京说,在俄罗斯,任何人都不应受到歧视。“俄罗斯的每一个公民都有政治权、社会权、就业权,任何人都不应受到歧视,”他说。 “但是我们的战略选择是传统的家庭,健康的家庭以及一个健康的国家。 这并不排除其他,也不妨碍其他。我认为这是一个平衡的方法,是一个完全正确的方法。”(A)

发表于 2014-12-17 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
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