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[网贴翻译] 英国财政大臣奥斯本:让低油价惠及各家各户

发表于 2015-1-8 17:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Osborne: 'Let families benefit' from low oil prices
6 January 2015 Last updated at 23:30
Chancellor George Osborne has warnedthat it is "vital" for the fall in oil prices to be passed toconsumers.

Mr Osbornetweeted that they should feel the benefit not only in pump prices but utilitybills, heating oil and airline tickets.

He raised theissue at Cabinet, saying the government should watch the industry "likehawks" to ensure savings were passed on.

The Treasurysaid it was examining whether any action was needed.

A spokesmansaid officials were conducting studies into whether industries are passing onthe fall in oil prices to consumers.

The price ofBrent crude oil has fallen to $51.12 per barrel, its lowest level since March2009 - six months ago it cost $115.

Supermarket cuts

All four big UKsupermarkets have announced further fuel price cuts, bringing petrol evercloser to £1 a litre.

Tesco,Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Asda have reduced prices by 2p a litre on bothpetrol and diesel.

Mr Osborne'stweet noted that the price of oil was at its lowest in five years and added:"Vital this is passed on to families at petrol pumps, through utilitybills and air fares."

Energy UK chiefexecutive Lawrence Slade insisted cuts in the wholesale price of gas were beingpassed on to consumers.

"Whenpeople shop around they can easily find deals that are over £100 cheaper thanthis time last year and in line with cuts in wholesale energy prices," hesaid.

BBC politicalcorrespondent Ross Hawkins said politicians were keen to be seen fighting forlower prices.
BBC政治记者Ross Hawkins谈到政客们热衷于争取更低的价格。

Last year,Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander wrote to allthe main fuel suppliers and distributors, calling on them to pass on thebenefit of falling prices as soon as possible.
上年,自由民主党支持者,财政部首席秘书(Danny Alexander)呼吁所有主要燃料供应商、分销商把下降油价的益处尽可能地与人们共享。

Mr Alexandertold ITV News that falling oil prices are a "benefit to most of the UKeconomy" provided that the savings are passed on "at the pumps, inthe cost of holidays and in the cost of heating homes".

He also saidmore support was needed for the North Sea oil and gas sector which, as thebiggest industrial investor in the UK, is "adversely affected" byfalling prices. "So, that is why we are also putting in place a morebeneficial tax environment," he added.

Labour shadowenergy secretary Caroline Flint said the Conservatives had done"absolutely nothing" to address firms' failures to pass on reductionsin wholesale costs.

"We needaction, not another inquiry," Ms Flint said, and repeated calls for theregulator to have the power to force energy companies to pass on savings.

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