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[网贴翻译] 电影《骄傲》DVD封面的同性恋标语在美国被删除

发表于 2015-1-9 14:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Gay banner removed from Pride DVD cover in US
5 January 2015 Last updated at 12:12
CBS Films has said it will look intowhy references to homosexuality were removed from the DVD cover of the USrelease of British film Pride.

The film,about a group of gay and lesbian activists who supported striking miners in the1980s, was released in the UKlast year.

Pink News found theDVD cover wording had changed, removing a reference to "gay and lesbianactivists".
桃色新闻(Pink News)发现它的DVD封面措辞改变了,删除了“同性恋积极分子”这一引用。

A lesbianand gay banner was also removed from the back cover.

Thefilm's synopsis on the back of the US DVD was also changed from referring to"a London-based group of gay and lesbian activists" to "a groupof London-based activists".

Thebanner which was removed had read "Lesbians & Gays Support TheMiners".

CBSFilms, which released the DVD alongside Sony Pictures, told Pink News:"We're looking into this now and our page forthe film remainsthe same as it has for months."

BenRoberts, director of the BFI film fund, which backed Pride, said: "I'm notsurprised that the USdistributors have taken a decision to sell more copies by watering down the gaycontent. I'm not defending it, it's wrong and outmoded, but I'm not surprised.

"It'san unfortunate commercial reality both here and in the US that distributors have to dealwith and consider in getting films onto the shop shelf. LGBT material islargely marginalised outside of rare hits like Brokeback Mountain."
“不幸的是,在这里和美国,这是分销商在把电影摆到商店货架上时会考虑且处理的商业现象。 同性恋、双性恋及变性恋者是像《断背山》一样被严重边缘化的素材。”

The DVDwas released by the US on 23December and is scheduled for release in the UK in March.

Pride wasnamed best film at theBritish Independent Film Awards last month.

Itcollected three awards in total, with Andrew Scott and Imelda Staunton pickingup the best supporting actor and actress prizes for their roles in the film.

WriterStephen Beresford joked at the awards: "It took 20 years to convinceanyone that a film about vegan lesbian activists was a sure-fire hit."

Thecritically-acclaimed film received standing ovations at both its world premiereat the Cannes Film Festival in May and at the Toronto International FilmFestival in September.

发表于 2015-1-9 14:48 | 显示全部楼层
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