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[网贴翻译] 【美联社 20150126】中国批准进口所有品种的美国苹果

发表于 2015-1-28 23:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China Moves to Accept Imports of All US Apple Varieties

For the first time, all varieties of apples from the United States will go on sale in China, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Monday.

A deal was reached last week between officials for the United States and Chinese governments to grant access to all U.S. apple varieties, instead of just Red Delicious and Golden Delicious.
上周美国和中国就美国苹果出口中国一事达成协议,中国批准进口所有品种的美国苹果。此前准许进口的美国苹果只有蛇果(Red Delicious)和金冠(Golden Delicious)两个品牌。

The Washington Apple Commission — which represents growers of the nation's largest crop and most apple exports — said China stopped buying U.S. apples in 2012 because of concerns over a fungus.

Access for Red Delicious and Golden Delicious apples was regained last October.

An agreement reached last week in San Francisco will for the first time open the door to all varieties in coming weeks, the Agriculture Department said. The deal culminates 20 years of efforts to send more varieties of apples to China.
The deal has the potential to increase U.S. fresh apple exports by about 10 percent in the next two years, the Agriculture Department said.

"The new access for American exports we're announcing today is the culmination of decades of hard work by USDA staff," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a news release. "These efforts will result in high quality, fresh U.S. apple varieties available for consumers in China and a significant boost in sales for American apple producers."
美国农业部长Tom Vilsack新闻发布会上称:“这是美国农业部成员二十多年的努力成果。这不单为中国消费者带来质量上乘、新鲜可口的苹果,也为美国苹果商赢得了销量的增长。”

China has allowed the direct shipment of Red Delicious and Golden Delicious varieties since 1994, but Washington grows many different types of apples now, the Washington Apple Commission said.

"Red and Golden Delicious now account for less than 40 percent of our overall volume, and gaining access for the rest of our varieties allows us to provide Chinese consumers with more high quality choices from Washington," said Todd Fryhover, president of the commission, which is based in Wenatchee, Washington.
华盛顿州苹果协会会长Todd Fryhover称,这两种苹果占总产量不超过40%,这让我们国内其他种类的苹果有机会为中国消费者提供更好的选择。

The China news is welcome during a record crop year that has been hampered by the West Coast port slowdown, a Russian ban on the import of agricultural products from the U.S., and the world-wide effects of the strengthening dollar, said Barbara Walkenhauer, chair of the Washington Apple Commission board.
该协会东市场Barbara Walkenhauer称,今年苹果产业发展受阻,主要原因是美国西海岸港口货物出口增长放缓、俄罗斯禁止进口美国农业产品以及美元走强给其他地区带来的影响,而与中国签订的这份协议无疑是令人愉悦的。

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