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[网贴翻译] 披头士:约翰•列侬母亲的故居将被拍卖

发表于 2015-1-31 18:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】The Beatles: Former home of John Lennon's mother to be sold atauction
【更新时间】29 January 2015 Last updated at 12:06
The semi-detached property on BlomfieldRoad, in Allerton, Liverpool was home to Julia Lennon in the 1950s.

Although John lived with his aunt Mimi inMenlove Avenue, he would regularly visit his mother and practise playing hisguitar at her house.

It is due to go under the hammer with aguide price of £120,000 at Liverpool Town Hall on 31 March.

Geoff Guest, auction director for Venmoreproperties, said: "We're very excited about this.
Venmore房地产拍卖师Geoff Guest说:“我们对这次拍卖很激动。”

'House of sin'

"John spent many years of his youthlearning and practising his music under the direction of his mother, who was agreat influence on his early musical career."

Lennon's sisters Julia and Jackie lived inthe three-bedroom council house alongside their mother and her partner John"Bobby" Dykins.
列侬的姐妹Julia和Jackie住在她们妈妈和她的伴侣John "Bobby" Dykins旁边的一个三居室简陋的房子里。

The couple never married and Aunt Mimi issaid to have referred to their home as "the house of sin".

News of the auction comes three monthsafter a home once lived in by Lennon's fellow band member George Harrison wassold for £156,000.
在约翰的乐队成员乔治•哈里森(George Harrison)的故居以156,000英镑被卖掉三个月后,这个拍卖的消息就传出了。

Other recent sales of Beatles memorabiliahave included a toilet seat once owned by Lennon - which sold for £9,500 - andone of his guitars.

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