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[网贴翻译] 【路透社20150302】环保部约谈山东临沂和河北承德政府负责人

发表于 2015-3-2 23:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China orders two local governments to punish polluting steel mills

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China's environmental ministry has ordered local governments in two key steel-producing cities to take tougher action against polluters from the sector as part of efforts to improve air quality.

That could pile pressure on mills already struggling with weak demand-growth as the world's No.2 economy loses momentum.

Inspectors from China's Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) last week summoned mayors from the cities of Linyi in the eastern province of Shandong and Chengde in the northern province of Hebei, urging them to crack down on firms that have violated environment laws, the ministry said on its website (www.mep.gov.cn).

"We have to fully implement the law ... to shut down those enterprises which haven't taken any environmental protection measures and haven't run environment protection equipment," MEP official Gao Zhenning told state television channel CCTV.

Thirteen of the 15 enterprises inspected in Linyi had violated environmental laws. Most were steel and coke plants, with some found to have provided fake environmental data.

Beijing is determined to tackle hazardous smog by imposing higher environmental standards and strengthening monitoring in high-polluting regions, with some unqualified steel mills closed permanently since last year.

China put a new environment law into effect at the start of 2015, and can now impose unlimited fines and even prison sentences on officials who fail to conform with new standards.

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