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[网贴翻译] 【路透社 20150302】记性随着年龄增大而衰退?

发表于 2015-3-8 14:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Financial Times once carried a diary item about a worried father who had overheard his son talking about how he planned to become rich. He was going to work for Golden Sachs.

I was worried too. I had heard the story directly from the father but I couldnt remember who it was. After two days, I asked the diary writer, who put me out of my misery. When I recounted my lapse in the FT cafeteria, a senior colleague laughed: Its old age. Its going to get worse.

That was more than a decade ago. Has it got worse? Hard to say. It has certainly happened often enough for me to watch Rick Perrys recent memory meltdown in the Republican presidential hopefulsdebate with a there but for a written reminder?.?.?.
这是10多年前的事了。现在情况变糟了吗?很难说。对我来说,这种事情确实经常发生,看到里克·佩里(Rick Perry)最近在共和党总统候选人辩论中的失忆,我想“要是有个备忘录就好了……”

Some of the US press blamed Mr Perrys recall failure on inadequate preparation, lack of intelligence or absence of real belief that three government departments should be abolished (he couldnt remember the third). But most were reluctant to suggest the 61-year-old was showing his years. Brain researchers note that countless memory lapses like these happen to the rest of us every day,the New York Times said.

Companies, and countries, seem happy to turn to those approaching, or exceeding, pension age in times of trouble. Lucas Papademos, Greeces new prime minister, is 64. Mario Monti, appointed to head Italys government, is 68. (Silvio Berlusconi, his predecessor, is 75 and is, by all accounts, vigorous.)
企业和国家似乎愿意在遇到麻烦时求助于这些接近或超过退休年龄的人。希腊新任总理卢卡斯·帕帕季莫斯(Lucas Papademos)今年64岁。意大利新任总理马里奥·蒙蒂(Mario Monti) 68岁。(他的前任总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)现年75岁,而所有人都公认他精力充沛。)

That is comforting for everyone who expects to continue working into their late sixties or even later.

So, should employers assume there is no problem? Popular opinion thinks there is, convinced that memory deteriorates as you get older. While the press may be reluctant to blame Mr Perrys problem on his age, the internet shows no such reticence. Google Rick Perryand senior momentand you get more than 31m results.
那么,雇主是否应假定这其中没有任何问题?大众的意见是会有问题的,他们相信,年纪越大,记忆力越差。尽管媒体不愿将佩里的问题归咎于年龄,但互联网可就没有这么沉默了。用谷歌(Google)搜索“Rick Perry”和“senior moment(老年失忆症)”,结果超过了3100万条。

The UK online NHS health advice service says that around 40 per cent of people over 65 experience some kind of memory loss.

What can we do to prevent or arrest it, apart from remaining physically and mentally active? A recent study suggests we should resist the age stereotype that assumes we are going to lose our memories.

The study, by Becca Levy and Martin Slade of the Yale School of Public Health and Alan Zonderman and Luigi Ferrucci of the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, is a long-term project. It followed and tested hundreds of men and women over 38 years.

Researchers assessed their memory every six years from 1968 until 1991 and then every two years. They presented participants with 10 cards with geometric figures on them for 10 seconds, removed each card, and asked them to reproduce the figures.

They also presented participants with stereotypes, such as old people are absent-mindedand old people cannot concentrate welland asked to what extent they agreed.

The results were striking. The more positive people were about ageing, and the fewer negative stereotypes they held, the more they retained their powers of memory. Those with gloomy views of old age tended to lose their memories earlier.

When the pessimistic participants were 70, their memories were only as good as the optimistic 73-year-olds. The gap then widened. By 80, the gloomy ones had fallen six years behind the optimists. By the age of 90, they had the same recall powers as the cheerful 99-year-olds.

Overall, there was a 30.2 per cent greater memory decline for those aged 60 and above in the more negative age-stereotype group compared to the less negative age-stereotype group,the study said.

Was it because those with negative views of old age were in worse health, which might have affected their memories? Although they had already adjusted for health, the researchers looked at a subset of participants who reported that they were in excellent health and had no more than one chronic condition. The result was the same: those with more negative views of ageing experienced greater deterioration.

The study found another effect. Researchers asked participants when they thought people became old. They noted whether respondents suggested an age younger or older than they were whether a 70-year- old said old age set in at 65 or at 75. Those who believed they were not old yet had better memories.

You are as old as you feelis an old story. It is, it seems, also true. Remember that.

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