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[社会] 【NPR 20150511】Shanghai Tower: A Crown For The City's Futuristic Skyline

发表于 2015-5-12 22:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Shanghai Tower: A Crown For The City's Futuristic Skylinehttp://www.npr.org/blogs/parallels/2015/05/11/405875493/shanghai-tower-a-crown-for-the-citys-futuristic-skylineMAY 11, 2015 4:05 PM ET  Frank Langfitt


[size=1.2]The twisting Shanghai Tower (right) is the world's second-tallest building and opens soon.

Shen Zhonghai/Gensler
Shanghai is one of the world's most vertical cities, a metropolis where 50-story buildings are routine. At night, the cityscape is so cinematic, it's been featured in both James Bond and Mission Impossible films.
This year, Shanghai Tower, the world's second-tallest building, will open and put an exclamation point on Shanghai's futuristic skyline. The structure, which measures 2,073 feet, is loaded with symbolism.
It rises out of Shanghai's riverside financial district, which as recently as the 1990s was a mix of warehouses and open fields, even home to a dairy farm. The tower twists and tapers like a glass and steel geyser hurtling toward the sky – illustrating both Shanghai's and China's ambitions.
The building is so tall – only the Burj Khalifa (2,717 feet) in Dubai is taller — the views can be disorienting. From an observation deck on the 120th floor, visitors can stare down about 600 feet to a neighboring skyscraper, the Jinmao Tower. By comparison, the Jinmao, which opened in 1999 and resembles a pagoda, is taller than the Empire State Building.
On a clear day, you can see more than 30 miles from Shanghai Tower to the East China Sea, says Jun Xia, a Shanghai native and regional design director for Gensler, the American firm that designed the building.
To prevent the building from swaying in heavy winds, workers used a crane to stack steel plates and build a 1,200-ton, tuned-mass damper near the top of the tower. The damper is computerized and surrounded by pistons, which push it in the direction of strong winds to counter-balance their force. Without a damper, the top of the building could sway as much as 5 feet during typhoons, says Daniel Winey, Gensler's managing principal for the Asia-Pacific region.
"If you don't have something like this in a building of this height, you can actually get nauseous," says Winey.
Beyond its height, what distinguishes the structure is its design.
Shanghai Tower is a building within a building. The interior — where offices and a hotel will be located — is a cylinder wrapped in a skin of glass and steel, which creates a series of atriums that run up the sides of the structure. An atrium on the eighth floor is a dozen stories tall and has palm trees, granite benches and a panoramic view of the city.
"It creates what we call a vertical, urban community," says Xia.
Once the building is completely open, 20,000 to 30,000 people will pass through each day, says Winey. People can have lunch, grab a coffee or hold meetings in the atriums, called sky lobbies. Winey says the sky lobbies should offer enough amenities that some people won't feel compelled to leave the building during the work day, which will save on elevator rides and electricity.
"It's really more a study in urbanism than anything else," says Winey. "It's taking the ideas of Shanghai, where you have all these little parks and neighborhoods, and (turning it) from a horizontal plane to a vertical plane."
In all, there are 21 sky lobbies – that's not a typo — which are mostly public space that can't be rented out to make money. Winey says these sorts of design elements ensure a building like this would never be constructed in the United States, because the return on investment would be a long way off.
"From an economic standpoint, it would never pencil out," he says. "I don't think there would be any U.S. developers who would make that kind of investment."
Shanghai Tower, though, isn't a conventional investment. It was built for about $3 billion by the Shanghai Tower Construction and Development Co., a state-owned enterprise. The company declined an interview request from NPR.
The structure, which is ultimately owned by the city, is more than a building. It's a statement, an anchor for Shanghai's showcase skyline and a symbol of China's economic rise. From the government's perspective, given the message it's trying to send to Chinese people and the world, the money is probably worth it.
Shanghai Tower's reign as the world's second-tallest building, though, won't last long. Ping An Financial Center in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen will surpass it when it opens next year.
Yang Zhuo contributed to this article.

 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-12 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
  • [color=rgb(63, 69, 73) !important]
    • [color=rgb(63, 69, 73) !important][url=]36 Comments[color=rgb(63, 69, 73) !important][url=]
      • [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]MikeCluj
        • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]9 hours ago
        ..all of this while we hear that "others" are envious on our freedoms...

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]3 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)][url=]Share ›[/url]

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          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Senior Fancypants [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]MikeCluj • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]3 hours ago
          Having a really tall building indicate you're a superpower in the world. If it makes you feel any better, this building was designed by a San Francisco architecture team. Also, the tallest building in the world's architect is also an American. Certainly a thing to be envious of.

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]1 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

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          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Pops Parker [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]MikeCluj • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]6 hours ago
          This is what dollars are building, when we war on credit.
          When we choose not to buy American made.,the rich Invest in labor over-seas, producing goods sold here.
          Most of America´s hurt could be fixed, by taxing the very wealthy, very much.

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]1 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Mista Spakuru [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]MikeCluj • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]33 minutes ago
          Prosperity, maybe. Freedom? I don't think China is exactly a contender in that department.

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]spencer barrowes [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]MikeCluj • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]34 minutes ago
          Personally I would not trade my freedoms for a really, really tall building.

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Hugh Horton [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]MikeCluj • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]37 minutes ago
          I don't know about "others," but I would choose the freedoms over a tall building because the return on investment is much greater.

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Chris Vandenberg • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]8 hours ago
        That's a very nice P hallus there China. Feeling the need to compensate for something?

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]1 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]chateau margaux [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Chris Vandenberg • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]7 hours ago
          and are you feeling threatened? or just envious?

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]1 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Tillie McDermott • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]9 hours ago
        that blue sky was photoshopped in thanks 1981.

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]1 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]genielucia [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Tillie McDermott • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]9 hours ago
          Just want to say the sky really looks like that in Shanghai today. Because of strong wind....hahahaha.....

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]2 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Charles Tudor • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]10 hours ago
        Maybe Europe can arrange to have all the migrants go to China, the world of the not too distant future.

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]1 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Vern Wells • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]14 hours ago
        Looks like a "target rich environment" for terrorists to me.

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]1 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]freedumb sings [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Vern Wells • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]9 hours ago
          chinese people are all over:
          middle east
          central and south america
          eastern europe
          what they dont do is to antagonize locals
          annoy islamists
          steal resources by bribing and propping up corrupt dictatorships

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]2 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Ron Shirtz [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]freedumb sings • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]3 hours ago
            But the Chinese (Let's use caps, to give respect to proper names, shall we, Freedumb?) Communists have murdered tens of millions of their own people to purge themselves politically, violently suppressed peaceful protesters in Tienanmen Square, oppressed Tibet, and polluted their country beyond measure, to name a few.
            So keep that in mind as you constantly look to for ways to degrade America in comparison to every nation and people on the planet. That axe you grind must be getting pretty worn out by now.

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]3 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]CliveBixby [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]freedumb sings • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]41 minutes ago
            Like this?
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]http://www.npr.org/blogs/paral...

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Vern Wells [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]freedumb sings • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]2 hours ago
            Boy are you ever out of touch with reality! Don't antagonize locals or annoy Islamists, eh? And don't steal resources by bribery, eh? Bwahahahahaha!!

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Nerd Rage [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Vern Wells • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]10 hours ago
          The difference is leadership ...
          Attack America ... Obama is unlikely to retaliate.
          Attack China ... I'm guessing China would bring some atheist wrath.

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]2 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]chateau margaux [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Nerd Rage • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]10 hours ago
            attack America and Bush attacks the people who did not attack America, but you are still baffled by reality
            Was Obama in power on 9-11, no it was a Republican named Bush.
            Obama has done too much attacking. Cant imagine anyone other than the most violently insane would want more war?

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]5 •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

              • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

              [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
              [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Dogtor Obvious [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]chateau margaux • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]10 hours ago
              Sheesh! Relax! Drink a little more Bordeaux.

              [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

                • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

                [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
                [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]chateau margaux [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Dogtor Obvious • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]9 hours ago
                now thats a good idea

                [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

                  • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

                  [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
                  [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]emily shaft [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]chateau margaux • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]8 hours ago
                  I always thought Bordeaux was good for the brain....

                  [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

                    • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

                    [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
                    [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]chateau margaux [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]emily shaft • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]7 hours ago
                    yes, its the cheese, meats and sauces and wine combined into utter goodness

                    [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]spencer barrowes [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Nerd Rage • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]28 minutes ago
            Terrorists want you to retaliate. They want to draw you deeper and deeper into a wasteful quagmire which you'll never exactly win but on which you'll waste huge amounts of money and alienate an ever greater segment of the population. See Exhibit A: Iraq, and Exhibit B: Afghanistan.
            Or automatically blame Obama for everything, because that doesn't require any thought.

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]J G [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Nerd Rage • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]43 minutes ago
            Yes, clearly the President that actually killed Osama (despite not being the President during the 9-11 attacks) is the guy who won't fight back.

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Vern Wells [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Nerd Rage • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]2 hours ago
            Agreed. We both seem to be playing the same game by different rules.

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]emily shaft [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Vern Wells • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]8 hours ago
          What kind of person would think like that?

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Vern Wells [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]emily shaft • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]2 hours ago
            A terrorist. Or one who was trying to think ahead of terrorists.

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

            • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

            [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
            [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]chateau margaux [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]emily shaft • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]7 hours ago
            they deleted my comment. I begged Vern not to be so creeeppyy, and for reasons unknown to me, my comment was nixed

            [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Jimbo James • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]17 minutes ago
        I've always liked the older tower with the two bulbous parts. It reminds me of the sci-fi books from the 50's and 60's and the writers' view of cityscapes on other planets or ours in the distant future.

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Jerry Levy • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]20 minutes ago
        One can barely breathe in Shanghai in the summer it is so polluted

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Hal C • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]2 hours ago
        In case anyone hasn't seen it heres the Russian daredevils scaling the building (plus a crane on the top) before it was complete. The part at the end where they're out at the end of the crane gives me the heebeegeebees
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]Mista Spakuru [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Hal C • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]38 minutes ago
          Beat me to it. There is a line between fearlessness and madness and those two have clearly crossed it. The other "skyscrapers" look like building blocks from up there...

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]emily shaft • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]8 hours ago
        Has anyone parachuted from it yet?

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]chateau margaux [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]emily shaft • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]7 hours ago
          give it a try, I think you can do it

          [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

        • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

        [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]chateau margaux • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]10 hours ago
        it looks spectacular.
        America looks on in envy. I think we deserve credit for the prosperity of China, we must be paying 20 billion a yr in interest to China, and they hold 1.3 trillion of our 17 trillion national debt, the largest share of any country is China (7.6%).
        [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]http://www.pewresearch.org/fac...
        How did the smog disappear for the photo?
        I hope China can show the Tea Party how to think about the Environment? Hard to imagine China is now more progressive than the US on Climate change? but then again, we Americans are pretty, self-absorbed

        [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)] •[color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)][url=]Share ›[/url]

          • [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498039) !important]

          [backcolor=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.2)]
          [color=rgb(109, 138, 196) !important]N G [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]chateau margaux • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]5 hours ago
          You mean as they build dozens of new coal-fired power plants every year!


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