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[网贴翻译] 克林顿对中国的黑客行为采取强烈的言辞

发表于 2015-7-10 10:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【英文标题】Clinton has strong words on Chinese hacking
【更新时间】5 July 2015
(CNN)Democratic presidential candidateHillary Clinton unleashed some of the strongest words to date about China'shacking of U.S. computers.

China is "trying to hack intoeverything that doesn't move" in the United States, Clinton said, accusingthe Chinese of stealing information from both businesses and governmentagencies.

China is suspected of the recent theft ofthe personal data of about 18 million current, former and prospective federalemployees who were affected by a cyber breach at the Office of PersonnelManagement.

Director of National Intelligence JamesClapper told an intelligence conference last month that the Chinese are"the leading suspect" in the massive hack of the OPM.

"They're also trying to hack intoeverything that doesn't move in America," Clinton said at a campaign eventin Glen, New Hampshire.

"Stealing commercial secrets,blueprints from defense contractors, stealing huge amounts of governmentinformation. All looking for an advantage."

Clinton said America's response to China'srise will determine much of the future for the United States and the world.

"I want to see a peaceful rise forChina," Clinton said. "I worked very hard on that as secretary ofstate, I will continue to do so. But we also have to be fully vigilant thatChina's military is growing very quickly and they are establishing militaryinstallations that again threaten countries we have treaties with, like thePhilippines."

Clinton was referring to China's buildingof manmade islands in disputed waters.

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