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[外媒编译] 经济学人:英欧离婚,结婚不容易,分手更麻烦

发表于 2016-12-21 16:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英欧离婚|《经济学人》:走到一起不容易,分起手来更麻烦,且行且珍惜2016-12-20 从余启 我与我们的世界







                                                                            7:35                      The sexiest job in Europe             来自我与我们的世界                        

The EU’s Brexit negotiators prepare for disaster
Still, it’s the sexiest job in Brussels

“BREXIT is so fascinating!” exclaims a French official. Few Europeans wanted Britain to quit the European Union. But now that it is happening, foreign ministries and policy units across the EU are relishing the task ahead. As an intellectual exercise, managing the multifaceted complexities of Britain’s departure from the EU offers the kind of satisfaction rarely found in policy work. As a historic negotiation without precedent—no country has left the EU before, let alone one of Britain’s size and stature—it is a wonderful CV-builder. In Brussels, where the talks will take place, officials are scrambling to involve themselves with what one calls “the sexiest file in town”.

1.Charlemagne [ˈʃɑːləˌmeɪn]  查理大帝(742年-814年),因建立了囊括西欧大部分地区的庞大帝国而被后世尊称为“欧洲之父”
2.fascinating ['fæsɪneɪtɪŋ] adj. 迷人的;吸引人的;使人神魂颠倒的;v. 使…着迷;使…陶醉(fascinate的ing形式)
3.exclaim [ɪk'skleɪm]  vi. 呼喊,惊叫;大声叫嚷;vt. 大声说出
4.relish['relɪʃ] n. 滋味;风味;食欲;开胃小菜;含义;调味品;vt. 盼望;期待;享受; 品味;喜爱;给…加佐料;vi. 有特定意味;味道可口
5.multifaceted [mʌltɪ'fæsɪtɪd] adj. 多层面的
6.complexity [kəm'pleksətɪ] n. 复杂,复杂性;复杂错综的事物
7.stature ['stætʃə] n. 身高,身材;(精神、道德等的)高度
8.scramble ['skræmb(ə)l] vt. 攀登;使混杂,仓促凑成;扰乱;n. 抢夺,争夺;混乱,混乱的一团;爬行,攀登;vi. 爬行,攀登;不规则地生长;仓促行动

The preparations for Brexit on either side of the English Channel offer a Homeric parable of chaos and order. In Britain Theresa May, the prime minister, exudes swanlike calm, restricting her utterances on Brexit to warm banalities. But below the surface her government is paddling furiously to avoid being submerged by the awesome bureaucratic task bequeathed to it by Britain’s voters. One leaked note from a consultancy portrays a flailing government that needs up to 30,000 more civil servants to manage Brexit. Mrs May says she will notify the EU of Britain’s intention to leave under Article 50 of the EU treaty by the end of March 2017. That leaves barely three months to settle basic questions such as whether Britain should aim to stay in the EU’s customs union.

1.Homeric [həu'merik] adj. 荷马时代的;荷马式的;荷马的
2.parable ['pærəb(ə)l] n. 寓言,比喻;隐晦或谜般的格言
3.exude [ɪg'zjuːd] vt. 散发;流出;使渗出;vi. 流出;渗出;发散
4.utterance ['ʌt(ə)r(ə)ns] n. 表达;说话;说话方式
5.banality [bə'nælɪtɪ] n. 平凡;陈腐;陈词滥调
6.paddle ['pæd(ə)l] n. 划桨;明轮翼;vt. 拌;搅;用桨划;vi. 划桨;戏水;涉水
7.bequeath [bɪ'kwiːð] vt. 遗赠;把…遗赠给;把…传下去
8.flail[fleɪl] vt. 打;用连枷打,用力地胡乱挥动; 用力地胡乱摆动;vi. 打;用连枷打;n. 连枷(打谷物用的工具)

The contrast with the EU’s institutions, and the larger capitals, is striking. The 27 remaining EU countries quickly established a common line towards Britain on matters like the indivisibility of the EU’s single market. At a summit on December 15th, as The Economist went to press, they were due to issue a formal declaration outlining the format for the talks to come. The Brussels institutions have largely established their respective roles, bar a wobble from the European Parliament, and now spend their days in quasi-academic contemplation of trade models or security co-operation protocols as they wait for the games to begin. Officials everywhere insist that their priority will be preserving the interests of the EU, not keeping Britain happy. “This is a negotiation where we have to defend Europe, not undo it,” says Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s Brexit point-man.

1.indivisibility [,ɪndə,vɪzə'bɪləti] n. 不可分割;除不尽
2.wobble ['wɒb(ə)l] vi. 摇晃;摇摆;游移不定;n. 摆动;摇晃;不稳定;vt. 使摇摆;使颤动;摇动
3.quasi [ˈkweɪzaɪ ˈkwɑːzi] adj. 准的;类似的;外表的;adv. 似是;有如
4.contemplation [,kɒntem'pleɪʃ(ə)n]  n. 沉思;注视;意图
5.point man  先头侦察兵;主力队员;领头人物;重要人物

European officials have refused to engage with Britain until Mrs May triggers Article 50. But they observe goggle-eyed the spectacle unfolding across the Channel. Some British ministers appear to believe that the entire relationship can be recast, rather than merely the divorce settlement finalised, in the two-year period Article 50 allows. European negotiators who think it is essential to act as one are staggered to hear some ministers cling to the delusion that Germany’s need to sell cars to British motorists will ensure that Mrs May secures a good deal.

1.goggle-eyed ['ɡɔɡlaid] adj. 突眼的;眼珠突出的
2.spectacle ['spektək(ə)l] n. 景象;场面;奇观;壮观;公开展示;表相,假相 n.(复)眼镜
3.recast [riː'kɑːst] vt. 重铸;彻底改动;n. 重铸;重做的事物
4.stagger ['stægə] vt. 蹒跚;使交错;使犹豫;使震惊vi. 蹒跚;犹豫;n. 蹒跚;交错安排;adj. 交错的;错开的
5.cling [klɪŋ] vi. 坚持,墨守;紧贴;附着
6.delusion [dɪ'l(j)uːʒ(ə)n] n. 迷惑,欺骗;错觉;幻想

Gloom is thus descending on the European side. The EU will probably insist on settling the terms of Britain’s withdrawal before discussing future arrangements, and each is ripe for the fiercest of rows. Top of the list is the departure bill that the European Commission, which will lead the talks on behalf of the EU, will place before Britain. The commission puts the sum at up to €60bn ($64bn), roughly equivalent to three-quarters of Britain’s projected budget deficit for 2016-17. Brexiteer diehards, and their allies in the pit-bull press, will transfer their fury from the domestic “Remoaners” they accuse of holding up Brexit to perfidious Europeans making outrageous demands. One EU official puts the chances of Britain walking out of the talks next year at 50%.

1.gloom [gluːm] n. 昏暗;阴暗
2.diehard ['daɪhɑːd] n. 顽固分子;死不屈从者;倔强的人
4.moan [məʊn] vi. 抱怨,悲叹;呻吟;n. 呻吟;悲叹;vt. 抱怨;呻吟
5.perfidious [pə'fɪdɪəs] adj. 背信弃义的;不忠的
6.outrageous [aʊt'reɪdʒəs] adj. 粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的

Even if catastrophe can be averted, the negotiations will offer endless opportunities for rancour. Take the question of what to do with the 2.8m EU citizens living in Britain and the 1.2m Britons in the rest of the EU. At first blush it seems simple: both sides agree to guarantee the ongoing rights of citizens who arrived before a given date—perhaps the notification of Article 50. Indeed, Mrs May has sought to strike such a deal before beginning the formal withdrawal talks (concerned that she was seeking to play divide-and-rule, her European counterparts rebuffed her).

1.rancour ['ræŋkɚ] n. 深仇;敌意
2.rebuff [rɪ'bʌf] n. 断然拒绝;回绝;漠不关心;vt. 断然拒绝

But closer inspection reveals a never-ending string of complexities. Do governments have the administrative wherewithal to process applications for permanent residence? Will the children of EU citizens have the right to cheap university tuition? What about accrued pensions or other benefits? None of these questions is intractable. But each requires detailed negotiations and technical work. The same goes for other matters to be tackled in the withdrawal talks, from the pensions of British Eurocrats to the management of safety at Britain’s nuclear plants. Untangling a 43-year-old relationship, it turns out, is devilishly complicated.

1.wherewithal ['weəwɪðɔːl] n. 必要的资金(或手段)
2.accrued [ə'krʊd] adj. [会计] 应计的;增值的;权责已发生的;v. 积累(accrue的过去分词);形成
3.intractable [ɪn'træktəb(ə)l] adj. 棘手的;难治的;倔强的;不听话的
4.untangle [ʌn'tæŋg(ə)l] vt. 清理;整顿;解开…纠结
5.devilish ['dev(ə)lɪʃ] adj. 邪恶的;精力旺盛的;魔鬼似的;adv. 非常;极度地

Triumph of the won’t?
This in turn explains why concluding a separation deal within two years will not be easy. (In fact the months needed for procedural matters and ratification will cut the negotiation time to around 15 months.) The scale of the task, and the economic thump many Europeans think is heading Britain’s way—inflation, diverted investment and swooning public finances—mean some still harbour a hope Brexit may be averted. But that misreads the British mood. If things turn sour the blame will be heaped not on Brexit, but on the obstructionist EU.

1.triumph ['traɪʌmf] n. 胜利,凯旋;欢欣;vi. 获得胜利,成功
2.ratification [,rætəfə'keʃən] n. 批准;承认,认可
3.thump [θʌmp] vt. 重击;用拳头打;砰地撞到;vi. 重击;狠打;砰然地响;n. 重打;重击声
4.divert [daɪ'vɜːt]  vt. 转移;使…欢娱;使…转向;vi. 转移
5.swoon [swun] vi. 昏晕;惊讶;着迷;n. 昏晕;狂喜
6.heap [hiːp] n. 堆;许多;累积;vt. 堆;堆积;vi. 堆起来
7.obstructionist [əb'strʌkʃənɪst] n. 妨碍者;蓄意阻挠者;adj. 阻挠议事的;蓄意阻挠的

The ingredients for Brexit—a departing country confused about its leverage, a club distracted by other problems and determined to avoid more fractures, a procedure without precedent, a tight deadline—make a combustible mix. Yet both sides should feel the historic weight of these talks. Although Britain will be the first victim if things go wrong, a club assailed by crisis on all sides knows it cannot afford to oversee a Brexit debacle, however fascinating the exercise. For the EU, at least, that means placing hope in a British government that it fears may not warrant it. “From a rational point of view, we can’t fail,” says an official in Brussels. “But I’m not sure the rationality is there in the UK.”

1.combustible [kəm'bʌstɪb(ə)l] adj. 易燃的;易激动的;燃烧性的;n. 可燃物;易燃物
2.assail [ə'seɪl] vt. 攻击;质问;着手解决
3.oversee [əʊvə'siː] vt. 监督;审查;俯瞰;偷看到,无意中看到
4.debacle [dɪˈbɑːkəl] n. 崩溃;灾害;解冻
5.warrant ['wɒr(ə)nt] n. 根据;证明;正当理由;委任状;vt. 保证;担保;批准;辩解



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