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Lorne Gunter . China doesn't deserve Olympics

Lorne Gunter, The Edmonton Journal

Published: Monday, March 31, 2008
The Chinese government contends Tibetans have only begun protesting now because of the approaching Olympics, that nothing material has changed in Tibet recently that warrants demonstrations now more so than six months or a year ago. The timing has been chosen to embarrass Beijing on the eve of its greatest international triumph - hosting the 2008 Summer Games.
This is almost certainly true and all the more to the Tibetans' credit for being true.
After being under the heel of China's Communist dictatorship for nearly 60 years, Tibetans have chosen their moment to act. As a result of China's violent suppression of unarmed Tibetan marchers this month, there will almost certainly be Olympic boycotts, whether individual or national, that will stain the games. And despite China's bravado, even a small blemish on the Beijing Olympics will be more hurtful than most westerners can understand.

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China is both a tiger and a lemur contained in the same body. With its mighty economy - which it well knows the rest of the world has come to count on both for inexpensive goods and for investment profits - and its rapidly expanding military, China wishes the world to see it as a colossus, which in many ways it is. But it is a giant with an inferiority complex and a powerful set of phobias. It's a superpower with a nervous twitch and some serious self-doubt.
It isn't sure the rest of the world views it as an equal with the United States, Russia and the EU. And it worries about this because it isn't sure itself that it is yet on a par with those other powers.
China has been using the Olympics to prove to itself it belongs in the upper echelon of nations, almost as much as it has been using them to prove to those nations to let it into their club. So the Tibet uprising, with its potential to bring about serious Olympic embarrassment, strikes not only at China's outward image, but at its self-image as well.
China is supremely self-confident. For instance, Canadian and western businessmen who do lots of business in China's booming southeastern provinces speak of a pro-business environment that rivals anything anywhere in the western world: low taxes, balanced regulation, efficient bureaucrats, moderate corruption and a reasonably reliable application of the rule of law by local courts.
These are hallmarks of a central government confident it understands what it is doing in international commerce and trusting of the people within that region.
By contrast, China's brutal suppression of Tibet is, as are its constant threats to Taiwan, based on an unstable mixture of greater nationalism, ethnic prejudices and insecurity.
China sees Tibet as part of Greater China, even as history provides equally compelling arguments that it is not. The Han Chinese who rule Tibet also see Tibetans as dull, backward tribal herders and religious addicts who are unfit to govern themselves. On top of that there is a constant fear in Beijing of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan god-king and of the potential he and his followers bring for Tibetan separation.

Add Your Comment

R Evoy
Mon, Mar 31, 08 at 12:25 PM
There are numerous reasons to boycott the Chinese Olympic games. Brutal and barberic acts of unbearable cruelty inflicted on inocent and defenseless animals is one such reason!

Mon, Mar 31, 08 at 12:32 PM
i don't see any mention, that protestors burn shop employee to death by pouring gasoline, there is alway 2sides of the story//// think about it, why should china harm anyone, only the trouble maker harms china.//// if said Daili Lama is great leader, why ran to India in hiding instead fight with his people for his people. it all rubbished

Mon, Mar 31, 08 at 01:56 PM
"Lorne Gunter: China doesn't deserve Olympics" More than 1300000000 people in China disagree with you. one-fifth of the people wants to hold the Olympic in China for themselves and whoever wants to come. This is the people's Olympic. Why do you have against tthose 1.3 Billion people?

Mon, Mar 31, 08 at 08:16 PM
This article fails to demonstrate an understanding of the complexities of the history between China and Tibet. The idea that the West can impose its own rather hypocritical values upon Chinese civilization strikes one as arrogant in the extreme. It is even more arrogant to do so without understanding the historical truth behind their relationship.

Mon, Mar 31, 08 at 09:07 PM
Mr.Lorne Gunter's comments about China are full of bias and baseless. Is Tibet a country or not, please consult some Canadian University professors. "It has become almost impossible for Tibetans to rise to the highest levels in government or business because the most powerful jobs are reserved for Chinese": Are native Indian able to rise to the highest levels in Canadian government or business?

Mon, Mar 31, 08 at 10:13 PM
The liar as you cheated lots of kind people. Why didn't you say any word about the innocent civilians killed in this riot? You should learn some history about Tibet, not only English version, but the others. You have no right to say :"China doesn't deserve Olympics".1.3 billion kind,peaceful Chinese people deserve Olympics. what i am asking you is please don't lie again. If you were in Tibet at that "uprising" time, tell the truth.

steven shi
Mon, Mar 31, 08 at 11:00 PM
Olympic is sport event, 1.3 billion chinese deserve to enjoy it.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:20 AM
Olympic is not a political game, don't mess it up! Please respect all of those hard woking athletes!! And I'm pretty sure, you won't get any invitations from Olympic Organization, so don't worry about that, you can stay at your home as long as you want!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:51 AM
"China doesn't deserve the Olympics. An international boycott is now more than justified." Why? Because of current Tibet riot??? You like to see Tibet being separated from China??? You like to see a country to be separated into two or fifty-six just because you do not like CPP??? I would like to know: Did you feel happy when West Germany and East Germany united as one while East Germany was under Communist Party control? Sorry, you were perhaps just a kid at that time. What will be your attitude if Quebec people want to be independent? You should go to China and Tibet to see and to listen what local normal people's feeling about today and before and then give your comments. You are still young to learn. Thanks

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:43 AM
Killing small animals are bad thing. but funny on picking such reason for boycott Olympic event. How about the seal protecting email I am receiving very often. Boycott Canada because of killing baby seals? If only the perfect nation can host the Olympic, there is no Olympic.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:55 AM
The writer is rubbish

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:56 AM
March 31st, seems not very updated story, sounds like 50 years ago... [edited to remove insults]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:57 AM
Lorne Gunter, if you don't know what has happened in tibet, don't talk rubbish, this can only show how naive you are!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:18 AM
Please do not use Olympic as a politic tool! We want peace, not violence. We want Olympic and not irresponsible journalist. To boycott Olympic solves nothing but only harm those atheletes!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:20 AM
This article does not make any sense, since in whatever way China is going to hold the Olympics in this summer.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:29 AM
Lorne Gunter, have you ever been in China?

Grace Swenson
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:34 AM
Please restore my respect on your website by being truthful, responsible and unbiased. Sorry to say that this article just reflected the opposite.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:35 AM
rubbish !!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:44 AM
how much do you know about china? you'd better look before you leap. and don't judge it after you know the truth

truth never from MEDIA!
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:47 AM
u know nothing! pls go to china and stay for more than 1 year. After then we can talk about the situation in china. Dont read such s*** and believe it is truth! U know nothing and r befooled everyday! [edited slightly. Keep it clean.]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:56 AM
What is democratic by difinition? Anything can happen, pigs can fly so he may do what ever he likes yet NOBODY is entitled to give verdict before a vote is conducted and counted otherwise he is totally a dictator by meaning. Let have a vote and see the results.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:07 AM
i wanna convince myself that the writer has never been to Tibet , or even China, so that i would forgive him for some of his ungrounded arguments. do some investigation before make judgements, in my view, China is one of the best counties in terms of handling ethic group relations, not democratic, but China is stable, go to middle east if you dont understand the meaning of "stable"

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:09 AM
You know nothing about Tibet, you break the law that news must be based on truth. Therefore, you don't deserve to be a columnist with the Edmonton Journal.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:10 AM
Lorne Gunter does not deserves the columnist or journalist title at all. He knows little about the history of China and the world. The premises and the argument of this article are entirely nonsense. Please read something about World and Chinese history before you write something solid. [edited to remove gratuitous insults]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:22 AM
Lorne Gunter I think you are right with your conclusion that china is an imperfect entity. You comments apply, in many case, not only to a country like China, they apply to you and me. We are all imperfect people and, in some case, live in a double life. Yet I disagree with your classification of western world and Chinese. It sounds a coward strategy in bullying others. It is more of a terrorist strategy characterized by taking an entire group of population as hostage. When you name yourself as a member of western world, you should know that Western culture was a name which many young Chinese is looking up to. The western culture prevailed over the last century not by terrorist allegation and threat, it is the rationales, reasoning and scientific way of thinking conquer the hart of the universe. Look at you article; go take a school in Ontario. That being said, you comments must be learned from your parents when they had hope on you. There is good to criticize China, not your way. Shame on you calling yourself western world.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:37 AM
what is your point? Olympics is for global people, for chinese people. you think chinese goverment dosn't deserve Olympics, and chinese people either?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:37 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJY1eK9jQ28 Your clever choice of words/phrases and stacking of well-known-to-westerners 'facts' may not be enough to overshadow the real fact that China has brought mostly positive impacts to Tibet.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:48 AM
Lorne Gunte,I don't think you are right. you don't understand china.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:58 AM
Before we go around castigating people, we should hear both sides of the story and really, with all the sinophobia that's being published in the mainstream media, those Chinese who are English-literate (growing in numbers with learners larger than US pop.) will feel less inclined to engage with the West. Coupled with the calls for the boycott unwisely / naively encouraged, the nationalistic Chinese will view this as just another step by the West to pull China down as it did during the 19-20th century. So, even if they may feel uncomfortable about their government, there will be a 'ring the wagons' feeling around China. Beijing, embarrassed and itching to lash out, could simply pull the plug on the finances of the West. Or could simply find multiple ways of encouraging regimes around the globe to make life difficult for the rest of us. So - sure, go ahead and stand on your high horse and talk about how China is mistreating the Tibetans but shouldn't one look at home first (remember Canada's indigenous people)? Or about the saying "Remove the log in your own eye before you remove the speck in your brother's eye"? But hey - nothing is going to stop you from supporting a boycott but something tells me that the law of unintended consequences will come into play and we might just not like it.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:06 AM
Hey, do you really know what you are talking about? I have no comment for your nescience. Just take responsibility for what you're saying in this article.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:07 AM
Hey R EVOY, Please see this. http://youtube.com/watch?v=3-YTpgX7oQg I have lost my patience. People like Gunter just don't want to open their eyes, don't want to use their logic, don't want to make money in the right way. [edited slightly. keep it clean, please.]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:10 AM
Does Canada deserve it? How many Indians are abused and killed in the history of Canada? Maybe the only fault China has is that it has not killed all the Tibetans and still let them stay on their native land. Any way, it is easy and patriotic to accuse China, a communist country. Why not? But I don't think boycott China will work. Since 1989, we always boycott them, but their Foreign Exchange Reserve goes from 10 billion to 1.2 trillion. Are we really think they want to make some money from the game?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:25 AM
Why didnt u stop it at the first place? Now they got the right to host it, just let them do it. It's a good chance to know more about that mistry country. Daili Lama is a politician. He's not just a monk. Politician lies, we know it. Both sides lie, dont listern tothem. Lorne, your just so silly. rubbish!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:35 AM
"China sees Tibet as part of Greater China, even as history provides equally compelling arguments that it is not." Really? Which history book showed you that Tibet is not part of China? Tibet has always been part of China since Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)! Do some reserch before writing any nonsense! [edited to remove insults]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:36 AM
Lorne Gunter: You are incredibly ignorant of history. It is totally irresponsible to make comments like this without a shred of decent understanding of the history involved. I suggest that you should at least do some homework before embarrassing yourself again.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:37 AM
so stupid article, every one know you distrot the truth of Tibet

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:39 AM
Lorne Gunter, I am shame with you !

So what?
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:42 AM
If any Canadian agrees with you then he shouldn't have to go. Nobody will miss you.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:43 AM
Lorne Gunter: Check out the map of great China since Yuan dynasty. It will teach you a lesson what history says about "whether Tibet has always been part of China". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Yuen_Dynasty_1294.png

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:47 AM
It is people like Lorne Gunter that gives journalists a bad name. He is ignorant, arrogant, and biased, cooking up stories without first hand knowledge, most deplorably with an intention to mislead.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:48 AM
has the write been live in china before he made the judgement?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:49 AM
go to hell ! if China doesn't deserve Olympics, who does? Canada?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:19 AM
Free Quebec before you even make commets on china issue!!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:19 AM
Iraq had WMD? No. Media told you so. How about Tibet on media? Truth or lie? There is also information from web. Background information of Tibet from a PhD from Yale: http://www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html The CIA's Secret War in Tibet http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/concia.... Tibet -- Its Ownership And Human Rights Situation: http://www.china.org.cn/e-white/tibet... Riot in Tibet: True face of western media: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSQnK5... WHAT IF THE TIBET RIOTS TAKES PLACE IN GERMANY? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQPv8R... How NYPD handle Tibetan Protesters IN AMERICA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A_V_O... "Peaceful" Tibetan in Belgium http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU-Hhv... Traditional Tibetan culture in Tibet (It IS there) (how beautiful!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7L62-... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Aw3fq... FACE THE TRUTH OF TIBET VIOLENCE WITH NEW ZEALAND MEDIA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_3hrK... Toronto: Protest condemn western media twist report onTibet, China http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tGVyy... Different Voice from Vancouver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8vhQI...

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:27 AM
As a Canadian, I don't know how the author got the conclusion that "China has for decades destroyed symbols of Tibetan culture, demolished ancient Buddhist temples, executed thousands of monks and closed monastery schools." Has the author ever been to Tibet?! Is the author blinded? This is a shameless lie!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:29 AM
Gunter's statement is based on this very recent German Article talking about the "Art of Cropping". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fANrz597TCI

chinese guy
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:35 AM
Lorne Gunter, you don't know anything about CHINA but make some troubles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:37 AM
Stunned by your ignorance and bravado to show it. Read: http://journeyeast.tripod.com/tibetans_are_not_victims.html

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:41 AM
Lorne Gunter is a racialist, he is discriminating againt chinese. I don't understand the logic behind here: a lot of chinese were killed or burnt to beath in Tibet by riot, and this leads to boycott of Beijing Olymipic game. Is this world all screwed? [edited. Keep it clean.]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:42 AM
You do not deserve speaking anything about China. [edited. Keep it clean.]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:45 AM
Lorne Gunter: have you ever been in China? have you ever been in Tibet? Give me detail description and number how CPP destory symbols of Tibetan culture, demolished ancient Buddhist temples? If you really care about chinese issue, you have to learn chinese history first.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:51 AM
This paper is totally groundless. The author doesn't deserve to be the author in any means. He is biased and has no sense of FACTUAL facts. Shame on hime!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:57 AM
"Please restore my respect on your website by being truthful, responsible and unbiased. Sorry to say that this article just reflected the opposite. " support!

L Hu
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:05 AM
"After being under the heel of China's Communist dictatorship for nearly 60 years". You mean that Tibetan people lived in a perfect democracy led by Dalai Lama before this "terrible" 60 years, don't you? If you mean that based on your ignorance, could you please learn some history about China and Tibet? I suggest you talk to some scholars who understand Tibet language and visited Tibet by themselves, such as professor Melvyn Goldstein or Tom Greunfeld. If you mean that based on your bias and arrogant, could you please shut up and keep quiet? Because the Chinese people know what is better for them.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:10 AM
Look at the author's name LORne GUNter. He has Nothing to do with the great LORd, but only with the violent GUN and satan. Sure, his aggressive GUN-linked trait is born from his parents. Since he could not shoot his GUN in CANADA, he just had to shoot his GUN at the innocent CHINESE people. Why? Because he knows the international law that the chinese govement can not arrest this Foreign criminal for his barbaric CRIME!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:10 AM
Does the author even know where Tibet is? Historically, there had been a few kingdoms on the land of present China. Tibet was one of the kingdoms, but it was not a country. There are quite a few Canadian schools offering history courses, do not be too shy to learn, Mr. Lorne Gunter. No blame on you if you dislike a political party, No blame on you if you disagree with a government, But you are going against a country and all its people for no solid reasons. So shame on you, Lorne Gunter!

Shameless author
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:12 AM
The author is Shameless and totally groundless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anthony Decarmo
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:13 AM
Mr. Gunter, Picture this: a group of Quebecois took violence to streets, they were looting, burning and killing. And people from far-far-away, who never been to Canada, call that uprising, since Canadien has been bearing with Ottawa for hundred years. How do you justify that kind comments and sentiment? And if police press down those guys with force and even arms ( remember they are killing!), does the international society have ground to say Vancouver doesn't deserve Winter Olympic in 2010 and boycott that event? As Quebecois put on their vehicle license plates 'je me souviens', which translates in English is "I remember". Use your own brain to think. You don't have to make sound to prove you are alive. Or, write something just in order to earn this week's bread and milk. If you live outside Quebec and want make some comments about "uprising in Quebec", the best suggestion I can give is keep your mouth shut until you have yourself live in that niche. Anthony

You are a liar
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:14 AM
Gunter wrote: "China has for decades destroyed symbols of Tibetan culture, demolished ancient Buddhist temples, executed thousands of monks and closed monastery schools..." ****** Lies and lies, unending lies... Maybe China should learn a few things from Canadians in their dealings with the native people of Canada in its early days. Eliminate 95% of the native population by massacre, slaughter, diseases, and take all their land for force or by frauds, and destroy their traditional way of life; then segregate the remainder by putting them in "reserves", and then take their children and send them to the priests to be physically and sexually abused... Now Canada is a paradise for everybody, especially for the natives. Just look at how drunk, how obese they have all become!!! By the way, do anybody know that South Africa's notorious "Apartheid" system was actually copied after the Canadian treatment of its native people.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:20 AM
The media from the West once again lost completely the credibility. If this Lorne Gunter guy just wanted to be famous, I have to admit that he did it, though very nasty. With regard to the Tibet issue (which is a 100% China's domestic issue), I am so disappointed by the 'professionalism' of the media from the West, and I can understand why there now is a very popular phrase in Chinese community if we want to tell others not to lie----Don't be like CNN! Hahaha, good one, just like a slash in the face of the anti-China Western Medias!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:20 AM
Lorne Gunter: All I can tell from your essay is your extreme ignorance and arrogance. You do not derserve the title of a columnist. Shame on you and shame on your family!!! [edited. Keep it clean.]

ED Journal
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:22 AM
should dismiss this ignorant idiot. his stupid comments is not conducive to the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games, nor the Quebec issue, nor the Indian Aboriginals issue of Canada.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:35 AM
This article by Gunter has been translated and posted on many Chinese language websites. I copied the following comment from one of them that are visited by overseas Chinese: ************* "Learn from Canadians Gunter wrote: "China has for decades destroyed symbols of Tibetan culture, demolished ancient Buddhist temples, executed thousands of monks and closed monastery schools..." ****** Lies and lies, unending lies... Maybe China should have learned a few things from Canadians in their dealings with the native people of Canada in their early days. Eliminate 95% of the native population by massacre, slaughter, diseases, and take all their land by force or by frauds, and destroy their traditional way of life; then segregate the remainder by putting them in "reserves", and then take their children and send them to the priests to be physically and sexually abused... Now Canada is a paradise for everybody, especially for the natives. Just look at how drunk, how obese these Indians on Reserves have all become!!! By the way, do anybody know that South Africa's notorious "Apartheid" system was actually inspired by the Canadian treatment of its native people."

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:35 AM
Lorne Gunter, I respect your ignorance, however I think you are too old to understand that the world has changed a lot since the cold war, you do not deserve to be a senior columnist, ( well, correction: you deserve senior, but not to be a columnist) .

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:40 AM
Check out this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9QNKB34cJo That is the Chinses people want to tell, Does Lorne Gunter know Chinese history? does he know what he is talking about? why chinese government want to make trouble now to ruin their Olympic? Lorne Gunter want to pick on 1.3 billion chinese or china government? 1.3 billion Chinese doesn't deserve Olympic? stupid guy, China is not the 20 year's china, you keep dream on!

Chinese Canadian
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:47 AM
Tibet WAS,IS,and ALWAYS WILL BE a part of China!! Just like Quebec is part of Canada. If you don't agree with me, why don't you back off of America, return the land to Indian!!! 1.3 Billion chinese deserve Olympics!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9QNKB34cJo

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:48 AM
I ma just wondering : How confident are you with your so-called evidence? Canada is a country with good reputation in the world, hopefully your *** wont spread out widely and defame us. [edited. Keep it clean.]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:49 AM
Just shut up then wait and see China how deserve one of the most succeed Olympics .very stupit auther! very funny article!.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:11 AM
Lorne Gunter, I am shame with you !

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:22 AM
Lorne Gunter, please do some serious research before you write anything, not only the stuff about China and Tibet. It is shameful that Ottawa Citizen publishes such an rubbish article which shows nothing but ignorance, arrogance and bias. Everyone has the right to demonstrate and protest, but this does not give him/her the right to kill and rob. Look at those victims who lost their lives and property in the Tibet unrest. They are civilians, including Tibetans and Han Chinese. Their human rights, namely, rights to life and security, have been endangered by those "peaceful" protestors, which I would consider as terrorists. Can we stay put and let the same thing happen this country? The answer is absolutely no. Because what those protestors did are violent crimes that should be punishable in any civilized country. I myself do not know much about the Tibet-China issue. However, I may suggest that people'd better keep silent if they does not know much about the issue they are talking about. Or, if they do want to give an opinion, please learn some basic knowledge before they open up their mouth.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:28 AM
Lorne Gunter: Have you even been to Tibet once in your life time? To witness by your own eyes instead of making up story from a narrow minded imagination. Do you know how the normal people live there for a little bit? Have you even read or care about any development in modern Tibet? the new constructions, business trades, transportations and education? This area was very laid back under the control of Dali Lama age (before 1950), which 95% of people were slaves, can you imagine that? The monks wanted the whole human being's skin ( including Children's) and eye balls to celebrate Dali Lama's birthday!! Do you think that was romantic? Please read some historical books before writing criticizing article. It only shows how ignorant you are about the historical and cultural background of china. and this article makes most of knowledgeable people puke! Tibet has always been part of China since Qing Dynasty, for more than 500 years, If this is justified, why Quebec in Canada shouldn't be independent? China as a country with the most population on the world of course deserves holding Olympic!

Toronto man
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:31 AM
Dalai Lama is a wise person. His excellency never claimed Tibet is a country. He just wants more freedom for Tibet. Unfortunately, some Tibetans want to use the Olympic to pursue independece for Tibet and they try to cause unrest in Tibet. Dalai Lama feels very bad that the riot in Tibet killed many innocant people. There are six teenage girls (five Hans, one Tibetan) being burnt to death in the riot. To be realistic, kidnap the Olympic cannot achieve the goal of independence. I really think it is a bad idea for Canada to side with them.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:41 AM
The author didn't have any knowledge about tibet and china at all. just a barking dog for some politics. Not only it is full of bias and rumors he heard from somewhere, he didn't have any knowledge about tibet and china at all. By posting this low level article make the Edmonton journal like a dubious paper. go to bbs.m4.cn and see how western media fabricate "truth" about turmoil in tibet.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:45 AM
Lorne Gunter, how do you so sure what you got? so-call justicial medium gave biased opinion without openning eyes.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:46 AM
Lorne Gunter, pls be objective and fair. Don't lie to your readers. Did u exactly see what u said?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:50 AM
The truths are: Tibetans are allowed to have second child, while Han families are not allowed. Tibetans get special favorable treatment over entering universities. Tuition for tibetans are waived in China, while kids in other areas in China have to pay high tuition. Tibetans work as high ranking officials in local government as well as central government (do you want me to give you the names?), etc.... too many facts. Just don't know where Mr.Gunter got those baseless information. Those comments from him are insults to all Chinese people (including Canadian Chinese), not only to Chinese government. Sam from Toronto, Canada

An average Chinese
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:55 AM
I am sorry, my english is not good,. hope the [...] author can understand. We will hold the game, that is it. You don't want to go, and want to boycott it, that your choice! But do you think your pity talking will change the reality. Recently, my eyes were dumped by all these trash opinions. Why Chinese keep on explaining this to the stupid persons like this author. Let me ask you, Gunter, have you ever been China. China is not good enough, but will change as her does now. What you want to do to her, and what you CAN DO to her? Do not tell me you want to fight against us, CAN you? Pity author, do not to be the barking dog anymore [edited. Keep it clean.]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:05 PM
The article is full with bias, ignorance, silly logic. You don't deserve Journalist or columnist at all. Shame on YOU!

an average Chinese
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:08 PM
In China, Tibet is the only province where people receive free medicare. All free, nothing to pay. My father in law has been there as an volunteer physician. That's just one of the examples. Does the author know these kind of thing. Editor, don't delete my comment again, i don't use dirty language this time. You need opinion from all side, even you enemy.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:09 PM
Biased, irresponsible, groundless, misleading, you are, Mr Lorne Bunter!

Alice Mayson
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:09 PM
Lorne Gunter, You don't know anything about China. Go study the history of China before you write again! Complete idiot!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:11 PM
China did not beat up any protestors, so called mainstream media use the video from Nepal and Indea beating up protestors to flame China. As a matter of fact, the Chinese were so afraid being flamed, they initially sent in police unarmed. Which gave the Tibetan terrorists a chance to escalate into a riot. We Canadian probably under stand seperatist more any other country. Just ask Quebecers, what central government do wrong to start their seperatism movement. Tibet is a good tourist favorate, monks practice their religion in their newly upgraded temples. People their are better off each day, I don't know what else freedom they ask for? Going back to the slavery system they had 50 years ago?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:11 PM
Lorne Gunter: You know nothing about China and Tibet. Only things I want to tell you now are (1) Riot is a crime activity not peaceful protest (2) Tibet to China is similar to Québec to Canada. (3) No biased report, only truthful report please. Finally, China is changing, so should you?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:15 PM
Lorne Gunter: Do you want to resume slavery system in Tibet? Do you agree that the resue is regarded as offenders? If you don't read Chinese, I forgive you. But If you distort the truth, you are shameless. Chinese people are the same peace-lover as Canadian.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:26 PM
UK doesn't deserve Olympics!!!!!! ??!??!??!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:28 PM
Chinese people are in the same process of unification of the country as Canadian.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:36 PM
Do you want to resume slavery system in Tibet? Do you agree that the resue is regarded as offenders? If you don't read Chinese, I forgive you. But If you distort the truth, you are shameless. Chinese people are the same peace-lover as Canadian.

Shame on this author
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:39 PM
Bias, arrogant and ignorant. The author has chosen to turn blind to the truth and use double standard. Liar!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:43 PM
Welcome to Churchill square at 2:00pm on Saturday( April 5 )! You will hear the voice of Chinese-Canadians and international students in Edmonton and know what is the truth of Tibet riots! No biased reporting any more!!!!

Susan Wilson
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:43 PM
Lorne Gunter, I wish you could use your brain and knowledge (if you have any) to write out your OWN voice. Through the article, I don't see anything new--all the comments in your articles could be derived from other media. My suggestion for you: if you write for China, go to know more about China. You don't deserve write for China.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:44 PM
Please do not use Olympic as a politic tool! We want peace, not violence. We want Olympic and not irresponsible journalist. To boycott Olympic solves nothing but only harm those atheletes!

oh my God
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:44 PM
oh my God this is sports

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:47 PM
Lorne Gunter, I am shame with you !

Be a responsible man
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:48 PM
Lorne, don't you have the gut to stand out and apologize? My friendly advice ---- Don't be like CNN!

Phil Atkins
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 12:58 PM
Lorne Gunter, shut up and wake up. Your irresponsible anti-China comment is a complete disgrace to knowledgeable Canadians. Apparently your twisted love of Canada blinds you to the real situdation in Tibet. You are doomed.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:07 PM
olympics just a sport game, what is the point to make this political??? have you ever been to china? have you ever been to Tibet? if no, you do not deserve to talk about china or what happen in Tibet ! Do not just watch TV news, because some of the news are not true.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:13 PM
Did you know how many Chinese were killed by the mob in Tibet last month???????

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:14 PM
Mr. Lorne Gunter, are you trying to tell me killing civilian people is a way of peaceful protest?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:15 PM
Disagree!China is a great country!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:15 PM
Chinese people are in the same process of unification as Canadian! If you means free Tibet, free Quebec !

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:19 PM
Lorne Gunter, you do not deserve to criticize China because you do not really know China. All you know about China are from those western journals with distortion reports in China. Your words hurt the feeling of all Chinese people, who have worked hard and expected the Olimpic Games with kindness for many years.

Lorne don't lie
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:22 PM
Tibetans got more freedom than han-chinese. Free medication, free education. One child policy is only for han-chineses family. http://bbs.m4.cn will tell you what happen in Tibet

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:26 PM
full of auther's bias and stupid opinion, shame you as a canadian!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:33 PM
remind me of the country that always gets itself involved with wars some corners of the world from post-WWII till today...oh yeah..it's the US.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:34 PM
This article represents a few innocent Westerners who thought they knew about Chinese history, but they don't really do. I believe they need to go to China to see with their own eyes what Chinese government has achieved these years. How about we buy the airticket for this Mr. Gunter?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:44 PM
haha you see, you go against with everypople s think of a way in here,but also you say are really bad no evidence

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 01:56 PM
The truth is that Mr. Lorne Gunter knows little or nothing of Chinese histroy, not to speak of Tibetan histroy. There are 56 nationalities in China, most of them have their own language and unique cultures and different customs from Han Chinese. But we are all Chinese! The Histroy of Tibetan being part of China is much longer than the histroy of Canada. China has never been a country of only Han Chinese. Before you make the judgement that China does't not deserve the Olympic, please ask yourself if the activities were allowed in your own homeland that innocent people including Tibetan people were brutally attacked by knives and burnt to death by gasoline. What if this happened to your own kids????

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:16 PM
Lorne Gunter: A piece of advice: do some research before you write anything next time. Check out an article from a real writer: Why They Hate China - Well, you have to hate someone... http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=12585 The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same. March 26, 2008 Why They Hate China Well, you have to hate someone. by Justin Raimondo China's continuing crackdown on Tibetan pro-independence protesters is a big, big issue here in San Francisco. Why, just the other day, I was coming out my front door, and there was one of my neighbors - a very nice woman in her fifties, albeit an archetypal limousine liberal, typical of the breed. So typical that she might almost be mistaken for a living, breathing, walking, talking cliché. She hates George W. Bush and the neocons because she's against the (Iraq) war, but she's eager to "liberate" Darfur - and, lately, Tibet. That morning, as she earnestly informed me, she was on her way to a meeting of the Board of Supervisors (our town council) to exhort them to vote for a resolution condemning the Chinese government's actions and calling for "freedom" for Tibet. What she doesn't realize, and doesn't want to know, is that she and the neocons - the very ones who brought us the Iraq war - are united on the Tibet issue. I tried, in vain, to point this out to her, but she just shook her head, cut the conversation short, and was on her way. As it turned out, the supervisors voted for a meaningless, toothless resolution, stripped of provocative rhetoric, much to the dismay of the far-lefties who argued for a stronger statement. The initiative for this effort was made by supervisor Chris Daly, an obnoxious left-liberal with delusions of grandeur, whose pose of self-righteousness is both grating and characteristic of his sort. Prior to the vote on the Daly resolution, which was vociferously supported by the supposedly pacifistic supporters of the Dalai Lama, the Chinese consulate was. firebombed. This is what the War Party would like to do to China. Fortunately, there are a number of restraining factors that get in the way: in the meantime, however, our preening politicians demagogue the China issue, and none so brazenly as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, my congressional representative, who is merely Chris Daly writ large. Traveling all the way to India, at taxpayers' expense, Madam Speaker visited with the Dalai Lama at Dharamsala and announced that if Americans don't speak out against Beijing's repression in Tibet "we have lost all moral authority to speak on behalf of human rights anywhere in the world." Pelosi is a longtime opponent of Beijing - not just the Chinese government, but China itself. Pelosi and the unions she depends on for political support despise all things Chinese for the simple reason that China, today, is more capitalist than the U.S. - in spite of the Chinese Communist Party's ostensible commitment to Marxist ideology. Thinly veiled racist-chauvinist bilge is routinely directed at the Chinese people by union bosses and right-wing paleo-protectionists, who stupidly claim that the "chinks" (or, as John McCain would put it, the "gooks") are stealing "American jobs" - as if Americans have a hereditary right to the very best salaries on earth, a "right" that doesn't have to be earned by competitive business practices but is conferred on them by virtue of their nationality. Like hell it is. Lucrative trade and cultural exchanges between China and California, as well as the fact that many Chinese in her congressional district have continuing ties to the mainland, have - so far - failed to deter Pelosi and her fellow Know-Nothings: politics, as they used to say during the Cultural Revolution in China, is in command. These Sinophobic protests, engineered behind the scenes by leftist union bosses and God knows who else, are focused on the passing of the Olympic torch, which is slowly but surely making its way to Beijing, where the games are scheduled to be held Aug. 8-24. Here in the Bay Area, activists in the "Free Darfur" movement announced they were mounting demonstrations urging China to "extinguish the flames of genocide" in Darfur in San Francisco on April 9, the day the flame passes through the city. The hosting of the Olympic Games in Beijing is the focus of much pride in China, seen by the people as well as the ruling caste as symbolic of the nation's arrival in modernity. As such, the worldwide protests and political posturing of preening politicians - from Pelosi to Nicolas Sarkozy - are bitterly resented and have been met with increasingly shrill denunciations by the Chinese state-controlled media - a sentiment that probably understates popular resentment of Western criticism in the Chinese "street." I know we are supposed to believe that the vast majority of the Chinese people are groaning under the weight of Commie oppression and sympathize (albeit silently) with the downtrodden Tibetans, but that is hardly the case. Indeed, the exact opposite is closer to the truth. Every time the West gets up on its high horse and lectures the Chinese government about its lack of "morality," the tide of anti-Western Chinese nationalism rises higher. We saw this when the U.S. "accidentally" bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during Clinton's Balkan War of Aggression, and again when that American spy plane went down over Hainan island. In Beijing today, they are worried about the upcoming Olympic celebration, which will provide a platform for a wide variety of groups - including ultra-nationalist Chinese students, whose street antics have augured internal regime change in the past, and could do so again. "They are worried about a larger number of things and they are worried about keeping the lid on," according to Arnold Howitt, a management specialist who oversees crisis-management training programs for Chinese government officials at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. The same Associated Press article cites an unnamed "consultant" to the Games, who avers: "'Demonstrations of all kinds are a concern, including anti-American demonstrations,' said the consultant, who works for Beijing's Olympic organizers and asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to talk to the media." Any indications that Beijing is compromising Chinese pride and honor by appeasing the West are likely to be met by demonstrations that are both anti-American and anti-government - initiated, once again, by Chinese students, who have often been the agents of political transformation. Remember the Red Guards? Mao used them to initiate his own "Cultural Revolution," but was forced to rein them in when they started talking about overthrowing the Chinese state. The memory of that dark and chaotic era haunts China's contemporary rulers, threatening to spoil their dream of a thoroughly modernized industrial powerhouse that is both the forge and the financial capital of the world economy. The Beijing Olympics represent the entry of China onto the world stage as a first-class power, right up there with its former adversaries: the U.S., Europe, and the former Soviet Union. A Chinese nationalist cannot be faulted for seeing the organized campaign to spoil that debut as a deliberate - and unforgivable - insult. Viewed from this perspective - the perspective, that is, of the average citizen of China - the very idea of Tibetan independence might easily be seen as a rather obvious attempt to humiliate Beijing and remind it of its "proper" (i.e., subordinate) place in the global scheme of things. After all, what if Chinese government leaders constantly reminded the world that the American Southwest was stolen from Mexico? Imagine the Chinese and Mexican ambassadors to the U.S. demanding independence, for, say, California - or better yet, its return to Mexican sovereignty! Shall the Olympics be forever barred from Puerto Rico, which was forcibly incorporated into the U.S. "commonwealth" in the invasion of 1898? Of course not. Yet the Americans and their international amen corner are daring to criticize China for preserving its own unity and sovereignty. It's a double standard made all the more insufferable by the self-righteous tone of the anti-China chorus, whose meistersingers are mainly concerned with celebrating their own moral purity. Yes, Tibet was forcibly incorporated into the Communist empire of the Han, but this was just an episode in the long history of Sino-Tibetan relations - for the greater part of which the Tibetans held the upper hand. The Tibetan empire, at its height, extended from northern India to the Mongolian hinterlands and came at the expense of the conquered Chinese and Uighurs. It fell apart due to a ruinous civil war. A key factor in this complex narrative is that Mongol hegemony over China was greatly aided by the Tibetans, whose conversion of the Mongol nobility to Buddhism legitimized Mongol rule. Today, pro-Beijing historians point to this period as proof that Tibet has "always" been a part of China proper, yet the truth is that both were slaves to the Mongols - the Tibetans as their collaborators, the Chinese as their helots. (Underscoring Mongol contempt for their Chinese subjects was an edict forbidding intermarriage between Mongol and Chinese, although no such barrier to Mongol-Tibetan congress was imposed.) With Buddhism as the state religion, Tibetan priests, including the Dalai Lama, became the avatars of Mongol rule. In short, the popular narrative of the pacifistic Buddhist Tibetans as the good guys and the Han Chinese as the bad-guy aggressors is the stuff of pure myth, pushed by union propagandists, lefty Hollywood do-gooders, and trendy sandal-wearing Western camp followers of the Dalai Lama, who has become a secularized yet "spiritual" substitute for Mother Theresa. If the Chinese are wrong to hold on to their province of Tibet, then Lincoln was wrong to insist that the South stay in the Union - and we ought to immediately either grant the American Southwest (and California) independence, or else give it all back to the Mexicans. The same goes for Taiwan - China's rulers are no more likely to give up their claim to that island than Lincoln was inclined to let the Confederacy hold on in, say, Key West, Fla. China is an adolescent giant: clumsy, unused to exerting its will beyond its borders, and wracked by self-doubt. Emerging into the company of world powers, it is thin-skinned - like any adolescent - and prone to wild mood gyrations. During the 1960s and '70s, the Chinese were in a distinctly bad mood as they wrestled with the ghosts and demons unleashed by Mao. The triumph of the "modernizers" over the ultra-left Maoists in the 1980s signaled a new mood of optimism and inaugurated an era of unrivaled economic growth. The regime sanctified China's journey down the "capitalist road" by citing the reformer Deng Tsiao-ping's most famous "Communist" slogan: "To get rich is glorious!" Ayn Rand meets Chairman Mao (or, rather, Confucius) - and the result is capitalism-on-steroids. That's why, in spite of the sclerotic Marxoid ideology that still reins in and retards the natural entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese people, China is moving forward by leaps and bounds. That's also why comrade Pelosi and her union boss buddies have launched this odious Sinophobic hate campaign - because "their" jobs and sense of entitlement are going up in smoke. For decades, the U.S. government has preached the virtues of free enterprise and urged formerly Communist nations to adopt the free market - and now that the Chinese have taken them up on their offer, Western politicians are attacking them! The closer China has moved toward our own system - relaxing totalitarian controls over the economy and allowing a far greater degree of ideological diversity than was possible during the Maoist era - the more hostile the U.S. government has become. Nixon went to China at the height of the Cultural Revolution, where he sat next to Madam Mao during a command performance of The Red Detachment of Women. These days, however, as China stakes its claim to a proportionate share of the world market - and Chinese investors fund the U.S. debt - the resentment and growing hostility of the Americans is all too palpable. Why do politicians of Pelosi's ilk join hands with neoconservatives in a concerted campaign to antagonize China, and even threaten sanctions and possible military action when the occasion gives rise to the opportunity? To begin with, China's is a success story, and there's nothing that attracts opprobrium like success, unless it's success of the wrong color - in this case, yellow. A crude racist collectivism of a specifically anti-Asian character has long been a tradition of the War Party in this country: see the anti-Japanese Dr. Seuss cartoons from the World War II era for a particularly vivid example. Yes, he was attacking the "Japs," but to Americans, it's all the same Yellow Peril. This kind of sentiment is easily invoked in America, and don't tell me Pelosi and her ideological confreres aren't aware of it - yes, even in "liberal" San Francisco, where anti-Asian sentiment is part of the city's history. Never mind the first black president, or the first female president - what I'm waiting for is the first chief executive of Asian-American descent. I'm not, however, holding my breath. Relations with China are cloudy, at best, and those may very well be war clouds gathering on the horizon. The reason is that Sinophobia is a point of unity between the Left and the Right: the union of the Weekly Standard and the AFL-CIO, and perhaps even the majority of my paleoconservative friends, who quail before the rising Chinese giant and see it as a potential threat on account of its sheer scale - a third of the world's population, and a land-mass that rivals our own. Surely such a stirring titan will knock us out of the way as he takes his place at the center of the world stage. This reflects a fundamental error on the part of many conservatives, as well as liberals of the more statist persuasion. They fail to understand that there are no conflicts of interest among nations as long as their relations are governed by the market, that is by mutually beneficial trade agreements voluntarily entered into. Ludwig von Mises said it far better than I could ever manage, and I'll leave my readers to Mises' ministrations on this abstruse but important subject. Suffice to say here that our relations with China on the economic front are a benefit to American consumers - that is, to all of us. They enable us to buy inexpensive quality products and keep the cost of living down. Protectionists who argue that "they" are "destroying American jobs" are simply arguing for higher prices - ordinarily not a very popular cause, and especially not these days. Free trade is the economic precondition for a peaceful world and the logical corollary of a non-interventionist foreign policy. If goods don't cross borders, then armies soon will - a historical truism noted by many before me, and with good reason. Let it be a warning to all those anti-free trade, antiwar types of the Right as well as the Left - you'll soon be jumping on the War Party's bandwagon when it comes China's turn to play the role of global bogeyman. The way things are going, that day may come soon enough. Finally, a word or two about this nonsensical demand, raised by the "Save Darfur" crowd, that China must somehow "extinguish the flames of genocide" supposedly carried out by the government of Sudan. What does China have to do with Sudan and its government? Well, you see, the Chinese have oil interests in the region, that is, they are engaged in competition with Western oil companies in opening up new fields - and, well, that just isn't permissible. The Chinese, we are told, have a moral responsibility to either pressure the Sudanese to let up on Darfur, or else abandon their Sudanese assets. As if Sudan were a Chinese colony, and the Sudanese authorities mere sock-puppets of Beijing. A more arrogant and self-serving argument would be hard to imagine. Presumably Western interests will fill the vacuum left by this spontaneous display of Chinese moral rectitude - and that alone should tell us everything we need to know about what's behind the "Save Darfur" bloviators and their high-horse moralizing. If our professional do-gooders of the "progressive" persuasion are so concerned about the fate of Darfur, let them campaign for the granting of mass asylum to the survivors of this latest African catastrophe. Give them sanctuary and green cards, but keep U.S. troops out of Africa, specifically out of Darfur - and get off Beijing's back. Like Russia, China is awakening from the long Leninist nightmare, albeit less traumatically, and with greater prospects for full recovery. However, it wouldn't take much to push it back into a revival of neo-Maoism - or worse - and a new dark age triggered by an external threat. A resurgence of Chinese ultra-nationalism in response to Western pressure - and the specter of U.S.-sponsored separatism - does not augur well for the cause of world peace. As is so often the case, we are creating the very enemies we fear, empowering and arming them ideologically. We are, in this sense, our own worst enemies. ~ Justin Raimondo Justin Raimondo is the editorial director of Antiwar.com. He is the author of An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000). He is also the author of Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement (with an Introduction by Patrick J. Buchanan), (Center for Libertarian Studies, 1993), and Into the Bosnian Quagmire: The Case Against U.S. Intervention in the Balkans (1996). He is a contributing editor for The American Conservative, a Senior Fellow at the Randolph Bourne Institute, and an Adjunct Scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and writes frequently for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.

see with your own eyes to talk
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:20 PM
Gunter, strongly suggest to have some psychologist to help you.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:26 PM
Tibet is part of China. If you do not know the truth, you 'd better do not misleading people. Lorne Gunter, China is getting better, do you want to see that?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:28 PM
Lorne Gunter is either a liar or an idiot!!! Shame on you!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:41 PM
Mr. Gunter, Your article "China does not deserve the Olympics" appeared in Ottawa Citizen is full of untrue information, false assessments and prejudice. First, you get to understand that Tibet is part of China which is not only a history for hundreds of years and it is also the reality that is acknowledged by United Nations and your own country. So please bear this in mind before you write anything about Tibet. Second, China is a country where there are 56 nationalities; most of them have their own language, histories and unique customs. But we are all Chinese. I am not a Han Chinese, but a Miao Chinese. Our history traces back to thousand years ago. Third, the riots were not allowed in any civilized countries. And this kind of violence is crimes no matter in what name you conduct it. You can not just ignore the truth that most of the victims are Han Chinese. If you called this kind of activities "peaceful demonstration", what if it happened in Canada? The victims include some infants who were burnt to death. Can you image if this happened to your own kids????? Would you call this "peaceful"????? Fourth, it is the hope of 1.3 billions of Chinese including most of the Tibetan people to hold a successful Olympics in China, not the government or communist party.

Decent Canadian
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:45 PM
Lorne Gunter: Are you a cultured creature to say".is both a tiger and a lemur contained in the same body"? If your nation is said to be a monster or beast, how do you feeeeel? Go back to your parents/community; LEARN the basic common-sense. You DO NOT deserve to be a multicultural Canadian, even not a member of human being. Tibet WAS, IS, and ALWAYS WILL BE a part of China!! (Make time to see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9QNKB34cJo)... Just like Quebec is part of Canada. You don't know Greater China, Chinese nations and Tibet, just like I don't know too much about Canada and Quebec! 1.3 BILLION CHINESE DESERVE OLYMPICS!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:46 PM
You think you know everything, but actually you know nothing. Come to Xizang(Tibet), see how people live, and learn some history about Dalai Lama as a slaves owner!

Gregory Clark
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:47 PM
The Fusillade Against China by Gregory Clark (Gregory Clark was formerly China desk officer in the Australian Department of External Affairs, and is now vice president of Akita International University. A Japanese translation of this article will appear on: www.gregoryclark.net.) In some ways China is not my favorite country. I once went to some trouble to learn its language. I have often had to court rightwing hostility for trying to explain its foreign policies in less than demonic terms. Back in 1971 I even organized, single-handedly and over Canberra's opposition, an Australian team to join in Beijing's Ping-Pong diplomacy. (Canberra in those days saw Beijing as evil incarnate, and its efforts to open up to the world via Ping-Pong team matches as a plot to take us all over.) Yet, on my first day in China accompanying the team I had organized with such effort, I was almost expelled for trying to rescue an Australian journalist in trouble with the Red Guards. A few weeks later I was to receive a formal reprimand from the Chinese Foreign Ministry for trying to help more mistake-prone Australian journalists in trouble. This, together with some articles I wrote showing less than complete enthusiasm for China's disastrous Cultural Revolution, put me in Beijing's bad books for quite some time. Others who slavishly praised China at the time were warmly welcomed. But while it is easy to be annoyed by China's hard-nosed realpolitik in choosing friends, it is hard also not to be annoyed by the continual anti-China carping in the West. Here is a nation that has begun to lift one quarter of the world's population out of poverty to close to middle-class prosperity in a generation. Yet we are supposed to be upset by suspect paint on some toys ordered to the specifications of a U.S. importer, plus a few other imperfections in the torrent of quality goods helping rescue our Western economies from inflation and improve our own middle-class existences. China is accused of air pollution and gobbling up world energy resources. But when it dams the Yangtse River to produce over 22,000 megawatts of clean energy in an engineering feat that no Western nation can even begin to match, the Western media complain about the unforeseen erosion of mountain slopes upstream forcing villagers to be evacuated. So it would have been better not to build the dam, force China to continue to rely on pollution-intense, coal-based energy, and go back to the days when tens of thousands died from flooding in the Yangtse's heavily populated lower reaches? Somehow the recent opening of the remarkable 1,142-km, 5,000-meter-high railway line into Tibet is also sinful because it opens Tibet to Han Chinese influence. So it would be better to keep Tibetans in backward isolation forever? The Han Chinese are supposed to be guilty of creeping genocide in Tibet. But since Beijing allows Tibetans, like other minorities, to have as many children as they want while Han Chinese are restricted to only one child, it seems we need a new definition of genocide. China, it seems, is also guilty for failing to protest atrocities the West condemns in Sudan's Darfur and in Myanmar. Maybe it sees hypocrisy in the way the West not just fails to protest similar atrocities elsewhere, but actually helps to create them, as in Iraq, Somalia or Afghanistan. U.S. free-fire zones in Vietnam forcing villagers to live in underground tunnels for years make Darfur's Janjaweed killers look like a bunch of amateurs. Maybe we would all be better off if we stopped telling other nations what to do and concentrated on our own affairs, as China does. But the main complaint is that China is not a democracy. Has anyone thought what would happen if China was a democracy? The first victim would be the unpopular one-child policy, which threatens to cause serious problems for the nation in the future - rapid population aging, a male-female population imbalance, the weakening of family values. Yet, without that policy, the global pollution and resource shortage problems we all face would be far worse. In a sense the Chinese are making sacrifices for our sakes. But they get little thanks. Even the one-child policy is denounced as evil authoritarianism. Today few criticize Singapore, or Japan for that matter, both of whom chose one-party autocracy during their early growth periods. China's blend of local democracy with reasonably responsible collective leadership from the top could well be a model for many other struggling societies. Singapore's continuing one-party rule suggests that even advanced Chinese culture societies could prefer Confucian-style benign autocracy to Western-style democracy. Democracy is supposed to be about freedom of choice. But our moralists complain when a nation makes a choice they do not like. Even more annoying is the way the distorted products of myth-making are constantly dragged out to slam Beijing, as with the Tiananmen "massacre" of 1989? Just read the freely available reports from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing at the time to get the true story. China attacked India in 1962? Read what the historians have long said: namely, that it was India that attacked China and China retaliated. China wants to take over Taiwan? Almost the entire world now formally recognizes Taiwan to be part of China. China crushed Tibetan independence in 1959? But no one, the previous anticommunist Chinese regime especially, has ever recognized Tibet as independent. And we now know that the CIA and India were deeply involved in fomenting the 1959 uprising that China felt it had to crush. True, Chinese leaders have been far from angelic. They have yet to explain their largely unprovoked 1979 attack on Vietnam. Their mishandling of domestic policies led directly to the Tiananmen incident of 1989, and the many other localized riots that continue to occur. But post-Maoist Beijing has been trying hard to reform itself. It deserves more encouragement, less brickbats. Recent criticisms of China seem aimed to neutralize the kudos Beijing hopes its 2008 Olympics will bring. For some reason the British have long been the most diligent. As proof of Beijing's continuing authoritarianism the BBC recently went to some lengths to show a young reporter speaking execrable Chinese being refused entry to the closely guarded Chinese leadership housing and office compound in Beijing. Perhaps the guards remembered what happened the last time the British arrived there - the looting of invaluable treasures while crushing the 1900 Boxer Rebellion. London orchestrated much of the anti-China black information campaigns during Vietnam War days. It has used the Tiananmen myth to persuade the European Union to continue its ban on weapons sales to China. Its former governor in Hong Kong, Christopher Patten, was openly contemptuous of the Chinese regime. Coming from the nation that launched the two Opium Wars of the mid-19th century - wars that were to lead directly to many of China's later troubles, including the loss of Hong Kong - the criticisms seem a bit indulgent.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:52 PM
This is stupid and blind report. Full of rumors and lies. Lorne Gunter: So shame on you. You don't deserve a reporter!!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:56 PM
Although this is the first time I know the name of Lorne Gunter, I am shockek by his ignorance of the history and fact. Do you think you deserve to talk this?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 02:59 PM
Did you see with your OWN eyes "China's violent suppression of unarmed Tibetan marchers." ? If NOT, please tell us how and why you get this conclusion? Have you ever read China's history? If NOT, please go to learn it! And please tell us is it true that "China has for decades destroyed symbols of Tibetan culture, demolished ancient Buddhist temples, executed thousands of monks and closed monastery schools." "Millions of ethnic Chinese have been encouraged/forced to move into Tibet in the past five decades to overwhelm the ethnic Tibetans numerically in their own country." Based on your statements, then so many people migrating from Ontario, Vancouver, Manitoba. to Alberta, does it mean kind of government forcing??? Do not put 1989 Tiananmen Square protest and Tibet together. These are two different issues. If you do not understand, please ask some students who were on Tiananmen Square in 1989. This is what they will tell you: I admit there were problems in China. I admit Chinese government did do perfectly in 1989. But, on Tibet issue, I support Chinese government." "China doesn't deserve Olympics"-who deserves? Please tell us who deserves? Please tell us your evaluation rules.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:06 PM
Although this is the first time I know the name of Lorne Gunter, I am shockek by his ignorance of the history and fact. Do you think he deserves to talk this?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:09 PM

A Chinese Wanting Peace
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:15 PM
RECENT RIOT I respect Dalai Lama, who is a wise man, believing peace in the world. And he always believd in ONE China. But the recent riot wasn't between Dalai Lama and Chinese goverment, it was started by some activists in Tibet, Nepal and India. What happened was these people burned stores, hurt people in the street. Notice that, those people who died and who got hurt were innocent Han-Chinese and Tibetan-Chinese. What did Chinese govenment do? They didn't hurt one single innocent person. I think you can understand that, because the Canadian police will arrest criminals as well, won't they?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:17 PM
"How China Got Religion" By SLAVOJ ZIZEK "...the problem with Tibetan Buddhism resides in an obvious fact that many Western enthusiasts conveniently forget: the traditional political structure of Tibet is theocracy, with the Dalai Lama at the center. He unites religious and secular power - so when we are talking about the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, we are taking about choosing a head of state. It is strange to hear self-described democracy advocates who denounce Chinese persecution of followers of the Dalai Lama - a non-democratically elected leader if there ever was one. "

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:21 PM
This guy lives in the cold war era. Keeping China away from the international society helps no one but ideology manics like the author.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:26 PM
it is a very stupid article

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:27 PM
really shame on you,Lorne.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:29 PM
Tibet became a part of china much earlier than English people came to North American.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:31 PM
The writer is really stupid because he does not know anything about China. Tibet was one part of China at least five hundred years ago.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:32 PM
Before you speak up against 1.3 billion chinese people, please clean up your mouth. Please tell me: Why the white people killed most of indians? Was it a brutal war crime? If you think it is not right to take up the land of aboriginal people, it is never too late to go back your country and give the whole Canada or US to the indian people. [edited slightly. keep the insults out, please.]

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:35 PM

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:36 PM
Lorne My dear friend Your boycott stuff probably will encourage violence in Tibet in the name of independence and freedom and lead to more killing innocents. Are you willing to do so. You want more people die. If not, I would suggest to rewrite a article appeal peace to those commit firing and killing. It is more positive than your boycott

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:37 PM
Shame on you, you knmow nothing about Great China! shut up!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 03:58 PM
Lorne Gunter should be charged due to his baseless article. Penalty: Send him to Tibet for one year, to live with the Tibetan and to learn Chinese history.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 04:01 PM
Lorne Gunter. You think that China does not deserve the Olympics, because it cracks down violent riot in Tibet.You tell me what normal country will not protect its people from violent behavior. I am sure Canadian goverment will do the same thing if some one burns the building down and kills the innocent people. Will you agree that Canada does not deserve Olympics just because of that? You are making enemies of more than one billion Chinese people here. I am quite sure you will not be invited to the Olympics in Beijing. You can stay in your own country and enjoy yourself that way.

A Chinese Wanting Peace
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 04:08 PM
HISTORY OF TIBET I don't want to blame anyone when they didn't even know the true history. So lets talk about history. And I hope, the person who were biased can learn more about FACTS. The history is really long and complicated, so I'll just pick a few facts. Tibet was under control of China over hundreds years. You can check all history books, both in English and Chinese, no one ever denied this. People may argue about Tibet could deal with its own affairs, so it should be called a nation. But they ignored the fact that, each important decision, such as the assignment of the religious or political head, would have to be approved by Chinese govement. You can understand it as a province and the federal govement of Canada. And there was always Chinese army in Tibet. What does that mean? During the civil war of China, two parties in China were fighting against each other, no one had time to worry about the provinces close to the border. After the Communists took over the majority of Chinese territory, which was passed down by the previous dynasty, it started thinking about reclaiming the lands used to be a apart of China. So we shouldn't blame Chinese army got into Tibet, we can understand as returning to Tibet. There was war, and death was not avoidable. Notice the fact that slavery in Tibet was abolished afterwards. Of course, after Han-Chinese and Tibeta-Chinese live for hundreds years, the local customs tend to change. But the majority population in Tibet is still Tibetan-Chinese, who still keep their traditions. Nowadays, Chinese central govenment helps to flourish the economy of Tibet. Tibetan people are enjoying their life. So if you want them to vote for the independence of Tibet, there won't be a good result. An example of independence is Mongolia, which is longing for rejoining China over 10 years. Of course, there won't be perfect and simple history. What we modern people should do, is to repect history, and move on in our good and peaceful life.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 04:20 PM
In the past two weeks, Tibet problem was always the major topic for people to discuss, some people in the west think that chinese government conquered the peaceful demonstration similar to the issue in 1989, however, friend of mine in Tibet told me the truth, some stupid Tibetans killed chinese during the day and burned the shops without any resist from chinese. So, I think that the major medium like CNN and BBC are really foolish medium and only stand for their own countries.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 04:31 PM
Is the editor really editing? How come there's such a biased article? No wonder the autor got so many complaints. What a joke!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 04:49 PM
Please look at all the facts before writing to so many people. Be fair and do not call names. It's easy to call Communist dictatorship. I am anti communist kind of person, but I think China is not the same any more. There is more freedom now than the old days. I think if you want to call some one criminal, you at least allow the evidence to be verified. If you don't look at real facts yourself, you can call yourself "biased reporter".

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 04:51 PM
Canada doesn't deserve to be a country, because so many indians were killed.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 04:59 PM
Lorne Gunter: this junk shows us how ignorant and arrogant you are. Who you think you are, moral judge? Go get some facts before the writing. Shame on you as a Canadian.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:03 PM
oh, another brain-washed poor canadian. I feel so sorry for you, and feel so shameful for canada. Don't pretend knowing everything while you don't. Ask yourself deep in heart, are you writing such thing based on proven facts? Or just some story you picked up from the lying newspapers.

I'm not a columnist
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:16 PM
I'm not surprised when I read this article although I really cannot agree most of the points. Many columnists write based on their best knowledge or understanding. And they gain their knowledge and form their understanding from some well spread opinions. Unfortunately, for a long time, there is only one voice has been well spoken in public. That is the voice from some overseas Tibet organizations. But is it necessarily be the truth only because it's been well spoken? Absolutely not. From Mr. Lorne's article I can see this clearly. His views are focused on one side of the story. Some opinions are not based on truth at all. I know he will say this is the truth he knows. Then I will tell you I saw the other side of the story, other parts of the picture. I would strongly suggest Mr. Lorne open his mind, at least look at a whole picture before put some opinion in ink, specially to the public. I would also suggest Mr. Lorne listen to a second voice. It's coming!!!

ShameOn You!
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:29 PM
This is typical trash "journalism" we have seen in the Western Media in the past decades - nothing new, and full of self-righteousness and hypocrisy, while maintaining as an idiot of not knowing other place's history!

arrogant white ass
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:30 PM
You might be an arrogant white people who stereotypes Chinese people too easily and too quickly. But before you try to paint China as a savage country killing Tibetans for their land and praise the violent acts as "peaceful protest", you should have done some independent research rather than relying on your fellow biased white reporters' propaganda in the name of human rights. Obviously, you made a wrong bet this time: in this incident, the killers are the Tibetan extremists and the victims are the Han Chinese and Muslims. Those extremists burned the shops to ashes and burned scores of people alive, including an infant. Unfortunately, your white people logic makes you naturally skip that part and jump quickly to the conclusion of a bloody crackdown by the Chinese government. I feel sorry for your pathetic logic and poor judgment. BTW: isn't it a bit ironic for a white people to talk about giving freedom to the aboriginals? Obviously, Canada was the land of the native Americans and I don't know why you, as a white descendant of the Europeans, have any business to do with the land of Canada. Why don't give the land back to the native Americans and pack up for your motherland? Oh... because you've killed them all already.

Where is the "freedoe of speech"
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:33 PM
You WASPs need to return the NA land back to Indians first before telling other nation what to do with their internal affairs! Oh, wait, I forgot, this comment won't get published because this site is censored - all post needs to "get approve" before they show up. Talking about real "freedom of speech"! What a joke!

April Fool
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:36 PM
It does not matter if Canada go or not go. No one cares and Canada can't get any golden medal anyway.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:37 PM
Western people always think they are the center of civilization, and they are the only one who can determine what freedom is. If these whites so concern about human rights and lifes, where are they when US troops killing the inocent Iraqi? Boycott Olympics, is this the April fools joke? You scum bag can watch it from the sideline.

What a wimp!
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:40 PM
Lorne Gunter: What a wimp! Why just calling boycott? How about calling Canadian Army to invade China, to really liberate the oppressed people there and give them freedom? Would you please sign up yourself and your family for the invasion force? I'll pay may tax to support your invasion! Let's go, don't be a wimp!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 05:44 PM
What happened in Tibet,China is a riot which killed inocent peoples like shop keepers and workers. Why does the author support riotss and violence in a country? Strange to see such a biased article.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:30 PM
Chinese Government doesn't deserve Olympics or Chinese doesn't deserve Olympics? I think they are different, I believe most of Chinese would like have Olympics in their country. BTW, Why did so many countries choose China to host 2008 Olympics? Canadian disagree the decision of these countries?

magic 1ine
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:32 PM
Let;s just quote one sentence from the article, "even if our impressions of who is battling whom are overly simplistic". Apparently, Mr. Gunter drew the conclusion based on IMPRESSIONS rather than TRUTH. This article are full of these kinds of prejudice and bias. But why? Because the author know little about China. Olympics is a good opportunity for the author and people outside China to know and understand Chinese and China, but if Mr. Gunter refuse this opportunity, he/she will go further at wrong direction.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:35 PM
To Lorne Gunter: please tell me how you managed getting this job as The Edmonton Journal's columnist? After reading this article, I am seriously think I might be able to get a part-time job for Edmonton Journal, for writing something about Canadian history, maybe even any other countries'...why not, seems it is a such easy job!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:37 PM
To Lorne Gunter: please tell me how you managed getting this job as The Edmonton Journal's columnist? After reading this article, I am seriously think I might be able to get a part-time job for Edmonton Journal, for writing something about Canadian history, maybe even any other countries'...why not, seems it is a such easy job!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:38 PM
Your opinion does based on your bias view, not from fact.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:41 PM
You have your right to say not to watch the game, but you have no right to make such a judgement on who's eligible to hold the Olympic Games, cause you are nobody in this regard. For those athletes, they deserve to have a chance to attend and show their hard work to the rest of the world except you!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:51 PM
Lorne Gunter: What you said here is totally no sense. You have to be quiet if you can not think logically. I have to tell you that China deserves Olympics, no matter what you are thinking !

A Chinese in Calgary
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:53 PM
Mr. Gunter, Clearly, you dont now the whole story. But please dont make judgment on what you imagine. some points in your article are not responsible. If you're really eager to write something catchy about China, please based on true truth, not so called one. Thanks.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:59 PM
HEY, Lorne Gunter, did you support terriorism? The riots in Tibet are terrorism!!! Why the riots are terrorism, two reasons, 1, is violence against civilians [18 innocent Chinese and Tibetan people died in the riots, they were burned and beaten to dead by monks, reference: the newsletter from the Public Security Deaprtment of China, http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-04-01/174815270739.shtml reason 2 to achieve political or ideological objectives by creating fear.[monks want to "Free tibet"] Terrorism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Terrorism, in the modern sense,[2] is violence against civilians to achieve political or ideological objectives by creating fear.[3] Most definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). Many definitions also include only acts of unlawful violence and acts of war.

I'm your only supporter
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 06:59 PM
Lorne Gunter: I want to thank you for writting this article. I'm a US citizen originally came from China. Although I personally don't agree with what you said in the article but I'm glad you wrote it and published it. I'm going to forwad your article to my friends back in China to let them read it too. Most of my friends in China does not know there are many people like you in the western countries who really hates China. They are pretty naiive in a sense. There is no doubt China will grow stronger with time, and become more and more international However, most of Chinese, especially the younger generations, are not prepared to deal with the hostile environments they are going to face when stepping out the door and face the western world. China is a large country and has very many internal problems and difficulties. Despite your intention, people like you are in effect doing a great service to hold the people united through difficult times. The olympic game is important because it helps to unite the people in China, like a big party or festival. A failed game due to the enimy's sabotage, though feels bad for the short term, will actually have a much better effect in the long run. Again, thanks and keep up!!!!!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:04 PM
Lorne Gunter, You have right to show your ignorance, but don't try to insult China and its people, China's renaissance will never be blocked by those west vicious clown like you.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:07 PM
Mr. Lorne Gunter's comments about China hurt me so much, so deep. I tried to forgive under my Christian wife's influence. Still I had a hard time to sleep last night. I asked myself if Lorne Gunter's comments represent the view of majority Canadian over China and Chinese people. If so, I should ask myself why I still live in Canada, pay more than $20,000/year income tax to support a nation who hurt me. I love China as mush as I love Canada. I was born in China, educated in China, but I spent most of my valuable lifetime in Canada, contributed to this nation a lot more than I contributed in China. Now I feel so sorry for my motherland - China.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:08 PM
How could somebody make such a brazen lie about the Tibet issue as Mr. Gunter did? The riots happened in Tibet in March is not peaceful. Those rioters burned down shops and killed innocent people. Dalai Lama has already implicitly admitted in his speech that its group in exile in Dharamsala, India, has organized this. To the nice majority Canadians, please don't be misled by either some liars like Mr. Gunter or Dalai Lama. One thing I want to mention is Dalai Lama is not equivalent to Buddhism. He and his group uses Buddhism as a way to hide their violence nature. Buddhism always promotes kindness, peace and love. You are always welcome to ShaoLin, WuTaiShan and many other places in China if you want to meet the real monks.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:08 PM
I am wondering why the BBC, CCN, etc. all bullshits and lies about China and now This One? They are trying to brainwash whom?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:14 PM
How could somebody make such a brazen lie about the Tibet issue as Mr. Gunter did? The riots happened in Tibet in March is not peaceful. Those rioters burned down shops and killed innocent people. Dalai Lama has already implicitly admitted in his speech that his group in exile in Dharamsala, India, has organized this. To the nice majority Canadians, please don't be misled by either some liar like Mr. Gunter or Dalai Lama. One thing I want to mention is Dalai Lama is not equivalent to Buddhism. He and his group uses Buddhism as a way to hide their violent behaviour. Buddhism always promotes kindness, peace and love. You are always welcome to ShaoLin, WuTaiShan and many other places in China if you want to meet the real monks.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:14 PM
Biased and xenophobic

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:14 PM
Folks, who are cooking the hate as explicitly demonstrated in the article. Don't you agree with me that somebody in the newspaper should be responsible for publishing this type of irresponsible article? Edmonton newspaper, you owe a full apology to the readers.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:16 PM
Hi Lorne Gunter, What a shame on you! What is your education level? Do you know the history of China? Do you know the truth? Please do some research or visit China.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:18 PM
This artical is astonishing me. I feel shocked! The writer's thinking style stays in the cold war of last centery. He really knows nothing about the history of the Tibet. The recent riots is Tibet is not a democratic protest at all. Since its beginning, it is just criminals to kill innocents, not only han and moslim peole but also Tibetians. It has no different from any terrorism. It should blamed by the whole world. I used to be a residence in Edmonton 20 years ago, and now living in the states, As a cinadian citizen, I am shame of Mr Lorne Gunter with the Edmonton Journal. If I am in Edmonton, I am definately walk on street to protest. Some of comments are very good. Mr Gunter should visit Tibet, especially Lasa, to take look what Tibet really is. He needs to wake up from a dream of the so-called independence. It is never happend not only in the history but also in the future. I say again, Gunter, I am shame of you with Edmonton!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:20 PM
Mr Lorne Gunter, please stop abuse human rights of Chinese people. Chinese people do have the rights for Olympic Game, which they have been expecting for years.! Please repect the truth! I know that it's impossible for you to change your negative mind. But please listen to my voice from my heart.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:20 PM
Stop writting story that you do not know. It makes you like a fool.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:30 PM
Lorne Gunter I think you are right with your conclusion that china is an imperfect entity. You comments apply, in many case, not only to a country like China, they apply to you and me. We are all imperfect people and, in some case, live in a double life. Yet I disagree with your classification of western world and Chinese. It sounds a coward strategy in bullying others. It is more of a terrorist strategy characterized by taking an entire group of population as hostage. When you name yourself as a member of western world, you should know that Western culture was a name which many young Chinese is looking up to. The western culture prevailed over the last century not by terrorist allegation and threat, it is the rationales, reasoning and scientific way of thinking conquer the hart of the universe. Look at you article; go take a school in Ontario. That being said, you comments must be learned from your parents when they had hope on you. There is good to criticize China, not your way. Shame on you calling yourself western world.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:37 PM
Canada Doesn't Deserve Olympics. You Nothing But Liar, Go Back School To Learn Some History.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:40 PM
As a Chinese born Canadian, I am totally stunned by your groundless comment. Please.... next time, do some indepedent research before writing such ignorant artilce like this? By the way, where you go to school? Did not your professor teach you every story has two side? Have you being to China? have you being to Tibet? Have you done any research at all about the history of tibet before 1950? Be mature and grow up ---- otherwise, go to back to School again!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:46 PM
Re: R Evoy It's not 'Chinese Olympic games'. That's 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing China!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:50 PM
this guy is brain-washed by their main stream medias. he doesn't even know what happened in Lhasa China. Maybe Canadian Education didn't teach him how to search for reliable resources. Or Maybe, their journalists are too fool to remember where they took the video clips and picture. in Nepal or China. or Maybe they didn't pay any attention on Geography class so that they can't not tell Nepal and China are different countries. How could they let such a ignorant guy to report the news? Maybe this is the standard of Canadian news reporter. They attacks other communist countries because they don't wanna admit the fact that communist countries are becoming stronger and going through a great transform and change. Shame on you! Losers!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:55 PM
The Germanic named author obviously just can't get pass Hitler's wonderful theory of Aryan race originated from Shangri-la lalaland in Tibet. How dare the inferior race of yellow-peril bully the Aryan brother and sisters? Oh my god! Oh my god!!!! Let's not boycott, let's send them the V2 missiles!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 07:56 PM
ha, Lorne Gunter, you are a typical hypocrite with your pathetic and twisted view towards China. 1. You probably never been to Tibet or China, what you said in your article is probably all based on what you saw on the internet and your imagination. 2. You don't really care about Tibet and its people, your just want to have a go at China whenever you can. 3. Olympics, you don't give a damn about those harding working athletes, you just want to use it as your political tool to get achieve your dirty plan. 4. You don't care what the majority of Chinese thinks, 1.5 billion Chinese want to host olympics, you are just minority, we all know majority rules right? democracy right? 5. Not sure why you write this article in the first place, you think China doesn't deserve Olympics? well, we think you don't deserve to come. But that's ok, cause you mean nothing, am sure you have already been excluded. haha

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:15 PM
This article tells Lorne Gunter's bad intention (or too naive), but not truth!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:36 PM
Boycott olmpic?Daydream. You know nothing about Chinese people and their wills. Boycott or embargo won't work to great chinese people.Please study the history first, then come back.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:37 PM
While western people shout out loudly: China does not deserve this, does not deserve that, people should ask who give western people the right to condemn other countries. There is no argument about the evilness of western countries. From the notorious massacre of natives to invasion of other countries which is still happening, what's the judgment of righteousness of western people? It's not about right or wrong, it's about if western people like or not. They are pretty much saying that we make the game, we set up the rule and if you want to play, you have to follow my rule. Of course, they don't have to stick to the rules since they are the rule makers. That's why they are shouting China deserves no Olympics just like they said we want to attack Iraq because we want so. Some people are really naive that they really believed the freedom so called by western. Don't you know the freedom is only for rule makers, i.e. western people. People who want to argue on this should ask yourself, if it's freedom for everyone, why not western countries open their border and grant all others freedom. why western people claimed to free Iraqis but sent them to death. Freedom is their tool to acquire your land, your house, and your asset. Freedom is their excuse to kill your people, abuse your civilian, or rape your women. Western did, is doing and will do everything which they criticize China or other country did. Sometimes they just made them up and condemn those countries only because they need to. But they chose to ignore the truths, they chose to use a different standard. They think they are the rule makers. If you want to play their game, follow their rule. Unfortunately, not all countries are interested and western, you are not God!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:48 PM
HELLO PEOPLE: Please stop talking to Lorne Gunter as if he is not insane. It is a complete wast of time! He doesn't want to listen at all as he does not have a soul! Let him keep copying all the rest western rubbish cliches and make a living with several dollars. That is what he deserves!

Terry Z.
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 08:50 PM
I am a manority ethnic person of PRC, I lived in Northeast China before. you said:"It has become almost impossible for Tibetans to rise to the highest levels in government or business because the most powerful jobs are reserved for Chinese." It's not a truth. In opposite, Chinese govenment gives more benifit and improve chance to manority ethnic people than Han ethnic(the majority ethic). I can give you many many examples. But, it just same as Canada: If a person can not speak English and he(she) even does not know any modern knowledge, does the govenment or any company give him(her) a higher level job? So, I think you almost don't know anything about China and Tibet, or, you see them with heavy glasses.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:30 PM
Canadian government supports killing of lovely and innocent seals, Canadian doesn't deserve Winter Olympics!

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:38 PM
"Millions of ethnic Chinese have been encouraged/forced to move into Tibet in the past five decades to overwhelm the ethnic Tibetans numerically in their own country. It has become almost impossible for Tibetans to rise to the highest levels in government or business because the most powerful jobs are reserved for Chinese." - Where do you get this? At least do some research on Tibet first before doing propaganda for Dalai Lama.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:44 PM
Why are western media outlets churning out lies to smear China? My theory is that it is a well-planned and well-timed disinformation campaign covertly orchestrated by the SEE-AI-EI to achieve 3 goals: 1) to sway Taiwan's vote towards their favorite candidate; 2) to demonize China in preparation for a possible future military confrontation; 3) to distract the Chinese government with this smoke screen while they are preparing for some major operations targetted at Iran. As for Dalai Lama - the slave-owner-turned-nobel-peace-prize-winner is a just a lackey and puppet on SEE-AI-EI's pay roll. What do you expect him to do? Disobey the master, look at poor Saddam.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:44 PM
Lorne Gunter Apparently, you "learn" your historical knowledge about Tibet and China from those "fair media" such as CNN, or they "learn" those from you. What you learned may be really what you expected as it made you feel so great about yourself. Unfortunately, I have to inform you that is not real. Use your brain to learn and think, do not presented so naive as brained-washed You may deserve a dirty-brain other then a washed-brain

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:46 PM
I bet this guy has never been to China, not to say Tibet. I bet he even doesn't know where Tibet is.

Scott Wang
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:47 PM
We have 1/5 of world population and we don't deserve a global sports event? What are you thinking?

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 09:51 PM
The author is a shameless liar. He may know the truth but he intendedly distorted it hoping people around the world getting into war then he can make a living by report the "news". Shame on you. If you can not make money without telling a lie go back to school and acquire some solid skills to support yourself.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:05 PM
it's not ture! you don't understand china.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:12 PM
astonishly uneducated rubbish. that this type of stupendously ignorant people can still have a writer's job, is the shame of Canada, for her failure to produce a qualifying labor force.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:34 PM
Hello, Mr. Lorne, I know you hate China, I also know that you hate Chinese. But, now it's 2008. Please write something a little more professional. Don't act like a Grade 5 kid. Here is the rule, before you write sth., do your homework first. Am I your teacher? Yes, I think so. Don't like me? If you said no, that's the same reason we don't like you. If you really care China, Chinese, please go to China, see there by your own eyes. OkOK, I know,you hate China, you also hate Chinese.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:37 PM
My feeling is Westerns are getting more close minded now while Chinese government & Chinese like us are getting more open minded, when looking at the world. Everything is changing, China has changed so much. Don't use your experience of 60, 30, or even 5 years ago to assume & judge what is happening in the world, especially in China. Open your own mind, your own eyes, take a break from your western-style brain-washing government & media, Olympic is a very good opportunity for the world to see & understand the new China. I would also recommend to watch the CBC program couple years ago - China Rises.

BE smarter
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:44 PM
I saw so many people talking about how bad China is right now. The truth is these people never really been to china or know well enough about Chinese history and culture. All his idea about China are from these people who have the same mind on China. DON"T BE FOOLED by these people. It is so funny to see the so called "TRUTH TELLING" western media used "WRONG PICTURE" to accuse Chinese government. Are they so foolish enough no knowing Nepal is another country? Oh, may be all these media using these images do not have internet access to GOOGLE IT. Or they just try to play the trick again -- like the time they say"IRAQ HAS MASS DESTRUCTION WEAPON FOR SURE".

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 10:52 PM
Please call 911 and let the international police to give Lorne Gunter a ticket...Boycott him as a Journalist and send him to Tibet to learn Chinese history...After he graduates, recall him to apologize to the whole world...

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:02 PM
Hi, guys, please don't blame this man. I know he is a good man. But he was fooled by ***. God bless him, poor guy.

Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:34 PM
First of all, a bunch of mobsters who burn houses down and kill people DO NOT REPRESENT THE FAIR VOICE OF TIBETANS. Second of all, CHINA WAS ELECTED TO HOLD THE OLYMPICS, it was not like we had a choice. Hey Gunter, if you were so self-righteous, where were you 8 years ago when China was chosen? Third of all, Tibet has been and will be part of China. It is widely recognized. Go buy a world map or something. Fourth of all, I know earning money is hard for column writers like you, but you don't have to slander others for your 30 bucks.

One True Chinese from Mainland
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:38 PM
Agree with you, Mr. Gunter. Chinese is great, Chinese culture is great. But, the government & Communist Party is evil, just like the world should not let Germney of 1936 held Olympic. The world, absolutely, should not let the kind of government which is killing the Tibet-our same Chinese, harvesting organ from FaLungong practationer-our same Chinese held the Olympic. It would be shy of our whole human beling if held in China. The government is not selected by Chinese, in fact, it is illegal. I am expecting in the near future the Olympic could be held in the true democratic China

Lorne Gunter is a garbage
Tue, Apr 1, 08 at 11:52 PM
I was so shock when I read this article. i can't believe it was writtern by a professional jounalist. He threw his echic as a jounalist into a garbage can. it is a shame on Canadian jounalist community. By reading his article, you can see how urgly he is. He is a liar and a racist. Lorne Gunter, you are officially put youself on the otherside of 1.3 billiion Chinese.

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 12:01 AM
This Lorne Gunter guy is either retarded or with malicious intention , present a textbook example of lousy journalism. How come you mess up the whole thing- charge the victim as the murderer and regard the murderer as the victim. And pls -if by any chance you have any left over intelligence - please do your homework by reading the following books and articles (assigned by me) before your jump to the comments:The CIA's Secret War in Tibet - by Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison, ( Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 2002) Tibet: Friendly Feudalism. - by Michael Parenti - (Michael Parenti Politcal Archive - 2007-01-02) "The Role of the CIA: Behind the Dalai Lama's Holy Cloak" - by Michael Backman - (www.theage.com, - 2007-05-23 ) "Tibet: The Roles of the CIA and the National Endowment for Democracy " - by Michael Barker - (Global Research, August 13, 2007) "Tibet, the 'great game' and the CIA",March 26,2008 Asia Times -by Richard M Bennett (www.atimes.com/atimes/China/JC26Ad02.html) "The question of Tibet",editorial,March26,2008,The Hindu (http://www.hindu.com/2008/03/26/stories/2008032655431000.htm ) "Tibet and the March 10 commemoration of the CIA's 1959 'uprising'" -by Gary Wilson(March19, 2008, Workers World ) (www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19595.htm) "He may be God, but he's no Politician" in March 22, 2008 New York Times -by Patrick French

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 12:09 AM
try to say something to show you exist, sham on you

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 12:15 AM
Concerning about replacement of Tibet schools. I think it is a major issue. The traditional tibetan schools (elementary or higher) are religion oriented. Let's be real. We all know that the modern education is no doubt beneficial to the society and human civilization. I believe that the children who are born as today deserve to learn the science and world believes instead the narrowed local religion, even though the religion is local and a good one. Having said that, How would you implement the school? it is a problem faced by Both government and Tibetan. This is not a "cultural genocide" as Dalai claimed. The physical presence of different school is disliked, but you know that US has gone through this racial tension before. separation or total autonomy will not stop immigration or integration of people culturally. Therefore, we must patiently wait even with riots, that racial equality and racial tolerance will come in near future.

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 12:39 AM
Lorne Gunter doesn't deserve to be a journalist.

Guangdao Yang
Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 01:15 AM
please Do not be a biased writer "Unbiased History of Tibet" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90hPLnWA4hs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?eur ... 9&v=QJY1eK9jQ28 Seven Lies about Tibet and His Holiness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acHkXqik_Bo&feature=related Free Tibet--Dalai Lama's Naked Truth Exposed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr46ApMFXzk&feature=related Unbiased true Tibetan history by American historian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fruuxoDQpSc&feature=related The PRC has a history just over 50 years. It is still a developing country, in terms of economy, politics and democracy. China needs more time, it cannot become to a western- standardised country overnight. It took over 300 years for Canada or US to become to a democratic country, Looking back on the NA history, what have happened to first nation/native Indians? When you were saying"And it has become almost impossible for Tibetans to rise to the highest levels in government or business because the best and most powerful jobs are reserved for Chinese.", have you thought about your history? do you think Canadian government will accept independence of first nation, and whatever land they claim to be theirs? Because Canada was theirs? Do you think all the Tibetans live overseas toady would like to go back and live in Tibet if it were free from China? I want to ask you if you have ever been to Tibet? If you know anything about Chinese government's policy to Tibet's development and people? Please do some research, before you speak. ``It is indeed true that the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) repressed the "culture" of feudalism in which people were treated "no better than a yak," and that those who had owned people as property were indeed stripped of this property. MIM has dealt elsewhere with the Chinese practice of Thought Reform -- which includes our own and other Maoist parties' practice of criticism and self-criticism. Thought Reform is no more or less than the formal recognition that thoughts and ideologies are formed by and reflect the economic base. Naturally the new Tibetan government sought to eradicate feudal thinking that supported viewing humyns as property and seeing some people as more worthy of being able to eat than others. Similarly, rather than being warehoused in prisons as those who go against the grain of imperialism are today, spies in China were reformed in their thinking and returned to their home countries. See Allyn and Adele Ricketts' book Prisoners of Liberation for the peaceful methods that were used to persuade these two former spies to respect the national sovereignty of China, and to see the lives of Chinese, Koreans and other nationalities as being as important as their own. `` No country should tolerate extremists and radicals. China is not a perfect country in many ways, it needs a understanding, friendly environment for its grow. Do not be a biased writer please. Dalai Lama: Tibet Wants Autonomy, Not Independence "But haven't you long said that you want autonomy, not independence, for Tibet?" "Oh yes. The world knows the Dalai Lama is not seeking independence." http://www.dalailama.com/news.42.htm San Francisco, USA, 16 April 2006 (By Amanda Bower, Time Magazine)

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 01:18 AM
Typical racism article, I am not surpruised it's posted on a paper like this though. Lorne Gunter::If there is The Third World war, it is caused by people like you. You may think it's an honor for you.

What A Joke!
Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 01:19 AM
You and all the people who have been fooled by the biased media especially CNN & AP up which CBC & CTV just follow wihtout any their own judgement. Sigh... huge disappointed about so called freedom of media reporting. Tell you folks here, China has refreshed from what it was. Go there and revise your views accordingly !!! You know what, most people coming aboard have returned China because it's getting better and better, even better than North America in many aspects of society.

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 01:22 AM
Are you a Dalai Lama's spokeman? or CIA's agent? If you are not, I can only say you are too idiot. Why don't you spend some time to learn some basics before writing such a stupid article? Read the followings to help you open your eyes: http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/vol_xxx/337_343.html http://www.case.edu/affil/tibet/currentStaff/goldstein.htm http://www.case.edu/affil/tibet/tibetanSociety/documents/TheUnitedStatesTibetandtheColdWar.pdf http://www.criticaltimes.com.au/news/international/the-birth-of-tibetan-separatism/ http://www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 02:17 AM
Real good deeds are appreciated; real good names are remembered. Google the name Dr Norman Bethune and ask any Chinese, you'll be surprised how many of them remember this great Canadian. If you do care about the people living in Tibet, China, do something for them. If you do want to inform the readers, PLEASE DO SOME RESEARCH. If not, please shut up and be quite. Don't bullshit and stir up hatred just to satisfy your self-righteousness.

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 02:54 AM
Lorne Gunter, shame on you ! this is what a hypocritical and ignorant liar should deserve.

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 02:55 AM
Lorne Gunter, shame on you ! this is what a hypocritical and ignorant liar should deserve.

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 03:17 AM
Mr. Lorne Gunter, you need to study, learn and even go to see the real picture, oh, I'm sorry, you may not have enough money and courage to go to see the real Tibet. Then suggestion: 1. go to public library(because it's free, poor you), read some books about China History, then think it over again 2. use your brain before you write any stupid thing, that's worth 3. don't mess up the whole world, you are not alien if I'm not wrong

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 08:16 AM
Yes, that is quite true. in the earlier 50s last centrury, it was a taking over happend to Tibet when the Chinese military marched in Tibet, not an invation at all. In 1952, New China took over Tibet from GuoMinDang Government who fled to TaiWan, I have to put some emphersis here, it is not an invation, it is a taking over. that is why military was sent there. That is true history. That is a kind of peaceful taking over, quite successful, much better than the other cities inland China which had bloody battles involved.

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 09:33 AM
Too little facts support the argument. Could you tell what Dalai Lama has done to help his people who used to be his slaves, all his life? He escaped Tibet mainly for what? Why everyone finger pointing China forgets that the smiling peaceful gentleman owns world's largest amount of slaves on earth in year 1950's? IS US civil war an progress or setback?

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 09:43 AM
Do you really care about the people in Tibet? You care more about your wallet than Tibet. People like you don't really care about the truth, but just wanna use every chance to critisize China. Learn Tibet's history before you write an article like this. Before, more than 90% of Tibetans were slaves, with Dailai being the biggest slave owner in Tibet, and people were so stupid they would fight to collect his shit believing this cures decease. Now the people the Tibet have hospitals, schools. If you say there's no religious freedom, why is there still so many monks and temples in Tibet? Use your head to think a little, please! Is this such a hard thing to do?

Wed, Apr 2, 08 at 10:44 AM
Don't talk Chinese history with Lorne Gunter, for him, it's too difficult to catch up. Just say some comment senses: Firstly, Tibet is Tibet Autonomous Region. In China, there are some provinces, there are some autonomous regions; similar like Canada, there are provinces and territories as well. Secondly, governments shall do their duties; one of theirs is protecting the people. The riots are public security problems, Canadian, Chinese, American, whichever must treat seriously. If there are some violences in Alberta, I do believe RCMP will put down more sternly. If you don't believe my words, please refer to the event about a Polish immigrant at the Vancouver airport (Google it, Youtube it!). Thirdly, the relationship between government of China and Dalai Lama is not the Big Bad Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood. If the Disney language is able to be understood only, the real Big Bad Wolf is Dalai Lama, and the civilian are the Little Red riding Hoods. BBW is using the huge religionary and political power to touch the all of people living in Tibet Autonomous Region. You know what, a mini-taxi driver living in Lhasa could earn over 100RMB per day before the riots; however currently, few travelers go to Tibet Autonomous Region, he makes only less 10RMB for each day. Fourthly, the Olympic Games are international sports activities, not only for Chinese. Most of national Olympic committees had voted for Beijing in 2001, that's why Beijing can host the 2008 Olympic Games. Boycotting 2008 Olympic Games? For what? Please double check which city your Olympic committee having voted for in 2001. If they voted for Beijing, please boycott your own Olympic committee first. And then please boycott this majority rule, or this DEMOCRATIC decision. If they voted against Beijing, it means your own Olympic committee was the minority; the majority ignored your guys' favourites, so you guys just keep ignoring favourites of the majority. It's quite fairly, isn't it?

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