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Chomsky on Tibet vis-a-vis Palestine.....

发表于 2008-4-3 05:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Chomsky on Tibet vis-a-vis Palestine..
[img=576 border=0,1 src=]http://bbs.m4.cn/[/img]
Kosovo/Serbia, Palestine/Israel, Tibet/China
By Noam Chomsky at Mar 25, 2008
A ZNET sustainer recently asked Noam the below question on the ZNet chat board, where Noam hosts a forum:
ZNET Sustainer: Professor Chomsky, Are there parallels between the situation unfolding in Kosovo/Serbia and the recent history (since 1948) of Palestine/Israel?
Noam Chomsky: I doubt that there is much in the way of useful analogies, in this case. Maybe I'm missing something.
Seems to me there is a much closer analogy between the Palestinian occupied territories and Tibet right now. There are dissimilarities too. Thus, rightly or wrongly, Tibet is internationally recognized (by the US too) as part of China, so what is happening there is internal. In contrast, outside of Israel (and in practice, the US), no one recognizes the OT as part of Israel, and in an authoritative judgment, confirming early Security Council resolutions, the International Court of Justice determined that the Geneva Conventions apply to the OT, so all settlement activity is in violation of international law, as are all measures (like the "separation wall") to protect settlers (the US Justice concurred). However, despite the sharp legal distinction, there are some instructive parallels that can be explored.
Take the recent US-backed Israeli violence in the OT and Chinese violence inTibet. The former is far greater, and the justifications far weaker. Just imagine how the US and Israel would react if Palestinians in illegally annexed East Jerusalem were to burn down a bank and Jewish stores, attack Jews, etc., as in Tibet We can then compare the actual reactions. In the case of US-backed Israeli violence and illegal actions in the OT, overwhelming support for embattled Israel. In the case of Chinese violence in Tibet, much grandstanding, as when Nancy Pelosi -- an enthusiastic supporter of Israeli violence -- declares passionately that if we don't stand up for Tibet we will lose our "moral authority" (she didn't explain on what that authority rests).
One can proceed -- that is, if one is interested in truth and justice and immune to shrieks of horror and a deluge of brickbats.
(Noam Chomsky
Courtesy: The ZNET Blogs
发表于 2008-4-3 06:06 | 显示全部楼层

By Noam Chomsky at Mar 25, 2008由noam乔姆斯基在2008年3月25日

A ZNET sustainer recently asked Noam the below question on the ZNet chat board, where Noam hosts a forum: 1 znet sustainer最近要求noam下面的问题就znet留言板,那里noam主持人论坛:

ZNET Sustainer: Professor Chomsky, Are there parallels between the situation unfolding in Kosovo/Serbia and the recent history (since 1948) of Palestine/Israel? znet sustainer :乔姆斯基教授,有平行线之间的情况,在科索沃展开/塞尔维亚和最近的历史( 1948年以来)的巴勒斯坦/以色列?

Noam Chomsky: I doubt that there is much in the way of useful analogies, in this case. noam乔姆斯基:我怀疑,有很多方式,有用的比喻,在这件事。 Maybe I'm missing something.也许我失踪了。

Seems to me there is a much closer analogy between the Palestinian occupied territories and Tibet right now.在我看来,有一个更紧密的比喻巴勒斯坦被占领土和西藏也不迟。 There are dissimilarities too.有统一体。 Thus, rightly or wrongly, Tibet is internationally recognized (by the US too) as part of China, so what is happening there is internal.因此,无论对或错,西藏是国际公认的(由美国太) ,作为中国的一部分,因此那里所发生的,是来自内部。 In contrast, outside of Israel (and in practice, the US), no one recognizes the OT as part of Israel, and in an authoritative judgment, confirming early Security Council resolutions, the International Court of Justice determined that the Geneva Conventions apply to the OT, so all settlement activity is in violation of international law, as are all measures (like the "separation wall") to protect settlers (the US Justice concurred).相比之下,以色列以外(在实践中,美国) ,没有人认识到城市旅游局,因为是以色列的一部分,在一个权威的判断,证实早在安理会决议,国际刑事法院的司法决定,日内瓦公约适用于职能治疗效果,让所有定居点活动的做法违反了国际法,是一切措施(如"隔离墙" ) ,以保护定居者(美国司法部同意) 。 However, despite the sharp legal distinction, there are some instructive parallels that can be explored.然而,尽管夏普法律区分,也有一些有启发性的平行线,可以加以探讨。

Take the recent US-backed Israeli violence in the OT and Chinese violence inTibet.就拿最近美国支持以色列的暴力在城市旅游局及中文暴力intibet 。 The former is far greater, and the justifications far weaker.前者是大得多,理据薄弱。 Just imagine how the US and Israel would react if Palestinians in illegally annexed East Jerusalem were to burn down a bank and Jewish stores, attack Jews, etc., as in Tibet We can then compare the actual reactions.大家想想,美国和以色列的反应,如果巴勒斯坦人在非法吞并的东耶路撒冷在内的被烧光,一家银行和犹太商店,攻击犹太人等,在西藏,我们才能比较实际的反应。 In the case of US-backed Israeli violence and illegal actions in the OT, overwhelming support for embattled Israel.在案件美国支持以色列的暴力和非法行为,在任何时刻都以压倒性的支持,在危机四伏的以色列。 In the case of Chinese violence in Tibet, much grandstanding, as when Nancy Pelosi -- an enthusiastic supporter of Israeli violence -- declares passionately that if we don't stand up for Tibet we will lose our "moral authority" (she didn't explain on what that authority rests).在案件中的暴力行为,在西藏,很多哗众取宠,因为当佩洛西-一个热情的支持者以色列的暴力-宣布慷慨激昂地指出,如果我们不站起来,为西藏,我们就会失去我们的"道德权威"(她无'吨解释,对什么是权威的休息) 。

One can proceed -- that is, if one is interested in truth and justice and immune to shrieks of horror and a deluge of brickbats.一个可以进行-也就是说,如果一个人有兴趣,在真理和正义的免疫s hrieks的恐怖和泛滥b rickbats。


(Noam Chomsky ( noam乔姆斯基
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