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发表于 2008-4-5 16:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    美东华人社团联合总会今天发起“一人一信抗议CNN恶意抹黑中国”行动,抗议CNN报道称西藏为“国家”及恶意剪裁新闻图片的丑陋行为。美东华人社团联合总会执行主席黄克锵,福建同乡会代主席郑祺,福建公所代主席郑斌,上海联谊会主席承立平等出席了今天的记者发布会。与会者批评CNN等西方媒体,借着所谓的 “新闻free”之名,使用断章取义、抹黑栽赃、歪曲事实、凭空捏造的手段来报道发生在中国境内的事件和海外华人华侨的生存状况,误导当地国民众,以达到妖魔化中国、孤立中国,甚至分裂中国的目的。因此,美东华联会草拟一份中英文公开信,以一人一信的方式,或通过电子邮件信箱,或通过传真,或通过邮寄方式,把《致CNN的公开信》寄至CNN总部,让CNN再次感受到团结起来的中国人的力量,不得不重视其日后报道中国新闻的公正性和准确度。以下是美东华人社团联合总会执行主席黄克锵的倡议书以及这份公开信中英文内容。

    黄克锵(美东华人社团联合总会执行主席)CNN对3月14 日拉萨暴乱事件,把“藏胞”和“中国人”区别开来、称西藏为“国家”以及对图片恶意剪裁的丑陋行为,遭到了海内外中国人的谴责和抵制。就此,28日CNN 在其网站上很不显眼的位置发表了一份简短声明,为其不实报道辩解。声明辩称,“受到质疑的那幅照片被完全‘适当地’应用在了特定的编辑内容中”,并称所展示的内容不会引起误解。而对于在报道中将西藏称为“国家”,则狡辩说,CNN的报道方针是称西藏为“中国西藏自治区”,“在至今的数十篇关于此事件的报道中,我们只发现了两起被误称为‘国家’的例子”。藉着所谓的“新闻free”之名,使用断章取义、抹黑栽赃、歪曲事实、凭空捏造的手段来报道发生在中国境内的事件和海外华人华侨的生存状况,是西方一些号称主流媒体长期以来惯用的伎俩。这个中的原因除了他们不甚了解中国历史、中国国情外,其最重要一点是某些西方人士身上有着根深蒂固的沙文主义思潮。在这一思潮下,一遇到“中国”两个字,那些新闻从业人员就背离了“客观、公正、公平、真实”这一新闻基本原则,愚弄视听,误导当地国民众,以达到妖魔化中国、孤立中国,甚至分裂中国的目的。针对CNN对西藏问题的不实报道,28日美东华人社团联合总会发起“一人一信抗议CNN恶意抹黑中国”的活动,本人代表美东华人社团联合总会执笔草拟的《致CNN的公开信》中英文对照。聚沙成塔,滴水成河。一个人的力量很渺小很微弱,一个人的声音无不足道,但全世界中华儿女聚集起来的力量则足以与任何**势力抗衡。28日CNN不痛不痒的声明,实际上是感受到中国网友的压力而不得不半遮半掩来一个所谓的交代。一人一信,或通过电子邮件信箱,或通过传真,或通过邮寄方式,把《致CNN的公开信》寄至CNN总部,让CNN再次感受到团结起来的中国人的力量,不得不重视其日后报道中国新闻的公正性和准确度。目前此信函将传送到海内外各大中文网络,希望更多的海内外同胞参与“一人一信抗议CNN恶意抹黑中国”的活动,把《致CNN的公开信》打印,或制成文档,签名后寄至CNN总部。同时也希望网上的同胞代为转发到各大网站,或鼓励更多的同胞参与此活动。

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-5 17:01 | 显示全部楼层

CNN总裁: Jim Walton(吉姆•沃尔顿)
CNN地址: One CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
CNN电话:1 (404) 878-2276
CNN传真:1(404) 827-1995
CNN e-mail: privacy.cnn@turner.com
http://www.cnn.com/privacy.html(这个网页有email: privacy.cnn@turner.com


An Open Letter to the Official-In-Charge of CNN
To Whom It May Concern:

March 31, 2008

Dear Madam/Sir,

Credibility is the only key for every member of news media to accomplish wide public recognition. It is an intellectual asset wooed by every member of media. While the establishment and confirmation of such credibility is an accumulating and difficult process, the destruction of such is as easy as blowing a candle.

CNN was inaugurated in 1980. While it struck the media community with its coverage of the attempted assassination of President Reagon, CNN was not really seen as part of the main stream by the American public then. CNN failed to lift itself off from financial difficulty within the five years since its inception. Its audience share was among the lowest. The most outstanding feature of CNN was live coverage at the scene. However, in the Gulf War between 1990 and 1991, CNN allowed audience around the world to watch "Desert Shield", a war raged by the Alliance troops with United States as the leader to fight Iraq. In August 1991, a coup d'etat broke out in Kremlin, at the time even the U.S. CIA received no advanced warning, but CNN was able to make the first presentation of the event to the world expeditiously. Since that time, CNN has achieved an outstanding reputation and confirmed its status as the only global TV news agency. It has then established an invaluable and hard-to-achieve level of credibility.

It is undeniable that journalists at CNN in general observe the most basic rules of news reporting, seeking for the truth and all the facts. However, regrettably, these rules seem to be applicable only to news stories about the Western countries. For news about China, the Chinese Communist Party or overseas ethnic Chinese, a double standard based on entrenched chauvinism would arise. Discrimination, prejudice and an anti-Chinese sentiment would then replace all ethic standards and rules of news reporting. CNN would adopt all means of distortion, stating inversely right into wrong , mixing lies into truth, taking quotes out of context, defaming and making wrongful accusation, and even fabricating facts without basis to cover news in China and life of the overseas ethnic Chinese, and to tarnish and demonize China, people of China and the overseas Chinese.

On March 14, the "Tibetan Independents" provoked certain criminal elements to start a riot in the capital city Lhasa of the Tibetan Self-Autonomous Region of China. As it had done before, CNN did not shake off its attitude of being unfair and non-objective in covering news of China. In order to prove its intention of portraying "Tibetans are being persecuted", CNN first broadcast non-stop news stories about "Tibetans assaulting Chinese" and "Tibetans burning down shops owned by the Chinese". CNN unreasonably tried to separate the Tibetan compatriots from the Great China Family of 56 ethnic groups. It then edited the original photos on Internet and presented the most convincing parts to confuse the facts and to fool the audience. It even became a spokesman of Dalai Lama and repeatedly emphasize that rioters in Tibet were in "peaceful demonstrations", and that China had launched a "military crack-down" in Tibet, a "control measure by force" and "a hundred Tibetans had been killed". These are all but fabricated news stories to mislead the American public and they deprived the rights of people around the world, including the American public, to find out the facts and the truth.

These made-up news stories were based on distortion of facts, casting inversely right into wrong, mixing lies with truth, taking quotes out of context, defaming and making wrongful accusation and fabricating facts without basis. Not only did they become the worst failure of news reporting by CNN and became the biggest joke 0f 2008 among members of media, but they undermined the credibility long established by CNN.

Credibility is the soul of news media. The ugly conduct of CNN in its tarnishing and demonizing of China cannot and will not escape from scrutiny in this age of mass media. For its coverage of Lhasa riot on March 14, the American public has timely created a humorous and sarcastic comment about CNN: "Don't be like CNN", which has been widely adopted all over the country. It seems like the credibility established with tremendous endeavor by CNN over the years has suddenly collapsed in the eyes of the American public.

On behalf of Citizens of Chinese descent in United States, members of the United Chinese Associations of Eastern America strongly condemns CNN for its adoption of a double standard and the violation of ethic for news coverage. The Association would like to caution members of the CNN news team that the key of good news coverage lies not only in its timeliness of presentation, but also in its fairness, objectivity, truthfulness and credibility. In case that the journalists mix their individual ideology, personal taste of favor and disfavor, their wishful prejudice or subjective judgment with their news coverage, they would violate the most basic ethic in news reporting, i.e. being fair, objective, truthful and credible, and they would lose their credibility in the media community and among the public. The kind of news coverage, as lacking credibility as CNN has presented, not only would mislead the public and harm sentiment of the people, but it would become a negative factor in obstructing and damaging the relationship between China and United States, and in hurting the friendship between peoples of the two nations.

Sincerely yours,

Executive Chairman of
United Chinese Associations of Eastern America
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-5 17:02 | 显示全部楼层
    公信力是每一个媒体获得公众认可的唯一法宝,是每一个媒体不懈追求的精神财富。而公信力的确立需要一个一点一滴慢慢积累的艰难过程,但若要破坏它却是轻而易举的。贵台创办于1980年,虽然曾经在1981年报道美国前总统里根遇刺事件中令业界同行刮目相看,小有名气,但并没有真正走入民众的视野。贵台开播后五年内一直无法摆脱财政困境,收视率一直在最底线徘徊。贵台最大的特点是现场直播,1990-1991年的海湾战争,贵台第一时间让全球亿万人看到了以美国为首的多国部队对伊拉克实施“沙漠盾牌”的战争实况;1991年8月克里姆林宫发生巨变,当时连美国中央情报局都毫无预警的情况下,贵台能够在第一时间把事件呈现在大众面前。从此,贵台名声大噪,确立了世界上独一无二新闻电视网的位置,也在全球建立了难能可贵的公信力。无可否认,贵台的从业人员基本上都还遵守新闻报道要客观、求真、求实的基本准则,但遗憾的是,这些准则却只局限于西方国家,一谈到中国、中国共产党或海外华人华侨,双重标准就会因根深蒂固的沙文主义思潮而产生。歧视、偏见和排中倾向马上取代了一切新闻操守和新闻准则,采用新闻业界人士最不齿的歪曲事实、颠倒黑白、混淆是非、断章取义、抹黑陷害,甚至凭空捏造的手段来报道发生在中国境内的事件和海外华人华侨的生存状况,丑化、妖魔化中国、中国人和海外华人。是次3月14日“藏独”分子煽动不法之徒在中国西藏自治区首府拉萨制造暴乱,贵台一如既往没有摆脱对中国新闻报道不公正、不客观的态度,为了达到所要宣传的 “藏人被迫害”的意图,先是不停播报“藏人”殴打“中国人”、焚烧“中国人”商店的新闻,在字面上故意把藏族同胞从56个中华民族大家庭分隔出去;接着竟将网络上的原始照片进行剪裁,取最有说服力的部分混淆事实,愚弄视听;最后并甘心充当dl喇嘛的传声筒,不断强调西藏暴民是“和平示威”,并报道中国在西藏自治区实行“军事镇压”、“武力管制”、“百名藏人被杀”等无中生有的新闻,误导美国民众,剥夺了包括美国人民在内的世界人民的求知权、知情权。这些依赖着歪曲事实、颠倒黑白、混淆是非、断章取义、抹黑陷害或凭空捏造的假新闻,不仅是贵台新闻报道的最大败笔,成了2008年美国新闻业界的笑柄,也损害了贵台长久以来所建立的公信力。公信力是新闻媒体的灵魂。贵台丑化中国、妖魔化中国的丑陋行为在现今的信息时代将无所遁形。就这次贵台报道3月14日拉萨暴乱事件之事件,美国民众非常及时地为贵台度身定造了一句既幽默又有讽刺味道的一句话:“Don't be like CNN”,并已经在美国国内广泛流传。看来贵台多年以来的好不容易建立起来的公信力在民众心目中已轰然倒塌了。美东华人社团联合总会代表旅美华人华侨对贵台“采用双重标准、背离新闻操守”的行为表示强烈的谴责。同时也告诫贵台的从业人员,新闻报道不仅要求第一时间呈现在公众面前,还需要公正客观、真实可信。新闻从业人员若将自身的意识形态、个人的偏好偏恶、想当然的偏见或是主观臆断掺杂在新闻报道中,那就已经违背了“公正客观、真实可信”最基本的新闻操守,在新闻业界内和民众心目中都丧失了公信力。如同贵台这样缺乏公信力的新闻会不仅误导了民众、伤害了人心,在某种程度上也给中美两国的关系和中美两国人民的友谊造成负面的阻碍力和破坏力。

发表于 2008-4-5 18:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 01:19 | 显示全部楼层
我也发了,标题就是an open letter from China
发表于 2008-4-6 04:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-6 09:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-7 00:33 | 显示全部楼层
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