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发表于 2008-8-20 09:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



但Keith Quinn,他不是中国人,他是新西兰的一名记者,他可以顺应主流落井下石,可他没有,他在自己的博客里用良心为发出了声音:你们这些人有完没完?!

Keith Quinn 在自己的博客写下了以《leave China along!》为题的文章。

他认为太多人把焦点放在了这件小事上,只因为这是中国人的奥运会,别有用心!而录播这种事,在全世界都是很普遍的。Keith Quinn 数次在博客里激动的说道:WHO CARES!

Keith Quinn揭露一部分人根本不是来采访奥运,关心体育的,而是来找事的!

Keith Quinn说录播是件很正常的事,他回忆2004年雅典奥运会上开幕式上,现场的交响乐和歌声也都是录制的,这一切都是为了让节目更加好看。当时有人拿这事炒作么?没有! 他还举了众多例子告诉大家,全世界各地每天都有许多节目是靠录播完成的!

他一针见血的指出这种双重标准的原因:just because it is the Chinese who are involved in the story.

最后Keith Quinn呼吁道:他所看到的是友好的中国人民举办了一场非常出色的奥运会,他们不应该获得这样的对待! “And I reckon the nice Chinese people here putting on a great Games so far do not deserve it! ”

August 14: Leave China alone!

Come on world! Get real!

Another example of getting stuck into the Olympic Hosts is being pushed out onto the world stage from here in Beijing. And I reckon it is being done just because it is the Chinese who are involved in the story.

It seems the organisers of the Opening Ceremony here over-dubbed a voice recording of a wee kid singing a pretty song. But instead of using that same wee kid to actually sing on the big night the organisers substituted her recording and used a more 'cute' wee girl to front up instead. It was the second child who was ushered onto centre stage for the world to see and to sing over the top of the pre-recorded song.

Well, I say big flamin' deal! Who cares?

Concerning this story you should have seen all hell break loose in Olympic city. News reporters were suddenly rushing around, distracted from covering their regular sports events to 'uncover' this apparent 'shame' that China had foist upon the world.

The hint was; how dare the Chinese try to trick the world.

Well, in case anyone missed it let me state here that over-dubbing and using of substitute voices occurs every night on TV in probably every station in the world.
Every flamin' night I might add.

In Athens at the 2004 Olympics for instance I can recall images from the rich Greek past being played onto the main stadium with full orchestra over-dubbing and voices raised in song. It was all part of making the TV coverage more colourful and more spectacular. Did anyone moan - of course they didn't?

Any sort of over-dubbing is old hat too. I can go all the way back to those great films 'Mr Fair Lady' and 'West Side Story' in the 1960s. In those it wasn't Audrey Hepburn or Natalie Wood who sang their main songs. Instead a singer called Marnie Nixon who was called in. She warbled away and they dubbed her voice in over the top of Mesdames Wood and Andrews. Who cared?

I only remember it as the question is often used in pub trivia quiz nights!

But this year, because I suspect it involves some sort of universal suspicion which I have noted, of alleged Chinese methods to trick the world, suddenly it becomes BIG news!

I say, come on everyone; who cares that one kid sang here and the other didn't?

Let's get over it; there are tricks and stunts pulled every night on TV; American TV coverage here in Beijing is mostly delayed but they don't say so. Come to think of it in 'Friends,' and every other Hollywood comedy series are those real people in the studio chortling away? Or is it a laughter track they have secured from the audio control room?

And in the TV commercials you see every night are all the speaking voices the same as those in place when the vision was actually shot?

Of course they are not. To me this story is no biggie.

To repeat, I have gained the feeling here that when it is the Chinese who follow the rest of the world it is deemed to be something dreadful that is done.

And I reckon the nice Chinese people here putting on a great Games so far do not deserve it!


1. 整篇文章都沒流露過作者認為批評開幕禮的人是[別有用心]或[雙重標準]的意思.

2. 更離譜的是,該文章完全沒講過任何類似[一部分人根本不是来采访奥运,关心体育的,而是来找事的],該中文翻譯完全是將一些不存在的話夾硬塞入新西蘭記者口中.就好似以前克林頓出自傳,內地譯本講他自稱崇拜毛澤東,但英文原版根本完全沒這回事,性質就等於定性當年八九民運是[一小撮懷有不可告人目的的人煽動暴亂]一樣,偷換概念,轉移視線.

3. 至於該新西蘭記者之所以說[it is being done just because it is the Chinese who are involved in the story], 其實他自己在文中已經下了註解----[because I suspect it involves some sort of universal suspicion which I have noted, of alleged Chinese methods to trick the world, suddenly it becomes BIG news]. 言下之意,即表示作者懷疑因為過去一些關於中國人造假的說法,引起國際社會的猜疑,令今次開幕式這件事好快就成為大新聞.好明顯,作者想表達既意思是國際輿論對中國可能有先入為主的想法或誤會,而這些想法是建築於過去有關中國造假的報導,而不是中文譯文所講既[別有用心].而且,新西蘭記者亦講得好有保留,只是說他[懷疑](suspect),而不是中文譯文所偷換概念的[指出]或[揭露].當然,對於新西蘭記者認為引起今次這件事的[真正原因],中文譯文當然不會講.

4. 最後,本人好奇去查一查skykiwi.com這個網址,發現這個聲稱以新西蘭華人為對象既網站,中文版既domain是由內地公司註冊,server亦應該設於內地:

http://who.godaddy.com/WhoIs.asp ... com&prog_id=godaddy

Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

Domain Name: SKYKIWI.COM
Whois Server: whois.paycenter.com.cn
Referral URL: http://www.xinnet.com
Status: ok
Updated Date: 15-jun-2008
Creation Date: 20-jan-2001
Expiration Date: 20-jan-2012

>>> Last update of whois database: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 19:44:15 EDT <<<
发表于 2008-8-20 10:12 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-20 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
只是想纠正下一些中文翻译者,翻译出其本身说所的 不要让人觉得人家很友好

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-20 11:50 | 显示全部楼层
up 给更多的人看
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发表于 2008-8-20 11:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-8-20 13:04 | 显示全部楼层
首先要指出的, 翻譯這詞用得不太正確, 嚴格來說, 中文只是從英文博客裡綜合概括整體意思而已所以, 要用翻譯角度, 自然是不能找到什麼別有用心, 雙重標準的"字眼"

但要注意是, 文中用了三次 "who cares", 最後一次還是以大寫來加強語氣的.Who care, 用廣東話來說, 就是關誰的屁事,
也就是把一件不重要的事來小題大作,那, 從這個角度看, 這樣的小題大作是為什麼呢? 奧運記者是因奧運賽事寥寥無幾, 太閒而必須挖雞毛蒜皮嗎??
News reporters were suddenly rushing around, distracted from covering their regular sports events
to 'uncover' this apparent 'shame' that China had foist upon the world.

這句表達的就是我上面的意思, 要把手上的"正事"丟下來, 那應該是件"大事"才對, 可是"大事"是什麼呢, 是apparent 'shame',
一件作者認為是 who cares的事情.而這樣做是為什麼呢?
Another example of getting stuck into the Olympic Hosts is being pushed out onto the world stage
from here in Beijing. And I reckon it is being done just because
it is the Chinese who are involved
in the story.
然後, 他再加了一句:The hint was; how dare the Chinese try to trick the world.

這就算不是"別有用心", 也是指出記者有興趣不是事件本身, 而是覺得中國"竟敢"玩弄世界!
套句陳水扁慣語 (雖然扁成了過街老鼠:) "有那麼嚴重嗎?"至於雙重標準嘛, 請參考窈窕淑女及Westside Story那段, 我就省點力氣了.

我認為是, 老外作者不一定捧中國這邊, 但肯定是對其他外媒的抓了雞毛當令箭, 大大的不滿.
而欄主的看法, 是受到他誤認中文是英文的"譯文"所致的.在我的角度, 中文版不屬於翻譯的定義, 只能是概括引用外文而已.
有沒有"過份利用", 有一點, 但沒有欄主說成是歪曲那樣子. 因為人家根本不是在翻譯!
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发表于 2008-8-20 14:35 | 显示全部楼层


不知LZ '對事實的扭曲'一说从何而来?

'新西兰TV记者力挺北京奥运' 一文是网友对这位新西兰记者本人及其文章的评价而非翻译。

LZ 所说的'skykiwi.com這個網址以新西蘭華人為對象既網站,中文版既domain是由內地公司註冊,server亦應該設於內地': 大家都知道内地的domain比国外的便宜,请问华人用内地的domain为什么不可以。

[ 本帖最后由 kukkaukkonen 于 2008-8-20 14:36 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-20 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-20 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
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