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[2008.8.22. FT中文网] 伦敦市准备接过奥林匹克会旗

发表于 2008-8-22 09:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
London mayor vows spectacular 2012
Boris Johnson, London's mayor, bowled into Beijing promising both a spectacular and a cost-conscious London Olympics and saying he did not feel “intimidated” by the standards set by China.

The mayor, who on Sunday will be handed the Olympic flag as part of the closing ceremony, heaped praise on the Chinese authorities for their organisation, while mildly chiding them for using a child to mime the words sung by a young girl during the opening ceremony.

“We have been dazzled, we have been impressed, we have been blown away by these games but we have not been intimidated,” he said. “I am absolutely convinced that we can do the same without blowing the £9.3bn [$17.4bn, €11.7bn] budget.”
To keep his promise Mr Johnson must oversee the building of Olympic facilities and the running of the 2012 event without the resources at China's disposal.

London 2012 officials stress different qualities the city will offer in four years' time. They say the London games will be environmentally friendly and suggest the UK capital will be able to attract more international visitors than Beijing.

The International Olympic Committee has given London's preparations a clean bill of health, but UK public opinion is dubious about their costs, split among the government, lottery funding and London taxpayers.

The charismatic Mr Johnson, an Old Etonian Conservative politician, was elected in May promising tighter control on city spending than that of his predecessor, Ken Livingstone.

He said London was awarded the games “at a time of economic plenty and we are being asked to deliver them in the background of the credit crunch and a possible recession”.

Construction of the Olympic village is threatened by fundraising problems at Lend Lease, the Australian contractor. But Mr Johnson said 2012 would not be “some kind of mean-spirited, penny-pinching games”.

伦敦市长抵达北京 准备接过奥林匹克会旗
英国《金融时报》罗格•布里茨(Roger Blitz)报道
抵达北京的伦敦市市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)承诺,伦敦奥运会将做到既场面盛大又注意成本,并表示,他没有被中国立下的标准“吓倒”。





富于个人魅力的约翰逊,是毕业于伊顿公学的老派保守党政界人物,今年5月份当选伦敦市长。他承诺将比前任肯•利文斯通(Ken Livingstone)更严格地控制伦敦政府开支。


澳大利亚承包商联盛集团(Lend Lease)的筹资问题影响了奥运村的建设。但约翰逊表示,2012年奥运会不会成为“小气、寒酸的奥运会”。




发表于 2008-8-22 09:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-22 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-22 09:27 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 xifei 于 2008-8-22 09:24 发表

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发表于 2008-8-22 09:40 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-8-22 10:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-22 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-22 10:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-22 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
我想看到4年后爱尔兰国,苏格兰国代表队应邀参加英国伦敦奥运会:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :victory: :victory:
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发表于 2008-8-22 15:32 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 无耻白人 于 2008-8-22 13:58 发表
我想看到4年后爱尔兰国,苏格兰国代表队应邀参加英国伦敦奥运会:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :victory: :victory:  

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