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又在搬弄是非cnn news:8 killed in new violence in Tibet, activists say

发表于 2008-4-6 19:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

(CNN) -- Chinese police fired on hundreds of protesters this week in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Garze, killing eight people, the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy said Saturday. M3A%_9{}[(TOLIF7L8}A$[K.jpg
China called the incident "a riot" and said an official was seriously injured.
The human rights center said that about 300 protesters -- monks and laypeople -- demonstrated Thursday to call for the release of two monks arrested earlier.
The monks were taken into custody after officials searched their residences, "looking for photos of the Dalai Lama."
As the group marched toward the county government headquarters about 8 p.m. in Garze, in southwestern Sichuan Province, they clashed with police, who fired into the crowd, the center said.
Dozens of people were injured, including three monks who were in "critical condition," the group said.
China's state-run news agency, Xinhua, reported that "rioters attacked the seat of the Donggu township government of Garze County."
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An official with the prefectural government told Xinhua that "police were forced to fire warning shots and put down the violence, since local officials and people were in great danger."
"Local officials exercised restraint during the riot and repeatedly told the rioters to abide by the law," the news agency reported.
Beijing blames the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists who lives in exile in Dharamsala, India, and his followers for violence that erupted last month amid protests for Tibetan independence.
China has drawn international criticism for its crackdown on the demonstrations, which began peacefully last month on the 49th anniversary of a failed Tibetan uprising. [img=16 border=0 _extended=,14 alt=Photo src=]http://bbs.m4.cn/[/img] See photos of the unrest »
The protests have thrown a shadow over the Olympic Games, set to take place in Beijing in August.
Tibet's self-proclaimed government-in-exile puts the death toll from those protests at about 140, but Chinese government restrictions make it difficult to confirm that number.
Chinese authorities have reported 19 people dead and say most of those killed were "innocent victims": Han Chinese targeted by Tibetans.
The fallout from the protests has caused a war of words between the Dalai Lama and China's leaders. E-mail to a friend [img=17 border=0 _extended=,14 alt=]http://i.l.cnn.net/cnn/.element/img/2.0/mosaic/util/email.gif[/img]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
  西藏新的暴乱中有8人被杀,zd积极分子说。本周,在四川garze地区,中国警察向成千上万的抗议者开枪(译者:死有余辜!),打死八人,西藏人权和民主中心周六发表上述讲话。中国政府称之为暴乱,并说有一个官员受到严重伤害。人权中心说:周四大约300名抗议者,包括和尚和非神职人员,游行示威要求政府释放两名被捕的和尚(译者:竟然没有凌迟处死,胡哥太心兹手软了吧)在官员进入他们的住处寻找dl的照片后,有一些和尚被关押起来。早上八点钟,一群人向四川省garze县政府出发,他们跟冲进人群的警察发生推拿,人权中心说。有二十人受伤,其中三个和尚伤势严重,那群人说。中国官方新闻,新华社报道:暴徒攻击了garze县镇政府。自治区政府官员告诉新华社:当地官员和群众处极端危险的时候,警察被迫开枪来平息暴乱。” 据官方新闻报道:当地官员保持极大克制,并不断告诉抗议者要遵守法律。北京谴责dl和他的追随者上个月的暴力行为。中国镇压纪念西藏起义失败49周年的和平示威,引起了国际上的批评,抗议者已经威胁要对八月份的北京奥运会不利。西藏流亡政府自称示威的伤亡达140人,不过中国政府坚持声称很难确定人数。中国当局已经声称有19个无辜群众死亡,汉人成了目标。抗议的结果导致了dl和中国政府领导人之间的嘴仗。

[ 本帖最后由 大风扬云 于 2008-4-6 20:33 编辑 ]
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[ 本帖最后由 我为人人 于 2008-4-6 20:38 编辑 ]
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