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【08.11.18 华盛顿邮报】中国奇迹的火车会脱轨吗?

发表于 2008-11-21 10:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
标题: Will China's Miracle Train Derail?
地址: http://newsweek.washingtonpost.c ... oming_off_chin.html
来源: Washington Post 华盛顿邮报
翻译: rlsrls08


Will China's Miracle Train Derail?

Is China really as stable as we've been led to believe? Recent events make it seem likely that Beijing is going to get kicked in the teeth by the worldwide financial crisis. And the strikes and protests now occurring throughout the country suggest that China's authoritarian political system is in for a real challenge.

For years we've heard the narrative in the United States that China was going to have a smooth ride to superpower status. A report from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace earlier this year predicted that China would overtake the US economy by 2035. A few weeks ago, the New York Times suggested in an editorial that China's economy might be the one engine that could drag the world out of its current rut. The LA Times, noting that China possesses a world-high $2 trillion in foreign exchange, predicted that at last weekend's economic summit, China would wield "a big stick."

Underlying these narratives was an assumption that China's political system was stable. Political scientists even came up with a new name for China's mixture of a free-wheeling private sector and massive state-run sector all dominated by a one-party state. It was "resilient authoritarianism," with the emphasis on "resilient."

The problem with this assumption is that it took root during the 1990s when China's political system essentially faced no significant tests. Things were a little rocky during the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. But China pretty much insulated itself from those problems; and the Western economies (whose purchases account for more than 30 percent of China's economy) kept buying.

Well, I'd wager that the real test of a political system is not when all the graphs are pointed skyward; it's when things start to shake a bit. And right now things are shaky in China. As Josh Kurlantzick put it in a smart piece for the New Republic: "While, in the U.S., a financial failure would simply mean another dent in George W. Bush's reputation, in China it could mean the breakdown of the entire political order."

The main reason for China's current troubles is that Western economies -- caught in their own recessions -- aren't buying like they did before. Some 10,000 factories are shuttered in southern China. Factory bosses are jumping over walls and fleeing China and their debts. More than 1 million people have lost their jobs over the last few months in one province of the country alone.

But there are other reasons, too. Many Chinese are fed up with country's endemic corruption and the sense that "social contract" that their now dead leader Deng Xiaoping hashed out for them after he engineered the June 4th crackdown in 1989 -- you all have a fair shot at getting rich as long as you don't challenge the party's authority -- is breaking down.

Protests, some of them violent, are erupting throughout the country. State-run media, which usually ignores these things, has taken to reporting a number of them. To me that signals not that state-run media has suddenly turned professional but that the problem is of such proportions that ignoring it would be more laughable than acknowledging it.
The most recent examples were a taxi strike in the vast western megalopolis of Chongqing and a riot this week in Gansu province.

Now China does have some arrows in its quiver. It has announced a $586 billion stimulus package. It's trying to jack up the property and stock markets. But it has its work cut out for it: in the past year the Shanghai stock market has dropped 70 percent. (More than 100 million people invest in stocks in China. They are not happy.)

Now, for years, we've also been witness to another narrative about China -- encouraged, of course, by the government. It's this: young Chinese kids don't care about politics. I've read countless pieces, invariably employing a worldly-wise Chinese woman as the centerpiece, that quote her and her text-messaging buddies as saying the Chinese version of: "Democracy is so last year. We just live to par-teh."

Democracy may be so last year, but jobs aren't. Now she and her cohort of the urban hip aren't finding work: unemployment among college grads is around 20 percent, according to research by Chinese social scientists. That's bad for stability.

One final thought. The demonstrations of 1989 were primarily sparked by economic troubles. In that case, inflation. China's leadership knows it. As the country limps into 2009 with a weakening growth rate and an economy that is still dependent on the West for a big chunk of its GDP, we should remember that, too.


中国是否真正的稳定,一如我们被引导着相信的那样? 最近发生的事件使得北京有可能被全球金融危机拖下水。 同时发生在全国各地的罢工和抗议表明,中国的专制统治的政治制度正在接受真正的挑战。

多年来,在美国我们已经听说中国将顺利通往超级大国的地位。 今年早些时候一份由卡内基国际和平基金会的报告预测,到2035年中国经济将超越美国。几个星期之前,纽约时报一篇社论中写道中国经济可能是一个把世界拉出目前困境的引擎。 洛杉矶时报指出,中国拥有世界上最高的2万亿美元的外汇交易,预测在上周末的经济首脑会议,中国将运用“大棒” 。

这些说法乃建立在一个假设上,即中国的政治制度是稳定的。 政治学家甚至为中国自由运转的私营部分,和一党专制国家支配的大规模的国营部分的混合物想出了一个新的名称。 叫做“弹性专制” ,并把重点放在“弹性”上头 。

这一假设的问题是,它起源于1990年代时,当时中国的政治制度基本上没有遇到任何重大的考验。 1997年至1998年亚洲金融危机期间情况可没那么好。 但是中国没受什么影响,而西方经济体(其采购占百分之三十以上的中国经济)不断买进。

好吧,我敢打赌对政治制度真正的考验不是当所有的图表向上走时,而是当事情开始有点变坏时。 而现在的中国摇摇欲坠。正如乔科兰滋克在"新共和国"(译者注: 美国时代杂志专栏)里聪明的写道: “在美国财务失败只是意味着又一次削弱布什的声誉,而在中国这可能意味着整个政治秩序的崩溃。 ”

中国目前麻烦的主要原因是,由于自身陷入衰退,西方的经济体不象以前那样从中国购买商品。 中国南方几万家工厂关闭了。 工厂老板为了逃避债务逃离中国。 过去几个月仅一个省份就有100多万人失去了工作。

但也有其他原因。 许多中国人受够了地方性腐败和“社会契约”。“社会契约”正在瓦解。它是已经死去的领导人邓小平在1989年6月4日的镇压之后,为中国人颁布的,即大家有公平的机会致富,只要你不挑战党的权威。

示威(部分为暴力的)在全国各地爆发。 通常会忽略这些事情的国营媒体也已经报道了一些示威。 我不认为这意味着国营媒体突然变得职业起来,而是示威范围之大,使得媒体忽略问题比承认问题更可笑。最近的例子还有重庆出租车罢工,和本星期甘肃省的暴动。

现在中国也有一些箭头在颤抖。它宣布了五千八百六十亿美元的刺激计划。 它正在试图推高房地产和股票市场。 但是它面临着艰巨的任务:在过去一年中,上海股市已下降70%。 (在中国超过100万人投资股票。他们不会高兴。 )

同样这几年来我们也目睹中国另一面的故事---当然啦,政府鼓励我们这么看。 这是:年轻的中国孩子不关心政治。 我读过无数的作品,总是以老于世故的中国妇女为主人公,引用了她的话和她给朋友的短信,述说中国版的“民主过时了。我们只要取乐。 “

民主或许过时了,但工作不过时。 现在,她和她的同伴还没有找到工作:根据中国社会科学家的统计,大学毕业生失业率是百分之二十左右。 这对稳定而言非常糟糕。

最后一个想法。 1989年的示威活动主要由经济问题引发。 在这种情况下,通货膨胀(是目前社会不稳定的起因)。 中国领导人知道这一点。 我们也应当记住,随着减弱的增长速度,和一大部分的国内生产总值仍依赖于西方的经济方式,中国蹒跚进入2009年。

[ 本帖最后由 luyi99 于 2008-11-21 21:17 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 10:24 | 显示全部楼层


China should massively increase its investment in domestic infrastructures such as education, health care to boost internal consumption. China should also slow down the investment in foreign debts. If I borrow a line from Sara Palen, China is investing in foreign countries which may not like China. I don't really see the logic of this foreign debt buying. Is China so weak so needs to buy foreogn debt to boost its confidence, or thinks owning foreign debt will increase peace? At end of the day, it will be and should be Chinese to pull China out of this mess, right?

What I feel is the author is waiting, hoping and wishing for a “breakdown of the entire political order” in China simply because China is an authoritarian political system.

The only one greatest and true problem is,
that our population.
Our population is too huge, we are too many.
None of US or China or any other country and religion will survive this storm.
I have to agree with Dalai on this one.
People have to compete, lie, rob for their need.
Jobs, food, education, social security benefit...
are all going to flush out by this.
The world is too giant for anyone wise or good faithful party to drive.
If anyone could not to have child, or have less children, would done a great thing for humanity.
If there are only 1/3 population now, people are friendlier, reporters are more truthful, and politicians are faithful... the world is peaceful.
Now everyone need to compete to survive, life is too hard for everyone.
唯一的最大和真实的问题是, 我们的人口。

Never happen as long as the communist party keeps control of the PLA. Still I wouldn't be surprised to see various regions push for greater autonomy since they have different and competing priorities for national resources. Will be interesting to see if the party pushes the hyper-nationistic line to keep the Chinese youth on side.

va22207 :
This article listed some difficulties the Chinese government faces during the current global economic crisis, such as
1. closing of factories and hence loss of jobs;
2. protests, some of them violent;
3. huge drop in stock market;
4. unemployment of some college graduates.

But there are also some opportunities for the Chinese government brought by this economic crisis.
1. the huge drop of commodity prices, enabling Chinese to do grand construction projects to stimulate economy.
2. lower inflation making consumer happy.
3. huge foreign currency reserves and government tax surplus enabling raising salaries, reducing taxes, reducing college tuition. People made the money, it is the time to let people enjoy it.
4. at least the government can blame economic crisis on USA.

In balance, there are new challenges and opportunities for the Chinese due to the financial crisis.
If they use the opportuinities right, they can come out of it stronger. Time will tell.

Mr. Pomfret's analysis emphasizes the challenges, but did not mention the opportunities.

1 )工厂关闭,因此损失就业机会;
2 )抗议,其中一些是暴力的;
3 )股票市场大幅度下跌;
4 )一些大学毕业生失业

1 )商品价格大幅度下降,使中国得以建设大型项目以刺激经济。
2 )较低的通胀使消费者满意。
3 )庞大的外汇储备和政府税收盈余有利提高工资,降低税收,降低大学学费。人民一直在挣钱,现在该让人们去花钱享受。
4 )至少政府可以将经济危机归咎于美国。



[ 本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2008-11-21 10:40 编辑 ]




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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 10:28 | 显示全部楼层

John Pomfret 算是记者中的"中国问题"专家了吧。严格的说这篇文章应该是博文。"Pomfret's China"是John Pomfret就中国问题发表看法的博客 (http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/postglobal/pomfretschina/)。

他写过一篇"丑陋的中国人"(http://newsweek.washingtonpost.c ... e_ugly_chinese.html),引发读者大量的讨论 (871条留言)。

【08.10.07 华盛顿邮报】关塔那摩的维吾尔人胜利了


John Pomfret is a liberal American journalist and writer. He was bornin Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised in New York. He attended StanfordUniversity, receiving his B.A. and M.A. in East Asian Studies. In 1980,he was one of the first American students to go to China and study atNanjing University. Between 1983 and 1984 he attended Singapore’sInstitute of Southeast Asian Studies as a Fulbright Scholar,researching the Cambodian conflict.

He started his journalistic career at the Stanford Daily as aphotographer, from where he was fired. After that he worked at anewspaper in Riverside County, California, and after a year was hiredby Associated Press to work in New York, covering the graveyard shift.

After two years with the AP in New York, in 1988, he was sent to Chinaas a foreign correspondent, thanks to his knowledge of Mandarin andAsian studies background. After that, he worked in several countries,including Bosnia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Zaire, SriLanka, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey and Iran. For over 15 years he coveredthe armed conflicts in these countries and the politics of thepost-Cold War era. Currently, he is the editor of the Washington Post'sweekend opinion section, Outlook.

During his career, he received several awards, including 2003's OsborneElliot Prize for the best coverage of Asia by the Asia Society and2007's Shorenstein Prize for coverage of Asia.

The experiences he had when he attended Nanjing University, and hisperspective of the Chinese opening, are narrated in his 2006 book"Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New China."

He speaks, reads and writes Mandarin, and also speaks French, Japaneseand Serbo-Croatian. He lives near Washington, D.C., with his wife andfamily.

John Pomfret是一个自由派美国记者和作家。他出生在威斯康星州密尔沃基市,在纽约长大。他从斯坦福大学获得东亚研究学士和硕士学位。1980年,他是第一批去中国南京大学学习的美国学生之一。1983年和1984年,他作为富布赖特学入读新加坡东南亚研究所,研究柬埔寨冲突。




他2006年的著作“中国教訓:五位同学和新中国的故事。 ”描述了就读南京大学的经历,和他对中国开放的看法。





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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 10:29 | 显示全部楼层



John Pomfret 关于中国

February 10, 2007 on 11:42 pm | In 蛰居琐话 |                                                                        


在去年出版的“Chinese Lessons”一书中,JohnPomfret讲述了八十年代他在南大时的几位中国同学的故事,以及自己几次间断性的在中国学习和工作的经历与感受,谈到文革、六四、改革开放、经济发展、环境污染等等,书的前面部分还是有些偏见,带着西方强势文明居高临下的口吻,让人觉得不太舒服,但后半部分值得一读,许是随着对中国的了解加深、也因常年住在中国、感情上慢慢变得亲密、后来还成了中国人的女婿,所以更多一种关怀的态度,叙述也更中肯。不过自己只是周四上午去书店,花了两个小时,为听讲座做点功课,大致翻阅了下这本“Chinese Lessons”,读得很粗糙,待以后细读了再上来说它。



周五过得更乱,被一堆乱七八糟的事情搞得头昏脑胀,什么书都没有看进去。今天,每月的PaloAlto购书日,11点到书市门口,排队进去,幸好把A董同学拽上,不然大概会有折臂的危险,淘到很多梦寐以求的中英文书,第一爱,《顽童三部曲》,两盒装的磁带,乐翻天,第二爱,侯文詠《顽皮故事集》,咔咔,第三爱,联合文学出版的高行健短篇集《我给老爷买鱼竿》,呵呵,第四爱,一摞 RobertvanGulik的狄仁杰探案系列,大约有七八本之多,哈哈,第五爱,綾辻行人三本杀人馆系列和杀人方程式一,活活,……,还有一些杂七杂八的文学书籍,最后战果,花去二十两“银子”,搬回三十四本书,真是幸福死了。(具体书目待慢慢整理,放到“购书整理”一页)。
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发表于 2008-11-21 10:30 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 10:30 | 显示全部楼层


washingtonpost.com 和 《新闻周刊》(Newsweek) 扩展 PostGlobal

华盛顿邮报的观点栏目 (Washington Post Outlook) 报道中国崛起的新博客

编辑 John Pomfret 和 《能源全球事务的影响》作者 Steven Mufson商业编辑


    PostGlobal是 washingtonpost.com 和Newsweek 的国际事务讨论平台,它由 DavidIgnatius和 FareedZakaria管理。今天它宣布推出新博客,用于发表国际团体对于两个题目的思考――中国作为全球超级大国的崛起,和能源价格对全球各个国家和个人的影响。

    今天启动的“Pomfret 的中国” (PromfetsChina)将对中国崛起背后的驱动力量进行广泛的考查――政治、文化、艺术、社会、国际事务、经济、业务以及更多。该博客将由 WashingtonPost的“观点”(Outlook) 栏目编辑 John Pomfret 撰写,John Pomfret 曾经担任过6年的邮报驻北京的总编辑,为美联社报道了89风波,是《中国启示:五个同学和新中国的故事》的作者。

   “Pomfret的中国”旨在回答多个围绕中国在世界上迅速改变的地位这个主题的问题。该博客将涵盖从奥运会、社会及技术趋势到政治改革的潜在可能及国际关系的所有内容。在中国居住、学习和工作了 10 年之后, Pomfret提供了关于中国的新鲜而引人入胜的视角,同时他也欢迎与在线读者进行定期的对话。

    在接着的几周内,华盛顿邮报的能源记者 StevenMufson将启动自己的博客,该博客聚焦于能源价格如何改变国际关系基本规则、大公司战略及普通人的生活。Mufson已在邮报做了两年的能源记者,其文章涵盖了能源工业的所有方面。在这之前,他是“观点”(Outlook)的副编辑,为报纸撰写金融新闻和经济政策方面的内容,他也曾经做过驻北京的通讯记者。他丰富的专业知识将有助于解释从美国的加油泵到迪拜的办公大楼,从委内瑞拉的奥里诺科河地带到全世界的董事会会议室,能源价格如何创造新的胜利者与失败者。

    这些博客将加入 PostGlobal 对国际事务的讨论,该讨论包括了来自由超过 50 名记者、高官及学者组成的小组的声音,同时也包括了读者对 David Ignatius 和 Fareed Zakaria 提出的引人深思的问题做出回应的声音。

    最近,PostGlobal 刚启动了 Jack Fairweather 的“伊斯兰与西方”(Islam and the West),这是一个视频博客,提供不为西方读者所知的伊斯兰习惯的背景知识,旨在提高文化意识。

    访问“Pomfret 的中国”(Pomfrets China)
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 21:13 | 显示全部楼层

more comments

John Pomfret's opinions, as they occasionally have been in past posts, are overall simplistic and superficial in his analysis. Hardly anyone has suggested as he states, China's path to superpower status would be a smooth path. This has never been true for any country in the past, present or future.

While China's overall economy will probably eventually overtake the United States during this century, this is a highly misleading statistic. Given the fact China has a population abour four times larger than this country, the per capita income in China will likely lag behind many countries well into at least the next century.

One can hardly be surprised or find fault with most Chinese for being apparently apathetic about political issues. Until this year, with the excitement about Barack Obama's candidacy, far more Americans, including most youth, were more concerned about materialistic concerns than politics. Mr. Pomfret seems to suggest Chinese youth should be more concerned about politics than their material well-being, yet few Americans would subordinate their personal and family material well-being, especially on an on-going basis, to concerns about politics.

The closing of many factories in Quangdong province is partly because the appreciation in the value of the yuan, about 15-20% higher than a few years ago, and higher wages for workers have made some Chinese exports less competitive. Many companies are relocating to countries where labor consts are less expensive, especially in southeast Asia.

Widespread strikes and protests certainly reflect discontent, as well as resentment, among many people in China. However, these isolated protests , primarily over local issues, do not necessarily suggest the overall political system is unstable.




广东省关闭许多工厂部分原因是跟几年前相比人民币升值了大约15-20 %,和付给工人更高的工资使得中国出口商品的竞争力下降。许多公司正在向其他劳动力更便宜的地区转移,特别是在东南亚。





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发表于 2008-11-21 22:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-11-22 00:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-22 14:18 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 曾经守候 于 2008-11-21 22:32 发表

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-23 09:23 | 显示全部楼层

该文章下面的读者评论有人对此进行了驳斥。89民运怎么是经济问题引发了的呢? 这人不是个中国通么,难道...
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