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[翻译完毕] 【10.1.23 China Law Blog】China Quality. It's Getting Better All The Time.

发表于 2010-1-24 10:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【作者】 Dan Harris


A domestic products liability lawyer friend of mine sent me an article essentially saying how Chinese factories do not care about quality, Chinese factories will try to get away with whatever they can because they are run by evil people, these things are getting worse, and Americans who buy from Chinese factories are stupid. I am over-simplifying the article, but not by all that much.

I am not going to link over to that article in deference to the person who wrote it (who I know personally), but as you have probably have guessed by now, I am going to skewer it. I think it bears mentioning that, as far as I know, the person who wrote it has not done any China business for years.

I am going to leave the big issues raised by such claims (racism, ethnocentrism, etc.) to others, and just attack it for being wrong.

Though one story does not a rebuttal make, this one story is so apropos, I am going to lead with it.

I met with a client all afternoon on Friday. He is from China, but moved to the US maybe 20 years ago for graduate school. He eventually formed a now thriving construction parts business. We talked about his history of getting parts from China and he talked about how it took him two years of his training factories in China before he had product he could sell in the US. He said it took him another couple years before he had factories that understood how US quality definitions are so different from China. We talked about how in China if you make a $30 part badly, you just reduce the price to $10 and sell it, whereas in the US, that bad quality part is completely 100% unsalable at any price because nobody will accept it. Nobody. My client talked of how his Chinese factories simply could not grasp this at first, but that he now has around ten factories who have consistently been churning out excellent parts for him for years.

Did these ten factories start out evil and then become moral? I don’t think so. What happened is that the US company taught them how to make quality parts, taught them the long term value of making quality parts, and then, literally showed them the long term value by increasing their purchases and forming a partnership.

This story is actually fairly typical. I must hear at least a story a month from clients who tell me of crippling quality problems their first few years in China, but of how for the last few years, things have been going really smoothly. Sometimes this is because they stuck with their initial factory and worked out all the kinks and sometimes it is because they moved on to a better factory.

Manufacturers, what are you seeing out there? Is quality improving, declining, or staying the same? And, more controversially, in your experience (and be honest here), whose fault is it when the quality is bad, the Chinese factory or the American company for failing to be clear on how things need to be?

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-24 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-24 19:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-27 14:23 | 显示全部楼层
【10.1.23 China Law Blog】China Quality. It's Getting Better All The Time.


A domestic products liability lawyer friend of mine sent me an article essentially saying how Chinese factories do not care about quality, Chinese factories will try to get away with whatever they can because they are run by evil people, these things are getting worse, and Americans who buy from Chinese factories are stupid. I am over-simplifying the article, but not by all that much.

I am not going to link over to that article in deference to the person who wrote it (who I know personally), but as you have probably have guessed by now, I am going to skewer it. I think it bears mentioning that, as far as I know, the person who wrote it has not done any China business for years.

I am going to leave the big issues raised by such claims (racism, ethnocentrism, etc.) to others, and just attack it for being wrong.

Though one story does not a rebuttal make, this one story is so apropos, I am going to lead with it.

I met with a client all afternoon on Friday. He is from China, but moved to the US maybe 20 years ago for graduate school. He eventually formed a now thriving construction parts business. We talked about his history of getting parts from China and he talked about how it took him two years of his training factories in China before he had product he could sell in the US. He said it took him another couple years before he had factories that understood how US quality definitions are so different from China. We talked about how in China if you make a $30 part badly, you just reduce the price to $10 and sell it, whereas in the US, that bad quality part is completely 100% unsalable at any price because nobody will accept it. Nobody. My client talked of how his Chinese factories simply could not grasp this at first, but that he now has around ten factories who have consistently been churning out excellent parts for him for years.

Did these ten factories start out evil and then become moral? I don’t think so. What happened is that the US company taught them how to make quality parts, taught them the long term value of making quality parts, and then, literally showed them the long term value by increasing their purchases and forming a partnership.

This story is actually fairly typical. I must hear at least a story a month from clients who tell me of crippling quality problems their first few years in China, but of how for the last few years, things have been going really smoothly. Sometimes this is because they stuck with their initial factory and worked out all the kinks and sometimes it is because they moved on to a better factory.

Manufacturers, what are you seeing out there? Is quality improving, declining, or staying the same? And, more controversially, in your experience (and be honest here), whose fault is it when the quality is bad, the Chinese factory or the American company for failing to be clear on how things need to be?

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